General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Phil A
  2. Phil A


    You'd have a telegraph pole :dbgrtmb:
    You'd have a telegraph pole :dbgrtmb:
    You'd have a telegraph pole :dbgrtmb:
    You'd have a telegraph pole :dbgrtmb:
  3. hedgefog

    Dividing Hydrangea

    Thank you Charlie & Sheal :) I really had no idea if they will live or die, but glad to see they are coming back. Hopefully we might see them flowering in next year or two.
    Thank you Charlie & Sheal :) I really had no idea if they will live or die, but glad to see they are coming back. Hopefully we might see them flowering in next year or two.
    Thank you Charlie & Sheal :) I really had no idea if they will live or die, but glad to see they are coming back. Hopefully we might see them flowering in next year or two.
    Thank you Charlie & Sheal :) I really had no idea if they will live or die, but glad to see they are coming back. Hopefully we might see them flowering in next year or two.
  4. kindredspirit
    Like x 6

    Water Lilies flowering in November.

    More than mine did all year!!!!!!!!!
    More than mine did all year!!!!!!!!!
    More than mine did all year!!!!!!!!!
    More than mine did all year!!!!!!!!!
  5. CharlieBot
    Friendly x 5

    Just thought I would share this

    Beautiful rose: how thoughtful of your parents to send you that picture today; you must be a very close family.I don't think we ever stop missing loved ones who have past that we have been...
    Beautiful rose: how thoughtful of your parents to send you that picture today; you must be a very close family.I don't think we ever stop missing loved ones who have past that we have been close to :grphg:
    Beautiful rose: how thoughtful of your parents to send you that picture today; you must be a very close family.I don't think we ever stop missing loved ones who have past that we have been close to :grphg:
    Beautiful rose: how thoughtful of your parents to send you that picture today; you must be a very close family.I don't think we ever stop missing loved ones who have past that we have been...
  6. Fat Controller
    Like x 6


    Trouble is, I keep getting the bottles mixed up and I soak 'em in bleach :mutters:Leave the Jammy Dodgers in the desk drawer - you know its only you, me and Marley Farley that goes in there -...
    Trouble is, I keep getting the bottles mixed up and I soak 'em in bleach :mutters:Leave the Jammy Dodgers in the desk drawer - you know its only you, me and Marley Farley that goes in there - Zigs is afraid of the spiders :snork:
    Trouble is, I keep getting the bottles mixed up and I soak 'em in bleach :mutters:Leave the Jammy Dodgers in the desk drawer - you know its only you, me and Marley Farley that goes in there - Zigs is afraid of the spiders :snork:
    Trouble is, I keep getting the bottles mixed up and I soak 'em in bleach :mutters:Leave the Jammy Dodgers in the desk drawer - you know its only you, me and Marley Farley that goes in there -...
  7. Sheal

    Knautia Macedonica

    Thanks Val and Palustris. :dbgrtmb:Thanks for the offer of the seedlings but I'll let you hang on to those. :) I grew Knautia from seed this year and have just dead headed it. The bees have loved it!
    Thanks Val and Palustris. :dbgrtmb:Thanks for the offer of the seedlings but I'll let you hang on to those. :) I grew Knautia from seed this year and have just dead headed it. The bees have loved it!
    Thanks Val and Palustris. :dbgrtmb:Thanks for the offer of the seedlings but I'll let you hang on to those. :) I grew Knautia from seed this year and have just dead headed it. The bees have loved it!
    Thanks Val and Palustris. :dbgrtmb:Thanks for the offer of the seedlings but I'll let you hang on to those. :) I grew Knautia from seed this year and have just dead headed it. The bees have loved it!
  8. silu

    How to attach Ivy back onto wall.

    Who'd have thought I could get the information I needed within minutes and a colour choice too!!! Ivy now upright with clear Tec7 and a couple of planks for good measure. Agree with Jenny, you...
    Who'd have thought I could get the information I needed within minutes and a colour choice too!!! Ivy now upright with clear Tec7 and a couple of planks for good measure. Agree with Jenny, you lot on GC always come up trumps when I'm needing some good and practical advise.
    Who'd have thought I could get the information I needed within minutes and a colour choice too!!! Ivy now upright with clear Tec7 and a couple of planks for good measure. Agree with Jenny, you lot on GC always come up trumps when I'm needing...
    Who'd have thought I could get the information I needed within minutes and a colour choice too!!! Ivy now upright with clear Tec7 and a couple of planks for good measure. Agree with Jenny, you...
  9. jono

    Honeysuckle rooted cuttings????

