Garden Projects and DIY

What Projects Do You Have Going? Are you making something yourself ?Let us see what you've got going on.

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  1. HarryS

    RCD Pump Prob ?

    Some times it's something simple :dbgrtmb:
    Some times it's something simple :dbgrtmb:
    Some times it's something simple :dbgrtmb:
    Some times it's something simple :dbgrtmb:
  2. Loofah
    Like x 7

    A nature pond

    Spirogyra ? Cheers, Tony.
    Spirogyra ? Cheers, Tony.
    Spirogyra ? Cheers, Tony.
    Spirogyra ? Cheers, Tony.
  3. sparsons92287
    Like x 3

    My Gardening Project

    Take a look at GC's Rose thread below, there's some beautiful roses to choose from......
    Take a look at GC's Rose thread below, there's some beautiful roses to choose from......
    Take a look at GC's Rose thread below, there's some beautiful roses to choose from......
    Take a look at GC's Rose thread below, there's some beautiful roses to choose from......
  4. luciusmaximus

    Lavender and Buddleia Garden v Hydrangeas

    I've now managed to clear the bank of most of the weeds - what fun that was :rolleyespink: I have been given a large, cast iron, roll top bath and a small belfast sink. So, I'm considering using the bath and...
    I've now managed to clear the bank of most of the weeds - what fun that was :rolleyespink: I have been given a large, cast iron, roll top bath and a small belfast sink. So, I'm considering using the bath and sink as features, sort of a garden within a garden. I looked at pics online of old baths used as...
    I've now managed to clear the bank of most of the weeds - what fun that was :rolleyespink: I have been given a large, cast iron, roll top bath and a small belfast sink. So, I'm considering using the bath and sink as features, sort of a garden within a garden....
    I've now managed to clear the bank of most of the weeds - what fun that was :rolleyespink: I have been given a large, cast iron, roll top bath and a small belfast sink. So, I'm considering using the bath and...
  5. Kristen

    Creating and Planting Significant Banks

    Thanks JJ, but I'd struggle to get my concrete rubble into something that size! the ones I had looked at come ins sizes up to 2M x 1M x 1M
    Thanks JJ, but I'd struggle to get my concrete rubble into something that size! the ones I had looked at come ins sizes up to 2M x 1M x 1M
    Thanks JJ, but I'd struggle to get my concrete rubble into something that size! the ones I had looked at come ins sizes up to 2M x 1M x 1M
    Thanks JJ, but I'd struggle to get my concrete rubble into something that size! the ones I had looked at come ins sizes up to 2M x 1M x 1M
  6. mr c

    at the Old Mill

    I still miss the countryside and open space of Scotland - will always be one of the prettiest parts of the world to me. You've a lovely home there :)
    I still miss the countryside and open space of Scotland - will always be one of the prettiest parts of the world to me. You've a lovely home there :)
    I still miss the countryside and open space of Scotland - will always be one of the prettiest parts of the world to me. You've a lovely home there :)
    I still miss the countryside and open space of Scotland - will always be one of the prettiest parts of the world to me. You've a lovely home there :)
  7. marjoriesseedling

    Draining wet garden

    Paving Expert has some good info on laying land drains:
    Paving Expert has some good info on laying land drains:
    Paving Expert has some good info on laying land drains:
    Paving Expert has some good info on laying land drains:
  8. cirrus

    rendering a garden wall

    Hi John K render does keep colour but you can paint as I have done just to keep it white. I dont see builder now to ask. It is used on outside of houses so should not crack for 10 years or more...
    Hi John K render does keep colour but you can paint as I have done just to keep it white. I dont see builder now to ask. It is used on outside of houses so should not crack for 10 years or more but just wanted to know if I could put the soil to near the top of the wall but it would be touching...
    Hi John K render does keep colour but you can paint as I have done just to keep it white. I dont see builder now to ask. It is used on outside of houses so should not crack for 10 years or more but just wanted to know if I could put the soil to...
    Hi John K render does keep colour but you can paint as I have done just to keep it white. I dont see builder now to ask. It is used on outside of houses so should not crack for 10 years or more...
  9. Palustris
    Like x 4

    This Week's Work

    The moles may return, but at least they cannot burrow into that section. They would have to begin in it. There is no access for them from other parts of the garden. The cobbled path is original....
    The moles may return, but at least they cannot burrow into that section. They would have to begin in it. There is no access for them from other parts of the garden. The cobbled path is original. We discovered it under a foot of leaf mould when we were clearing the garden. It may well have been...
    The moles may return, but at least they cannot burrow into that section. They would have to begin in it. There is no access for them from other parts of the garden. The cobbled path is original. We discovered it under a foot of leaf mould when we...
    The moles may return, but at least they cannot burrow into that section. They would have to begin in it. There is no access for them from other parts of the garden. The cobbled path is original....
  10. Samuel_1988

    How to maximise the space in my shed?

