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Princes of Persian fruit: the joys of growing quinces and medlars
Quinces and medlars make excellent trees - and unusual fruitContinue reading...
Quinces and medlars make excellent trees - and unusual fruitContinue reading...
Quinces and medlars make excellent trees - and unusual fruitContinue reading...
Quinces and medlars make excellent trees - and unusual fruitContinue reading...
Vegetable Gardening:
Jun 20, 2015
Vegetable Gardening:
Jun 20, 2015
Anna Pavord: 'A growing taste for artisanal blooms may turn the tide on imported flowers'
Georgie Newbery is explaining how she set up her business, Common Farm Flowers: "It started with bunches of sweet peas at the garden gate." I'm at her smallholding in Somerset, where long narrow...
Georgie Newbery is explaining how she set up her business, Common Farm Flowers: "It started with bunches of sweet peas at the garden gate." I'm at her smallholding in Somerset, where long narrow beds are packed with marigolds and honesty, ammi and cornflowers.Continue reading...
Georgie Newbery is explaining how she set up her business, Common Farm Flowers: "It started with bunches of sweet peas at the garden gate." I'm at her smallholding in Somerset, where long narrow beds are packed with marigolds and honesty, ammi...
Georgie Newbery is explaining how she set up her business, Common Farm Flowers: "It started with bunches of sweet peas at the garden gate." I'm at her smallholding in Somerset, where long narrow...
- Gardening RSS Feed
Jun 20, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
Jun 20, 2015
Call for nominations - Marsh Awards
BGCI is calling for nominations for two awards sponsored by the Marsh Christian Trust. The awards are for international plant conservation and education in botanic gardensContinue reading...
BGCI is calling for nominations for two awards sponsored by the Marsh Christian Trust. The awards are for international plant conservation and education in botanic gardensContinue reading...
BGCI is calling for nominations for two awards sponsored by the Marsh Christian Trust. The awards are for international plant conservation and education in botanic gardensContinue reading...
BGCI is calling for nominations for two awards sponsored by the Marsh Christian Trust. The awards are for international plant conservation and education in botanic gardensContinue reading...
Botanic Gardens
Jun 17, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 17, 2015
News from the U.S. Botanic Garden: Green Business Certification Inc. Launches SITES, its...
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) launched its newly acquired SITES rating system, the most comprehensive program and toolkit for developing sustainable landscapes.Continue reading...
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) launched its newly acquired SITES rating system, the most comprehensive program and toolkit for developing sustainable landscapes.Continue reading...
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) launched its newly acquired SITES rating system, the most comprehensive program and toolkit for developing sustainable landscapes.Continue reading...
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) launched its newly acquired SITES rating system, the most comprehensive program and toolkit for developing sustainable landscapes.Continue reading...
Botanic Gardens
Jun 15, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 15, 2015
Emma Townshend: 'The Gardener's Book of Colour has inspired me to create a clash'
When I got home this evening, the kitchen floor was clear, the washing-up was drying on the draining board, and on the wiped pine table there was one velvety red rose in a glass. I wasn't sure...
When I got home this evening, the kitchen floor was clear, the washing-up was drying on the draining board, and on the wiped pine table there was one velvety red rose in a glass. I wasn't sure which of these remarkable things to love the most. It had been so rainy and windy I hadn't gone into...
When I got home this evening, the kitchen floor was clear, the washing-up was drying on the draining board, and on the wiped pine table there was one velvety red rose in a glass. I wasn't sure which of these remarkable things to love the most....
When I got home this evening, the kitchen floor was clear, the washing-up was drying on the draining board, and on the wiped pine table there was one velvety red rose in a glass. I wasn't sure...
- Gardening RSS Feed
Jun 14, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
Jun 14, 2015
Anna Pavord: 'Why grow onions and shallots? Stick to salad leaves, tomatoes and sweetcorn'
I spent a morning recently with a friend, wandering round her new garden. She's in her thirties and has just got the gardening bug, big time. That's the age it often happens, if it's going to...
