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  1. - Gardening RSS Feed

    George Plumptre's new book delivers a paean to the English love for country-house gardens

    End of the summer: art galleries are packing up their temporary exhibitions ready to send the works home, so I dashed to Tate Britain to catch the last week of British Folk Art. Wandering...
    End of the summer: art galleries are packing up their temporary exhibitions ready to send the works home, so I dashed to Tate Britain to catch the last week of British Folk Art. Wandering around, admiring gigantic men made of straw and carpets woven by sailors to include images of fine ships...
    End of the summer: art galleries are packing up their temporary exhibitions ready to send the works home, so I dashed to Tate Britain to catch the last week of British Folk Art. Wandering around, admiring gigantic men made of straw and carpets...
    End of the summer: art galleries are packing up their temporary exhibitions ready to send the works home, so I dashed to Tate Britain to catch the last week of British Folk Art. Wandering...
  2. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Weekend Work: Time to prune wall-trained trees

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    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
  3. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Paradise in Camberwell: A gardener has created an extraordinary home for tree ferns in London

    I didn't have to look very hard for Patrick de Nangle's garden at 8 Calais Street in London's Camberwell, which is open tomorrow for the National Gardens Scheme. A huge Chusan palm was spraying...
    I didn't have to look very hard for Patrick de Nangle's garden at 8 Calais Street in London's Camberwell, which is open tomorrow for the National Gardens Scheme. A huge Chusan palm was spraying its fronds over the well-camouflaged wheelie bin. The shine on the leaves of the banana plant in the...
    I didn't have to look very hard for Patrick de Nangle's garden at 8 Calais Street in London's Camberwell, which is open tomorrow for the National Gardens Scheme. A huge Chusan palm was spraying its fronds over the well-camouflaged wheelie bin....
    I didn't have to look very hard for Patrick de Nangle's garden at 8 Calais Street in London's Camberwell, which is open tomorrow for the National Gardens Scheme. A huge Chusan palm was spraying...
  4. Botanic Gardens

    Botanic garden workshop held in Korea

    A workshop on Botanic Garden Management for Korean botanic gardens and arboreta was held from July 7-9 at Chollipo ArboretumContinue reading...
    A workshop on Botanic Garden Management for Korean botanic gardens and arboreta was held from July 7-9 at Chollipo ArboretumContinue reading...
    A workshop on Botanic Garden Management for Korean botanic gardens and arboreta was held from July 7-9 at Chollipo ArboretumContinue reading...
    A workshop on Botanic Garden Management for Korean botanic gardens and arboreta was held from July 7-9 at Chollipo ArboretumContinue reading...
  5. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: 'Calling in the professionals to create an outdoor space might require a...

    'Twenty grand might just about do the labour, plants and hard landscaping in a small back garden'Continue reading...
    'Twenty grand might just about do the labour, plants and hard landscaping in a small back garden'Continue reading...
    'Twenty grand might just about do the labour, plants and hard landscaping in a small back garden'Continue reading...
    'Twenty grand might just about do the labour, plants and hard landscaping in a small back garden'Continue reading...
  6. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: 'It's a busy month ahead, with bulbs to force into bloom, lawns to repair,...

    TOP JOB FOR THE MONTHContinue reading...
    TOP JOB FOR THE MONTHContinue reading...
    TOP JOB FOR THE MONTHContinue reading...
    TOP JOB FOR THE MONTHContinue reading...
  7. Botanic Gardens

    Now recruiting - BGCI-U.S. Executive Director

    BGCI-US is recruiting an Executive Director. The main role will be to increase support for BGCI’s U.S. and international plant conservation programs and to implement the BGCI-US strategic...
    BGCI-US is recruiting an Executive Director. The main role will be to increase support for BGCI’s U.S. and international plant conservation programs and to implement the BGCI-US strategic planContinue reading...
    BGCI-US is recruiting an Executive Director. The main role will be to increase support for BGCI’s U.S. and international plant conservation programs and to implement the BGCI-US strategic planContinue reading...
    BGCI-US is recruiting an Executive Director. The main role will be to increase support for BGCI’s U.S. and international plant conservation programs and to implement the BGCI-US strategic...
  8. Botanic Gardens

    New website for U.S. Plant Conservation Alliance

    Announcing a new website for the U.S. Plant Conservation Alliance, located at reading...
    Announcing a new website for the U.S. Plant Conservation Alliance, located at reading...
    Announcing a new website for the U.S. Plant Conservation Alliance, located at reading...
    Announcing a new website for the U.S. Plant Conservation Alliance, located at reading...
  9. Vegetable Gardening:

    Patrick Laroche's vegetable sculptures come to London

    Artist Patrick Laroche's cheerful collection of gleaming vegetable sculptures are to be exhibited at a London hotelContinue reading...
    Artist Patrick Laroche's cheerful collection of gleaming vegetable sculptures are to be exhibited at a London hotelContinue reading...
    Artist Patrick Laroche's cheerful collection of gleaming vegetable sculptures are to be exhibited at a London hotelContinue reading...
    Artist Patrick Laroche's cheerful collection of gleaming vegetable sculptures are to be exhibited at a London hotelContinue reading...
  10. Vegetable Gardening:

    Grow damsons for luscious jams and moreish brandy

    The tart little damson, a classic British fruit, is back in favour, says Lia LeendertzContinue reading...
    The tart little damson, a classic British fruit, is back in favour, says Lia LeendertzContinue reading...
    The tart little damson, a classic British fruit, is back in favour, says Lia LeendertzContinue reading...
    The tart little damson, a classic British fruit, is back in favour, says Lia LeendertzContinue reading...
  11. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Weekend work: Time to pinch back home-grown wallflower plants

