Edible Gardening

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  1. Vince

    Will They Ever Chit?

    Disgusting. Anyone on GC will tell you I drink very little. I spill most of it.
    Disgusting. Anyone on GC will tell you I drink very little. I spill most of it.
    Disgusting. Anyone on GC will tell you I drink very little. I spill most of it.
    Disgusting. Anyone on GC will tell you I drink very little. I spill most of it.
  2. lazy-gardener

    vegetables in grow-bags-how many per bag?

    thanks for the replies. will have a look through that link when I have 5 minutes. Think I will try the cutting in half of the grow bags thing as I havent got any pots anyway!!
    thanks for the replies. will have a look through that link when I have 5 minutes. Think I will try the cutting in half of the grow bags thing as I havent got any pots anyway!!
    thanks for the replies. will have a look through that link when I have 5 minutes. Think I will try the cutting in half of the grow bags thing as I havent got any pots anyway!!
    thanks for the replies. will have a look through that link when I have 5 minutes. Think I will try the cutting in half of the grow bags thing as I havent got any pots anyway!!
  3. painted lady

    Another seed potato question

    Thank you for replying.I might give the better ones a go then. I bought loads too many as I didn't realise how small they actually were. I sent for 3kg as when I bought 3kg of jacket spuds...
    Thank you for replying.I might give the better ones a go then. I bought loads too many as I didn't realise how small they actually were. I sent for 3kg as when I bought 3kg of jacket spuds from the grocers you only get 5 ha ha. Nearly fell off my chair when I opened the box and there were...
    Thank you for replying.I might give the better ones a go then. I bought loads too many as I didn't realise how small they actually were. I sent for 3kg as when I bought 3kg of jacket spuds from the grocers you only get 5 ha ha. Nearly fell...
    Thank you for replying.I might give the better ones a go then. I bought loads too many as I didn't realise how small they actually were. I sent for 3kg as when I bought 3kg of jacket spuds...
  4. seampoints

    Mini vegetable plot

    Crop rotaion is always a problem in a small area, but don't forget you can grow most things in containers and that widens your scope for rotation.
    Crop rotaion is always a problem in a small area, but don't forget you can grow most things in containers and that widens your scope for rotation.
    Crop rotaion is always a problem in a small area, but don't forget you can grow most things in containers and that widens your scope for rotation.
    Crop rotaion is always a problem in a small area, but don't forget you can grow most things in containers and that widens your scope for rotation.
  5. Sarraceniac

    March 1st. - yippee.

    Yes but when I have to find room in my OWN garden one day I will have the same problem as you and everybody else. :(
    Yes but when I have to find room in my OWN garden one day I will have the same problem as you and everybody else. :(
    Yes but when I have to find room in my OWN garden one day I will have the same problem as you and everybody else. :(
    Yes but when I have to find room in my OWN garden one day I will have the same problem as you and everybody else. :(
  6. David G


    Hi Dave.I don't know about humidity, but peppers are certainly thirsty plants. I didn't seem to have any problems that might have been caused by overwatering - underwatering caused the greenfly...
    Hi Dave.I don't know about humidity, but peppers are certainly thirsty plants. I didn't seem to have any problems that might have been caused by overwatering - underwatering caused the greenfly to get a hold though. All types of sweet pepper I grew got to about 2'-3' high, and needed...
    Hi Dave.I don't know about humidity, but peppers are certainly thirsty plants. I didn't seem to have any problems that might have been caused by overwatering - underwatering caused the greenfly to get a hold though. All types of sweet pepper I...
    Hi Dave.I don't know about humidity, but peppers are certainly thirsty plants. I didn't seem to have any problems that might have been caused by overwatering - underwatering caused the greenfly...
  7. rosietutu

    Broad Beans

    Hi Rosie.Wild rocket self-seeds every year in my garden. Some plants even overwinter well if sheltered. The cultivated rocket I tried once, doesn't seem so hardy - I have to re-plant from saved...
    Hi Rosie.Wild rocket self-seeds every year in my garden. Some plants even overwinter well if sheltered. The cultivated rocket I tried once, doesn't seem so hardy - I have to re-plant from saved seeds each year. It's a milder taste. nice though.... cheers, Dave
    Hi Rosie.Wild rocket self-seeds every year in my garden. Some plants even overwinter well if sheltered. The cultivated rocket I tried once, doesn't seem so hardy - I have to re-plant from saved seeds each year. It's a milder taste. nice...
    Hi Rosie.Wild rocket self-seeds every year in my garden. Some plants even overwinter well if sheltered. The cultivated rocket I tried once, doesn't seem so hardy - I have to re-plant from saved...
  8. Synthhead

    Blighted tomatoes

    I think I had that as well....cheers for the info fellas.
    I think I had that as well....cheers for the info fellas.
    I think I had that as well....cheers for the info fellas.
    I think I had that as well....cheers for the info fellas.
  9. Vince

    Tesco's trolley!

