Edible Gardening

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  1. GardenGuru

    gardeners delight tomatoes

    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
    its all gibberish !Guru - feed is for established plants.I trust you ignored rest of replies!
  2. GardenGuru

    Taking peas to seed

    Well, basically, you just leave the pods on the plant to dry out. :D
    Well, basically, you just leave the pods on the plant to dry out. :D
    Well, basically, you just leave the pods on the plant to dry out. :D
    Well, basically, you just leave the pods on the plant to dry out. :D
  3. beanie b12

    Chitting sweetcorn

    Funnily enough my sweetcorn planted under cover late January is doing well, my march sown seed has yet to appear?
    Funnily enough my sweetcorn planted under cover late January is doing well, my march sown seed has yet to appear?
    Funnily enough my sweetcorn planted under cover late January is doing well, my march sown seed has yet to appear?
    Funnily enough my sweetcorn planted under cover late January is doing well, my march sown seed has yet to appear?
  4. geckoman

    dragon fruit

    thanks for the pic pete that plant looks like a load os snakes to me lol :D :D
    thanks for the pic pete that plant looks like a load os snakes to me lol :D :D
    thanks for the pic pete that plant looks like a load os snakes to me lol :D :D
    thanks for the pic pete that plant looks like a load os snakes to me lol :D :D
  5. vegmandan

    Soaking peas in paraffin, does it work ?

    hove you tried putting any mouse poison down in boxes when you plant? its supposed to attract them but I suppose it depends on how attracted they are to that or the peas
    hove you tried putting any mouse poison down in boxes when you plant? its supposed to attract them but I suppose it depends on how attracted they are to that or the peas
    hove you tried putting any mouse poison down in boxes when you plant? its supposed to attract them but I suppose it depends on how attracted they are to that or the peas
    hove you tried putting any mouse poison down in boxes when you plant? its supposed to attract them but I suppose it depends on how attracted they are to that or the peas
  6. comfycoxy

    Tips for my first veg plot 2008

    Raised Beds ? Good choice!You can fill with general purpose compost, mixed with topsoil and peat free compost.Drainage is the key. Ensure the sub soil under the beds is well dug and weed free....
    Raised Beds ? Good choice!You can fill with general purpose compost, mixed with topsoil and peat free compost.Drainage is the key. Ensure the sub soil under the beds is well dug and weed free. Incorporate some sand / fine gravel to the soil before adding your growing bed area.Check my blog...
    Raised Beds ? Good choice!You can fill with general purpose compost, mixed with topsoil and peat free compost.Drainage is the key. Ensure the sub soil under the beds is well dug and weed free. Incorporate some sand / fine gravel to the soil...
    Raised Beds ? Good choice!You can fill with general purpose compost, mixed with topsoil and peat free compost.Drainage is the key. Ensure the sub soil under the beds is well dug and weed free....
  7. GardenGuru

    Butternut Bummer

    that title is shocking!I have a problem. I have just realised how large butternut squashes can grow. 4 took up the size of my veg patch.!!can i grow them in tubs? How big does the tub need to be??
    that title is shocking!I have a problem. I have just realised how large butternut squashes can grow. 4 took up the size of my veg patch.!!can i grow them in tubs? How big does the tub need to be??
    that title is shocking!I have a problem. I have just realised how large butternut squashes can grow. 4 took up the size of my veg patch.!!can i grow them in tubs? How big does the tub need to be??
    that title is shocking!I have a problem. I have just realised how large butternut squashes can grow. 4 took up the size of my veg patch.!!can i grow them in tubs? How big does the tub need to be??
  8. GardenGuru

    Sweetcorn - advice please

    Plant them in square blocks of 4 shake the stems when they are flowering to aid pollination.
    Plant them in square blocks of 4 shake the stems when they are flowering to aid pollination.
    Plant them in square blocks of 4 shake the stems when they are flowering to aid pollination.
    Plant them in square blocks of 4 shake the stems when they are flowering to aid pollination.
  9. GardenGuru

    Cauliflower Conundrum

    The packets in the greenhouse!!it said to sow them in march. I have got cloches on them so they should be ok... will they??i used plastic, clear orange cartons with a lid on with air...
    The packets in the greenhouse!!it said to sow them in march. I have got cloches on them so they should be ok... will they??i used plastic, clear orange cartons with a lid on with air holes.if i have dont them a bit early i do have a back up '2nd' crop. I was actually going to have them so...
    The packets in the greenhouse!!it said to sow them in march. I have got cloches on them so they should be ok... will they??i used plastic, clear orange cartons with a lid on with air holes.if i have dont them a bit early i do have a back up...
    The packets in the greenhouse!!it said to sow them in march. I have got cloches on them so they should be ok... will they??i used plastic, clear orange cartons with a lid on with air...
  10. GardenGuru

    Solent light garlic

    It`s what we`re here for G G. :D
    It`s what we`re here for G G. :D
    It`s what we`re here for G G. :D
    It`s what we`re here for G G. :D
  11. NewbieGreen

    New cherry tomatos planted :D

    Newbie, the seed leaves are the ones at the bottom, and they look about right to me. If you put them on the windowsill try and turn the pot a couple of times a day, to keep the plants balanced.
    Newbie, the seed leaves are the ones at the bottom, and they look about right to me. If you put them on the windowsill try and turn the pot a couple of times a day, to keep the plants balanced.
    Newbie, the seed leaves are the ones at the bottom, and they look about right to me. If you put them on the windowsill try and turn the pot a couple of times a day, to keep the plants balanced.
    Newbie, the seed leaves are the ones at the bottom, and they look about right to me. If you put them on the windowsill try and turn the pot a couple of times a day, to keep the plants balanced.
  12. GardenGuru


