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  1. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Chris Beardshaw designs community show garden

    RHS Cardiff Show is host to the first of a number of gardening displays with Groundwork, a regeneration charity, featuring at all RHS shows in 2012.Continue reading...
    RHS Cardiff Show is host to the first of a number of gardening displays with Groundwork, a regeneration charity, featuring at all RHS shows in 2012.Continue reading...
    RHS Cardiff Show is host to the first of a number of gardening displays with Groundwork, a regeneration charity, featuring at all RHS shows in 2012.Continue reading...
    RHS Cardiff Show is host to the first of a number of gardening displays with Groundwork, a regeneration charity, featuring at all RHS shows in 2012.Continue reading...
  2. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Young School Gardener of the Year launch

    Don't miss the launch of the new Young School Gardener of the Year Competition at the RHS Show Cardiff.Continue reading...
    Don't miss the launch of the new Young School Gardener of the Year Competition at the RHS Show Cardiff.Continue reading...
    Don't miss the launch of the new Young School Gardener of the Year Competition at the RHS Show Cardiff.Continue reading...
    Don't miss the launch of the new Young School Gardener of the Year Competition at the RHS Show Cardiff.Continue reading...
  3. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Ventnor Botanic Garden under new management

    if you don't wish to see these posts you can exclude them from the "What's New?" page by going here and ticking the box next to "Gardening News RRS Feeds"(which is a spelling mistake:heehee:) and then...
    if you don't wish to see these posts you can exclude them from the "What's New?" page by going here and ticking the box next to "Gardening News RRS Feeds"(which is a spelling mistake:heehee:) and then clicking save
    if you don't wish to see these posts you can exclude them from the "What's New?" page by going here and ticking the box next to "Gardening News RRS Feeds"(which is a spelling mistake:heehee:) and then clicking save
    if you don't wish to see these posts you can exclude them from the "What's New?" page by going here and ticking the box next to "Gardening News RRS Feeds"(which is a spelling mistake:heehee:) and then...
  4. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Chris Beardshaw and Groundwork

    Broadcaster Chris Beardshaw will be working at the show with the charity Groundwork UKContinue reading...
    Broadcaster Chris Beardshaw will be working at the show with the charity Groundwork UKContinue reading...
    Broadcaster Chris Beardshaw will be working at the show with the charity Groundwork UKContinue reading...
    Broadcaster Chris Beardshaw will be working at the show with the charity Groundwork UKContinue reading...
  5. News feed | RHS Gardening

    A feast for rose lovers

    Romance & roses is a heady combination and our 2012 theme to celebrate this popular plant.Continue reading...
    Romance & roses is a heady combination and our 2012 theme to celebrate this popular plant.Continue reading...
    Romance & roses is a heady combination and our 2012 theme to celebrate this popular plant.Continue reading...
    Romance & roses is a heady combination and our 2012 theme to celebrate this popular plant.Continue reading...
  6. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Sweet pea zealot's first Hampton

    Roger Parsons will be exhibiting his sweet peas collection for the first time in the Floral Marquee at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.Continue reading...
    Roger Parsons will be exhibiting his sweet peas collection for the first time in the Floral Marquee at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.Continue reading...
    Roger Parsons will be exhibiting his sweet peas collection for the first time in the Floral Marquee at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.Continue reading...
    Roger Parsons will be exhibiting his sweet peas collection for the first time in the Floral Marquee at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.Continue reading...
  7. News feed | RHS Gardening

    New at Hampton Court for 2012

    New, exciting features to visit at this year's RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower ShowContinue reading...
    New, exciting features to visit at this year's RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower ShowContinue reading...
    New, exciting features to visit at this year's RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower ShowContinue reading...
    New, exciting features to visit at this year's RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower ShowContinue reading...
  8. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Step into spring

