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  1. Vegetable Gardening:

    A gardener's guide to growing winter vegetables

    There's no excuse for a bare veg plot, even at this time of year. But don't worry, some crops are best started nowContinue reading...
    There's no excuse for a bare veg plot, even at this time of year. But don't worry, some crops are best started nowContinue reading...
    There's no excuse for a bare veg plot, even at this time of year. But don't worry, some crops are best started nowContinue reading...
    There's no excuse for a bare veg plot, even at this time of year. But don't worry, some crops are best started nowContinue reading...
  2. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Literary gardens: From Kipling's fruit trees to Dickens' geranium theatre

    What is a garden for? This seems like a really simple question, until you try to answer it. Is it a view from the sink where you wash up and put cling film over leftovers, or is it a place to...
    What is a garden for? This seems like a really simple question, until you try to answer it. Is it a view from the sink where you wash up and put cling film over leftovers, or is it a place to grow the actual dinner? Does it have to look good throughout the year, or is it only worth bothering...
    What is a garden for? This seems like a really simple question, until you try to answer it. Is it a view from the sink where you wash up and put cling film over leftovers, or is it a place to grow the actual dinner? Does it have to look good...
    What is a garden for? This seems like a really simple question, until you try to answer it. Is it a view from the sink where you wash up and put cling film over leftovers, or is it a place to...
  3. Botanic Gardens


    9月29日,BGCI 在伦敦林奈学会举行2014马什奖颁奖仪式,王西敏和郑乃员分别荣获2014年度“马什国际植物园教育奖”和“马什国际植物保护奖”,BGCI中国办公室主任文香英女士代表两位中国获奖人领奖。Continue reading...
    9月29日,BGCI 在伦敦林奈学会举行2014马什奖颁奖仪式,王西敏和郑乃员分别荣获2014年度“马什国际植物园教育奖”和“马什国际植物保护奖”,BGCI中国办公室主任文香英女士代表两位中国获奖人领奖。Continue reading...
    9月29日,BGCI 在伦敦林奈学会举行2014马什奖颁奖仪式,王西敏和郑乃员分别荣获2014年度“马什国际植物园教育奖”和“马什国际植物保护奖”,BGCI中国办公室主任文香英女士代表两位中国获奖人领奖。Continue reading...
    9月29日,BGCI 在伦敦林奈学会举行2014马什奖颁奖仪式,王西敏和郑乃员分别荣获2014年度“马什国际植物园教育奖”和“马什国际植物保护奖”,BGCI中国办公室主任文香英女士代表两位中国获奖人领奖。Continue reading...
  4. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: English apples

    Top job for the month: Pick apples and pearsContinue reading...
    Top job for the month: Pick apples and pearsContinue reading...
    Top job for the month: Pick apples and pearsContinue reading...
    Top job for the month: Pick apples and pearsContinue reading...
  5. Botanic Gardens

    Exciting opportunity to lead BGCI. Now recruiting BGCI Secretary General

    After ten years of successful leadership, Sara Oldfield, the present Secretary General of BGCI is leaving to pursue new opportunities and the Board of BGCI, chaired by Professor Stephen Blackmore,...
    After ten years of successful leadership, Sara Oldfield, the present Secretary General of BGCI is leaving to pursue new opportunities and the Board of BGCI, chaired by Professor Stephen Blackmore, is seeking to appoint a new Secretary General.Continue reading...
    After ten years of successful leadership, Sara Oldfield, the present Secretary General of BGCI is leaving to pursue new opportunities and the Board of BGCI, chaired by Professor Stephen Blackmore, is seeking to appoint a new Secretary...
    After ten years of successful leadership, Sara Oldfield, the present Secretary General of BGCI is leaving to pursue new opportunities and the Board of BGCI, chaired by Professor Stephen Blackmore,...
  6. Botanic Gardens

    New report reveals limited progress towards global plant conservation targets

    A new report prepared by BGCI and published by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reveals that a set of 16 global plant conservation targets are unlikely to be met by 2020.Continue...
    A new report prepared by BGCI and published by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reveals that a set of 16 global plant conservation targets are unlikely to be met by 2020.Continue reading...
    A new report prepared by BGCI and published by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reveals that a set of 16 global plant conservation targets are unlikely to be met by 2020.Continue reading...
    A new report prepared by BGCI and published by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reveals that a set of 16 global plant conservation targets are unlikely to be met by 2020.Continue...
  7. Botanic Gardens

