Edible Gardening

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  1. Sarraceniac

    Wilko Fruit trees

    Wow wilkos twice in one day John, I new you would come round to our way of thinking,they do get some good stuff in if you get there when it first comes in,very reasonably priced.
    Wow wilkos twice in one day John, I new you would come round to our way of thinking,they do get some good stuff in if you get there when it first comes in,very reasonably priced.
    Wow wilkos twice in one day John, I new you would come round to our way of thinking,they do get some good stuff in if you get there when it first comes in,very reasonably priced.
    Wow wilkos twice in one day John, I new you would come round to our way of thinking,they do get some good stuff in if you get there when it first comes in,very reasonably priced.
  2. David G


    The purple goes green when cooked. Many greens have a puple tinge, its normal.
    The purple goes green when cooked. Many greens have a puple tinge, its normal.
    The purple goes green when cooked. Many greens have a puple tinge, its normal.
    The purple goes green when cooked. Many greens have a puple tinge, its normal.
  3. Sarraceniac

    Wilko Fruit trees

    Wonder who WOO? (I'd better bring a take away for dinner with them) :D
    Wonder who WOO? (I'd better bring a take away for dinner with them) :D
    Wonder who WOO? (I'd better bring a take away for dinner with them) :D
    Wonder who WOO? (I'd better bring a take away for dinner with them) :D
  4. linlin

    What's the matter with my garlic?

    Thanks Dai - I'll leave them alone then.
    Thanks Dai - I'll leave them alone then.
    Thanks Dai - I'll leave them alone then.
    Thanks Dai - I'll leave them alone then.
  5. lazy-gardener

    going to grow some taters!!!

    Last year I sowed our earlies in pots on 21st March (= Good Friday this year) this was in a polytunnel, but we're a bit further north and colder, and they were moved outside once they had grown a...
    Last year I sowed our earlies in pots on 21st March (= Good Friday this year) this was in a polytunnel, but we're a bit further north and colder, and they were moved outside once they had grown a bit. First tatties were gathered on 21st May.Chitted v non-chitted? I'm like John and chit because...
    Last year I sowed our earlies in pots on 21st March (= Good Friday this year) this was in a polytunnel, but we're a bit further north and colder, and they were moved outside once they had grown a bit. First tatties were gathered on 21st...
    Last year I sowed our earlies in pots on 21st March (= Good Friday this year) this was in a polytunnel, but we're a bit further north and colder, and they were moved outside once they had grown a...
  6. khampson

    Growing Veg

    Why not just buy some cheap plastic buckets and make drainage holes in the bottoms. I've just bought some from Wilcos at 69p each for my early potatoes, last season I used buckets for some late...
    Why not just buy some cheap plastic buckets and make drainage holes in the bottoms. I've just bought some from Wilcos at 69p each for my early potatoes, last season I used buckets for some late potatoes and we've just finished eating those. Growbags are no more than 6" deep and you can grow all...
    Why not just buy some cheap plastic buckets and make drainage holes in the bottoms. I've just bought some from Wilcos at 69p each for my early potatoes, last season I used buckets for some late potatoes and we've just finished eating those....
    Why not just buy some cheap plastic buckets and make drainage holes in the bottoms. I've just bought some from Wilcos at 69p each for my early potatoes, last season I used buckets for some late...
  7. beanie b12

    Do rabbits eat asparagus?

    Thanks all. not what i wanted to hear but I kind of expected it. liking this forum, I will no doubt be back for more advice soon XX
    Thanks all. not what i wanted to hear but I kind of expected it. liking this forum, I will no doubt be back for more advice soon XX
    Thanks all. not what i wanted to hear but I kind of expected it. liking this forum, I will no doubt be back for more advice soon XX
    Thanks all. not what i wanted to hear but I kind of expected it. liking this forum, I will no doubt be back for more advice soon XX
  8. Celia

    are potatoes friendly?

