Edible Gardening

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  1. garden_fiend


    [ 14. January 2008, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
    [ 14. January 2008, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
    [ 14. January 2008, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
    [ 14. January 2008, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
  2. cattwoman25


    thanks for all your replys think im going to hang on till the end of feb just to be on the safe side
    thanks for all your replys think im going to hang on till the end of feb just to be on the safe side
    thanks for all your replys think im going to hang on till the end of feb just to be on the safe side
    thanks for all your replys think im going to hang on till the end of feb just to be on the safe side
  3. prettypolly


    Polly, I had one of those plastic greenhouses a few years ago which blew over when we had a very bad windy day - I spread put some pieces of paving slab we had left over on the bottom shelf and...
    Polly, I had one of those plastic greenhouses a few years ago which blew over when we had a very bad windy day - I spread put some pieces of paving slab we had left over on the bottom shelf and that did the trick - stopped it toppling over!Alas the 'greenhouse' is no more (frosts eventually...
    Polly, I had one of those plastic greenhouses a few years ago which blew over when we had a very bad windy day - I spread put some pieces of paving slab we had left over on the bottom shelf and that did the trick - stopped it toppling over!Alas...
    Polly, I had one of those plastic greenhouses a few years ago which blew over when we had a very bad windy day - I spread put some pieces of paving slab we had left over on the bottom shelf and...
  4. cajary

    Salad Leaves

    Thanks for the replies. Sorry about the delay in replying but I fell down the stairs and cracked a couple of ribs. Only just managed to get out of the recliner
    Thanks for the replies. Sorry about the delay in replying but I fell down the stairs and cracked a couple of ribs. Only just managed to get out of the recliner
    Thanks for the replies. Sorry about the delay in replying but I fell down the stairs and cracked a couple of ribs. Only just managed to get out of the recliner
    Thanks for the replies. Sorry about the delay in replying but I fell down the stairs and cracked a couple of ribs. Only just managed to get out of the recliner
  5. Barndym

    Seed Potatoes

    Dave, I`m going to try them in the compost heap this year.
    Dave, I`m going to try them in the compost heap this year.
    Dave, I`m going to try them in the compost heap this year.
    Dave, I`m going to try them in the compost heap this year.
  6. AncientGardener

    Vegetable Growers database online

    I bought the disk ages ago and have only just got around to using it looks great to me.I will start to input the data through the spring as I plant thingsYou create a basic design of your...
    I bought the disk ages ago and have only just got around to using it looks great to me.I will start to input the data through the spring as I plant thingsYou create a basic design of your garden and label all the beds with the plants seeds and other info.Dave
    I bought the disk ages ago and have only just got around to using it looks great to me.I will start to input the data through the spring as I plant thingsYou create a basic design of your garden and label all the beds with the plants seeds...
    I bought the disk ages ago and have only just got around to using it looks great to me.I will start to input the data through the spring as I plant thingsYou create a basic design of your...
  7. roders

    Dragon Fruit.

    Cheers David.. haha..
    Cheers David.. haha..
    Cheers David.. haha..
    Cheers David.. haha..
  8. lapod

    perennial cabbage

    Just come cross this interesting post. I was given a few seedlings of perennial cabbages this spring by my sister in law for me to try out. Here is the picture how they look now. They are about...
    Just come cross this interesting post. I was given a few seedlings of perennial cabbages this spring by my sister in law for me to try out. Here is the picture how they look now. They are about 80cm tall. Never grew them before, dont know how to eat them but they look really good in winter.
    Just come cross this interesting post. I was given a few seedlings of perennial cabbages this spring by my sister in law for me to try out. Here is the picture how they look now. They are about 80cm tall. Never grew them before, dont know how to...
    Just come cross this interesting post. I was given a few seedlings of perennial cabbages this spring by my sister in law for me to try out. Here is the picture how they look now. They are about...

    Collected pea and bean seeds

    If the pods won't/can't dry naturally on the plants, then try lifting the plants and hanging them upside down under cover.Incidentally, there are currently no F1 hybrid pea or bean varieties. ...
    If the pods won't/can't dry naturally on the plants, then try lifting the plants and hanging them upside down under cover.Incidentally, there are currently no F1 hybrid pea or bean varieties. Seed from all types (assuming that they came from UK suppliers) will come more or less true to type,...
    If the pods won't/can't dry naturally on the plants, then try lifting the plants and hanging them upside down under cover.Incidentally, there are currently no F1 hybrid pea or bean varieties. Seed from all types (assuming that they came from...
    If the pods won't/can't dry naturally on the plants, then try lifting the plants and hanging them upside down under cover.Incidentally, there are currently no F1 hybrid pea or bean varieties. ...
  10. Veggie Patch

    Raspberry canes in pots

    Thanks for your help.
    Thanks for your help.
    Thanks for your help.
    Thanks for your help.
  11. Dave W

    Very early Tomatoes

    Got a spare chest freezer so space is no problem, only takes seconds to reheat in microwave, never tried a dehydrator, we only like cherry toms as there is less water in them and therefore more...
    Got a spare chest freezer so space is no problem, only takes seconds to reheat in microwave, never tried a dehydrator, we only like cherry toms as there is less water in them and therefore more taste. Not sure about putting water back though, would like to know how you get on with...
    Got a spare chest freezer so space is no problem, only takes seconds to reheat in microwave, never tried a dehydrator, we only like cherry toms as there is less water in them and therefore more taste. Not sure about putting water back though,...
    Got a spare chest freezer so space is no problem, only takes seconds to reheat in microwave, never tried a dehydrator, we only like cherry toms as there is less water in them and therefore more...
  12. rosietutu

