Edible Gardening

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  1. jonno1230

    My tomato plants don't like fresh air

    Should I start cutting them off? Do you start at the bottom and work upwards? Seems I've got a lot to learn :confused:
    Should I start cutting them off? Do you start at the bottom and work upwards? Seems I've got a lot to learn :confused:
    Should I start cutting them off? Do you start at the bottom and work upwards? Seems I've got a lot to learn :confused:
    Should I start cutting them off? Do you start at the bottom and work upwards? Seems I've got a lot to learn :confused:
  2. hammer


    Hi Hammer although I did harden off most of our plants from the greenhouse into the garden I didn't with the toms I just put them outside as like yourself things were getting too crowded in the...
    Hi Hammer although I did harden off most of our plants from the greenhouse into the garden I didn't with the toms I just put them outside as like yourself things were getting too crowded in the greenhouse although it was a couple of weeks ago that I did that and all are doing fine and all ours...
    Hi Hammer although I did harden off most of our plants from the greenhouse into the garden I didn't with the toms I just put them outside as like yourself things were getting too crowded in the greenhouse although it was a couple of weeks ago...
    Hi Hammer although I did harden off most of our plants from the greenhouse into the garden I didn't with the toms I just put them outside as like yourself things were getting too crowded in the...
  3. daerje1993

    Where do I start? - Vegetable garden/

    Good for you...his books are really great and I would recommend them to anyone.
    Good for you...his books are really great and I would recommend them to anyone.
    Good for you...his books are really great and I would recommend them to anyone.
    Good for you...his books are really great and I would recommend them to anyone.
  4. mnw1let

    Peach and Nectarine.

    I read an article a few days ago saying that yellow peaches are the the most prone to leaf curl. The last several years, more and more yellow peaches are being planted, so it is then no wonder...
    I read an article a few days ago saying that yellow peaches are the the most prone to leaf curl. The last several years, more and more yellow peaches are being planted, so it is then no wonder that the other sorts are being struck by it more often now.
    I read an article a few days ago saying that yellow peaches are the the most prone to leaf curl. The last several years, more and more yellow peaches are being planted, so it is then no wonder that the other sorts are being struck by it more...
    I read an article a few days ago saying that yellow peaches are the the most prone to leaf curl. The last several years, more and more yellow peaches are being planted, so it is then no wonder...
  5. wildwookie

    Is there any chance my rhubarb will survive?

    Thankyou to everyone for you replies and encouragement.I am pleased to report that there is a new shoot in the patch of soil where my rhubarb was. Hopefully it's a sign that it will...
    Thankyou to everyone for you replies and encouragement.I am pleased to report that there is a new shoot in the patch of soil where my rhubarb was. Hopefully it's a sign that it will survive.My mother in law has also bought me a new rhubarb plant which I have planted near (but not too...
    Thankyou to everyone for you replies and encouragement.I am pleased to report that there is a new shoot in the patch of soil where my rhubarb was. Hopefully it's a sign that it will survive.My mother in law has also bought me a new...
    Thankyou to everyone for you replies and encouragement.I am pleased to report that there is a new shoot in the patch of soil where my rhubarb was. Hopefully it's a sign that it will...
  6. Lisa+Jon

    Feeding + Toms question

    Many thanks for the replies, will get feeding my cucs tonight.Lisa +Jon
    Many thanks for the replies, will get feeding my cucs tonight.Lisa +Jon
    Many thanks for the replies, will get feeding my cucs tonight.Lisa +Jon
    Many thanks for the replies, will get feeding my cucs tonight.Lisa +Jon
  7. martandmichelle

    Tomato Problem ?

