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  1. Botanic Gardens

    BGCI is pleased to annouce the launch of an exciting new initiative on seed conservation

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  2. Botanic Gardens

    Communities in Nature: Five Year Review

    BGCI and Calouste Gulbenkian have commisioned a review of Communities in Nature. As part of this process we would like feedback from botanic gardens.Continue reading...
    BGCI and Calouste Gulbenkian have commisioned a review of Communities in Nature. As part of this process we would like feedback from botanic gardens.Continue reading...
    BGCI and Calouste Gulbenkian have commisioned a review of Communities in Nature. As part of this process we would like feedback from botanic gardens.Continue reading...
    BGCI and Calouste Gulbenkian have commisioned a review of Communities in Nature. As part of this process we would like feedback from botanic gardens.Continue reading...
  3. Botanic Gardens

    Shanghai International Flower Show

    Last week saw the launch of Shanghai International Flower Show at Shanghai Botanical Garden. Based around the theme of ‘Delicate Horticulture, Beautiful Life’ the show seeks to bring innovative...
    Last week saw the launch of Shanghai International Flower Show at Shanghai Botanical Garden. Based around the theme of ‘Delicate Horticulture, Beautiful Life’ the show seeks to bring innovative horticulture to urban dwellers.Continue reading...
    Last week saw the launch of Shanghai International Flower Show at Shanghai Botanical Garden. Based around the theme of ‘Delicate Horticulture, Beautiful Life’ the show seeks to bring innovative horticulture to urban dwellers.Continue reading...
    Last week saw the launch of Shanghai International Flower Show at Shanghai Botanical Garden. Based around the theme of ‘Delicate Horticulture, Beautiful Life’ the show seeks to bring innovative...
  4. Botanic Gardens

    New BGCI training resources on Acess and Benefit Sharing

    BGCI, in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, has developed a series of training modules for botanic garden staff on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit SharingContinue reading...
    BGCI, in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, has developed a series of training modules for botanic garden staff on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit SharingContinue reading...
    BGCI, in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, has developed a series of training modules for botanic garden staff on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit SharingContinue reading...
    BGCI, in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, has developed a series of training modules for botanic garden staff on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit SharingContinue reading...
  5. Botanic Gardens

    “植物学者公开课”植物园开讲 ——印开蒲先生分享百年追寻之路

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  6. Botanic Gardens


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  7. Botanic Gardens

    “精致园艺 美丽家园”2015上海(国际)花展正式开幕

    由中国公园协会和上海市绿化和市容管理局共同主办,由上海植物园和新民晚报社共同承办,由国际植物园保护联盟(BGCI)特别支持的“2015上海(国际)花展”于3月27日在上海植物园正式开幕。Continue reading...
    由中国公园协会和上海市绿化和市容管理局共同主办,由上海植物园和新民晚报社共同承办,由国际植物园保护联盟(BGCI)特别支持的“2015上海(国际)花展”于3月27日在上海植物园正式开幕。Continue reading...
    由中国公园协会和上海市绿化和市容管理局共同主办,由上海植物园和新民晚报社共同承办,由国际植物园保护联盟(BGCI)特别支持的“2015上海(国际)花展”于3月27日在上海植物园正式开幕。Continue reading...
    由中国公园协会和上海市绿化和市容管理局共同主办,由上海植物园和新民晚报社共同承办,由国际植物园保护联盟(BGCI)特别支持的“2015上海(国际)花展”于3月27日在上海植物园正式开幕。Continue reading...
  8. Vegetable Gardening:

    Grow your own vegetables with handy tips from the RHS

    RHS advice on how to grow unusual tubers, award winning veg and plants from seedContinue reading...
    RHS advice on how to grow unusual tubers, award winning veg and plants from seedContinue reading...
    RHS advice on how to grow unusual tubers, award winning veg and plants from seedContinue reading...
    RHS advice on how to grow unusual tubers, award winning veg and plants from seedContinue reading...
  9. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: 'Nothing to plant seeds in? A new book offers some ingenious ideas...'