    Hortus botanicus Leiden names orchid after Dame Jane Goodall

    Scientists from The Naturalis Biodiversity Centre and botanical garden Hortus botanicus Leiden have described a new orchid species collected during a field trip in 2003 to Papua New Guinea by Dr....
    Scientists from The Naturalis Biodiversity Centre and botanical garden Hortus botanicus Leiden have described a new orchid species collected during a field trip in 2003 to Papua New Guinea by Dr. E.F. de Vogel and Art VogelContinue reading...
    Scientists from The Naturalis Biodiversity Centre and botanical garden Hortus botanicus Leiden have described a new orchid species collected during a field trip in 2003 to Papua New Guinea by Dr. E.F. de Vogel and Art VogelContinue reading...
    Scientists from The Naturalis Biodiversity Centre and botanical garden Hortus botanicus Leiden have described a new orchid species collected during a field trip in 2003 to Papua New Guinea by Dr....
  8. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: Kew's festival of 'poison' plants is as educational as it is part of a grand...

    'Kew Gardens Drugs Storm" was the rather bracing headline that went viral last week, thanks to the sterling work of some of Fleet Street's, ahem, finest.Continue reading...
    'Kew Gardens Drugs Storm" was the rather bracing headline that went viral last week, thanks to the sterling work of some of Fleet Street's, ahem, finest.Continue reading...
    'Kew Gardens Drugs Storm" was the rather bracing headline that went viral last week, thanks to the sterling work of some of Fleet Street's, ahem, finest.Continue reading...
    'Kew Gardens Drugs Storm" was the rather bracing headline that went viral last week, thanks to the sterling work of some of Fleet Street's, ahem, finest.Continue reading...
  9. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: It is possible to grow grape vines in this country

    Grapes make up the biggest single fruit crop in the world. Given the amount of liquid that finds its way down the throats of wine buffs each year, this is perhaps not surprising. But gardeners...
    Grapes make up the biggest single fruit crop in the world. Given the amount of liquid that finds its way down the throats of wine buffs each year, this is perhaps not surprising. But gardeners may not be growing grapes primarily for their alcoholic potential. Vines are blessed with an elegant,...
    Grapes make up the biggest single fruit crop in the world. Given the amount of liquid that finds its way down the throats of wine buffs each year, this is perhaps not surprising. But gardeners may not be growing grapes primarily for their...
    Grapes make up the biggest single fruit crop in the world. Given the amount of liquid that finds its way down the throats of wine buffs each year, this is perhaps not surprising. But gardeners...
  10. Botanic Gardens

    Chinese botanists recognised for contribution to plant conservation

    Two new awards for conserving the world’s imperiled flora have been awarded to Chinese botanists by BGCI on behalf of the Marsh Christian Trust.Continue reading...
    Two new awards for conserving the world’s imperiled flora have been awarded to Chinese botanists by BGCI on behalf of the Marsh Christian Trust.Continue reading...
    Two new awards for conserving the world’s imperiled flora have been awarded to Chinese botanists by BGCI on behalf of the Marsh Christian Trust.Continue reading...
    Two new awards for conserving the world’s imperiled flora have been awarded to Chinese botanists by BGCI on behalf of the Marsh Christian Trust.Continue reading...
  11. Botanic Gardens

    Test news item

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi...
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse...
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute...
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi...
  12. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: 'I love a bonfire but I have to remember that the neighbours might not'

    I always want to burn stuff at this time of year. I want to pile it high, set fire to it, and watch it go. I want to fall asleep with my hair smelling of bonfires, put on my jumper again weeks...
    I always want to burn stuff at this time of year. I want to pile it high, set fire to it, and watch it go. I want to fall asleep with my hair smelling of bonfires, put on my jumper again weeks later and still be able to smell smoke. I want to eschew the tip and the council recycling bags and...
    I always want to burn stuff at this time of year. I want to pile it high, set fire to it, and watch it go. I want to fall asleep with my hair smelling of bonfires, put on my jumper again weeks later and still be able to smell smoke. I want to...
    I always want to burn stuff at this time of year. I want to pile it high, set fire to it, and watch it go. I want to fall asleep with my hair smelling of bonfires, put on my jumper again weeks...
  13. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Don't have a garden? Get your green fingers working on the balcony, roof or allotment

    Inside the houseContinue reading...
    Inside the houseContinue reading...
    Inside the houseContinue reading...
    Inside the houseContinue reading...
  14. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: If you want colchicums to spring up in your garden at the tail-end of summer,...

