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  1. Botanic Gardens

    Support our Zero Tree Extinctions project this Christmas

    BGCI is taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge! Donate on Friday 4th or Saturday 5th December 2015 as close to Midday (12pm) GMT as possible and your donation could be doubled.Continue...
    BGCI is taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge! Donate on Friday 4th or Saturday 5th December 2015 as close to Midday (12pm) GMT as possible and your donation could be doubled.Continue reading...
    BGCI is taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge! Donate on Friday 4th or Saturday 5th December 2015 as close to Midday (12pm) GMT as possible and your donation could be doubled.Continue reading...
    BGCI is taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge! Donate on Friday 4th or Saturday 5th December 2015 as close to Midday (12pm) GMT as possible and your donation could be doubled.Continue...
  2. Botanic Gardens

    Setting restoration targets for 2020 – Outcomes of the meeting of the Ecological...

    The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) is a global consortium of botanic gardens actively engaged in ecological restoration. The most recent meeting of ERA was an opportunity...
    The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) is a global consortium of botanic gardens actively engaged in ecological restoration. The most recent meeting of ERA was an opportunity for setting targets for 2020 that will drive us towards achieving ERA's goals.Continue reading...
    The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) is a global consortium of botanic gardens actively engaged in ecological restoration. The most recent meeting of ERA was an opportunity for setting targets for 2020 that will drive us...
    The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) is a global consortium of botanic gardens actively engaged in ecological restoration. The most recent meeting of ERA was an opportunity...
  3. Botanic Gardens

    Plants are growing on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

    Today the IUCN Red List is releasing its latest list of species conservation assessments. The entire list now consists of 79,837 assessments – 26% of which are plants. Nearly two thirds of trees...
    Today the IUCN Red List is releasing its latest list of species conservation assessments. The entire list now consists of 79,837 assessments – 26% of which are plants. Nearly two thirds of trees listed on the Red List are considered threatened and the number of threatened trees is...
    Today the IUCN Red List is releasing its latest list of species conservation assessments. The entire list now consists of 79,837 assessments – 26% of which are plants. Nearly two thirds of trees listed on the Red List are considered threatened...
    Today the IUCN Red List is releasing its latest list of species conservation assessments. The entire list now consists of 79,837 assessments – 26% of which are plants. Nearly two thirds of trees...
  4. Botanic Gardens

    The New Progress of the conservation of Critically Endangered Tree Magnolia longipedunculata

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  5. Botanic Gardens

    Global tree specialists meet to conserve the world’s trees

    The Global Tree Specialist Group aims to have conservation assessments for all the world’s tree species by 2020.Continue reading...
    The Global Tree Specialist Group aims to have conservation assessments for all the world’s tree species by 2020.Continue reading...
    The Global Tree Specialist Group aims to have conservation assessments for all the world’s tree species by 2020.Continue reading...
    The Global Tree Specialist Group aims to have conservation assessments for all the world’s tree species by 2020.Continue reading...
  6. Botanic Gardens

    BGCI members win International Garden Tourism Awards

    The recipients of the 2016 International Garden Tourism Awards.include two BGCI members - The Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, Australia and Hangzhou Botanical Garden, ChinaContinue reading...
    The recipients of the 2016 International Garden Tourism Awards.include two BGCI members - The Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, Australia and Hangzhou Botanical Garden, ChinaContinue reading...
    The recipients of the 2016 International Garden Tourism Awards.include two BGCI members - The Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, Australia and Hangzhou Botanical Garden, ChinaContinue reading...
    The recipients of the 2016 International Garden Tourism Awards.include two BGCI members - The Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, Australia and Hangzhou Botanical Garden, ChinaContinue reading...
  7. Botanic Gardens

    New report ‘How Can Botanic Gardens Grow Their Social Role? Lessons from the Communities in...

    A new report 'How Can Botanic Gardens Grow Their Social Role? Lessons from the Communities in Nature programme' has just been published. The report is a review of the Communities in Nature...
    A new report 'How Can Botanic Gardens Grow Their Social Role? Lessons from the Communities in Nature programme' has just been published. The report is a review of the Communities in Nature programme which was conducted by BGCI with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.Continue reading...
    A new report 'How Can Botanic Gardens Grow Their Social Role? Lessons from the Communities in Nature programme' has just been published. The report is a review of the Communities in Nature programme which was conducted by BGCI with the Calouste...
    A new report 'How Can Botanic Gardens Grow Their Social Role? Lessons from the Communities in Nature programme' has just been published. The report is a review of the Communities in Nature...
  8. Botanic Gardens