    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
  12. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Anna Pavord: I've had more joy from the garden this year than I can ever before remember

    There's a little orange icon at the bottom of my computer screen and when the mouse happens to skate over it on its way to somewhere else, a blue message pops up. "Everything is good," it says....
    There's a little orange icon at the bottom of my computer screen and when the mouse happens to skate over it on its way to somewhere else, a blue message pops up. "Everything is good," it says. It's curiously comforting. Even I don't suppose the anti-virus-software icon's power stretches...
    There's a little orange icon at the bottom of my computer screen and when the mouse happens to skate over it on its way to somewhere else, a blue message pops up. "Everything is good," it says. It's curiously comforting. Even I don't suppose...
    There's a little orange icon at the bottom of my computer screen and when the mouse happens to skate over it on its way to somewhere else, a blue message pops up. "Everything is good," it says....
  13. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: 'January has nothing on 1 September - here are my autumnal resolutions'

    Oh god, 1 September is coming. In France, they give it an elegant name, la rentrée, signifying the moment when we all come home from summer holiday and can start talking about what we’d like to...
    Oh god, 1 September is coming. In France, they give it an elegant name, la rentrée, signifying the moment when we all come home from summer holiday and can start talking about what we’d like to eat for Christmas dinner.Continue reading...
    Oh god, 1 September is coming. In France, they give it an elegant name, la rentrée, signifying the moment when we all come home from summer holiday and can start talking about what we’d like to eat for Christmas dinner.Continue reading...
    Oh god, 1 September is coming. In France, they give it an elegant name, la rentrée, signifying the moment when we all come home from summer holiday and can start talking about what we’d like to...
  14. Botanic Gardens

    Call for Participants - 9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens

    The congress will feature panel sessions, workshops and poster showcases on a range of topics - to participate please contact the relevant person directly. We're also interested in your own ideas...
    The congress will feature panel sessions, workshops and poster showcases on a range of topics - to participate please contact the relevant person directly. We're also interested in your own ideas for sessions! Proposals must be recieved by the 15th of September, 2014.Continue reading...
    The congress will feature panel sessions, workshops and poster showcases on a range of topics - to participate please contact the relevant person directly. We're also interested in your own ideas for sessions! Proposals must be recieved by the...
    The congress will feature panel sessions, workshops and poster showcases on a range of topics - to participate please contact the relevant person directly. We're also interested in your own ideas...
  15. Botanic Gardens

    Focus on Community for the 2015 APGA Annual Conference

    “Watering Our Roots to Grow Our Communities” is the theme of the 2015 American Public Gardens Association conference, which will take place from the 22nd to 26th June 2015 in the Twin Cities of...
    “Watering Our Roots to Grow Our Communities” is the theme of the 2015 American Public Gardens Association conference, which will take place from the 22nd to 26th June 2015 in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.Continue reading...
    “Watering Our Roots to Grow Our Communities” is the theme of the 2015 American Public Gardens Association conference, which will take place from the 22nd to 26th June 2015 in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.Continue...
    “Watering Our Roots to Grow Our Communities” is the theme of the 2015 American Public Gardens Association conference, which will take place from the 22nd to 26th June 2015 in the Twin Cities of...
  16. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Emma Townshend: 'How to deter burglars? The experts recommended something prickly - but that...

    Exactly two years ago, I got burgled. I went out at 11am to walk the baby around the block until he fell asleep, and walking back down my road, my first thought was, "Where's the car?" And then,...
    Exactly two years ago, I got burgled. I went out at 11am to walk the baby around the block until he fell asleep, and walking back down my road, my first thought was, "Where's the car?" And then, "Oh dear, I really am sure I did leave it right here…"Continue reading...
    Exactly two years ago, I got burgled. I went out at 11am to walk the baby around the block until he fell asleep, and walking back down my road, my first thought was, "Where's the car?" And then, "Oh dear, I really am sure I did leave it right...
    Exactly two years ago, I got burgled. I went out at 11am to walk the baby around the block until he fell asleep, and walking back down my road, my first thought was, "Where's the car?" And then,...
  17. - Gardening RSS Feed

    Weekend work: Time to prune berberis and trim box hedges

    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
    WHAT TO DOContinue reading...
  18. Botanic Gardens

    New video on GardenSearch and PlantSearch

    A new overview and instructions for BGCI's globally unique databases of gardens and the collections they maintain.Continue reading...
    A new overview and instructions for BGCI's globally unique databases of gardens and the collections they maintain.Continue reading...
    A new overview and instructions for BGCI's globally unique databases of gardens and the collections they maintain.Continue reading...
    A new overview and instructions for BGCI's globally unique databases of gardens and the collections they maintain.Continue reading...
  19. Vegetable Gardening:

    Do we really need to trademark fruit and veg?

    Trademarking fruit and vegetables is not just a marketing ploy; it protects standards and growers' rights. But traditional British varieties could be losing out...Continue reading...
    Trademarking fruit and vegetables is not just a marketing ploy; it protects standards and growers' rights. But traditional British varieties could be losing out...Continue reading...
    Trademarking fruit and vegetables is not just a marketing ploy; it protects standards and growers' rights. But traditional British varieties could be losing out...Continue reading...
    Trademarking fruit and vegetables is not just a marketing ploy; it protects standards and growers' rights. But traditional British varieties could be losing out...Continue reading...
  20. - Gardening RSS Feed

    How to attract butterflies, bumblebees and other flying insects to your garden

    Thats alright if the Butterflies are there in the first place.
    Thats alright if the Butterflies are there in the first place.
    Thats alright if the Butterflies are there in the first place.
    Thats alright if the Butterflies are there in the first place.

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