    The rain that spoilt August Bank Holiday for so many people was only the second decent bit of rain we'd had since May. So as the water butts filled up and the trough by the greenhouse began to...
    The rain that spoilt August Bank Holiday for so many people was only the second decent bit of rain we'd had since May. So as the water butts filled up and the trough by the greenhouse began to overflow, I wasn't complaining. The rain brought forth mushrooms (ideal conditions this season) and...
    The rain that spoilt August Bank Holiday for so many people was only the second decent bit of rain we'd had since May. So as the water butts filled up and the trough by the greenhouse began to overflow, I wasn't complaining. The rain brought...
    The rain that spoilt August Bank Holiday for so many people was only the second decent bit of rain we'd had since May. So as the water butts filled up and the trough by the greenhouse began to...
  15. Botanic Gardens

    IMLS-Museums for America Grant Awarded to MBC, BGCI-US to partner

    Montgomery Botanical Center just received an award to study Mission Based Collections Planning. Montgomery will partner with the USDA Agricultural Research Service Subtropical Horticulture...
    Montgomery Botanical Center just received an award to study Mission Based Collections Planning. Montgomery will partner with the USDA Agricultural Research Service Subtropical Horticulture Research Station and BGCI U.S.Continue reading...
    Montgomery Botanical Center just received an award to study Mission Based Collections Planning. Montgomery will partner with the USDA Agricultural Research Service Subtropical Horticulture Research Station and BGCI U.S.Continue reading...
    Montgomery Botanical Center just received an award to study Mission Based Collections Planning. Montgomery will partner with the USDA Agricultural Research Service Subtropical Horticulture...
  16. Vegetable Gardening:

    Raymond Blanc's veg patch - where food tastes like it used to

    Mark Diacono visits Raymond Blanc's new vegetable patch, where heritage varieties more than 100 years old are grownContinue reading...
    Mark Diacono visits Raymond Blanc's new vegetable patch, where heritage varieties more than 100 years old are grownContinue reading...
    Mark Diacono visits Raymond Blanc's new vegetable patch, where heritage varieties more than 100 years old are grownContinue reading...
    Mark Diacono visits Raymond Blanc's new vegetable patch, where heritage varieties more than 100 years old are grownContinue reading...
  17. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: "For winter containers, forget those old, boring standards of pansies, ivy and...

    By now it should be clear to most people with whom I have even a passing acquaintance that I have strong views on window boxes.Continue reading...
    By now it should be clear to most people with whom I have even a passing acquaintance that I have strong views on window boxes.Continue reading...
    By now it should be clear to most people with whom I have even a passing acquaintance that I have strong views on window boxes.Continue reading...
    By now it should be clear to most people with whom I have even a passing acquaintance that I have strong views on window boxes.Continue reading...
  18. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: "Time to get planting for spring"

    By early August, the seedpods of the species tulips are ripe to gather. They are beautifully made, triangular in outline, with the seeds stacked up like Pringles in the three chambers into which...
    By early August, the seedpods of the species tulips are ripe to gather. They are beautifully made, triangular in outline, with the seeds stacked up like Pringles in the three chambers into which each seedpod is divided. No computer could have come up with a design so efficient. In fact, I lost...
    By early August, the seedpods of the species tulips are ripe to gather. They are beautifully made, triangular in outline, with the seeds stacked up like Pringles in the three chambers into which each seedpod is divided. No computer could have...
    By early August, the seedpods of the species tulips are ripe to gather. They are beautifully made, triangular in outline, with the seeds stacked up like Pringles in the three chambers into which...
  19. Botanic Gardens

    BGCI launches ex situ survey of globally threatened tree species

    BGCI is undertaking a global survey of ex situ collections of Critically Endangered and Endangered tree species to prioritise species for incorporation into conservation collecitons. Upload your...
    BGCI is undertaking a global survey of ex situ collections of Critically Endangered and Endangered tree species to prioritise species for incorporation into conservation collecitons. Upload your collection data to PlantSearch by November 1st 2014 to ensure the work of your institution is...
    BGCI is undertaking a global survey of ex situ collections of Critically Endangered and Endangered tree species to prioritise species for incorporation into conservation collecitons. Upload your collection data to PlantSearch by November 1st 2014...
    BGCI is undertaking a global survey of ex situ collections of Critically Endangered and Endangered tree species to prioritise species for incorporation into conservation collecitons. Upload your...
  20. Botanic Gardens

    BGCI welcomes The Morton Arboretum as a patron garden

    BGCI is pleased to welcome The Morton Arboretum as a new patron garden. The Morton Arboretum and BGCI have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding to work together on global tree conservation...
    BGCI is pleased to welcome The Morton Arboretum as a new patron garden. The Morton Arboretum and BGCI have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding to work together on global tree conservation and The Morton has generously seconded a Global Tree Conservation Officer to work with BGCI.Continue...
    BGCI is pleased to welcome The Morton Arboretum as a new patron garden. The Morton Arboretum and BGCI have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding to work together on global tree conservation and The Morton has generously seconded a Global Tree...
    BGCI is pleased to welcome The Morton Arboretum as a new patron garden. The Morton Arboretum and BGCI have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding to work together on global tree conservation...

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