Edible Gardening

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  1. Kedi-Gato

    Green beans

    ive never planted mine indoors to be put out, ive allways planted beans strait outside in the pots, which i done last month, there half way up the canes allready.have to say the kids and i have...
    ive never planted mine indoors to be put out, ive allways planted beans strait outside in the pots, which i done last month, there half way up the canes allready.have to say the kids and i have so much fun with runner beans, got to be the best veg to grow with yungens about :D
    ive never planted mine indoors to be put out, ive allways planted beans strait outside in the pots, which i done last month, there half way up the canes allready.have to say the kids and i have so much fun with runner beans, got to be the best...
    ive never planted mine indoors to be put out, ive allways planted beans strait outside in the pots, which i done last month, there half way up the canes allready.have to say the kids and i have...
  2. Loofah

    My plums!

    Oooh!, I stand corrected;)
    Oooh!, I stand corrected;)
    Oooh!, I stand corrected;)
    Oooh!, I stand corrected;)
  3. Freddy


    Strawberries can self seed, they can propergate themselves from runners, they pop up any where they have not been planted and they can survive the worst weather our winters can throw at them. Any...
    Strawberries can self seed, they can propergate themselves from runners, they pop up any where they have not been planted and they can survive the worst weather our winters can throw at them. Any other plant with those qualificatione would be called a WEED. :eek:
    Strawberries can self seed, they can propergate themselves from runners, they pop up any where they have not been planted and they can survive the worst weather our winters can throw at them. Any other plant with those qualificatione would be...
    Strawberries can self seed, they can propergate themselves from runners, they pop up any where they have not been planted and they can survive the worst weather our winters can throw at them. Any...
  4. potash


    Many thanks, I'll try that
    Many thanks, I'll try that
    Many thanks, I'll try that
    Many thanks, I'll try that
  5. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Raised beds

    Good quality fibreous loam is required what ever the task I think.For cuttings in winter 'hardwood' types make a deep V shape and fill with soild and sharpe sand mix for good drainage and...
    Good quality fibreous loam is required what ever the task I think.For cuttings in winter 'hardwood' types make a deep V shape and fill with soild and sharpe sand mix for good drainage and water in. Dont add fertilizer or it'll be too rich for the new roots. Summer soft wood cuttings I...
    Good quality fibreous loam is required what ever the task I think.For cuttings in winter 'hardwood' types make a deep V shape and fill with soild and sharpe sand mix for good drainage and water in. Dont add fertilizer or it'll be too rich...
    Good quality fibreous loam is required what ever the task I think.For cuttings in winter 'hardwood' types make a deep V shape and fill with soild and sharpe sand mix for good drainage and...
  6. eggydog


    Thanks for the advice, it's now outside in a 6 inch pot, I'll let you know how it gets on.
    Thanks for the advice, it's now outside in a 6 inch pot, I'll let you know how it gets on.
    Thanks for the advice, it's now outside in a 6 inch pot, I'll let you know how it gets on.
    Thanks for the advice, it's now outside in a 6 inch pot, I'll let you know how it gets on.
  7. BlackSwan

    Tomato Problem

    So it's a mini plastic greenhouse? do you open up the roll down door during the day? because if you water even late in the afternoon condensation dripping off the top would land on the leaves...:(
    So it's a mini plastic greenhouse? do you open up the roll down door during the day? because if you water even late in the afternoon condensation dripping off the top would land on the leaves...:(
    So it's a mini plastic greenhouse? do you open up the roll down door during the day? because if you water even late in the afternoon condensation dripping off the top would land on the leaves...:(
    So it's a mini plastic greenhouse? do you open up the roll down door during the day? because if you water even late in the afternoon condensation dripping off the top would land on the leaves...:(
  8. SteveG

    Ants on my Broad Beans

    Thanks Freddy
    Thanks Freddy
    Thanks Freddy
    Thanks Freddy
  9. hammer


    i read in my greenhouse book beware of courgettes they take up a lot of room. well it was right mine have come on leaps and bounds, ive got three in one of the kids very large toy boxes two are...
    i read in my greenhouse book beware of courgettes they take up a lot of room. well it was right mine have come on leaps and bounds, ive got three in one of the kids very large toy boxes two are just showing fruit the other ones gone beserk about 6 - 7 fruit on it 2 about 2 in long there all...
    i read in my greenhouse book beware of courgettes they take up a lot of room. well it was right mine have come on leaps and bounds, ive got three in one of the kids very large toy boxes two are just showing fruit the other ones gone beserk about...
    i read in my greenhouse book beware of courgettes they take up a lot of room. well it was right mine have come on leaps and bounds, ive got three in one of the kids very large toy boxes two are...
  10. galaxysue

    cold frame

    I put all my lowly cuttings in my cold frame and they do amazingly well in there as well as using it to harden off stuff as Moyra says. Hel.xxx.
    I put all my lowly cuttings in my cold frame and they do amazingly well in there as well as using it to harden off stuff as Moyra says. Hel.xxx.
    I put all my lowly cuttings in my cold frame and they do amazingly well in there as well as using it to harden off stuff as Moyra says. Hel.xxx.
    I put all my lowly cuttings in my cold frame and they do amazingly well in there as well as using it to harden off stuff as Moyra says. Hel.xxx.
  11. Lisa+Jon

    Cucumber question??