    Having just dug over the bed where the potatoes are going this year I was a little worried cos F-in-L has planted strawbwrries at the bottom end of the bed and is planning to put rhubarb in...
    Having just dug over the bed where the potatoes are going this year I was a little worried cos F-in-L has planted strawbwrries at the bottom end of the bed and is planning to put rhubarb in between the potatoes and strawberries. Will these grow together or are they fussy and spread disease to...
    Having just dug over the bed where the potatoes are going this year I was a little worried cos F-in-L has planted strawbwrries at the bottom end of the bed and is planning to put rhubarb in between the potatoes and strawberries. Will these grow...
    Having just dug over the bed where the potatoes are going this year I was a little worried cos F-in-L has planted strawbwrries at the bottom end of the bed and is planning to put rhubarb in...
  9. Victoria

    Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi Fruit)

    Hi LoL I can't answer your question but when we were in New Zealand they were selling yellow Kiwi fruits which are, apparently, a newly bred version that are much sweeter than the green ones.
    Hi LoL I can't answer your question but when we were in New Zealand they were selling yellow Kiwi fruits which are, apparently, a newly bred version that are much sweeter than the green ones.
    Hi LoL I can't answer your question but when we were in New Zealand they were selling yellow Kiwi fruits which are, apparently, a newly bred version that are much sweeter than the green ones.
    Hi LoL I can't answer your question but when we were in New Zealand they were selling yellow Kiwi fruits which are, apparently, a newly bred version that are much sweeter than the green ones.
  10. golcarlilly

    Planting fruit trees

    Thanks, it is snowing today and very thick frost, will wait till weekend and try then!
    Thanks, it is snowing today and very thick frost, will wait till weekend and try then!
    Thanks, it is snowing today and very thick frost, will wait till weekend and try then!
    Thanks, it is snowing today and very thick frost, will wait till weekend and try then!
  11. lazy-gardener

    lemon grass

    l-g, you should have no problem getting plants from your local garden centre. They will be in the herb section. I personally would leave it until next month when the fresh stock should arrive.
    l-g, you should have no problem getting plants from your local garden centre. They will be in the herb section. I personally would leave it until next month when the fresh stock should arrive.
    l-g, you should have no problem getting plants from your local garden centre. They will be in the herb section. I personally would leave it until next month when the fresh stock should arrive.
    l-g, you should have no problem getting plants from your local garden centre. They will be in the herb section. I personally would leave it until next month when the fresh stock should arrive.
  12. Blackthorn


    I didn't know that telegraph produced both pete, thanks. Now I know why I couldn't keep up with it!
    I didn't know that telegraph produced both pete, thanks. Now I know why I couldn't keep up with it!
    I didn't know that telegraph produced both pete, thanks. Now I know why I couldn't keep up with it!
    I didn't know that telegraph produced both pete, thanks. Now I know why I couldn't keep up with it!
  13. rosietutu

    Broad Beans

    Unlike most other crops its not a bad thing to plant (legumes) peas, beans etc in the same spot time after time,its considered beneficial. You know they are said to fix nitrogen? planting in the...
    Unlike most other crops its not a bad thing to plant (legumes) peas, beans etc in the same spot time after time,its considered beneficial. You know they are said to fix nitrogen? planting in the same spot allows residual nitrogen to build up in the soil,thus benefiting the plants. Tomatoes can...
    Unlike most other crops its not a bad thing to plant (legumes) peas, beans etc in the same spot time after time,its considered beneficial. You know they are said to fix nitrogen? planting in the same spot allows residual nitrogen to build up in...
    Unlike most other crops its not a bad thing to plant (legumes) peas, beans etc in the same spot time after time,its considered beneficial. You know they are said to fix nitrogen? planting in the...
  14. glenw

    soft fruit plants and veg seeds

    Thanks for that info. I have to tell you that a few years back I bought a Camellia from Aldi. It was basically a twig with only 4 leaves on it and cost 99p.Its now enormous and absolutely...
    Thanks for that info. I have to tell you that a few years back I bought a Camellia from Aldi. It was basically a twig with only 4 leaves on it and cost 99p.Its now enormous and absolutely lovely in May when it flowers.Aldi is well worth a trip I think. :D
    Thanks for that info. I have to tell you that a few years back I bought a Camellia from Aldi. It was basically a twig with only 4 leaves on it and cost 99p.Its now enormous and absolutely lovely in May when it flowers.Aldi is well worth a...
    Thanks for that info. I have to tell you that a few years back I bought a Camellia from Aldi. It was basically a twig with only 4 leaves on it and cost 99p.Its now enormous and absolutely...
  15. Blackthorn

