General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Barra

    around the world in 80 gardens

    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
  2. cattwoman25

    woke up this morning and am gutted

    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
  3. Dan King

    Please help dying plant

    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the...
    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the site....;f=31;t=000174Get yourself an accout with...
    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the...
    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the...
  4. craig

    Lidl Gardening specials

    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
  5. Scotkat

    Snowdrop walk this afternoon Ecclesgrieg Castle

    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
  6. naepace

    Esveld Mail Order Plants

    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
  7. flowerpotty

    possible problem with callisteman citrinus splendens?

    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
  8. Ethansmum

    Diathus/carnation or sweet william??

    I've tried google images but gave up after the first 10 pages.I think I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one, next time I'm there I'll ask. Thanks for the help
    I've tried google images but gave up after the first 10 pages.I think I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one, next time I'm there I'll ask. Thanks for the help
    I've tried google images but gave up after the first 10 pages.I think I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one, next time I'm there I'll ask. Thanks for the help
    I've tried google images but gave up after the first 10 pages.I think I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one, next time I'm there I'll ask. Thanks for the help
  9. liston


    Terrier, For paddock areas you want a selective weedkiller that wont kill off the grass, roundup is non selective and therfore although effective not the best option.For paddock or orchard type...
    Terrier, For paddock areas you want a selective weedkiller that wont kill off the grass, roundup is non selective and therfore although effective not the best option.For paddock or orchard type grass land I spot treat with Blaster from ALS, �£37 plus vat for 1 litre so cheap ish.ALS tel...
    Terrier, For paddock areas you want a selective weedkiller that wont kill off the grass, roundup is non selective and therfore although effective not the best option.For paddock or orchard type grass land I spot treat with Blaster from ALS,...
    Terrier, For paddock areas you want a selective weedkiller that wont kill off the grass, roundup is non selective and therfore although effective not the best option.For paddock or orchard type...
  10. rosa

    Help ,How to Get Rid Of Brambles

    Roundup is probably your best bet. But cut the brambles back to ground level first, and apply the Roundup to the soft, fresh, new growth that regrows.The chemical will penetrate the fresh growth...
    Roundup is probably your best bet. But cut the brambles back to ground level first, and apply the Roundup to the soft, fresh, new growth that regrows.The chemical will penetrate the fresh growth easier than the tough old foliage. As roundup kills he root it'll take a while for it to show any...
    Roundup is probably your best bet. But cut the brambles back to ground level first, and apply the Roundup to the soft, fresh, new growth that regrows.The chemical will penetrate the fresh growth easier than the tough old foliage. As roundup...
    Roundup is probably your best bet. But cut the brambles back to ground level first, and apply the Roundup to the soft, fresh, new growth that regrows.The chemical will penetrate the fresh growth...
  11. Helofadigger

    B & Q's 25 % off sale now on....

    Make them feel guilty. 'We had to drag this old lady out, twice.' I'm cheeky. I'd go for an extra 5%What would the local paper think? I'm a very ethical prat.
    Make them feel guilty. 'We had to drag this old lady out, twice.' I'm cheeky. I'd go for an extra 5%What would the local paper think? I'm a very ethical prat.
    Make them feel guilty. 'We had to drag this old lady out, twice.' I'm cheeky. I'd go for an extra 5%What would the local paper think? I'm a very ethical prat.
    Make them feel guilty. 'We had to drag this old lady out, twice.' I'm cheeky. I'd go for an extra 5%What would the local paper think? I'm a very ethical prat.
  12. compost maker

    Creation of a snowdrop field in a cemetery

    Jean this project sounds wonderful, I love the old enchanting churchyards that are kind of wooded with the bulbs croping up all over the place.I think you are right snowdrops work much better if...
    Jean this project sounds wonderful, I love the old enchanting churchyards that are kind of wooded with the bulbs croping up all over the place.I think you are right snowdrops work much better if they are green.I wish you well with your
    Jean this project sounds wonderful, I love the old enchanting churchyards that are kind of wooded with the bulbs croping up all over the place.I think you are right snowdrops work much better if they are green.I wish you well with your...
    Jean this project sounds wonderful, I love the old enchanting churchyards that are kind of wooded with the bulbs croping up all over the place.I think you are right snowdrops work much better if...
  13. mztrouble

    my garden project

    I shouldn't worry too much hacking back that hedge as although it may seem bare your side once it's done it wouldn't be bare your neighbour's side (if you get my meaning), if you did decide to...
    I shouldn't worry too much hacking back that hedge as although it may seem bare your side once it's done it wouldn't be bare your neighbour's side (if you get my meaning), if you did decide to hack your side back you could always put up some nice wicker screening as this will let light in but...
    I shouldn't worry too much hacking back that hedge as although it may seem bare your side once it's done it wouldn't be bare your neighbour's side (if you get my meaning), if you did decide to hack your side back you could always put up some nice...
    I shouldn't worry too much hacking back that hedge as although it may seem bare your side once it's done it wouldn't be bare your neighbour's side (if you get my meaning), if you did decide to...
  14. intermiplants