    Oops! Thanx David, I thought they needed cold to germinate
    Oops! Thanx David, I thought they needed cold to germinate
    Oops! Thanx David, I thought they needed cold to germinate
    Oops! Thanx David, I thought they needed cold to germinate
  13. Smiffy

    Strawberry Planter Problems

    Thanks all for the replies.... DavidGuy ta for the pics , yours seem to be doing very well. All 8 of mine have lost their leaves now. I have placed the planter in a sheltered sunny spot, now its...
    Thanks all for the replies.... DavidGuy ta for the pics , yours seem to be doing very well. All 8 of mine have lost their leaves now. I have placed the planter in a sheltered sunny spot, now its wait and see time.
    Thanks all for the replies.... DavidGuy ta for the pics , yours seem to be doing very well. All 8 of mine have lost their leaves now. I have placed the planter in a sheltered sunny spot, now its wait and see time.
    Thanks all for the replies.... DavidGuy ta for the pics , yours seem to be doing very well. All 8 of mine have lost their leaves now. I have placed the planter in a sheltered sunny spot, now its...
  14. watermead

    butternut squash

    Hi ScotkatWhat type are they? I am off to the garden centre in a while.Dave
    Hi ScotkatWhat type are they? I am off to the garden centre in a while.Dave
    Hi ScotkatWhat type are they? I am off to the garden centre in a while.Dave
    Hi ScotkatWhat type are they? I am off to the garden centre in a while.Dave
  15. GardenGuru


    My little gems are doing rather well in the "plug pots" I sowed them in! I want to plant them out but waiting for the right time.If they do well in plug pots, they will do well in say 6" pots!
    My little gems are doing rather well in the "plug pots" I sowed them in! I want to plant them out but waiting for the right time.If they do well in plug pots, they will do well in say 6" pots!
    My little gems are doing rather well in the "plug pots" I sowed them in! I want to plant them out but waiting for the right time.If they do well in plug pots, they will do well in say 6" pots!
    My little gems are doing rather well in the "plug pots" I sowed them in! I want to plant them out but waiting for the right time.If they do well in plug pots, they will do well in say 6" pots!
  16. GardenGuru

    Vegetable patch

    i have sown directly into the ground: beetroot, savoy cabbage, brocolli (excuse the spelling!), some parmex (mini) carrots. Also, i have just planted out some cauliflowers grown in the greenhouse...
    i have sown directly into the ground: beetroot, savoy cabbage, brocolli (excuse the spelling!), some parmex (mini) carrots. Also, i have just planted out some cauliflowers grown in the greenhouse and early and sugar snap peas.is there any particular reason you asked?thanks
    i have sown directly into the ground: beetroot, savoy cabbage, brocolli (excuse the spelling!), some parmex (mini) carrots. Also, i have just planted out some cauliflowers grown in the greenhouse and early and sugar snap peas.is there any...
    i have sown directly into the ground: beetroot, savoy cabbage, brocolli (excuse the spelling!), some parmex (mini) carrots. Also, i have just planted out some cauliflowers grown in the greenhouse...
  17. SteveG

    Radish problem

    John, if your radish had small, pinprick sized holes, in the leaves,they would have been caused by Flea Beetles.You can control them by keeping the soil moist. Flea beetle affect all members of...
    John, if your radish had small, pinprick sized holes, in the leaves,they would have been caused by Flea Beetles.You can control them by keeping the soil moist. Flea beetle affect all members of the Brassica family.
    John, if your radish had small, pinprick sized holes, in the leaves,they would have been caused by Flea Beetles.You can control them by keeping the soil moist. Flea beetle affect all members of the Brassica family.
    John, if your radish had small, pinprick sized holes, in the leaves,they would have been caused by Flea Beetles.You can control them by keeping the soil moist. Flea beetle affect all members of...
  18. vegmandan

    Heat Treated Onion Sets

    never tryed them but this is my 1st yr growing onions so thanks for that as i will now buy the same treated kind :D
    never tryed them but this is my 1st yr growing onions so thanks for that as i will now buy the same treated kind :D
    never tryed them but this is my 1st yr growing onions so thanks for that as i will now buy the same treated kind :D
    never tryed them but this is my 1st yr growing onions so thanks for that as i will now buy the same treated kind :D
  19. elliegreenwellie

    Can you help me with the lingo!

    Pete is right, both the toms and chillies need lots of light. Unless we have a hot summer the chillies will need to be under cover to give you good fruits. It depends on which variety you are...
    Pete is right, both the toms and chillies need lots of light. Unless we have a hot summer the chillies will need to be under cover to give you good fruits. It depends on which variety you are growing how big the plants will grow.John, your one year old chilli plant needs feeding with potash....
    Pete is right, both the toms and chillies need lots of light. Unless we have a hot summer the chillies will need to be under cover to give you good fruits. It depends on which variety you are growing how big the plants will grow.John, your...
    Pete is right, both the toms and chillies need lots of light. Unless we have a hot summer the chillies will need to be under cover to give you good fruits. It depends on which variety you are...
  20. golfer


    My garden grown carrots are planted in 30" high raised beds, started last season and the results were amazing, One carrot fed 3 of us as a side veg. Did exactly the same with my parnips and had a...
    My garden grown carrots are planted in 30" high raised beds, started last season and the results were amazing, One carrot fed 3 of us as a side veg. Did exactly the same with my parnips and had a bumper crop of them too
    My garden grown carrots are planted in 30" high raised beds, started last season and the results were amazing, One carrot fed 3 of us as a side veg. Did exactly the same with my parnips and had a bumper crop of them too
    My garden grown carrots are planted in 30" high raised beds, started last season and the results were amazing, One carrot fed 3 of us as a side veg. Did exactly the same with my parnips and had a...

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