    Unusual Tomatoes

    Don't worry. This is GC. We'll remind you.
    Don't worry. This is GC. We'll remind you.
    Don't worry. This is GC. We'll remind you.
    Don't worry. This is GC. We'll remind you.
  16. David G


    Probably three or four years Dave. Until you get anything worth while at least. The first few years need to be spent forming a good framework of stems, on which the fruiting stems will form...
    Probably three or four years Dave. Until you get anything worth while at least. The first few years need to be spent forming a good framework of stems, on which the fruiting stems will form each year. Pesume your looking to make your own wine.
    Probably three or four years Dave. Until you get anything worth while at least. The first few years need to be spent forming a good framework of stems, on which the fruiting stems will form each year. Pesume your looking to make your own wine.
    Probably three or four years Dave. Until you get anything worth while at least. The first few years need to be spent forming a good framework of stems, on which the fruiting stems will form...
  17. Helofadigger

    Any success with veg containers?

    Last year I had good results from growing a few spuds in a spring loaded garden rubbish container that was a bit past its sell by date, so plenty of drainage holes in it.They are a bit bigger...
    Last year I had good results from growing a few spuds in a spring loaded garden rubbish container that was a bit past its sell by date, so plenty of drainage holes in it.They are a bit bigger than the average tub, so the spuds had plenty of room.Nik :cool:
    Last year I had good results from growing a few spuds in a spring loaded garden rubbish container that was a bit past its sell by date, so plenty of drainage holes in it.They are a bit bigger than the average tub, so the spuds had plenty of...
    Last year I had good results from growing a few spuds in a spring loaded garden rubbish container that was a bit past its sell by date, so plenty of drainage holes in it.They are a bit bigger...
  18. golfer

    onion sets

    sowed my french onion seeds 1week ago on kitchen windowsill.just coming through.in my greenhouse have put my shallots in modules to get rooted.also my red onion sets. will be growing all mine in...
    sowed my french onion seeds 1week ago on kitchen windowsill.just coming through.in my greenhouse have put my shallots in modules to get rooted.also my red onion sets. will be growing all mine in pots in garden,
    sowed my french onion seeds 1week ago on kitchen windowsill.just coming through.in my greenhouse have put my shallots in modules to get rooted.also my red onion sets. will be growing all mine in pots in garden,
    sowed my french onion seeds 1week ago on kitchen windowsill.just coming through.in my greenhouse have put my shallots in modules to get rooted.also my red onion sets. will be growing all mine in...
  19. cajary

    Transplanting Blueberries

    Well, I didn't prune it and it's got little buds just forming at the tips. Looks like it's gonna be O.K. Thanks for the advice, guys.
    Well, I didn't prune it and it's got little buds just forming at the tips. Looks like it's gonna be O.K. Thanks for the advice, guys.
    Well, I didn't prune it and it's got little buds just forming at the tips. Looks like it's gonna be O.K. Thanks for the advice, guys.
    Well, I didn't prune it and it's got little buds just forming at the tips. Looks like it's gonna be O.K. Thanks for the advice, guys.
  20. David G

    Early potatoes

    Dave, go for it. If you don`t experiment you never learn. Plants have 2 chances, they either do or they don`t, but until you try you will never know.
    Dave, go for it. If you don`t experiment you never learn. Plants have 2 chances, they either do or they don`t, but until you try you will never know.
    Dave, go for it. If you don`t experiment you never learn. Plants have 2 chances, they either do or they don`t, but until you try you will never know.
    Dave, go for it. If you don`t experiment you never learn. Plants have 2 chances, they either do or they don`t, but until you try you will never know.

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