Edible Gardening

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  1. David G

    Lord Lambourne Apple

    Dave leave the flowers alone, taking them off to encourge developement is a myth. If you`re lucky you`ll have your first fruit this year.:D:thumb:
    Dave leave the flowers alone, taking them off to encourge developement is a myth. If you`re lucky you`ll have your first fruit this year.:D:thumb:
    Dave leave the flowers alone, taking them off to encourge developement is a myth. If you`re lucky you`ll have your first fruit this year.:D:thumb:
    Dave leave the flowers alone, taking them off to encourge developement is a myth. If you`re lucky you`ll have your first fruit this year.:D:thumb:
  2. vegmandan

    Alternative to freezing beans ?

    We invested in a dehydrator last year and dried loads of peas, beans, leeks, tomatos, apples, strawberries and chillies. They keep very well and take up less space than frozen veg and fruit.
    We invested in a dehydrator last year and dried loads of peas, beans, leeks, tomatos, apples, strawberries and chillies. They keep very well and take up less space than frozen veg and fruit.
    We invested in a dehydrator last year and dried loads of peas, beans, leeks, tomatos, apples, strawberries and chillies. They keep very well and take up less space than frozen veg and fruit.
    We invested in a dehydrator last year and dried loads of peas, beans, leeks, tomatos, apples, strawberries and chillies. They keep very well and take up less space than frozen veg and fruit.
  3. hmallett

    Tomatos - planting out

    Hi again. To save starting a new thread I was wondering, is it too late to sow toms for the greenhouse ? cheers...freddy.
    Hi again. To save starting a new thread I was wondering, is it too late to sow toms for the greenhouse ? cheers...freddy.
    Hi again. To save starting a new thread I was wondering, is it too late to sow toms for the greenhouse ? cheers...freddy.
    Hi again. To save starting a new thread I was wondering, is it too late to sow toms for the greenhouse ? cheers...freddy.
  4. JEN.K

    bit of a mistake but is it fatal??? :) potatoes

    Yes they should be fine.
    Yes they should be fine.
    Yes they should be fine.
    Yes they should be fine.
  5. rosietutu


    The super stores should be selling their potatoes in paper sacks just like they do in mainland europe to avoid this problem. At the end of the day it's down to the cost of the pack to the super...
    The super stores should be selling their potatoes in paper sacks just like they do in mainland europe to avoid this problem. At the end of the day it's down to the cost of the pack to the super market that dictates things..
    The super stores should be selling their potatoes in paper sacks just like they do in mainland europe to avoid this problem. At the end of the day it's down to the cost of the pack to the super market that dictates things..
    The super stores should be selling their potatoes in paper sacks just like they do in mainland europe to avoid this problem. At the end of the day it's down to the cost of the pack to the super...
  6. windygale

    Goodday with my son

    My boys loved planting stuff in the garden when they were younger sadly now all the heat they get is from their computers!:eek: Although things might change when they leave home and get their own...
    My boys loved planting stuff in the garden when they were younger sadly now all the heat they get is from their computers!:eek: Although things might change when they leave home and get their own gardens. Good luck with keeping your boys interested.Hel.xxx.
    My boys loved planting stuff in the garden when they were younger sadly now all the heat they get is from their computers!:eek: Although things might change when they leave home and get their own gardens. Good luck with keeping your boys...
    My boys loved planting stuff in the garden when they were younger sadly now all the heat they get is from their computers!:eek: Although things might change when they leave home and get their own...

    Tomato Problem

    Hello DaveThis sounds like Grey mould, ventilation may be your problem, along with planting the plants too close.I used to suffer with it when I had a small greenhouse, but since I got a...
    Hello DaveThis sounds like Grey mould, ventilation may be your problem, along with planting the plants too close.I used to suffer with it when I had a small greenhouse, but since I got a larger one, no problems (so far).Cherrio
    Hello DaveThis sounds like Grey mould, ventilation may be your problem, along with planting the plants too close.I used to suffer with it when I had a small greenhouse, but since I got a larger one, no problems (so far).Cherrio
    Hello DaveThis sounds like Grey mould, ventilation may be your problem, along with planting the plants too close.I used to suffer with it when I had a small greenhouse, but since I got a...
  8. Domestos Godess

    Fruit Trees

    The only problem you may have (particularly with apple) is pollination if you only have one. There are a few self pollinating ones but most require the pollen of a different plant. I have 1 of...
    The only problem you may have (particularly with apple) is pollination if you only have one. There are a few self pollinating ones but most require the pollen of a different plant. I have 1 of everything except apple and I have a Granny Smith and a Cox. (My and Mrs S. favourites). Fortunately...
    The only problem you may have (particularly with apple) is pollination if you only have one. There are a few self pollinating ones but most require the pollen of a different plant. I have 1 of everything except apple and I have a Granny Smith and...
    The only problem you may have (particularly with apple) is pollination if you only have one. There are a few self pollinating ones but most require the pollen of a different plant. I have 1 of...
  9. Prastio

    Victoria Plum

    Yes , they are self-fertile prastio. It certainly sounds like frost. Next year cover with frost fleece.:)
    Yes , they are self-fertile prastio. It certainly sounds like frost. Next year cover with frost fleece.:)
    Yes , they are self-fertile prastio. It certainly sounds like frost. Next year cover with frost fleece.:)
    Yes , they are self-fertile prastio. It certainly sounds like frost. Next year cover with frost fleece.:)
  10. Adam noel


