Edible Gardening

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  1. Farquharson Ruth

    Tomato seedlings

    hi all thought i would post here as we are on the toms subjectdo you think it would be ok to put these into my greenhouse (not heated) they are in the conservatory at the mo and taking overand...
    hi all thought i would post here as we are on the toms subjectdo you think it would be ok to put these into my greenhouse (not heated) they are in the conservatory at the mo and taking overand i could do with making some room ?oh ! the conservatory is cold at night but warm during the day
    hi all thought i would post here as we are on the toms subjectdo you think it would be ok to put these into my greenhouse (not heated) they are in the conservatory at the mo and taking overand i could do with making some room ?oh ! the...
    hi all thought i would post here as we are on the toms subjectdo you think it would be ok to put these into my greenhouse (not heated) they are in the conservatory at the mo and taking overand...
  2. Vince


    They are doing well in the greenhouse, will try transplanting them in a week or so.
    They are doing well in the greenhouse, will try transplanting them in a week or so.
    They are doing well in the greenhouse, will try transplanting them in a week or so.
    They are doing well in the greenhouse, will try transplanting them in a week or so.
  3. vegmandan

    How deep to sow your Peas ??

    Vegman, what you do is take out a drill the width of a border spade and to the depth of 2 inches. you spread the seed in the bottom of the drill, spacing the seed so that they are about 2 inches...
    Vegman, what you do is take out a drill the width of a border spade and to the depth of 2 inches. you spread the seed in the bottom of the drill, spacing the seed so that they are about 2 inches apart in all directions. you then cover them with about 1 inch of soil. This leaves them in a slight...
    Vegman, what you do is take out a drill the width of a border spade and to the depth of 2 inches. you spread the seed in the bottom of the drill, spacing the seed so that they are about 2 inches apart in all directions. you then cover them with...
    Vegman, what you do is take out a drill the width of a border spade and to the depth of 2 inches. you spread the seed in the bottom of the drill, spacing the seed so that they are about 2 inches...
  4. galaxysue

    Mixed salad leaves

    Should be no problem Sue. I grow all my salad stuff in containers. I use pick and come again lettuce though not exotic stuff. :D
    Should be no problem Sue. I grow all my salad stuff in containers. I use pick and come again lettuce though not exotic stuff. :D
    Should be no problem Sue. I grow all my salad stuff in containers. I use pick and come again lettuce though not exotic stuff. :D
    Should be no problem Sue. I grow all my salad stuff in containers. I use pick and come again lettuce though not exotic stuff. :D
  5. David G

    Runner Bean Support

    I use the Buddleia stems that I've pruned they're about 7'. Have to keep an eye on them 'cause they've got a tendency to start re-growing :D
    I use the Buddleia stems that I've pruned they're about 7'. Have to keep an eye on them 'cause they've got a tendency to start re-growing :D
    I use the Buddleia stems that I've pruned they're about 7'. Have to keep an eye on them 'cause they've got a tendency to start re-growing :D
    I use the Buddleia stems that I've pruned they're about 7'. Have to keep an eye on them 'cause they've got a tendency to start re-growing :D
  6. geckoman


    lol i will split it with ya mate if mine dont come
    lol i will split it with ya mate if mine dont come
    lol i will split it with ya mate if mine dont come
    lol i will split it with ya mate if mine dont come
  7. cattwoman25
  8. Boots

    when will they be ready?

    thanks daitheplant
    thanks daitheplant
    thanks daitheplant
    thanks daitheplant
  9. jellybuttonspog

    grape vine

    Agree, the buds are just about to open so tie it back and leave till late November/ early December.
    Agree, the buds are just about to open so tie it back and leave till late November/ early December.
    Agree, the buds are just about to open so tie it back and leave till late November/ early December.
    Agree, the buds are just about to open so tie it back and leave till late November/ early December.
  10. Vince

    Water Melons......

    Having grown canteloupe melons in the past in a greenhouse, with marginal sucsess Vince I tend to think that you will have problems if you intend growing watermelons out doors in the UK.We dont...
    Having grown canteloupe melons in the past in a greenhouse, with marginal sucsess Vince I tend to think that you will have problems if you intend growing watermelons out doors in the UK.We dont get the summer heat required especially at night and the growing season is too short.You ask...
    Having grown canteloupe melons in the past in a greenhouse, with marginal sucsess Vince I tend to think that you will have problems if you intend growing watermelons out doors in the UK.We dont get the summer heat required especially at night...
    Having grown canteloupe melons in the past in a greenhouse, with marginal sucsess Vince I tend to think that you will have problems if you intend growing watermelons out doors in the UK.We dont...
  11. Mrs Bobs

    Anyone planting their potatoes out today?