I spent a morning recently with a friend, wandering round her new garden. She's in her thirties and has just got the gardening bug, big time. That's the age it often happens, if it's going to happen at all. But why then? Is it a nesting instinct? A nurturing instinct?Continue...
I spent a morning recently with a friend, wandering round her new garden. She's in her thirties and has just got the gardening bug, big time. That's the age it often happens, if it's going to happen at all. But why then? Is it a nesting...
I spent a morning recently with a friend, wandering round her new garden. She's in her thirties and has just got the gardening bug, big time. That's the age it often happens, if it's going to...
- Gardening RSS Feed
Jun 13, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
Jun 13, 2015
Whither Plant Conservation? Commentary from a U.S. board member and peer
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Botanic Gardens
Jun 12, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 12, 2015
How to grow blueberries in pots
Fruit and veg is easy to grow in containers - here's howContinue reading...
Fruit and veg is easy to grow in containers - here's howContinue reading...
Fruit and veg is easy to grow in containers - here's howContinue reading...
Fruit and veg is easy to grow in containers - here's howContinue reading...
Vegetable Gardening:
Jun 12, 2015
Vegetable Gardening:
Jun 12, 2015
Assessing the world’s Ebonies
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Botanic Gardens
Jun 5, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 5, 2015
Botanical gardens uniquely positioned to meet need for food and agricultural education
A new article published in the journal Nature highlights the important role botanic gardens can play in relation to agriculture and future food securityContinue reading...
A new article published in the journal Nature highlights the important role botanic gardens can play in relation to agriculture and future food securityContinue reading...
A new article published in the journal Nature highlights the important role botanic gardens can play in relation to agriculture and future food securityContinue reading...
A new article published in the journal Nature highlights the important role botanic gardens can play in relation to agriculture and future food securityContinue reading...
Botanic Gardens
Jun 5, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 5, 2015
Call for action - Betulaceae ex situ survey results
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Botanic Gardens
Jun 3, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 3, 2015
Special offer for BGCI members
BGCI membership offer - 25% off the price of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic Gardens'Continue reading...
BGCI membership offer - 25% off the price of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic Gardens'Continue reading...
BGCI membership offer - 25% off the price of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic Gardens'Continue reading...
BGCI membership offer - 25% off the price of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic Gardens'Continue reading...
Botanic Gardens
Jun 2, 2015
Botanic Gardens
Jun 2, 2015
Anna Pavord: 'Dan Pearson conjured up drama on the Chelsea Flower Show's triangle site'
There were two outstanding gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show this year: Dan Pearson's monumental evocation of the rockery and trout stream at Chatsworth, which won Best in Show, and James...
There were two outstanding gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show this year: Dan Pearson's monumental evocation of the rockery and trout stream at Chatsworth, which won Best in Show, and James Basson's recreation of a perfumier's garden in Grasse, which won a gold medal. As installations, they...
There were two outstanding gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show this year: Dan Pearson's monumental evocation of the rockery and trout stream at Chatsworth, which won Best in Show, and James Basson's recreation of a perfumier's garden in Grasse,...
There were two outstanding gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show this year: Dan Pearson's monumental evocation of the rockery and trout stream at Chatsworth, which won Best in Show, and James...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 30, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 30, 2015
Emma Townshend: 'Who needs chlorine? Open-air ponds offer a different swimming experience'
I feel I may have been unwise. I'm standing in just my swimsuit, trying to be brave in what I think could accurately be described as "hostile conditions". There's an edgy, biting wind coming in...
I feel I may have been unwise. I'm standing in just my swimsuit, trying to be brave in what I think could accurately be described as "hostile conditions". There's an edgy, biting wind coming in sideways from the east, laden down with that sneaky category of rain, which can soak right down...
I feel I may have been unwise. I'm standing in just my swimsuit, trying to be brave in what I think could accurately be described as "hostile conditions". There's an edgy, biting wind coming in sideways from the east, laden down with that...