    Head for the Floral Marquees to see a spring spectacle of displays, including daffodil guru Ron Scamp, Best Floral Exhibitor at the show for the past six years.Continue reading...
    Head for the Floral Marquees to see a spring spectacle of displays, including daffodil guru Ron Scamp, Best Floral Exhibitor at the show for the past six years.Continue reading...
    Head for the Floral Marquees to see a spring spectacle of displays, including daffodil guru Ron Scamp, Best Floral Exhibitor at the show for the past six years.Continue reading...
    Head for the Floral Marquees to see a spring spectacle of displays, including daffodil guru Ron Scamp, Best Floral Exhibitor at the show for the past six years.Continue reading...
  9. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Residents' show garden to go back to its roots

    Want to create a community garden to improve your area? Llandaff North Residents' Association's show design should inspire you.Continue reading...
    Want to create a community garden to improve your area? Llandaff North Residents' Association's show design should inspire you.Continue reading...
    Want to create a community garden to improve your area? Llandaff North Residents' Association's show design should inspire you.Continue reading...
    Want to create a community garden to improve your area? Llandaff North Residents' Association's show design should inspire you.Continue reading...
  10. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Ticket prices

    Cardiff 2012 tickets are now availableContinue reading...
    Cardiff 2012 tickets are now availableContinue reading...
    Cardiff 2012 tickets are now availableContinue reading...
    Cardiff 2012 tickets are now availableContinue reading...
  11. News feed | RHS Gardening

    A rich heritage...

    The RHS Show Cardiff has been held in the parklands of Cardiff Castle since 2005 and last year attracted record crowds...Continue reading...
    The RHS Show Cardiff has been held in the parklands of Cardiff Castle since 2005 and last year attracted record crowds...Continue reading...
    The RHS Show Cardiff has been held in the parklands of Cardiff Castle since 2005 and last year attracted record crowds...Continue reading...
    The RHS Show Cardiff has been held in the parklands of Cardiff Castle since 2005 and last year attracted record crowds...Continue reading...
  12. News feed | RHS Gardening

    Small veg plot, big ideas

    You don't need a vast allotment to produce fruit and veg for your family - Pennard Plants' display in the Floral Marquee aims to show you how.Continue reading...
    You don't need a vast allotment to produce fruit and veg for your family - Pennard Plants' display in the Floral Marquee aims to show you how.Continue reading...
    You don't need a vast allotment to produce fruit and veg for your family - Pennard Plants' display in the Floral Marquee aims to show you how.Continue reading...
    You don't need a vast allotment to produce fruit and veg for your family - Pennard Plants' display in the Floral Marquee aims to show you how.Continue reading...
  13. Daily Express ::

    Harrogate Autumn Flower Show celebrates centenary

    Harry - its called spam You don't have to go into the Gardening News RRS section if you don't want to - but if you click on what's new all the proper posts get lost amongst this spam.
    Harry - its called spam You don't have to go into the Gardening News RRS section if you don't want to - but if you click on what's new all the proper posts get lost amongst this spam.
    Harry - its called spam You don't have to go into the Gardening News RRS section if you don't want to - but if you click on what's new all the proper posts get lost amongst this spam.
    Harry - its called spam You don't have to go into the Gardening News RRS section if you don't want to - but if you click on what's new all the proper posts get lost amongst this spam.
  14. Daily Express ::

    Add petal power to your cooking

    WHEN you want to make the most of your garden, try being creative with petals.Continue reading...
    WHEN you want to make the most of your garden, try being creative with petals.Continue reading...
    WHEN you want to make the most of your garden, try being creative with petals.Continue reading...
    WHEN you want to make the most of your garden, try being creative with petals.Continue reading...
  15. Daily Express ::