    Dwarf broad beans

    Errr.....um, dunno... maybe 'coz they looked about 2 inches-ish. Sort of. From memory. On a dark night....Hmmm..... I guess they are 3 inches then ......Which makes the cauliflower all of,...
    Errr.....um, dunno... maybe 'coz they looked about 2 inches-ish. Sort of. From memory. On a dark night....Hmmm..... I guess they are 3 inches then ......Which makes the cauliflower all of, ooh, maybe about 3/4 inch across?Aha! this must be nouvelle cuisine at it's best! Wait a...
    Errr.....um, dunno... maybe 'coz they looked about 2 inches-ish. Sort of. From memory. On a dark night....Hmmm..... I guess they are 3 inches then ......Which makes the cauliflower all of, ooh, maybe about 3/4 inch across?Aha!...
    Errr.....um, dunno... maybe 'coz they looked about 2 inches-ish. Sort of. From memory. On a dark night....Hmmm..... I guess they are 3 inches then ......Which makes the cauliflower all of,...
  13. intermiplants

    when to plant red/black currant

    in my first year of growing black/red currant and bought them late summer what month should i see the first bit of growth as i heard they are early starters ;)
    in my first year of growing black/red currant and bought them late summer what month should i see the first bit of growth as i heard they are early starters ;)
    in my first year of growing black/red currant and bought them late summer what month should i see the first bit of growth as i heard they are early starters ;)
    in my first year of growing black/red currant and bought them late summer what month should i see the first bit of growth as i heard they are early starters ;)
  14. stickman

    edible hedge

    goji berries are also hardy to -15 degree, they should be fine in uk.
    goji berries are also hardy to -15 degree, they should be fine in uk.
    goji berries are also hardy to -15 degree, they should be fine in uk.
    goji berries are also hardy to -15 degree, they should be fine in uk.
  15. shiney

    Chillies perennial/evergreen?

    I tried basil (sweet basil - don't know if that is "Italian type"), but it didn't distract the bugs from wrecking my chillies!
    I tried basil (sweet basil - don't know if that is "Italian type"), but it didn't distract the bugs from wrecking my chillies!
    I tried basil (sweet basil - don't know if that is "Italian type"), but it didn't distract the bugs from wrecking my chillies!
    I tried basil (sweet basil - don't know if that is "Italian type"), but it didn't distract the bugs from wrecking my chillies!
  16. shiney

    Today's Chilli Crop

    Fastboy. I haven't actually looked at your sites but I asked an ex colleague (now a friend) who is a toxicologist, about botulism in preserved chilis.He agrees that you can get botulism from...
    Fastboy. I haven't actually looked at your sites but I asked an ex colleague (now a friend) who is a toxicologist, about botulism in preserved chilis.He agrees that you can get botulism from preserved anything. The secret is in the preserving and is more likely to arise from keeping...
    Fastboy. I haven't actually looked at your sites but I asked an ex colleague (now a friend) who is a toxicologist, about botulism in preserved chilis.He agrees that you can get botulism from preserved anything. The secret is in the preserving...
    Fastboy. I haven't actually looked at your sites but I asked an ex colleague (now a friend) who is a toxicologist, about botulism in preserved chilis.He agrees that you can get botulism from...
  17. David G

    Cucumber Wilt:: Now the Clean up begins

    Hi again folks, nice banter ;) . I was always under the impression that cuccumbers needed high humidity. I seem to remember reading that trying to grow both crops(Q`s & T`s)in the same g/house was...
    Hi again folks, nice banter ;) . I was always under the impression that cuccumbers needed high humidity. I seem to remember reading that trying to grow both crops(Q`s & T`s)in the same g/house was not an easy task, hmmm....Tescos eh ? Cheers...freddy.
    Hi again folks, nice banter ;) . I was always under the impression that cuccumbers needed high humidity. I seem to remember reading that trying to grow both crops(Q`s & T`s)in the same g/house was not an easy task, hmmm....Tescos eh ? ...
    Hi again folks, nice banter ;) . I was always under the impression that cuccumbers needed high humidity. I seem to remember reading that trying to grow both crops(Q`s & T`s)in the same g/house was...
  18. smallangryboy

    Edible Vine is looking sorry for itself

    Trust me if you lived in central scotland like me you wouldnt even have attempted to plant that outside or even in an unheated greenhouse. The most exotic I grow in my unheated greenhouse was...
    Trust me if you lived in central scotland like me you wouldnt even have attempted to plant that outside or even in an unheated greenhouse. The most exotic I grow in my unheated greenhouse was italian peppers. Which is pretty dismal.
    Trust me if you lived in central scotland like me you wouldnt even have attempted to plant that outside or even in an unheated greenhouse. The most exotic I grow in my unheated greenhouse was italian peppers. Which is pretty dismal.
    Trust me if you lived in central scotland like me you wouldnt even have attempted to plant that outside or even in an unheated greenhouse. The most exotic I grow in my unheated greenhouse was...
  19. buzzbuzz

    Frost & Potatoes

    They may still ripen up slightly with the availible water in the soil, so i wouldnt dig them up yet, unless ofcourse you are thinking about using the space for shallots or something.
    They may still ripen up slightly with the availible water in the soil, so i wouldnt dig them up yet, unless ofcourse you are thinking about using the space for shallots or something.
    They may still ripen up slightly with the availible water in the soil, so i wouldnt dig them up yet, unless ofcourse you are thinking about using the space for shallots or something.
    They may still ripen up slightly with the availible water in the soil, so i wouldnt dig them up yet, unless ofcourse you are thinking about using the space for shallots or something.
  20. elainefiz

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