General Gardening Discussion

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  1. miraflores


    any idea why this is the third time that my gypsophila seedlings die after reaching 3-4 cm? They are indoors in a pot.
    any idea why this is the third time that my gypsophila seedlings die after reaching 3-4 cm? They are indoors in a pot.
    any idea why this is the third time that my gypsophila seedlings die after reaching 3-4 cm? They are indoors in a pot.
    any idea why this is the third time that my gypsophila seedlings die after reaching 3-4 cm? They are indoors in a pot.

    Shrubs for a windy site

    Thanks wiseoldowl. Beautiful picture.
    Thanks wiseoldowl. Beautiful picture.
    Thanks wiseoldowl. Beautiful picture.
    Thanks wiseoldowl. Beautiful picture.
  3. daz and debs

    Im not risking it in this weather lol

    Down to -8C last night. Got the heater working again, but despite being on for two and a half hours the temperature inside still fell to -1C.
    Down to -8C last night. Got the heater working again, but despite being on for two and a half hours the temperature inside still fell to -1C.
    Down to -8C last night. Got the heater working again, but despite being on for two and a half hours the temperature inside still fell to -1C.
    Down to -8C last night. Got the heater working again, but despite being on for two and a half hours the temperature inside still fell to -1C.
  4. mztrouble

    comprehensive list of colour all year round?

    There was a good article in the Telegraph's Garden supplement on Saturday last which listed 100 best plants - worth a look although I guess we could all suggest othes.....
    There was a good article in the Telegraph's Garden supplement on Saturday last which listed 100 best plants - worth a look although I guess we could all suggest othes.....
    There was a good article in the Telegraph's Garden supplement on Saturday last which listed 100 best plants - worth a look although I guess we could all suggest othes.....
    There was a good article in the Telegraph's Garden supplement on Saturday last which listed 100 best plants - worth a look although I guess we could all suggest othes.....
  5. lazy-gardener

    seeds without a grenhouse??

    ohh ! thanks for that. Now why didnt I ever think of just planting a few in a pot instead of a whole tray full???? why is it the obvious is just that-too obvious!!and yet I had also never...
    ohh ! thanks for that. Now why didnt I ever think of just planting a few in a pot instead of a whole tray full???? why is it the obvious is just that-too obvious!!and yet I had also never thought about spraying them with that compound stuff either!! grrrr. bimbo alert!!!!
    ohh ! thanks for that. Now why didnt I ever think of just planting a few in a pot instead of a whole tray full???? why is it the obvious is just that-too obvious!!and yet I had also never thought about spraying them with that compound stuff...
    ohh ! thanks for that. Now why didnt I ever think of just planting a few in a pot instead of a whole tray full???? why is it the obvious is just that-too obvious!!and yet I had also never...
  6. richardd2007

    product design: water butt - improvements?

    There you are richard hope this helps
    There you are richard hope this helps
    There you are richard hope this helps
    There you are richard hope this helps
  7. elainefiz

    Tidying up lavender.

    Hi Elaine welcome back girl.I have to agree with Pro Gard cut off the old flower stalks for now as that will at least make them an awful lot more neater and pleasing to the eye.Sadly my own...
    Hi Elaine welcome back girl.I have to agree with Pro Gard cut off the old flower stalks for now as that will at least make them an awful lot more neater and pleasing to the eye.Sadly my own lavender got way out of hand after only a year..... so much for feeding the blooming things ended up...
    Hi Elaine welcome back girl.I have to agree with Pro Gard cut off the old flower stalks for now as that will at least make them an awful lot more neater and pleasing to the eye.Sadly my own lavender got way out of hand after only a year........
    Hi Elaine welcome back girl.I have to agree with Pro Gard cut off the old flower stalks for now as that will at least make them an awful lot more neater and pleasing to the eye.Sadly my own...
  8. Daisies