    There's no denying that gardening is a potentially costly hobby to start getting into. Spend 20 minutes covetously flicking through pictures of what you fancy in a seed catalogue and you'll see...
    There's no denying that gardening is a potentially costly hobby to start getting into. Spend 20 minutes covetously flicking through pictures of what you fancy in a seed catalogue and you'll see what I mean. It's not just the plants, either: the containers in which you grow them can be...
    There's no denying that gardening is a potentially costly hobby to start getting into. Spend 20 minutes covetously flicking through pictures of what you fancy in a seed catalogue and you'll see what I mean. It's not just the plants, either: the...
    There's no denying that gardening is a potentially costly hobby to start getting into. Spend 20 minutes covetously flicking through pictures of what you fancy in a seed catalogue and you'll see...
  10. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: 'Plant up a new trough with delicious, successional spinach'

    The tulip 'Couleur Cardinal' is coming on very well in the wooden half barrel to the left of the greenhouse door. It's one of my favourite tulips. But although I love it, I am impatient for it...
    The tulip 'Couleur Cardinal' is coming on very well in the wooden half barrel to the left of the greenhouse door. It's one of my favourite tulips. But although I love it, I am impatient for it to be over.Continue reading...
    The tulip 'Couleur Cardinal' is coming on very well in the wooden half barrel to the left of the greenhouse door. It's one of my favourite tulips. But although I love it, I am impatient for it to be over.Continue reading...
    The tulip 'Couleur Cardinal' is coming on very well in the wooden half barrel to the left of the greenhouse door. It's one of my favourite tulips. But although I love it, I am impatient for it...
  11. Botanic Gardens

    Science and Conservation Summary released by The Morton Arboretum

    As a public garden, we often need a way to explain the science and conservation activities being undertaken by staff and collaborators at The Morton Arboretum, especially to staff in other...
    As a public garden, we often need a way to explain the science and conservation activities being undertaken by staff and collaborators at The Morton Arboretum, especially to staff in other departments, trustees, potential collaborators, and the public.Continue reading...
    As a public garden, we often need a way to explain the science and conservation activities being undertaken by staff and collaborators at The Morton Arboretum, especially to staff in other departments, trustees, potential collaborators, and the...
    As a public garden, we often need a way to explain the science and conservation activities being undertaken by staff and collaborators at The Morton Arboretum, especially to staff in other...
  12. - Gardening RSS Feed

    The UK horticulture industry is facing a skills crisis - but Great Dixter aims to change...

    Fergus Garrett, head gardener of Great Dixter, the centuries-old manor house in East Sussex, is standing in front of a class of secondary-school children. "I was held at gunpoint several times...
    Fergus Garrett, head gardener of Great Dixter, the centuries-old manor house in East Sussex, is standing in front of a class of secondary-school children. "I was held at gunpoint several times when looking for tulips in Eastern Turkey. There was an internal conflict going on, but that didn't...
    Fergus Garrett, head gardener of Great Dixter, the centuries-old manor house in East Sussex, is standing in front of a class of secondary-school children. "I was held at gunpoint several times when looking for tulips in Eastern Turkey. There...
    Fergus Garrett, head gardener of Great Dixter, the centuries-old manor house in East Sussex, is standing in front of a class of secondary-school children. "I was held at gunpoint several times...
  13. Botanic Gardens

    Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, BGCI and IPSN Workshop

    Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, BGCI and IPSN Workshop: The identification and diagnosis of longhorn beetles in China and nearby countries, 26th – 27th March 2015Continue reading...
    Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, BGCI and IPSN Workshop: The identification and diagnosis of longhorn beetles in China and nearby countries, 26th – 27th March 2015Continue reading...
    Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, BGCI and IPSN Workshop: The identification and diagnosis of longhorn beetles in China and nearby countries, 26th – 27th March 2015Continue reading...
    Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, BGCI and IPSN Workshop: The identification and diagnosis of longhorn beetles in China and nearby countries, 26th – 27th March 2015Continue reading...
  14. Botanic Gardens

    The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens meets in Jordan

    The latest public symposium and meeting of the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers...
    The latest public symposium and meeting of the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers advice to restoration practitioners in the region on the challenges they are facing.Continue reading...
    The latest public symposium and meeting of the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers advice to restoration practitioners in the region on...
    The latest public symposium and meeting of the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens (ERA) demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers...
  15. Botanic Gardens