    Hi has anyone got honeysuckle Belgica or Serotina or Gold flame cuttings for sale... Thought I would try on here first as I saw the seed swap so just giving it a try
    Hi has anyone got honeysuckle Belgica or Serotina or Gold flame cuttings for sale... Thought I would try on here first as I saw the seed swap so just giving it a try
    Hi has anyone got honeysuckle Belgica or Serotina or Gold flame cuttings for sale... Thought I would try on here first as I saw the seed swap so just giving it a try
    Hi has anyone got honeysuckle Belgica or Serotina or Gold flame cuttings for sale... Thought I would try on here first as I saw the seed swap so just giving it a try
  10. jono


    naa just got to encourage the young
    naa just got to encourage the young
    naa just got to encourage the young
    naa just got to encourage the young
  11. Palustris

    Olearia x haastii

    My Olearia must be over 60 years old. It was about 20ft tall with all growth at the top and looked awful! Took the plunge and attacked it in April with a chainsaw, pruning down to about 3ft. I'd...
    My Olearia must be over 60 years old. It was about 20ft tall with all growth at the top and looked awful! Took the plunge and attacked it in April with a chainsaw, pruning down to about 3ft. I'd have been all day if I had used a pruning saw as the branches are thick. Gave it loads of manure...
    My Olearia must be over 60 years old. It was about 20ft tall with all growth at the top and looked awful! Took the plunge and attacked it in April with a chainsaw, pruning down to about 3ft. I'd have been all day if I had used a pruning saw as...
    My Olearia must be over 60 years old. It was about 20ft tall with all growth at the top and looked awful! Took the plunge and attacked it in April with a chainsaw, pruning down to about 3ft. I'd...
  12. Fat Controller

    Large flowering crocus remembrance

    Plant them anywhere, few inches down, you can even grow them indoors at this time of year. planting distance isn't crucial, few inches should do it.:)
    Plant them anywhere, few inches down, you can even grow them indoors at this time of year. planting distance isn't crucial, few inches should do it.:)
    Plant them anywhere, few inches down, you can even grow them indoors at this time of year. planting distance isn't crucial, few inches should do it.:)
    Plant them anywhere, few inches down, you can even grow them indoors at this time of year. planting distance isn't crucial, few inches should do it.:)
  13. silu
    Like x 3

    Oriental Lily Bulbs, exotic but so easy to grow.

    I got some from wilkos, planted in February (some straight in ground) and they all flowered.
    I got some from wilkos, planted in February (some straight in ground) and they all flowered.
    I got some from wilkos, planted in February (some straight in ground) and they all flowered.
    I got some from wilkos, planted in February (some straight in ground) and they all flowered.
  14. SharonL

    Autumnwatch tonight 8pm BBC2

    Yes @SharonL was drooling at him in his diving gear but can't understand why they don't get Packham doing the bog snorkelling instead of poor Martin who spend most of his time sitting bolt upright...
    Yes @SharonL was drooling at him in his diving gear but can't understand why they don't get Packham doing the bog snorkelling instead of poor Martin who spend most of his time sitting bolt upright and teasing Michala:snork:
    Yes @SharonL was drooling at him in his diving gear but can't understand why they don't get Packham doing the bog snorkelling instead of poor Martin who spend most of his time sitting bolt upright and teasing Michala:snork:
    Yes @SharonL was drooling at him in his diving gear but can't understand why they don't get Packham doing the bog snorkelling instead of poor Martin who spend most of his time sitting bolt upright...
  15. whis4ey
    Like x 6

    The Japanese Maples are changing

    Stunning! :dbgrtmb:
    Stunning! :dbgrtmb:
    Stunning! :dbgrtmb:
    Stunning! :dbgrtmb:
  16. Phil A
    Like x 3

    Strange things to find in the hedge #1

    I prefer Scrungee's offer of Monmouth Beach :biggrin:
    I prefer Scrungee's offer of Monmouth Beach :biggrin:
    I prefer Scrungee's offer of Monmouth Beach :biggrin:
    I prefer Scrungee's offer of Monmouth Beach :biggrin:
  17. Bilbo675
    Like x 3

    Is Mother Nature Confused?

    I've got some green clumps of bramble's weather they will ripen only time will tell.Today a chap asked if he could pull the few that are still ripe to go with his apples that he has just...
    I've got some green clumps of bramble's weather they will ripen only time will tell.Today a chap asked if he could pull the few that are still ripe to go with his apples that he has just pulled. My reply Only if I get a slice:hapydancsmil::hapydancsmil: sorry but his reply was not for this forum:hapfeet::hapfeet: He's a good mate anway
    I've got some green clumps of bramble's weather they will ripen only time will tell.Today a chap asked if he could pull the few that are still ripe to go with his apples that he has just pulled. My reply Only if I get a slice:hapydancsmil::hapydancsmil: sorry but his reply...
    I've got some green clumps of bramble's weather they will ripen only time will tell.Today a chap asked if he could pull the few that are still ripe to go with his apples that he has just...
  18. Scrungee

    Homebase to close 25% of stores by Feb 2018

    I always liked Homebase their plants always seemed in better shape than in B & Q, I think the problem is people buying online instead. My nearest Homebase/B & Q is in Hereford which is too far to...
    I always liked Homebase their plants always seemed in better shape than in B & Q, I think the problem is people buying online instead. My nearest Homebase/B & Q is in Hereford which is too far to travel, but I don't miss those shops at all. I can get what I want online.
    I always liked Homebase their plants always seemed in better shape than in B & Q, I think the problem is people buying online instead. My nearest Homebase/B & Q is in Hereford which is too far to travel, but I don't miss those shops at all. I...
    I always liked Homebase their plants always seemed in better shape than in B & Q, I think the problem is people buying online instead. My nearest Homebase/B & Q is in Hereford which is too far to...
  19. Loofah
    Like x 4

    I'm a grafty one

    Us ex-navy types are all the same lol
    Us ex-navy types are all the same lol
    Us ex-navy types are all the same lol
    Us ex-navy types are all the same lol
  20. jd67

    Prune Apple tree

    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you

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