    Look very similar to mine and am glad to hear its normal. My first time with growing my own so its a learning curve!
    Look very similar to mine and am glad to hear its normal. My first time with growing my own so its a learning curve!
    Look very similar to mine and am glad to hear its normal. My first time with growing my own so its a learning curve!
    Look very similar to mine and am glad to hear its normal. My first time with growing my own so its a learning curve!
  8. Bonfire


    I have a few raspberry bushes in my garden and they are delicious, however its not only me who thinks this way as some of the fruit has tiny little white bugs inside he fruit.Anyway of getting...
    I have a few raspberry bushes in my garden and they are delicious, however its not only me who thinks this way as some of the fruit has tiny little white bugs inside he fruit.Anyway of getting rid of themPlease
    I have a few raspberry bushes in my garden and they are delicious, however its not only me who thinks this way as some of the fruit has tiny little white bugs inside he fruit.Anyway of getting rid of themPlease
    I have a few raspberry bushes in my garden and they are delicious, however its not only me who thinks this way as some of the fruit has tiny little white bugs inside he fruit.Anyway of getting...
  9. ming

    Potatoesd--am I too late?

    I planted a few spuds from the Supermarket last year at about now. Limited success - I think mainly because they had missed the nice, rainy growing conditions in Spring (and also I had not...
    I planted a few spuds from the Supermarket last year at about now. Limited success - I think mainly because they had missed the nice, rainy growing conditions in Spring (and also I had not prepared the ground very well). I got a small harvest from them, but very tasty - as are most things that...
    I planted a few spuds from the Supermarket last year at about now. Limited success - I think mainly because they had missed the nice, rainy growing conditions in Spring (and also I had not prepared the ground very well). I got a small harvest...
    I planted a few spuds from the Supermarket last year at about now. Limited success - I think mainly because they had missed the nice, rainy growing conditions in Spring (and also I had not...
  10. cauliflower ears


    Thanks for the replies, as you can buy asparagus crowns in any gardedn centre, I wouldnt have thought there was too much trouble in moving them providing I'm careful. I think on balance they...
    Thanks for the replies, as you can buy asparagus crowns in any gardedn centre, I wouldnt have thought there was too much trouble in moving them providing I'm careful. I think on balance they would be better moved from the nursery bed into a properly constructed Asparagus bed, it's worth a try...
    Thanks for the replies, as you can buy asparagus crowns in any gardedn centre, I wouldnt have thought there was too much trouble in moving them providing I'm careful. I think on balance they would be better moved from the nursery bed into a...
    Thanks for the replies, as you can buy asparagus crowns in any gardedn centre, I wouldnt have thought there was too much trouble in moving them providing I'm careful. I think on balance they...
  11. martandmichelle

    Which Crops should I Grow Together?

    Martin, it`s good to se you didn`t take offence and I will help anyone with that attitude.:thumb: Bed 1, Just grow carrots, if you can get hold of any onion sets put a few of those in too. Forget...
    Martin, it`s good to se you didn`t take offence and I will help anyone with that attitude.:thumb: Bed 1, Just grow carrots, if you can get hold of any onion sets put a few of those in too. Forget s/onions and radishes until you get the allotment. Bed 2. Instead of broccolli or cabbage, go for...
    Martin, it`s good to se you didn`t take offence and I will help anyone with that attitude.:thumb: Bed 1, Just grow carrots, if you can get hold of any onion sets put a few of those in too. Forget s/onions and radishes until you get the allotment....
    Martin, it`s good to se you didn`t take offence and I will help anyone with that attitude.:thumb: Bed 1, Just grow carrots, if you can get hold of any onion sets put a few of those in too. Forget...
  12. shimsham


    Well David.I'm always up to experiment.The articles were a bit more in depth apart from sunlight etc. However it's just a trial. Must admit I am a trifle skeptical myself but shall give it a...
    Well David.I'm always up to experiment.The articles were a bit more in depth apart from sunlight etc. However it's just a trial. Must admit I am a trifle skeptical myself but shall give it a go all the same.Will see it makes any difference in size, skin and contents texture, taste. I can't...
    Well David.I'm always up to experiment.The articles were a bit more in depth apart from sunlight etc. However it's just a trial. Must admit I am a trifle skeptical myself but shall give it a go all the same.Will see it makes any difference...
    Well David.I'm always up to experiment.The articles were a bit more in depth apart from sunlight etc. However it's just a trial. Must admit I am a trifle skeptical myself but shall give it a...
  13. Veg-and-flower-man