    how much to replace

    thanks all i have talked lady imp into leaving it alone and see what happens, thanks for your help ;)
    thanks all i have talked lady imp into leaving it alone and see what happens, thanks for your help ;)
    thanks all i have talked lady imp into leaving it alone and see what happens, thanks for your help ;)
    thanks all i have talked lady imp into leaving it alone and see what happens, thanks for your help ;)
  15. Helofadigger

    Phoenix canariensis

    Thanks guys for your advice I didn't want to lose the little guy as the boys brought it for their old mum and I would be so shame faced if I lost it so much so that I would have to go out and by...
    Thanks guys for your advice I didn't want to lose the little guy as the boys brought it for their old mum and I would be so shame faced if I lost it so much so that I would have to go out and by another...just like I had to do when one of their fishes died when they were young and still at...
    Thanks guys for your advice I didn't want to lose the little guy as the boys brought it for their old mum and I would be so shame faced if I lost it so much so that I would have to go out and by another...just like I had to do when one of their...
    Thanks guys for your advice I didn't want to lose the little guy as the boys brought it for their old mum and I would be so shame faced if I lost it so much so that I would have to go out and by...
  16. daz and debs

    Evergreen climber

    The most prolific evergreen climber I have seen/planted is Lonicera Etruscan which has a wonderful scent and its only drawback is its growth rate which is very strong but manageable.
    The most prolific evergreen climber I have seen/planted is Lonicera Etruscan which has a wonderful scent and its only drawback is its growth rate which is very strong but manageable.
    The most prolific evergreen climber I have seen/planted is Lonicera Etruscan which has a wonderful scent and its only drawback is its growth rate which is very strong but manageable.
    The most prolific evergreen climber I have seen/planted is Lonicera Etruscan which has a wonderful scent and its only drawback is its growth rate which is very strong but manageable.
  17. mybrainhurts

    Sorting out my front garden!

    Looks goodI'm not a great fan of beds that come to very acute angles - I always seem to wind up skinning my knuckles on the edges - so, if it were me, I'd keep the bed beside the garage a bit...
    Looks goodI'm not a great fan of beds that come to very acute angles - I always seem to wind up skinning my knuckles on the edges - so, if it were me, I'd keep the bed beside the garage a bit wider.I can't decide whether this would work or not - if you're using membrane covered with...
    Looks goodI'm not a great fan of beds that come to very acute angles - I always seem to wind up skinning my knuckles on the edges - so, if it were me, I'd keep the bed beside the garage a bit wider.I can't decide whether this would work or...
    Looks goodI'm not a great fan of beds that come to very acute angles - I always seem to wind up skinning my knuckles on the edges - so, if it were me, I'd keep the bed beside the garage a bit...
  18. Moonshine17c

    Box Hedging

    Moonshine as Ste has already said Box takes a very long time to grow so much so you might have changed your gardening design before the box is even half way where you want it! :eek:Those box...
    Moonshine as Ste has already said Box takes a very long time to grow so much so you might have changed your gardening design before the box is even half way where you want it! :eek:Those box deals are a really good and cheap deal from B&Q I brought some packs myself last year and they are...
    Moonshine as Ste has already said Box takes a very long time to grow so much so you might have changed your gardening design before the box is even half way where you want it! :eek:Those box deals are a really good and cheap deal from B&Q I...
    Moonshine as Ste has already said Box takes a very long time to grow so much so you might have changed your gardening design before the box is even half way where you want it! :eek:Those box...
  19. Sunshine2

    Clems with buds!

    Sunshine do your pruning straight after they have flowered this will allow them to build up growth and buds for next years flowers.
    Sunshine do your pruning straight after they have flowered this will allow them to build up growth and buds for next years flowers.
    Sunshine do your pruning straight after they have flowered this will allow them to build up growth and buds for next years flowers.
    Sunshine do your pruning straight after they have flowered this will allow them to build up growth and buds for next years flowers.
  20. pete

    Will it flower this year?

    Thanks Pete will do that, probably keep a couple in pots the first year and overwinter them in the poly.
    Thanks Pete will do that, probably keep a couple in pots the first year and overwinter them in the poly.
    Thanks Pete will do that, probably keep a couple in pots the first year and overwinter them in the poly.
    Thanks Pete will do that, probably keep a couple in pots the first year and overwinter them in the poly.

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