    sparrow friendly hedging

    My Dunnock nests in a large conifer,the group of house sparrows that frequent my garden seek the sanctuary of a firethorn it keeps the sparrow hawk at bay, if you want them to nest put a row of...
    My Dunnock nests in a large conifer,the group of house sparrows that frequent my garden seek the sanctuary of a firethorn it keeps the sparrow hawk at bay, if you want them to nest put a row of nest boxes under your eaves,the boxing in of the eaves that they now do on new builds has added to the...
    My Dunnock nests in a large conifer,the group of house sparrows that frequent my garden seek the sanctuary of a firethorn it keeps the sparrow hawk at bay, if you want them to nest put a row of nest boxes under your eaves,the boxing in of the...
    My Dunnock nests in a large conifer,the group of house sparrows that frequent my garden seek the sanctuary of a firethorn it keeps the sparrow hawk at bay, if you want them to nest put a row of...
  9. Rosiemongrel

    Pruning in the spring - when?

    Shrub roses I do early to mid March.Other roses I prune back 1/3 in late november to prevent windrock /remove long shoots then properly prune any time between Jan and march thinning out growth,...
    Shrub roses I do early to mid March.Other roses I prune back 1/3 in late november to prevent windrock /remove long shoots then properly prune any time between Jan and march thinning out growth, reducing it and removing dead wood.Remember to be quite heavy handed with your summer dead...
    Shrub roses I do early to mid March.Other roses I prune back 1/3 in late november to prevent windrock /remove long shoots then properly prune any time between Jan and march thinning out growth, reducing it and removing dead wood.Remember to...
    Shrub roses I do early to mid March.Other roses I prune back 1/3 in late november to prevent windrock /remove long shoots then properly prune any time between Jan and march thinning out growth,...
  10. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Garden Website music

    We used 'You Got a Friend' on our terrier site, went for the 'Ahhh' response.
    We used 'You Got a Friend' on our terrier site, went for the 'Ahhh' response.
    We used 'You Got a Friend' on our terrier site, went for the 'Ahhh' response.
    We used 'You Got a Friend' on our terrier site, went for the 'Ahhh' response.
  11. Gogs

    Fuchsia -Charlie Boy

    Many thanks for that E'smum,beginning to think it were a "one off". I do know it was released in 2003 by M.R.Allsop who i've tried to contact.Gonna get in touch with the Fuchsia group i were a...
    Many thanks for that E'smum,beginning to think it were a "one off". I do know it was released in 2003 by M.R.Allsop who i've tried to contact.Gonna get in touch with the Fuchsia group i were a member of & see if they know anything. I do love Fuchsia's & it seemed apt. to get one of these...
    Many thanks for that E'smum,beginning to think it were a "one off". I do know it was released in 2003 by M.R.Allsop who i've tried to contact.Gonna get in touch with the Fuchsia group i were a member of & see if they know anything. I do love...
    Many thanks for that E'smum,beginning to think it were a "one off". I do know it was released in 2003 by M.R.Allsop who i've tried to contact.Gonna get in touch with the Fuchsia group i were a...
  12. miraflores


    is it better to grow it in pots and how long does it take to produce flowers?
    is it better to grow it in pots and how long does it take to produce flowers?
    is it better to grow it in pots and how long does it take to produce flowers?
    is it better to grow it in pots and how long does it take to produce flowers?
  13. Rosiemongrel

    Pruning buddleja?