    Leiden Botanic Garden wins Tulip Garden of the Year award

    the World Tulip Summit Society (WTSS) is pleased to announce that the Leiden Botanic Garden is the winner of the 2015 award for the Tulip Garden of the YearContinue reading...
    the World Tulip Summit Society (WTSS) is pleased to announce that the Leiden Botanic Garden is the winner of the 2015 award for the Tulip Garden of the YearContinue reading...
    the World Tulip Summit Society (WTSS) is pleased to announce that the Leiden Botanic Garden is the winner of the 2015 award for the Tulip Garden of the YearContinue reading...
    the World Tulip Summit Society (WTSS) is pleased to announce that the Leiden Botanic Garden is the winner of the 2015 award for the Tulip Garden of the YearContinue reading...
  9. Botanic Gardens

    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database

    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
  10. Botanic Gardens

    Calling all intrepid botanists

    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
  11. Botanic Gardens

    Winners of Marsh Awards announced

    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were...
    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.Continue reading...
    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Royal Botanic...
    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were...
  12. Botanic Gardens

    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database

    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
    The New York Times features global tree conservation and BGCI's PlantSearch database.Continue reading...
  13. Botanic Gardens

    Calling all intrepid botanists

    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
    Are you a botanist with a sense of adventure and good sea legs? Windfall Films are looking for people with botanical knowledge to take part in a maritime survival seriesContinue reading...
  14. Botanic Gardens

    Winners of Marsh Awards announced

    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were...
    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.Continue reading...
    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Royal Botanic...
    BGCI is delighted to announce that the 2015 winners of the Marsh Awards are Jože Bavcon for International Plant Conservation and Sophie Williams for Education in Botanic Gardens. The awards were...
  15. Botanic Gardens

    Experts meet to discuss tree conservation and restoration

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  16. Botanic Gardens

    New report highlights that only one in four of the most threatened trees are represented in...

    Our new report, released today, highlights that only 74% of the most threatened trees are absent from ex situ collections, lacking this vital conservation action that could save them from...
    Our new report, released today, highlights that only 74% of the most threatened trees are absent from ex situ collections, lacking this vital conservation action that could save them from extinction.Continue reading...
    Our new report, released today, highlights that only 74% of the most threatened trees are absent from ex situ collections, lacking this vital conservation action that could save them from extinction.Continue reading...
    Our new report, released today, highlights that only 74% of the most threatened trees are absent from ex situ collections, lacking this vital conservation action that could save them from...
  17. Botanic Gardens

    Singapore Botanic Gardens becomes BGCI Patron Member

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  18. ukjlk tyjtyj

    Historically THE thinker's game

    Historically THE thinker's game, chess is not - in contradiction of what many think - just a left-brain logical contest. Alpha Peak Playing expertly requires both hemispheres of the brain. Your...
    Historically THE thinker's game, chess is not - in contradiction of what many think - just a left-brain logical contest. Alpha Peak Playing expertly requires both hemispheres of the brain. Your left-brain will be analyzing attainable moves and predicting responses of your enemy. Your right brain...
    Historically THE thinker's game, chess is not - in contradiction of what many think - just a left-brain logical contest. Alpha Peak Playing expertly requires both hemispheres of the brain. Your left-brain will be analyzing attainable moves and...
    Historically THE thinker's game, chess is not - in contradiction of what many think - just a left-brain logical contest. Alpha Peak Playing expertly requires both hemispheres of the brain. Your...
  19. Botanic Gardens

    Shanghai-Chenshan Botanical Garden becomes BGCI's latest Patron Member

    BGCI is delighted to welcome Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden as its latest Patron memberContinue reading...
    BGCI is delighted to welcome Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden as its latest Patron memberContinue reading...
    BGCI is delighted to welcome Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden as its latest Patron memberContinue reading...
    BGCI is delighted to welcome Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden as its latest Patron memberContinue reading...
  20. Botanic Gardens

    Are you interested in garden partnerships and twinning programmes?

    BGCI is exploring the possibility of developing a twinning programme to help botanic gardens make mutually beneficial partnerships. Find out more about our proposed programme and take the...
    BGCI is exploring the possibility of developing a twinning programme to help botanic gardens make mutually beneficial partnerships. Find out more about our proposed programme and take the surveyContinue reading...
    BGCI is exploring the possibility of developing a twinning programme to help botanic gardens make mutually beneficial partnerships. Find out more about our proposed programme and take the surveyContinue reading...
    BGCI is exploring the possibility of developing a twinning programme to help botanic gardens make mutually beneficial partnerships. Find out more about our proposed programme and take the...

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