    Storing veg

    Heres a bit of advice from the RHS.Many vegetables freeze well, but larger crops may need alternative storage. On well-drained soils root crops such as parsnips and carrots can be left in the...
    Heres a bit of advice from the RHS.Many vegetables freeze well, but larger crops may need alternative storage. On well-drained soils root crops such as parsnips and carrots can be left in the ground over winter. In cold weather protect roots with a layer of straw, bracken or soil 15cm (6in)...
    Heres a bit of advice from the RHS.Many vegetables freeze well, but larger crops may need alternative storage. On well-drained soils root crops such as parsnips and carrots can be left in the ground over winter. In cold weather protect roots...
    Heres a bit of advice from the RHS.Many vegetables freeze well, but larger crops may need alternative storage. On well-drained soils root crops such as parsnips and carrots can be left in the...
  14. willow13


    Wait till you start to get flowers on them and as this happens feed just once a week with tomorite Linda.
    Wait till you start to get flowers on them and as this happens feed just once a week with tomorite Linda.
    Wait till you start to get flowers on them and as this happens feed just once a week with tomorite Linda.
    Wait till you start to get flowers on them and as this happens feed just once a week with tomorite Linda.
  15. TAL

    When can I pick some Potatoes - earlies

    If you are using early potaoes as "new" potatoes, ther`s no need for the flowers to die, as you don`t want the spuds too big. Teressa, scrapes some soil from the base of the plants and see whats...
    If you are using early potaoes as "new" potatoes, ther`s no need for the flowers to die, as you don`t want the spuds too big. Teressa, scrapes some soil from the base of the plants and see whats there. If there are any about the size of a hen`s egg then taked them off and use them. Put the soil...
    If you are using early potaoes as "new" potatoes, ther`s no need for the flowers to die, as you don`t want the spuds too big. Teressa, scrapes some soil from the base of the plants and see whats there. If there are any about the size of a hen`s...
    If you are using early potaoes as "new" potatoes, ther`s no need for the flowers to die, as you don`t want the spuds too big. Teressa, scrapes some soil from the base of the plants and see whats...
  16. princesspansy

    Curling tomato leaves

    Pete - what a relief - so mine look normal - I'm a happy Princess Pansy now!!
    Pete - what a relief - so mine look normal - I'm a happy Princess Pansy now!!
    Pete - what a relief - so mine look normal - I'm a happy Princess Pansy now!!
    Pete - what a relief - so mine look normal - I'm a happy Princess Pansy now!!
  17. hammer


    With the weather being as it is you might be alright to leave them outside to harden off a bit more.[well its not actualy cold at night is it],
    With the weather being as it is you might be alright to leave them outside to harden off a bit more.[well its not actualy cold at night is it],
    With the weather being as it is you might be alright to leave them outside to harden off a bit more.[well its not actualy cold at night is it],
    With the weather being as it is you might be alright to leave them outside to harden off a bit more.[well its not actualy cold at night is it],
  18. jimbo1951

    Strawberrie plants

    I have invasive strawberries. Wish they wd make more fruit and less runners.
    I have invasive strawberries. Wish they wd make more fruit and less runners.
    I have invasive strawberries. Wish they wd make more fruit and less runners.
    I have invasive strawberries. Wish they wd make more fruit and less runners.
  19. pamsdish

    gooseberry bush

    thanks guys it seems to be the saw fly i will keep a look out for anymore
    thanks guys it seems to be the saw fly i will keep a look out for anymore
    thanks guys it seems to be the saw fly i will keep a look out for anymore
    thanks guys it seems to be the saw fly i will keep a look out for anymore
  20. princesspansy

    curly wurly tom leaves!

    Hi - I have added a photo to the previous thread about the curling leaves - please have a look and see what you think! Thank you all for advice so far
    Hi - I have added a photo to the previous thread about the curling leaves - please have a look and see what you think! Thank you all for advice so far
    Hi - I have added a photo to the previous thread about the curling leaves - please have a look and see what you think! Thank you all for advice so far
    Hi - I have added a photo to the previous thread about the curling leaves - please have a look and see what you think! Thank you all for advice so far

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