Edible Gardening

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  1. josephine

    Vegetable protection

    Hi Josephine,If it is getting that bad then yes you might as well raise the netting.Some people on our allotments make up a framework from old pieces of wood like battons,and then they drape the...
    Hi Josephine,If it is getting that bad then yes you might as well raise the netting.Some people on our allotments make up a framework from old pieces of wood like battons,and then they drape the netting over the top and hold it down with bricks or stones.If you have a look at Plotty's thread...
    Hi Josephine,If it is getting that bad then yes you might as well raise the netting.Some people on our allotments make up a framework from old pieces of wood like battons,and then they drape the netting over the top and hold it down with bricks...
    Hi Josephine,If it is getting that bad then yes you might as well raise the netting.Some people on our allotments make up a framework from old pieces of wood like battons,and then they drape the...
  2. Prastio

    River bank vegetables

    Celery -particularly the self blanching that would be harvested before the winter.
    Celery -particularly the self blanching that would be harvested before the winter.
    Celery -particularly the self blanching that would be harvested before the winter.
    Celery -particularly the self blanching that would be harvested before the winter.
  3. Roger Wilko

    Asparagus Tips

    Seems I should have looked at Dave W's link, thanks Dave
    Seems I should have looked at Dave W's link, thanks Dave
    Seems I should have looked at Dave W's link, thanks Dave
    Seems I should have looked at Dave W's link, thanks Dave
  4. roders

    Cucumbers .....Good Year.

    Just picked the last three ridge (bobbly ones) in our little polytunnel. It certainly has been a pretty good year for cucumbers, we had three Femspot F1s in the GH and one in the tunnel as well as...
    Just picked the last three ridge (bobbly ones) in our little polytunnel. It certainly has been a pretty good year for cucumbers, we had three Femspot F1s in the GH and one in the tunnel as well as three ridge cucumbers in the tunnel. The ones in the tunnel grown in soil cropped much better and...
    Just picked the last three ridge (bobbly ones) in our little polytunnel. It certainly has been a pretty good year for cucumbers, we had three Femspot F1s in the GH and one in the tunnel as well as three ridge cucumbers in the tunnel. The ones in...
    Just picked the last three ridge (bobbly ones) in our little polytunnel. It certainly has been a pretty good year for cucumbers, we had three Femspot F1s in the GH and one in the tunnel as well as...
  5. Quaedor36

    Raspberry canes - Summer or Autumn?

    You are correct, raspberies are usualy defined by their normal fruiting period. However many plants dont do what you expect them to do and you can manipulate them to fruit at different times....
    You are correct, raspberies are usualy defined by their normal fruiting period. However many plants dont do what you expect them to do and you can manipulate them to fruit at different times. Autumn fruiters will fruit on old canes the following June if not cut back and by cutting back by varing...
    You are correct, raspberies are usualy defined by their normal fruiting period. However many plants dont do what you expect them to do and you can manipulate them to fruit at different times. Autumn fruiters will fruit on old canes the following...
    You are correct, raspberies are usualy defined by their normal fruiting period. However many plants dont do what you expect them to do and you can manipulate them to fruit at different times....
  6. harrydee

    Crab apple

    Try throwing a couple of chillies into some of it when boiling Harry. Superb with cheese.
    Try throwing a couple of chillies into some of it when boiling Harry. Superb with cheese.
    Try throwing a couple of chillies into some of it when boiling Harry. Superb with cheese.
    Try throwing a couple of chillies into some of it when boiling Harry. Superb with cheese.
  7. elainefiz

    We wanna be together.

    I've heard that putting them in the freezer has the same effect. One of the reasons why frozen tastes slightly different from fresh.
    I've heard that putting them in the freezer has the same effect. One of the reasons why frozen tastes slightly different from fresh.
    I've heard that putting them in the freezer has the same effect. One of the reasons why frozen tastes slightly different from fresh.
    I've heard that putting them in the freezer has the same effect. One of the reasons why frozen tastes slightly different from fresh.
  8. willow13

    black salsify (scorzonera)

    Hi willow13, I grew these a couple of years back and although they didn't grow very big they were really tasty. Which site did you get your info from? I'd like to have a look to see if I can...
    Hi willow13, I grew these a couple of years back and although they didn't grow very big they were really tasty. Which site did you get your info from? I'd like to have a look to see if I can improve on my first effort.
    Hi willow13, I grew these a couple of years back and although they didn't grow very big they were really tasty. Which site did you get your info from? I'd like to have a look to see if I can improve on my first effort.
    Hi willow13, I grew these a couple of years back and although they didn't grow very big they were really tasty. Which site did you get your info from? I'd like to have a look to see if I can...
  9. compost maker


    cajary, I would like to grow some blueberries. what size of pot did you get three into or were they in different pots, any suggestions about other varieties to mix with top hat.
    cajary, I would like to grow some blueberries. what size of pot did you get three into or were they in different pots, any suggestions about other varieties to mix with top hat.
    cajary, I would like to grow some blueberries. what size of pot did you get three into or were they in different pots, any suggestions about other varieties to mix with top hat.
    cajary, I would like to grow some blueberries. what size of pot did you get three into or were they in different pots, any suggestions about other varieties to mix with top hat.
  10. roders

    Can we speed up the ripening of tomatoes?