I feel I may have been unwise. I'm standing in just my swimsuit, trying to be brave in what I think could accurately be described as "hostile conditions". There's an edgy, biting wind coming in...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 24, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 24, 2015
Anna Pavord: 'Sarah Price has done a brilliant job in Jonathon Ringer's Kent courtyard'
A few years ago, I wrote about the making of a courtyard garden in Kent, a very generous 40th birthday present from Jonathon Ringer to his wife, Vanessa. That piece centred on the contractors...
A few years ago, I wrote about the making of a courtyard garden in Kent, a very generous 40th birthday present from Jonathon Ringer to his wife, Vanessa. That piece centred on the contractors doing the work and the kind of problems that are likely to arise in a space such as...
A few years ago, I wrote about the making of a courtyard garden in Kent, a very generous 40th birthday present from Jonathon Ringer to his wife, Vanessa. That piece centred on the contractors doing the work and the kind of problems that are...
A few years ago, I wrote about the making of a courtyard garden in Kent, a very generous 40th birthday present from Jonathon Ringer to his wife, Vanessa. That piece centred on the contractors...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 23, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 23, 2015
The best gardens at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2015
If there is anything to make your overgrown garden look more miserable, it’s the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.Continue reading...
If there is anything to make your overgrown garden look more miserable, it’s the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.Continue reading...
If there is anything to make your overgrown garden look more miserable, it’s the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.Continue reading...
If there is anything to make your overgrown garden look more miserable, it’s the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.Continue reading...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 21, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 21, 2015
Royal Horticultural Society calls on female designers to create gardens at the Chelsea...
The Royal Horticultural Society is calling on female designers to apply to create gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show after it emerged that only one third of the top gardens have been created by...
The Royal Horticultural Society is calling on female designers to apply to create gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show after it emerged that only one third of the top gardens have been created by women in the past decade.Continue reading...
The Royal Horticultural Society is calling on female designers to apply to create gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show after it emerged that only one third of the top gardens have been created by women in the past decade.Continue reading...
The Royal Horticultural Society is calling on female designers to apply to create gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show after it emerged that only one third of the top gardens have been created by...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 16, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 16, 2015
Ann-Marie Powell: You're not competing against other designers at Chelsea, you’re competing...
There aren’t enough women competing at the show - it would be wonderful to have more. I can’t understand why there aren’t more women competing to get one of the awards that so many men have...
There aren’t enough women competing at the show - it would be wonderful to have more. I can’t understand why there aren’t more women competing to get one of the awards that so many men have won.Continue reading...
There aren’t enough women competing at the show - it would be wonderful to have more. I can’t understand why there aren’t more women competing to get one of the awards that so many men have won.Continue reading...
There aren’t enough women competing at the show - it would be wonderful to have more. I can’t understand why there aren’t more women competing to get one of the awards that so many men have...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 16, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 16, 2015
Anna Pavord: 'Peonies make a wonderful addition to a garden if you follow simple rules'
There are three things you need to know if you are to succeed with peonies, one of the most spectacular plants in the May garden. Sadly for the peony, many people know only two. Most important...
There are three things you need to know if you are to succeed with peonies, one of the most spectacular plants in the May garden. Sadly for the peony, many people know only two. Most important is the fact that they must not be planted too deep: 3cm of soil on top of the crown is...
There are three things you need to know if you are to succeed with peonies, one of the most spectacular plants in the May garden. Sadly for the peony, many people know only two. Most important is the fact that they must not be planted too deep:...
There are three things you need to know if you are to succeed with peonies, one of the most spectacular plants in the May garden. Sadly for the peony, many people know only two. Most important...
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 16, 2015
- Gardening RSS Feed
May 16, 2015
Win a copy of 'Botanic Gardens' by Sarah Rutherford
Complete BGCI's membership survey to be included in a draw to win a copy of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic gardens'Continue reading...
Complete BGCI's membership survey to be included in a draw to win a copy of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic gardens'Continue reading...
Complete BGCI's membership survey to be included in a draw to win a copy of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic gardens'Continue reading...
Complete BGCI's membership survey to be included in a draw to win a copy of Sarah Rutherford's new book 'Botanic gardens'Continue reading...
Botanic Gardens
May 14, 2015
Botanic Gardens
May 14, 2015
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