    RHS Flower Show Tatton Park is such a friendly event

    IT'S billed as The North's Greatest Garden Party, and I'd add that RHS Flower Show Tatton Park is also the friendliest of the Royal Horticultural Society's summer events.Continue reading...
    IT'S billed as The North's Greatest Garden Party, and I'd add that RHS Flower Show Tatton Park is also the friendliest of the Royal Horticultural Society's summer events.Continue reading...
    IT'S billed as The North's Greatest Garden Party, and I'd add that RHS Flower Show Tatton Park is also the friendliest of the Royal Horticultural Society's summer events.Continue reading...
    IT'S billed as The North's Greatest Garden Party, and I'd add that RHS Flower Show Tatton Park is also the friendliest of the Royal Horticultural Society's summer events.Continue reading...
  16. Daily Express ::

    How the Olympic park is going green

    JULY 27 marks the final 12-month countdown to the London 2012 Olympics, and with the transformation of the River Lea that runs through the site's new park almost complete, it is already possible...
    JULY 27 marks the final 12-month countdown to the London 2012 Olympics, and with the transformation of the River Lea that runs through the site's new park almost complete, it is already possible to see how the Olympic spirit will live on for years to come.Continue reading...
    JULY 27 marks the final 12-month countdown to the London 2012 Olympics, and with the transformation of the River Lea that runs through the site's new park almost complete, it is already possible to see how the Olympic spirit will live on for...
    JULY 27 marks the final 12-month countdown to the London 2012 Olympics, and with the transformation of the River Lea that runs through the site's new park almost complete, it is already possible...
  17. Daily Express ::

    Cheers to pints and plants

    WHAT could be nicer when you're out and about during the summer holidays than to drop in at a pretty country pub with a beer garden for a relaxing pint or perhaps a spot of lunch?Continue...
    WHAT could be nicer when you're out and about during the summer holidays than to drop in at a pretty country pub with a beer garden for a relaxing pint or perhaps a spot of lunch?Continue reading...
    WHAT could be nicer when you're out and about during the summer holidays than to drop in at a pretty country pub with a beer garden for a relaxing pint or perhaps a spot of lunch?Continue reading...
    WHAT could be nicer when you're out and about during the summer holidays than to drop in at a pretty country pub with a beer garden for a relaxing pint or perhaps a spot of lunch?Continue...
  18. Daily Express ::

    Hampton Court Palace Flower Show is a real treat

    THIS year's Hampton Court Palace Flower Show has some of the most innovative gardens you'll see anywhere.Continue reading...
    THIS year's Hampton Court Palace Flower Show has some of the most innovative gardens you'll see anywhere.Continue reading...
    THIS year's Hampton Court Palace Flower Show has some of the most innovative gardens you'll see anywhere.Continue reading...
    THIS year's Hampton Court Palace Flower Show has some of the most innovative gardens you'll see anywhere.Continue reading...
  19. Daily Express ::

    Make Britain the apple of your eye this autumn

    THIS year's UK apple harvest is one of the best on record thanks to the unusually hot spring followed by a cool, wet summer.Continue reading...
    THIS year's UK apple harvest is one of the best on record thanks to the unusually hot spring followed by a cool, wet summer.Continue reading...
    THIS year's UK apple harvest is one of the best on record thanks to the unusually hot spring followed by a cool, wet summer.Continue reading...
    THIS year's UK apple harvest is one of the best on record thanks to the unusually hot spring followed by a cool, wet summer.Continue reading...
  20. Daily Express ::

    Wisley Flower Show is vision of autumn gold

    SUMMER has been good for the RHS, despite the rain, and as the crowds poured into The Wisley Flower Show today it looks like autumn will be pure gold.Continue reading...
    SUMMER has been good for the RHS, despite the rain, and as the crowds poured into The Wisley Flower Show today it looks like autumn will be pure gold.Continue reading...
    SUMMER has been good for the RHS, despite the rain, and as the crowds poured into The Wisley Flower Show today it looks like autumn will be pure gold.Continue reading...
    SUMMER has been good for the RHS, despite the rain, and as the crowds poured into The Wisley Flower Show today it looks like autumn will be pure gold.Continue reading...

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