Edible Gardening

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  1. whis4ey

    New vegetable garden

    Whatya' got in that HUGE greenhouse then? That's one tidy garden, should be a doddle to look after. I could post a pic of my patch to show how it shouldn't be done..
    Whatya' got in that HUGE greenhouse then? That's one tidy garden, should be a doddle to look after. I could post a pic of my patch to show how it shouldn't be done..
    Whatya' got in that HUGE greenhouse then? That's one tidy garden, should be a doddle to look after. I could post a pic of my patch to show how it shouldn't be done..
    Whatya' got in that HUGE greenhouse then? That's one tidy garden, should be a doddle to look after. I could post a pic of my patch to show how it shouldn't be done..
  2. AmandaClareEmily

    How deep should I sow corn seeds?

    Hi Amanda it's always nice to encourage little'uns to enjoy the garden with you and although they can get really messy at times they do seem to enjoy it so.My little four year old niece loves...
    Hi Amanda it's always nice to encourage little'uns to enjoy the garden with you and although they can get really messy at times they do seem to enjoy it so.My little four year old niece loves helping me out in our garden sadly she hasn't a garden at home just a back yard and her mum isn't into...
    Hi Amanda it's always nice to encourage little'uns to enjoy the garden with you and although they can get really messy at times they do seem to enjoy it so.My little four year old niece loves helping me out in our garden sadly she hasn't a...
    Hi Amanda it's always nice to encourage little'uns to enjoy the garden with you and although they can get really messy at times they do seem to enjoy it so.My little four year old niece loves...
  3. indian

    colour of cauliflower seed

    David , I think Indian meant what colour are the seedlings when they emerge - how can you identify them from the other little blighters
    David , I think Indian meant what colour are the seedlings when they emerge - how can you identify them from the other little blighters
    David , I think Indian meant what colour are the seedlings when they emerge - how can you identify them from the other little blighters
    David , I think Indian meant what colour are the seedlings when they emerge - how can you identify them from the other little blighters
  4. NewbieGreen

    How do you support tomatos?

    Newbie green, if you are growing in grow-bags or similar... I took a tip from here last year, and planted out my tom plants in half a grow-bag (i.e. fold the grow bag in half and cut round the...
    Newbie green, if you are growing in grow-bags or similar... I took a tip from here last year, and planted out my tom plants in half a grow-bag (i.e. fold the grow bag in half and cut round the middle) using this method you can push a cane in quite deeply at the same time as you plant the tomato...
    Newbie green, if you are growing in grow-bags or similar... I took a tip from here last year, and planted out my tom plants in half a grow-bag (i.e. fold the grow bag in half and cut round the middle) using this method you can push a cane in...
    Newbie green, if you are growing in grow-bags or similar... I took a tip from here last year, and planted out my tom plants in half a grow-bag (i.e. fold the grow bag in half and cut round the...
  5. GardenGuru

    Easy Peasy Carrots

    Just noticed the gremlins don't work within text!
    Just noticed the gremlins don't work within text!
    Just noticed the gremlins don't work within text!
    Just noticed the gremlins don't work within text!
  6. GardenGuru

    Strong lettuce

    yesterday i noticed that the soil in the lettuce seed tray was riasd up and cracked on the surface (like you see on pavements sometimes) then today i realised what it was.....the leetuce...
    yesterday i noticed that the soil in the lettuce seed tray was riasd up and cracked on the surface (like you see on pavements sometimes) then today i realised what it was.....the leetuce seedlings.... popeye lettuce!! bet they are gonna be right healthy
    yesterday i noticed that the soil in the lettuce seed tray was riasd up and cracked on the surface (like you see on pavements sometimes) then today i realised what it was.....the leetuce seedlings.... popeye lettuce!! bet they are gonna be...
    yesterday i noticed that the soil in the lettuce seed tray was riasd up and cracked on the surface (like you see on pavements sometimes) then today i realised what it was.....the leetuce...
  7. timecharger

    Does beetroot like muck?

    cheers very much
    cheers very much
    cheers very much
    cheers very much
  8. Synthhead

    parsnip remnants ...

    http://www.theseedsite.co.uk/ This one looks ok. Give a try tc. John
    http://www.theseedsite.co.uk/ This one looks ok. Give a try tc. John
    http://www.theseedsite.co.uk/ This one looks ok. Give a try tc. John
    http://www.theseedsite.co.uk/ This one looks ok. Give a try tc. John
  9. Kathy3

    strawberry planter

    They will make sure a stunning display Kathy and if the strawberries taste half as good as I'm sure the watering cans will look then it's all yum, yum! :D Hel.xxx.
    They will make sure a stunning display Kathy and if the strawberries taste half as good as I'm sure the watering cans will look then it's all yum, yum! :D Hel.xxx.
    They will make sure a stunning display Kathy and if the strawberries taste half as good as I'm sure the watering cans will look then it's all yum, yum! :D Hel.xxx.
    They will make sure a stunning display Kathy and if the strawberries taste half as good as I'm sure the watering cans will look then it's all yum, yum! :D Hel.xxx.
  10. cattwoman25

    strawberry runners

    Hi all, whilst on the subject of strawberrys and runners, i seem to recall from way back when that you had to count ...was it one, two or three rootings away from the main plant to take a new...
    Hi all, whilst on the subject of strawberrys and runners, i seem to recall from way back when that you had to count ...was it one, two or three rootings away from the main plant to take a new plantling, can anyone clarify please
    Hi all, whilst on the subject of strawberrys and runners, i seem to recall from way back when that you had to count ...was it one, two or three rootings away from the main plant to take a new plantling, can anyone clarify please
    Hi all, whilst on the subject of strawberrys and runners, i seem to recall from way back when that you had to count ...was it one, two or three rootings away from the main plant to take a new...
  11. jellybuttonspog

    Whats happened???