    You do need a warm spell so that the insect pollinators can get about!
    You do need a warm spell so that the insect pollinators can get about!
    You do need a warm spell so that the insect pollinators can get about!
    You do need a warm spell so that the insect pollinators can get about!
  11. toomuchrain

    Potato blight from last year

    Hi ToniMake sure you do not allow any volunteers - i.e. potato plants which grow on the old potato patch which were too small to harvest - or plants on the compost heap. Get rid of them all,...
    Hi ToniMake sure you do not allow any volunteers - i.e. potato plants which grow on the old potato patch which were too small to harvest - or plants on the compost heap. Get rid of them all, so that you can concentrate on keeping those you planted this year healthy.hth!TopVeg
    Hi ToniMake sure you do not allow any volunteers - i.e. potato plants which grow on the old potato patch which were too small to harvest - or plants on the compost heap. Get rid of them all, so that you can concentrate on keeping those you...
    Hi ToniMake sure you do not allow any volunteers - i.e. potato plants which grow on the old potato patch which were too small to harvest - or plants on the compost heap. Get rid of them all,...
  12. Freddy

    Apples and Pears

    Hi, my first post since last year. I bought a apple tree last year. one of those slimline ones to go in a large container(forget the name). If calgary logs in, its just to say mines been in flower...
    Hi, my first post since last year. I bought a apple tree last year. one of those slimline ones to go in a large container(forget the name). If calgary logs in, its just to say mines been in flower a week now. although i must admit i thought id lost it. It came to life all at once :O)Nice to...
    Hi, my first post since last year. I bought a apple tree last year. one of those slimline ones to go in a large container(forget the name). If calgary logs in, its just to say mines been in flower a week now. although i must admit i thought id...
    Hi, my first post since last year. I bought a apple tree last year. one of those slimline ones to go in a large container(forget the name). If calgary logs in, its just to say mines been in flower...
  13. Sarraceniac

    Asparagus help please.

    I intend to live forever or die in the attempt Sam.:D
    I intend to live forever or die in the attempt Sam.:D
    I intend to live forever or die in the attempt Sam.:D
    I intend to live forever or die in the attempt Sam.:D
  14. Veg-and-flower-man

    Thinning veg

    VaFM. I think you misunderstood me, and for that, I apologise. Cheers...freddy.
    VaFM. I think you misunderstood me, and for that, I apologise. Cheers...freddy.
    VaFM. I think you misunderstood me, and for that, I apologise. Cheers...freddy.
    VaFM. I think you misunderstood me, and for that, I apologise. Cheers...freddy.
  15. David G

    Chillies Black Spots

    Hi DavidI have looked and the label is unreadable (that is how old it is) there is not that much in there so it will probably be used up pretty quickly.Thanks for the adviceDave
    Hi DavidI have looked and the label is unreadable (that is how old it is) there is not that much in there so it will probably be used up pretty quickly.Thanks for the adviceDave
    Hi DavidI have looked and the label is unreadable (that is how old it is) there is not that much in there so it will probably be used up pretty quickly.Thanks for the adviceDave
    Hi DavidI have looked and the label is unreadable (that is how old it is) there is not that much in there so it will probably be used up pretty quickly.Thanks for the adviceDave
  16. vince-o

    onion sets

    will get them in the ground asap
    will get them in the ground asap
    will get them in the ground asap
    will get them in the ground asap
  17. Slinky

    Another Tomato Question

    Thats magic, Thank you very much Guys
    Thats magic, Thank you very much Guys
    Thats magic, Thank you very much Guys
    Thats magic, Thank you very much Guys
  18. takemore02withit

    Butternut squash anybody?

    Never tried butternut. Although I managed to grow vegetable spaggetti one year. Those are part of the squash family I think.
    Never tried butternut. Although I managed to grow vegetable spaggetti one year. Those are part of the squash family I think.
    Never tried butternut. Although I managed to grow vegetable spaggetti one year. Those are part of the squash family I think.
    Never tried butternut. Although I managed to grow vegetable spaggetti one year. Those are part of the squash family I think.
  19. Liz

    Chitting or not?

    You sound like me T Digger! If you think differently nowadays you're branded weird. Sorry for the highjacking, back to the post!Potatoes are tough and leap up when you least expect them after...
    You sound like me T Digger! If you think differently nowadays you're branded weird. Sorry for the highjacking, back to the post!Potatoes are tough and leap up when you least expect them after thinking they've all died.
    You sound like me T Digger! If you think differently nowadays you're branded weird. Sorry for the highjacking, back to the post!Potatoes are tough and leap up when you least expect them after thinking they've all died.
    You sound like me T Digger! If you think differently nowadays you're branded weird. Sorry for the highjacking, back to the post!Potatoes are tough and leap up when you least expect them after...
  20. shimsham


    The cucumber likes sunny arid conditions whilst the tomato prefers it to be a bit more humid. Best to use a hand spray on the tomato leaves.
    The cucumber likes sunny arid conditions whilst the tomato prefers it to be a bit more humid. Best to use a hand spray on the tomato leaves.
    The cucumber likes sunny arid conditions whilst the tomato prefers it to be a bit more humid. Best to use a hand spray on the tomato leaves.
    The cucumber likes sunny arid conditions whilst the tomato prefers it to be a bit more humid. Best to use a hand spray on the tomato leaves.

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