    You could try using a litre from this:eek: maybe not ............ banana skins would be cheaper
    You could try using a litre from this:eek: maybe not ............ banana skins would be cheaper
    You could try using a litre from this:eek: maybe not ............ banana skins would be cheaper
    You could try using a litre from this:eek: maybe not ............ banana skins would be cheaper
  11. Freddy

    Veggy Book

    Hi NurseWhen, yeah, I had a few of his books around 20 years ago before I stopped growing veggies. It looks like I`m gonna be moving to a house with a large garden shortly so I`ll be able to get...
    Hi NurseWhen, yeah, I had a few of his books around 20 years ago before I stopped growing veggies. It looks like I`m gonna be moving to a house with a large garden shortly so I`ll be able to get things going again on the veggy front, hence the book. Just thought I`d spread the word ;) ...
    Hi NurseWhen, yeah, I had a few of his books around 20 years ago before I stopped growing veggies. It looks like I`m gonna be moving to a house with a large garden shortly so I`ll be able to get things going again on the veggy front, hence the...
    Hi NurseWhen, yeah, I had a few of his books around 20 years ago before I stopped growing veggies. It looks like I`m gonna be moving to a house with a large garden shortly so I`ll be able to get...
  12. roders

    Fresh Veg.

    Don't know whats going on with your forking veg Roders :D
    Don't know whats going on with your forking veg Roders :D
    Don't know whats going on with your forking veg Roders :D
    Don't know whats going on with your forking veg Roders :D
  13. Mark B

    How do you make a raised veg bed

    Any thing can be grown in a raised bed
    Any thing can be grown in a raised bed
    Any thing can be grown in a raised bed
    Any thing can be grown in a raised bed
  14. rosietutu


    Hi Kathy New growth late Oct is unusual but we have had such a mild time just recently with our Indian summer that I think the plants and bushes have thought it was spring again! They'll wise up...
    Hi Kathy New growth late Oct is unusual but we have had such a mild time just recently with our Indian summer that I think the plants and bushes have thought it was spring again! They'll wise up after a few frosts no doubt. John
    Hi Kathy New growth late Oct is unusual but we have had such a mild time just recently with our Indian summer that I think the plants and bushes have thought it was spring again! They'll wise up after a few frosts no doubt. John
    Hi Kathy New growth late Oct is unusual but we have had such a mild time just recently with our Indian summer that I think the plants and bushes have thought it was spring again! They'll wise up...
  15. Celia

    first sprouts

    Ate our first ones on Friday.The plants are a little shorter than I would like but the sprouts are fine
    Ate our first ones on Friday.The plants are a little shorter than I would like but the sprouts are fine
    Ate our first ones on Friday.The plants are a little shorter than I would like but the sprouts are fine
    Ate our first ones on Friday.The plants are a little shorter than I would like but the sprouts are fine
  16. Roger Wilko

    Leeks going to seed

    A few of mine have bolted - I put it down to the wet weather
    A few of mine have bolted - I put it down to the wet weather
    A few of mine have bolted - I put it down to the wet weather
    A few of mine have bolted - I put it down to the wet weather
  17. pansypotter


    Breakfast this morning and delicious too! Ogen melon - unfortunately the last one this year :(
    Breakfast this morning and delicious too! Ogen melon - unfortunately the last one this year :(
    Breakfast this morning and delicious too! Ogen melon - unfortunately the last one this year :(
    Breakfast this morning and delicious too! Ogen melon - unfortunately the last one this year :(
  18. 1eyedjack

    Aubergine post mortem

    I tried aubergines this year as well, as I was given a couple of plants - similar story, although mine didn't even grow very big, got a few flowers but no fruits. I had them in half grow-bags in...
    I tried aubergines this year as well, as I was given a couple of plants - similar story, although mine didn't even grow very big, got a few flowers but no fruits. I had them in half grow-bags in a mini-greenhouse but everything got too big so I had to leave the door open all the time! I didn't...
    I tried aubergines this year as well, as I was given a couple of plants - similar story, although mine didn't even grow very big, got a few flowers but no fruits. I had them in half grow-bags in a mini-greenhouse but everything got too big so I...
    I tried aubergines this year as well, as I was given a couple of plants - similar story, although mine didn't even grow very big, got a few flowers but no fruits. I had them in half grow-bags in...
  19. kryssy

    Lumpy marrows/courgettes

    I had the self-same problem this year. Three of my courgette plants had this, and the leaves went very small, yellowish, and crinkly. We ate the courgettes anyway, and still alive. The fourth...
    I had the self-same problem this year. Three of my courgette plants had this, and the leaves went very small, yellowish, and crinkly. We ate the courgettes anyway, and still alive. The fourth plant was unaffected, and is still producing, whereas the other three have rotted away completely while...
    I had the self-same problem this year. Three of my courgette plants had this, and the leaves went very small, yellowish, and crinkly. We ate the courgettes anyway, and still alive. The fourth plant was unaffected, and is still producing, whereas...
    I had the self-same problem this year. Three of my courgette plants had this, and the leaves went very small, yellowish, and crinkly. We ate the courgettes anyway, and still alive. The fourth...
  20. Roger Wilko

    loganberries, tayberries & boysenberries

    I'm not keen on loganberries - the hulls are too much and they seem to go mouldy before they ripen properly. Tayberries - I've grown several over the years, with the same result - 1 or 2 years of...
    I'm not keen on loganberries - the hulls are too much and they seem to go mouldy before they ripen properly. Tayberries - I've grown several over the years, with the same result - 1 or 2 years of great abundance then a reversion to small acrop of small fruit. Never tried a boysenberry, but...
    I'm not keen on loganberries - the hulls are too much and they seem to go mouldy before they ripen properly. Tayberries - I've grown several over the years, with the same result - 1 or 2 years of great abundance then a reversion to small acrop of...
    I'm not keen on loganberries - the hulls are too much and they seem to go mouldy before they ripen properly. Tayberries - I've grown several over the years, with the same result - 1 or 2 years of...

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