Garden Projects and DIY

What Projects Do You Have Going? Are you making something yourself ?Let us see what you've got going on.

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  1. moonraker

    PLan Plan & then plan again

    Evening all, First i'd like to say thanks for all the people who took the trouble to read what ive had to say ref the new to gardening people. Again this next bit is aimed at trying to help...
    Evening all, First i'd like to say thanks for all the people who took the trouble to read what ive had to say ref the new to gardening people. Again this next bit is aimed at trying to help those "new to the allotment or indeed the garden. To be able to plan or look ahead is always a good...
    Evening all, First i'd like to say thanks for all the people who took the trouble to read what ive had to say ref the new to gardening people. Again this next bit is aimed at trying to help those "new to the allotment or indeed the garden. ...
    Evening all, First i'd like to say thanks for all the people who took the trouble to read what ive had to say ref the new to gardening people. Again this next bit is aimed at trying to help...
  2. ccmiller

    latest update to garden renovation.

    will definitely grab photos before i start again tomorrow, it's too dark now to get any decent ones.
    will definitely grab photos before i start again tomorrow, it's too dark now to get any decent ones.
    will definitely grab photos before i start again tomorrow, it's too dark now to get any decent ones.
    will definitely grab photos before i start again tomorrow, it's too dark now to get any decent ones.
  3. Jack McHammocklashing

    More questions re bringing up inert soil

    Sounds a better bet Jack, i'm not a great believer in raised beds, they are a tree to keep watered in a dry summer. While you are digging, bear in mind what I said about trenches for the spuds,...
    Sounds a better bet Jack, i'm not a great believer in raised beds, they are a tree to keep watered in a dry summer. While you are digging, bear in mind what I said about trenches for the spuds, silly to dig the whole lot over and then have to dig out trenches afterwards, dig the trenches then...
    Sounds a better bet Jack, i'm not a great believer in raised beds, they are a tree to keep watered in a dry summer. While you are digging, bear in mind what I said about trenches for the spuds, silly to dig the whole lot over and then have to...
    Sounds a better bet Jack, i'm not a great believer in raised beds, they are a tree to keep watered in a dry summer. While you are digging, bear in mind what I said about trenches for the spuds,...
  4. chitting kaz
    Like x 7

    my garden so far

    Any Chance of Helping me Cuz i am Dangerus :loll: :heehee: :heehee: :loll: YOU Have Done a Lovely Job :cool:
    Any Chance of Helping me Cuz i am Dangerus :loll: :heehee: :heehee: :loll: YOU Have Done a Lovely Job :cool:
    Any Chance of Helping me Cuz i am Dangerus :loll: :heehee: :heehee: :loll: YOU Have Done a Lovely Job :cool:
    Any Chance of Helping me Cuz i am Dangerus :loll: :heehee: :heehee: :loll: YOU Have Done a Lovely Job :cool:
  5. clueless1

    How much to plough a field?

    I've done various bits with most of the land, but there is a flat bit that I call the top field (the only bit that you can really get heavy machinery onto, due to the shape of the land). So far,...
    I've done various bits with most of the land, but there is a flat bit that I call the top field (the only bit that you can really get heavy machinery onto, due to the shape of the land). So far, I've done nothing with that bit apart from trying to keep the thistles, nettles, gorse and bracken...
    I've done various bits with most of the land, but there is a flat bit that I call the top field (the only bit that you can really get heavy machinery onto, due to the shape of the land). So far, I've done nothing with that bit apart from trying...
    I've done various bits with most of the land, but there is a flat bit that I call the top field (the only bit that you can really get heavy machinery onto, due to the shape of the land). So far,...
  6. thomasscott

    clay soil

    Totally agree with Ziggy and Spruce - loads of organic material and sharp sand and/or gravel. I put more of an explanation in this thread.
    Totally agree with Ziggy and Spruce - loads of organic material and sharp sand and/or gravel. I put more of an explanation in this thread.
    Totally agree with Ziggy and Spruce - loads of organic material and sharp sand and/or gravel. I put more of an explanation in this thread.
    Totally agree with Ziggy and Spruce - loads of organic material and sharp sand and/or gravel. I put more of an explanation in this thread.
  7. floydie-pink
    Like x 4