    Buddleja is a tough old plant hack away at it and it comes back fighting!
    Buddleja is a tough old plant hack away at it and it comes back fighting!
    Buddleja is a tough old plant hack away at it and it comes back fighting!
    Buddleja is a tough old plant hack away at it and it comes back fighting!
  14. compost maker

    Camellia Dear Jenny

    Not now she isnt but love the pun.
    Not now she isnt but love the pun.
    Not now she isnt but love the pun.
    Not now she isnt but love the pun.
  15. Rosiemongrel

    Filling gaps in flower beds

    also the peiwinkles lesser and major make good ground cover plants.
    also the peiwinkles lesser and major make good ground cover plants.
    also the peiwinkles lesser and major make good ground cover plants.
    also the peiwinkles lesser and major make good ground cover plants.
  16. oktarine

    Reads Retreat Blog

    Nice blog Oktarine - good on you. Keep reminding us of it from time to time.Some helpful info on there - you've inspired me to start my tomatoe seedlings.All the best, TC
    Nice blog Oktarine - good on you. Keep reminding us of it from time to time.Some helpful info on there - you've inspired me to start my tomatoe seedlings.All the best, TC
    Nice blog Oktarine - good on you. Keep reminding us of it from time to time.Some helpful info on there - you've inspired me to start my tomatoe seedlings.All the best, TC
    Nice blog Oktarine - good on you. Keep reminding us of it from time to time.Some helpful info on there - you've inspired me to start my tomatoe seedlings.All the best, TC
  17. sarahw1969

    Newbie to site and gardening....HELP

    Just to clarify all passion fruits are toxic when unripe P. tripartita var. mollissima and other Tacsonia taste good but deteriorate quickly after harvest,P.edulis is the edible one commonly...
    Just to clarify all passion fruits are toxic when unripe P. tripartita var. mollissima and other Tacsonia taste good but deteriorate quickly after harvest,P.edulis is the edible one commonly sold, the one I have is P. caerulea a hardy little number its fruits are orange when ripe, it has a...
    Just to clarify all passion fruits are toxic when unripe P. tripartita var. mollissima and other Tacsonia taste good but deteriorate quickly after harvest,P.edulis is the edible one commonly sold, the one I have is P. caerulea a hardy little...
    Just to clarify all passion fruits are toxic when unripe P. tripartita var. mollissima and other Tacsonia taste good but deteriorate quickly after harvest,P.edulis is the edible one commonly...
  18. Johnny

    Price for close board fence and concrete posts

    Just reading the comments above especially the "seems expensive if you are not in the business" one.!!! My dad ran a building firm and directly from school (1989) i worked for him for 2 years...
    Just reading the comments above especially the "seems expensive if you are not in the business" one.!!! My dad ran a building firm and directly from school (1989) i worked for him for 2 years whilst doing a city and guilds brickwork course. When i recently built an extension on my house,(with a...
    Just reading the comments above especially the "seems expensive if you are not in the business" one.!!! My dad ran a building firm and directly from school (1989) i worked for him for 2 years whilst doing a city and guilds brickwork course. When...
    Just reading the comments above especially the "seems expensive if you are not in the business" one.!!! My dad ran a building firm and directly from school (1989) i worked for him for 2 years...
  19. ming


    I have moved some of mine at this time some people say leave it until a bit later but I cut all mine down a bit and transferred them to there new site
    I have moved some of mine at this time some people say leave it until a bit later but I cut all mine down a bit and transferred them to there new site
    I have moved some of mine at this time some people say leave it until a bit later but I cut all mine down a bit and transferred them to there new site
    I have moved some of mine at this time some people say leave it until a bit later but I cut all mine down a bit and transferred them to there new site
  20. chobart

    new garden

    Thanks for the advice - and for your kind words Helen. Getting back into the garden has been held up because of the awful cold weather but have just found out that one of my golfing pals has a...
    Thanks for the advice - and for your kind words Helen. Getting back into the garden has been held up because of the awful cold weather but have just found out that one of my golfing pals has a friend who has a wholesale nursery so am hoping for good things to come. I agree with cramming...
    Thanks for the advice - and for your kind words Helen. Getting back into the garden has been held up because of the awful cold weather but have just found out that one of my golfing pals has a friend who has a wholesale nursery so am hoping for...
    Thanks for the advice - and for your kind words Helen. Getting back into the garden has been held up because of the awful cold weather but have just found out that one of my golfing pals has a...

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