    Dave, a tip for growing spuds in containers. When you plant the potatoes fill the pot up straight away, the plants will find their way to the surface and, more importantly, they are protected from...
    Dave, a tip for growing spuds in containers. When you plant the potatoes fill the pot up straight away, the plants will find their way to the surface and, more importantly, they are protected from spring frosts.
    Dave, a tip for growing spuds in containers. When you plant the potatoes fill the pot up straight away, the plants will find their way to the surface and, more importantly, they are protected from spring frosts.
    Dave, a tip for growing spuds in containers. When you plant the potatoes fill the pot up straight away, the plants will find their way to the surface and, more importantly, they are protected from...
  12. lazy-gardener

    citrus plant- not flowering

    Made a note, pete. I cut another open today and they have such a lovely scent, not like the ones you buy.Do you want to try one of those candelabra Kalanchoes that Marley IDd? ... small enough...
    Made a note, pete. I cut another open today and they have such a lovely scent, not like the ones you buy.Do you want to try one of those candelabra Kalanchoes that Marley IDd? ... small enough for a pot.
    Made a note, pete. I cut another open today and they have such a lovely scent, not like the ones you buy.Do you want to try one of those candelabra Kalanchoes that Marley IDd? ... small enough for a pot.
    Made a note, pete. I cut another open today and they have such a lovely scent, not like the ones you buy.Do you want to try one of those candelabra Kalanchoes that Marley IDd? ... small enough...
  13. Scotkat

    Sweet Potatoe

    Thanks Mrs. Bobs. I only had to wait 2 months for a reply. But the great thing about GC is you DO get a reply. Just don't be impatient. I will try it. I take it we mean a hot oven,
    Thanks Mrs. Bobs. I only had to wait 2 months for a reply. But the great thing about GC is you DO get a reply. Just don't be impatient. I will try it. I take it we mean a hot oven,
    Thanks Mrs. Bobs. I only had to wait 2 months for a reply. But the great thing about GC is you DO get a reply. Just don't be impatient. I will try it. I take it we mean a hot oven,
    Thanks Mrs. Bobs. I only had to wait 2 months for a reply. But the great thing about GC is you DO get a reply. Just don't be impatient. I will try it. I take it we mean a hot oven,
  14. David G

    Cucumber Wilt & Runner Beans

    And Tomatoes.
    And Tomatoes.
    And Tomatoes.
    And Tomatoes.
  15. lazy-gardener

    cape gooseberries

    If it was physalis peruviana rosie, it would not have survived the winter, especially in the sixties, its not winter hardy. Physalis alkekengii var franchetii is more or less totally hardy in the...
    If it was physalis peruviana rosie, it would not have survived the winter, especially in the sixties, its not winter hardy. Physalis alkekengii var franchetii is more or less totally hardy in the UK. Be carefull its in the nightshade family.
    If it was physalis peruviana rosie, it would not have survived the winter, especially in the sixties, its not winter hardy. Physalis alkekengii var franchetii is more or less totally hardy in the UK. Be carefull its in the nightshade family.
    If it was physalis peruviana rosie, it would not have survived the winter, especially in the sixties, its not winter hardy. Physalis alkekengii var franchetii is more or less totally hardy in the...
  16. Synthhead

    American land cress.

    Synthhead, You are not wrong. Possibly a little early, even in the south, for planting outside but in a couple of weeks where you are and 3-4 weeks where I am, it should go great. Oh and LG you...
    Synthhead, You are not wrong. Possibly a little early, even in the south, for planting outside but in a couple of weeks where you are and 3-4 weeks where I am, it should go great. Oh and LG you are closer to me weather-wise.
    Synthhead, You are not wrong. Possibly a little early, even in the south, for planting outside but in a couple of weeks where you are and 3-4 weeks where I am, it should go great. Oh and LG you are closer to me weather-wise.
    Synthhead, You are not wrong. Possibly a little early, even in the south, for planting outside but in a couple of weeks where you are and 3-4 weeks where I am, it should go great. Oh and LG you...
  17. Dave W

    Brussel Sprouts - success

    Time for roast pigeon and sprouts!
    Time for roast pigeon and sprouts!
    Time for roast pigeon and sprouts!
    Time for roast pigeon and sprouts!
  18. shiney

    Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb

    wow, looks great!
    wow, looks great!
    wow, looks great!
    wow, looks great!
  19. David G

    Tomatoes Planting

    Yup, first pair of proper leaves, I'm just about to start transplanting mine, I've grown each in individual 2" pots, will transplant to 3" pots, harden off the outdoor ones and finally transplant...
    Yup, first pair of proper leaves, I'm just about to start transplanting mine, I've grown each in individual 2" pots, will transplant to 3" pots, harden off the outdoor ones and finally transplant into 12"+ pots. Growing in pots by stages, there's no root disturbance and good healthy plants.........
    Yup, first pair of proper leaves, I'm just about to start transplanting mine, I've grown each in individual 2" pots, will transplant to 3" pots, harden off the outdoor ones and finally transplant into 12"+ pots. Growing in pots by stages, there's...
    Yup, first pair of proper leaves, I'm just about to start transplanting mine, I've grown each in individual 2" pots, will transplant to 3" pots, harden off the outdoor ones and finally transplant...
  20. sawfish

    What potato varieties are you planting?

    Just bought some Maris Peers as 2nd earlies to plant in potato sacks in the garden and in our new allotment
    Just bought some Maris Peers as 2nd earlies to plant in potato sacks in the garden and in our new allotment
    Just bought some Maris Peers as 2nd earlies to plant in potato sacks in the garden and in our new allotment
    Just bought some Maris Peers as 2nd earlies to plant in potato sacks in the garden and in our new allotment

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