    Thanks for your replies everyone.Food for thought!
    Thanks for your replies everyone.Food for thought!
    Thanks for your replies everyone.Food for thought!
    Thanks for your replies everyone.Food for thought!
  11. SimonW
    Like x 14

    10,000 square feet of sweat, blood and happiness

    Lots more work done in the garden this week. I never thought I could find gardening quite as engaging. The work is hard but the rewards are well worth it. I'm not a morning person but I wake up...
    Lots more work done in the garden this week. I never thought I could find gardening quite as engaging. The work is hard but the rewards are well worth it. I'm not a morning person but I wake up thinking of the garden and the seeds I have planted. Before work I have a stroll to see how things are...
    Lots more work done in the garden this week. I never thought I could find gardening quite as engaging. The work is hard but the rewards are well worth it. I'm not a morning person but I wake up thinking of the garden and the seeds I have planted....
    Lots more work done in the garden this week. I never thought I could find gardening quite as engaging. The work is hard but the rewards are well worth it. I'm not a morning person but I wake up...
  12. bmk
    Like x 6


    The terracotta, if it matches the brick wall will probably work. :)
    The terracotta, if it matches the brick wall will probably work. :)
    The terracotta, if it matches the brick wall will probably work. :)
    The terracotta, if it matches the brick wall will probably work. :)
  13. bmk

    Any suggestions for this

    Yeah, First thing I've ever built that size, and first fence too. Jigsaw, circular saw and plenty of patience!
    Yeah, First thing I've ever built that size, and first fence too. Jigsaw, circular saw and plenty of patience!
    Yeah, First thing I've ever built that size, and first fence too. Jigsaw, circular saw and plenty of patience!
    Yeah, First thing I've ever built that size, and first fence too. Jigsaw, circular saw and plenty of patience!
  14. redstar

    How to refurbish French doors!

    well, guess we will never know the outcome of the doors.
    well, guess we will never know the outcome of the doors.
    well, guess we will never know the outcome of the doors.
    well, guess we will never know the outcome of the doors.
  15. clueless1

    How can I make this work?

    Been thinking...yeah yeah yeah I know it's dangerous:rolleyespink: but instead of any mechanics would a 'tube' hidden infront of the 'landing area' leading from some kind of camouflaged heavy duty ,slightly...
    Been thinking...yeah yeah yeah I know it's dangerous:rolleyespink: but instead of any mechanics would a 'tube' hidden infront of the 'landing area' leading from some kind of camouflaged heavy duty ,slightly buried,inflatable 'cushion' containing the water work? there needs to be a small platform to jump...
    Been thinking...yeah yeah yeah I know it's dangerous:rolleyespink: but instead of any mechanics would a 'tube' hidden infront of the 'landing area' leading from some kind of camouflaged heavy duty ,slightly buried,inflatable 'cushion' containing the water...
    Been thinking...yeah yeah yeah I know it's dangerous:rolleyespink: but instead of any mechanics would a 'tube' hidden infront of the 'landing area' leading from some kind of camouflaged heavy duty ,slightly...
  16. rustyroots
    Like x 4

    Front garden.

    My back is ok today. I slathered it in ibuprofen gel last night, it's a bit tight in places, but I will not have time to do anymore until Friday afternoon so I will have a few days rest.Rusty
    My back is ok today. I slathered it in ibuprofen gel last night, it's a bit tight in places, but I will not have time to do anymore until Friday afternoon so I will have a few days rest.Rusty
    My back is ok today. I slathered it in ibuprofen gel last night, it's a bit tight in places, but I will not have time to do anymore until Friday afternoon so I will have a few days rest.Rusty
    My back is ok today. I slathered it in ibuprofen gel last night, it's a bit tight in places, but I will not have time to do anymore until Friday afternoon so I will have a few days rest.Rusty
  17. luciusmaximus

    Belfast sinks into wildlife pond

    I think for it to be an effective wildlife pond, it needs a number of things:* Easy access for creatures to get in, to get a drink or a bath * An easy way for them to get back out, so they don't...
    I think for it to be an effective wildlife pond, it needs a number of things:* Easy access for creatures to get in, to get a drink or a bath * An easy way for them to get back out, so they don't fall in and drown. A few well placed rounded rocks placed inside the sink at one side should sort...
    I think for it to be an effective wildlife pond, it needs a number of things:* Easy access for creatures to get in, to get a drink or a bath * An easy way for them to get back out, so they don't fall in and drown. A few well placed rounded...
    I think for it to be an effective wildlife pond, it needs a number of things:* Easy access for creatures to get in, to get a drink or a bath * An easy way for them to get back out, so they don't...
  18. clueless1
    Like x 7

    My latest garden project

    Absolutley brilliant!
    Absolutley brilliant!
    Absolutley brilliant!
    Absolutley brilliant!
  19. Clueless76
    Like x 6

    New pergola :)

    Reading up about the zepherine it said prone to disease so discounted it, this will be my first rose so any advice is more than welcome :)
    Reading up about the zepherine it said prone to disease so discounted it, this will be my first rose so any advice is more than welcome :)
    Reading up about the zepherine it said prone to disease so discounted it, this will be my first rose so any advice is more than welcome :)
    Reading up about the zepherine it said prone to disease so discounted it, this will be my first rose so any advice is more than welcome :)
  20. Banana Man
    Like x 3

    New Wet Bed :D

    I don't think my pics are still on GC from 8 years ago but yes they are awesome plants. The pics above are just spring growth, by the end of the season they are enormous lol :D
    I don't think my pics are still on GC from 8 years ago but yes they are awesome plants. The pics above are just spring growth, by the end of the season they are enormous lol :D
    I don't think my pics are still on GC from 8 years ago but yes they are awesome plants. The pics above are just spring growth, by the end of the season they are enormous lol :D
    I don't think my pics are still on GC from 8 years ago but yes they are awesome plants. The pics above are just spring growth, by the end of the season they are enormous lol :D

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