    :D Very inventive!...Gives a whole new meaning to a fruit cage. ;)
    :D Very inventive!...Gives a whole new meaning to a fruit cage. ;)
    :D Very inventive!...Gives a whole new meaning to a fruit cage. ;)
    :D Very inventive!...Gives a whole new meaning to a fruit cage. ;)
  10. Vince


    I need swedes for my homemade pasties lolMaybe my raised beds will help?
    I need swedes for my homemade pasties lolMaybe my raised beds will help?
    I need swedes for my homemade pasties lolMaybe my raised beds will help?
    I need swedes for my homemade pasties lolMaybe my raised beds will help?
  11. dalbuie


    Lots of different names for it - ladies fingers, bhindi, baamia, gumbo, okura Japanese name) etc. Definitely a greenhouse plant - unless you are very lucky.Very important - Seedlings don't...
    Lots of different names for it - ladies fingers, bhindi, baamia, gumbo, okura Japanese name) etc. Definitely a greenhouse plant - unless you are very lucky.Very important - Seedlings don't like being transplanted so sow in their ultimate pot.Although they need regular watering in hot...
    Lots of different names for it - ladies fingers, bhindi, baamia, gumbo, okura Japanese name) etc. Definitely a greenhouse plant - unless you are very lucky.Very important - Seedlings don't like being transplanted so sow in their ultimate...
    Lots of different names for it - ladies fingers, bhindi, baamia, gumbo, okura Japanese name) etc. Definitely a greenhouse plant - unless you are very lucky.Very important - Seedlings don't...
  12. Prastio

    Cheap Blueberry bushes

    Our local pound shop is selling fairly small dry-rooted blueberry bushes (and other fruits like raspberry canes). Has anyone tried these? I appreciate that they will take a few years to grow to...
    Our local pound shop is selling fairly small dry-rooted blueberry bushes (and other fruits like raspberry canes). Has anyone tried these? I appreciate that they will take a few years to grow to a decent size, but it seems worth a try at �£1 - or would I be throwing my money away.
    Our local pound shop is selling fairly small dry-rooted blueberry bushes (and other fruits like raspberry canes). Has anyone tried these? I appreciate that they will take a few years to grow to a decent size, but it seems worth a try at �£1 -...
    Our local pound shop is selling fairly small dry-rooted blueberry bushes (and other fruits like raspberry canes). Has anyone tried these? I appreciate that they will take a few years to grow to...
  13. Juliasaurus

    Dried out strawberry runners!

    An excuse to get me in the garden first thing at the weekend then David!(I don't need an excuse, but I always feel I need to think up one for my husband...) ;)
    An excuse to get me in the garden first thing at the weekend then David!(I don't need an excuse, but I always feel I need to think up one for my husband...) ;)
    An excuse to get me in the garden first thing at the weekend then David!(I don't need an excuse, but I always feel I need to think up one for my husband...) ;)
    An excuse to get me in the garden first thing at the weekend then David!(I don't need an excuse, but I always feel I need to think up one for my husband...) ;)
  14. Paladin


    At the big Giga Garden Center here they had them fruiting already, and as you say pete the fruit were rather small, but I can't remember the price so may go by this weekend and look again.
    At the big Giga Garden Center here they had them fruiting already, and as you say pete the fruit were rather small, but I can't remember the price so may go by this weekend and look again.
    At the big Giga Garden Center here they had them fruiting already, and as you say pete the fruit were rather small, but I can't remember the price so may go by this weekend and look again.
    At the big Giga Garden Center here they had them fruiting already, and as you say pete the fruit were rather small, but I can't remember the price so may go by this weekend and look again.
  15. Scotkat

    Butternut Squash germinatated

    Hi Scotkat, I've pulled up an old topic on butternut squash for you "Butternut Squash Trials". It is now near the top in "Edible Gardening". I hope it helps and doesn't frighten you too much ...
    Hi Scotkat, I've pulled up an old topic on butternut squash for you "Butternut Squash Trials". It is now near the top in "Edible Gardening". I hope it helps and doesn't frighten you too much :DAs you have already been told, you shouldn't plant them out until after the frosts are...
    Hi Scotkat, I've pulled up an old topic on butternut squash for you "Butternut Squash Trials". It is now near the top in "Edible Gardening". I hope it helps and doesn't frighten you too much :DAs you have already been told, you...
    Hi Scotkat, I've pulled up an old topic on butternut squash for you "Butternut Squash Trials". It is now near the top in "Edible Gardening". I hope it helps and doesn't frighten you too much ...
  16. shiney

    Butternut squash trials!

    I've pulled up this old topic for Scotkat. Hope it helps :D
    I've pulled up this old topic for Scotkat. Hope it helps :D
    I've pulled up this old topic for Scotkat. Hope it helps :D
    I've pulled up this old topic for Scotkat. Hope it helps :D
  17. Vince

    A bit unfair?

    :D John, you`re crazy, my kind of fella :D
    :D John, you`re crazy, my kind of fella :D
    :D John, you`re crazy, my kind of fella :D
    :D John, you`re crazy, my kind of fella :D
  18. Veggie Patch
  19. JohnnyMac

    Runner Beans

    I've still got frozen runners from last season, had a glut along with french beans, grew mine in greenhouse then transplanted, I was essentially unaffected by last summers downpours because I dug...
    I've still got frozen runners from last season, had a glut along with french beans, grew mine in greenhouse then transplanted, I was essentially unaffected by last summers downpours because I dug that much organic matter and compost into my plotDon't help I know, but I'm a novice?
    I've still got frozen runners from last season, had a glut along with french beans, grew mine in greenhouse then transplanted, I was essentially unaffected by last summers downpours because I dug that much organic matter and compost into my...
    I've still got frozen runners from last season, had a glut along with french beans, grew mine in greenhouse then transplanted, I was essentially unaffected by last summers downpours because I dug...
  20. Vince

    Banana/Torpedo shallots

    Plotty has a thread going Vince.http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=15;t=001097
    Plotty has a thread going Vince.http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=15;t=001097
    Plotty has a thread going Vince.http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=15;t=001097
    Plotty has a thread going Vince.http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=15;t=001097

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