    Thanks for that the mystery is now solved, we will get it planted outside once the winds calm down abit.Regards
    Thanks for that the mystery is now solved, we will get it planted outside once the winds calm down abit.Regards
    Thanks for that the mystery is now solved, we will get it planted outside once the winds calm down abit.Regards
    Thanks for that the mystery is now solved, we will get it planted outside once the winds calm down abit.Regards
  12. jonno1230

    Are my chillis working?

    Thanks Moyra. The flowers that dropped off had been open for a while so it sounds promising.
    Thanks Moyra. The flowers that dropped off had been open for a while so it sounds promising.
    Thanks Moyra. The flowers that dropped off had been open for a while so it sounds promising.
    Thanks Moyra. The flowers that dropped off had been open for a while so it sounds promising.
  13. mztrouble

    Bell Peppers & jalepeno peppers

    Yay! Fab, I think thats me sorted then. Garden centre again tomorrow (they love me there at the moment!!)
    Yay! Fab, I think thats me sorted then. Garden centre again tomorrow (they love me there at the moment!!)
    Yay! Fab, I think thats me sorted then. Garden centre again tomorrow (they love me there at the moment!!)
    Yay! Fab, I think thats me sorted then. Garden centre again tomorrow (they love me there at the moment!!)
  14. martandmichelle

    Tomato Plant or Not

    Pete you are the man! Iv'e just googled Fat Hen and it looks exactly like my plant (Ahhh) Name: Fat-hen ( goosefoot, lamb’s quarters, meld-weed, muckweed )Latin name: Chenopodium album...
    Pete you are the man! Iv'e just googled Fat Hen and it looks exactly like my plant (Ahhh) Name: Fat-hen ( goosefoot, lamb’s quarters, meld-weed, muckweed )Latin name: Chenopodium album L.However to try a retain some credibility the article also says: Fat-hen was eaten as a...
    Pete you are the man! Iv'e just googled Fat Hen and it looks exactly like my plant (Ahhh) Name: Fat-hen ( goosefoot, lamb’s quarters, meld-weed, muckweed )Latin name: Chenopodium album L.However to try a retain some credibility the...
    Pete you are the man! Iv'e just googled Fat Hen and it looks exactly like my plant (Ahhh) Name: Fat-hen ( goosefoot, lamb’s quarters, meld-weed, muckweed )Latin name: Chenopodium album...
  15. mojo

    i dont know my onions

    Hi daitheplant, thanks for advice i will be getting some nitrate of soda monday and will use as you advised,mojo
    Hi daitheplant, thanks for advice i will be getting some nitrate of soda monday and will use as you advised,mojo
    Hi daitheplant, thanks for advice i will be getting some nitrate of soda monday and will use as you advised,mojo
    Hi daitheplant, thanks for advice i will be getting some nitrate of soda monday and will use as you advised,mojo
  16. golfer

    broad beans

    Thanks for you information
    Thanks for you information
    Thanks for you information
    Thanks for you information
  17. Kandy

    1st Tomato's of 2008

    Lol Kandy those slugs will eat almost anything. Regarding your tomato plant I'm also growing Gardener's Delight although it's no where near as good growth as my other outdoor toms like Tumbling...
    Lol Kandy those slugs will eat almost anything. Regarding your tomato plant I'm also growing Gardener's Delight although it's no where near as good growth as my other outdoor toms like Tumbling Tom Red I had thought seeing how both of them are outdoor plants they would grow as fast as one...
    Lol Kandy those slugs will eat almost anything. Regarding your tomato plant I'm also growing Gardener's Delight although it's no where near as good growth as my other outdoor toms like Tumbling Tom Red I had thought seeing how both of them are...
    Lol Kandy those slugs will eat almost anything. Regarding your tomato plant I'm also growing Gardener's Delight although it's no where near as good growth as my other outdoor toms like Tumbling...
  18. Kathy3

    salad basket

    thanks Helen,Ant,&Cookie M. Helen remember mine were planted a long time before yours and also they were in a heated greenhouse.yours will be ready and mine will be coming to an end,good luck with...
    thanks Helen,Ant,&Cookie M. Helen remember mine were planted a long time before yours and also they were in a heated greenhouse.yours will be ready and mine will be coming to an end,good luck with them xx Kathy
    thanks Helen,Ant,&Cookie M. Helen remember mine were planted a long time before yours and also they were in a heated greenhouse.yours will be ready and mine will be coming to an end,good luck with them xx Kathy
    thanks Helen,Ant,&Cookie M. Helen remember mine were planted a long time before yours and also they were in a heated greenhouse.yours will be ready and mine will be coming to an end,good luck with...
  19. Smiffy

    Baffled By Basil

    moved to herbs section
    moved to herbs section
    moved to herbs section
    moved to herbs section
  20. golcarlilly

    Confused about crop rotation

    Thanks will have a read
    Thanks will have a read
    Thanks will have a read
    Thanks will have a read

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