    My garden project

    Just shows what can be done in 7 months doesnt it :D. Its been lots of hard work but now i can walk round and think I did this :D.
    Just shows what can be done in 7 months doesnt it :D. Its been lots of hard work but now i can walk round and think I did this :D.
    Just shows what can be done in 7 months doesnt it :D. Its been lots of hard work but now i can walk round and think I did this :D.
    Just shows what can be done in 7 months doesnt it :D. Its been lots of hard work but now i can walk round and think I did this :D.
  8. Webmaster
    Like x 13

    Our 'Tipsy' plant pots

    Here are my 2 versions of the tipsy pots. Thanks again for the brill idea!!!
    Here are my 2 versions of the tipsy pots. Thanks again for the brill idea!!!
    Here are my 2 versions of the tipsy pots. Thanks again for the brill idea!!!
    Here are my 2 versions of the tipsy pots. Thanks again for the brill idea!!!
    garden2011 008.jpg garden2011 009.jpg
  9. Steve R

    Cumbrian Garden Project

    Thanks Gorgeous ! :o
    Thanks Gorgeous ! :o
    Thanks Gorgeous ! :o
    Thanks Gorgeous ! :o
  10. Little Miss Road Rage

    Need help with my project

    It was new out this year :gnthb:
    It was new out this year :gnthb:
    It was new out this year :gnthb:
    It was new out this year :gnthb:
  11. John78

    Two projects to get my teeth into - and I'm new to this!

    It's all looking very smart John. A job well done
    It's all looking very smart John. A job well done
    It's all looking very smart John. A job well done
    It's all looking very smart John. A job well done
  12. Webmaster

    Advice please ...

    If the area of lawn that you want to raise is not too big, it would be good to big patch of turf still attached on one side. That way it will re-estbalish much quicker than if you lift it...
    If the area of lawn that you want to raise is not too big, it would be good to big patch of turf still attached on one side. That way it will re-estbalish much quicker than if you lift it completely and relay.Not very practical for big areas of course.
    If the area of lawn that you want to raise is not too big, it would be good to big patch of turf still attached on one side. That way it will re-estbalish much quicker than if you lift it completely and relay.Not very practical for big areas of...
    If the area of lawn that you want to raise is not too big, it would be good to big patch of turf still attached on one side. That way it will re-estbalish much quicker than if you lift it...
  13. mgn

    my garden progress thread

    oh and i bought some 'throw and grow' seeds as well, and found some old ones in my cupboard. not sure if they go out of date though?got: potentila, echinops, aquilegia, dianthus, sweet sultan ...
    oh and i bought some 'throw and grow' seeds as well, and found some old ones in my cupboard. not sure if they go out of date though?got: potentila, echinops, aquilegia, dianthus, sweet sultan and sweet peas.
    oh and i bought some 'throw and grow' seeds as well, and found some old ones in my cupboard. not sure if they go out of date though?got: potentila, echinops, aquilegia, dianthus, sweet sultan and sweet peas.
    oh and i bought some 'throw and grow' seeds as well, and found some old ones in my cupboard. not sure if they go out of date though?got: potentila, echinops, aquilegia, dianthus, sweet sultan ...
  14. tiggs&oscar

    Solar Water Feature

    I googled before i made my comment, hozelock seem to be the only ones supplying a "low voltage" need to worry about the transformer, if you buy a low voltage pump it comes equiped with a...
    I googled before i made my comment, hozelock seem to be the only ones supplying a "low voltage" need to worry about the transformer, if you buy a low voltage pump it comes equiped with a suitable transfomer, probably sealed anyway.i wouldn't touch one with a barge pole though (just...
    I googled before i made my comment, hozelock seem to be the only ones supplying a "low voltage" need to worry about the transformer, if you buy a low voltage pump it comes equiped with a suitable transfomer, probably sealed anyway.i...
    I googled before i made my comment, hozelock seem to be the only ones supplying a "low voltage" need to worry about the transformer, if you buy a low voltage pump it comes equiped with a...
  15. Webmaster

    What Projects have you done/are you doing ????

    :D Flowers are better than nasty flag stones any day..... Very nice... :D
    :D Flowers are better than nasty flag stones any day..... Very nice... :D
    :D Flowers are better than nasty flag stones any day..... Very nice... :D
    :D Flowers are better than nasty flag stones any day..... Very nice... :D

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