    The Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens meets in Jordan

    The latest public symposium and meeting of the ERA demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers advice to restoration practitioners in the region on the...
    The latest public symposium and meeting of the ERA demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers advice to restoration practitioners in the region on the challenges they are facing.Continue reading...
    The latest public symposium and meeting of the ERA demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers advice to restoration practitioners in the region on the challenges they are facing.Continue reading...
    The latest public symposium and meeting of the ERA demonstrates and promotes the contribution of botanic gardens to restoration and offers advice to restoration practitioners in the region on the...
  16. Vegetable Gardening:

    Meet the tomato expert who knows the best varieties for you

    From heirlooms to new grafted varieties, there's a tomato to suit every gardener. And Craig LeHoullier knows them allContinue reading...
    From heirlooms to new grafted varieties, there's a tomato to suit every gardener. And Craig LeHoullier knows them allContinue reading...
    From heirlooms to new grafted varieties, there's a tomato to suit every gardener. And Craig LeHoullier knows them allContinue reading...
    From heirlooms to new grafted varieties, there's a tomato to suit every gardener. And Craig LeHoullier knows them allContinue reading...
  17. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: 'Is there anything more satisfying than growing your own juicy tomatoes?'

    Of all the crops we grow here at home, nothing gives me more pleasure than tomatoes. Last season was terrific and for once, the outdoor tomatoes cropped even more heavily than the ones in the...
    Of all the crops we grow here at home, nothing gives me more pleasure than tomatoes. Last season was terrific and for once, the outdoor tomatoes cropped even more heavily than the ones in the greenhouse. That's a sweeping statement. Shall I say instead that I had enough seed-raised plants of...
    Of all the crops we grow here at home, nothing gives me more pleasure than tomatoes. Last season was terrific and for once, the outdoor tomatoes cropped even more heavily than the ones in the greenhouse. That's a sweeping statement. Shall I say...
    Of all the crops we grow here at home, nothing gives me more pleasure than tomatoes. Last season was terrific and for once, the outdoor tomatoes cropped even more heavily than the ones in the...
  18. Botanic Gardens

    IPSN Plant Pest Monitoring & Prevention Workshop

    IPSN Plant Pest Monitoring & Prevention Workshop - Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USAContinue reading...
    IPSN Plant Pest Monitoring & Prevention Workshop - Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USAContinue reading...
    IPSN Plant Pest Monitoring & Prevention Workshop - Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USAContinue reading...
    IPSN Plant Pest Monitoring & Prevention Workshop - Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USAContinue reading...
  19. Botanic Gardens

    New article "The Race for Plant Survival" highlights plant conservation at public gardens

    In a recent Public Garden article, "The Race for Plant Survival,” Janet Marinelli tells the stories of the amazing horticulturists and scientists at public gardens, both large and small, in whose...
    In a recent Public Garden article, "The Race for Plant Survival,” Janet Marinelli tells the stories of the amazing horticulturists and scientists at public gardens, both large and small, in whose hands the fate of so many plant species now lies.Continue reading...
    In a recent Public Garden article, "The Race for Plant Survival,” Janet Marinelli tells the stories of the amazing horticulturists and scientists at public gardens, both large and small, in whose hands the fate of so many plant species now...
    In a recent Public Garden article, "The Race for Plant Survival,” Janet Marinelli tells the stories of the amazing horticulturists and scientists at public gardens, both large and small, in whose...
  20. Botanic Gardens

    EuroGard - pre- and post-congress tours - book now

    Two special tours have been arranged before and after the EuroGard Congress in Paris 6-10 July. Booking required by 1 AprilContinue reading...
    Two special tours have been arranged before and after the EuroGard Congress in Paris 6-10 July. Booking required by 1 AprilContinue reading...
    Two special tours have been arranged before and after the EuroGard Congress in Paris 6-10 July. Booking required by 1 AprilContinue reading...
    Two special tours have been arranged before and after the EuroGard Congress in Paris 6-10 July. Booking required by 1 AprilContinue reading...

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