    Bung them in now and you will be OK. Once under the ground they are safe from frost, its getting too late to worry about chitting. Once the shoots surface they need frost protection, but by them...
    Bung them in now and you will be OK. Once under the ground they are safe from frost, its getting too late to worry about chitting. Once the shoots surface they need frost protection, but by them , hopefully, the frosts will be over.
    Bung them in now and you will be OK. Once under the ground they are safe from frost, its getting too late to worry about chitting. Once the shoots surface they need frost protection, but by them , hopefully, the frosts will be over.
    Bung them in now and you will be OK. Once under the ground they are safe from frost, its getting too late to worry about chitting. Once the shoots surface they need frost protection, but by them...
  12. vince-o

    Magic potatoes (Hope this in correct section)

    iv had a look and i cant see any signs of mice and i dont think my 3 cats would take to kindly to them if there was
    iv had a look and i cant see any signs of mice and i dont think my 3 cats would take to kindly to them if there was
    iv had a look and i cant see any signs of mice and i dont think my 3 cats would take to kindly to them if there was
    iv had a look and i cant see any signs of mice and i dont think my 3 cats would take to kindly to them if there was
  13. pefkipaul

    Fruit or Nut

    Hello, John ... yes, long time no speak ...Would YOU eat THAT ?????Completely off thread ... your Sis's cotoneasters are thriving, all four ... will send you a pic in due course.
    Hello, John ... yes, long time no speak ...Would YOU eat THAT ?????Completely off thread ... your Sis's cotoneasters are thriving, all four ... will send you a pic in due course.
    Hello, John ... yes, long time no speak ...Would YOU eat THAT ?????Completely off thread ... your Sis's cotoneasters are thriving, all four ... will send you a pic in due course.
    Hello, John ... yes, long time no speak ...Would YOU eat THAT ?????Completely off thread ... your Sis's cotoneasters are thriving, all four ... will send you a pic in due course.
  14. pamsdish

    strawberries in hanging baskets

    Hi Pam Well really its a matter of choice a lot of Growers remove all the flowers the first year so that the second year they get a heavier crop but I would usually leave the flowers on
    Hi Pam Well really its a matter of choice a lot of Growers remove all the flowers the first year so that the second year they get a heavier crop but I would usually leave the flowers on
    Hi Pam Well really its a matter of choice a lot of Growers remove all the flowers the first year so that the second year they get a heavier crop but I would usually leave the flowers on
    Hi Pam Well really its a matter of choice a lot of Growers remove all the flowers the first year so that the second year they get a heavier crop but I would usually leave the flowers on
  15. Vince

    Help or hindrance?

    Now you know it's not nice telling tales,Vince, especially if Carol finds out!
    Now you know it's not nice telling tales,Vince, especially if Carol finds out!
    Now you know it's not nice telling tales,Vince, especially if Carol finds out!
    Now you know it's not nice telling tales,Vince, especially if Carol finds out!
  16. Vince

    Biggest Tomato

    Yup david but BIG and tasty?I'll sow another seed and go for the record, better get my 2nd greenhouse up and running pretty smartish?
    Yup david but BIG and tasty?I'll sow another seed and go for the record, better get my 2nd greenhouse up and running pretty smartish?
    Yup david but BIG and tasty?I'll sow another seed and go for the record, better get my 2nd greenhouse up and running pretty smartish?
    Yup david but BIG and tasty?I'll sow another seed and go for the record, better get my 2nd greenhouse up and running pretty smartish?
  17. NewbieGreen

    Gap between cherry tomato plants?

    Yes, they need at least a 9-12 inch pot per plant ultimately (or 2 per growbag rather than the manufacturers 3 is better)or can be grown in the soil. As they are 5" at the moment, pot them...
    Yes, they need at least a 9-12 inch pot per plant ultimately (or 2 per growbag rather than the manufacturers 3 is better)or can be grown in the soil. As they are 5" at the moment, pot them individually into a 3" pot for now and bury the stem up to the first set of true leaves - the stem will...
    Yes, they need at least a 9-12 inch pot per plant ultimately (or 2 per growbag rather than the manufacturers 3 is better)or can be grown in the soil. As they are 5" at the moment, pot them individually into a 3" pot for now and bury the stem up...
    Yes, they need at least a 9-12 inch pot per plant ultimately (or 2 per growbag rather than the manufacturers 3 is better)or can be grown in the soil. As they are 5" at the moment, pot them...
  18. Scrofula


    Thanks very much for the advice. I may mix and match a bit, as I have a glut of Sun Gold. Will see which method produces the best plants !
    Thanks very much for the advice. I may mix and match a bit, as I have a glut of Sun Gold. Will see which method produces the best plants !
    Thanks very much for the advice. I may mix and match a bit, as I have a glut of Sun Gold. Will see which method produces the best plants !
    Thanks very much for the advice. I may mix and match a bit, as I have a glut of Sun Gold. Will see which method produces the best plants !
  19. GardenGuru

    Butternut Hunter F1 hybrid

    Just noticed the titlesorry I guess that answers the question.I will get back in my box now.Dave
    Just noticed the titlesorry I guess that answers the question.I will get back in my box now.Dave
    Just noticed the titlesorry I guess that answers the question.I will get back in my box now.Dave
    Just noticed the titlesorry I guess that answers the question.I will get back in my box now.Dave
  20. GardenGuru

    gardeners delight tomatoes

    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!

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