General Gardening Discussion

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  1. redstar

    Cutting grass

    both, clock wise and counter clock wise. So my ridding mower will unwind.
    both, clock wise and counter clock wise. So my ridding mower will unwind.
    both, clock wise and counter clock wise. So my ridding mower will unwind.
    both, clock wise and counter clock wise. So my ridding mower will unwind.
  2. Wet in Wales

    Acers and Salix

    Well here is my tree, not good is it but I'm gonna try some extra TLC, more water, more food and see what happens, don't like to give up on a plant that I like any suggestions very welcome!!
    Well here is my tree, not good is it but I'm gonna try some extra TLC, more water, more food and see what happens, don't like to give up on a plant that I like any suggestions very welcome!!
    Well here is my tree, not good is it but I'm gonna try some extra TLC, more water, more food and see what happens, don't like to give up on a plant that I like any suggestions very welcome!!
    Well here is my tree, not good is it but I'm gonna try some extra TLC, more water, more food and see what happens, don't like to give up on a plant that I like any suggestions very welcome!!
  3. longk

    Unusual (but easy) annuals

    I grow Achimenes as house plants and always have more tubercles than I need for the indoor pots so I stick them in a seed tray with some potting compost and use the resulting plants either in...
    I grow Achimenes as house plants and always have more tubercles than I need for the indoor pots so I stick them in a seed tray with some potting compost and use the resulting plants either in hanging baskets or just as bedding. They are generally pest free, tolerant of a range of conditions,...
    I grow Achimenes as house plants and always have more tubercles than I need for the indoor pots so I stick them in a seed tray with some potting compost and use the resulting plants either in hanging baskets or just as bedding. They are generally...
    I grow Achimenes as house plants and always have more tubercles than I need for the indoor pots so I stick them in a seed tray with some potting compost and use the resulting plants either in...
  4. lost_in_france

    late seedlings

    I have been mowing over some that germinated on the lawn, noticed some nigella seedlings too.
    I have been mowing over some that germinated on the lawn, noticed some nigella seedlings too.
    I have been mowing over some that germinated on the lawn, noticed some nigella seedlings too.
    I have been mowing over some that germinated on the lawn, noticed some nigella seedlings too.
  5. pamsdish
    Like x 4

    Homemade plant pots,

    The person who madehas used a childs paddling pool to try and contain it , good idea. :ideaIPB:
    The person who madehas used a childs paddling pool to try and contain it , good idea. :ideaIPB:
    The person who madehas used a childs paddling pool to try and contain it , good idea. :ideaIPB:
    The person who madehas used a childs paddling pool to try and contain it , good idea. :ideaIPB:
  6. rosietutu


    Yes they were supermarket, it was the rate at which they germinated. surprised me if it had been something I really wanted to grow......I would no doubt be still waiting:sad:
    Yes they were supermarket, it was the rate at which they germinated. surprised me if it had been something I really wanted to grow......I would no doubt be still waiting:sad:
    Yes they were supermarket, it was the rate at which they germinated. surprised me if it had been something I really wanted to grow......I would no doubt be still waiting:sad:
    Yes they were supermarket, it was the rate at which they germinated. surprised me if it had been something I really wanted to grow......I would no doubt be still waiting:sad:
  7. nikirushka

    Weed control sheets - what's best?

    If the area is not planted (i.e. a path or similar) I would use a barrier membrane like Terram (or a different brand that is equivalent). That is a soil membrane but has drainage holes; it is...
    If the area is not planted (i.e. a path or similar) I would use a barrier membrane like Terram (or a different brand that is equivalent). That is a soil membrane but has drainage holes; it is intended to last for ages and is strong (unlike regular plastic sheet).If it is under plants I would...
    If the area is not planted (i.e. a path or similar) I would use a barrier membrane like Terram (or a different brand that is equivalent). That is a soil membrane but has drainage holes; it is intended to last for ages and is strong (unlike...
    If the area is not planted (i.e. a path or similar) I would use a barrier membrane like Terram (or a different brand that is equivalent). That is a soil membrane but has drainage holes; it is...
  8. maria


    goodnight you lovely people:) digging so many bricks out of a border today has done me in! all prep for the spring eh! sleep well:)
    goodnight you lovely people:) digging so many bricks out of a border today has done me in! all prep for the spring eh! sleep well:)
    goodnight you lovely people:) digging so many bricks out of a border today has done me in! all prep for the spring eh! sleep well:)
    goodnight you lovely people:) digging so many bricks out of a border today has done me in! all prep for the spring eh! sleep well:)
  9. Val..

    If you want a heuchera.........

    I took a load of cuttings off mine last week don't need anymore :heehee:
    I took a load of cuttings off mine last week don't need anymore :heehee:
    I took a load of cuttings off mine last week don't need anymore :heehee:
    I took a load of cuttings off mine last week don't need anymore :heehee:
  10. lizzerti

    Bargain Buys

    Help please. I bought all these sorry looking dahlias yesterday at greatly reduced cost of £4 total. I jumped at them as would really love to have dahlias in the garden. They don't have labels so...
    Help please. I bought all these sorry looking dahlias yesterday at greatly reduced cost of £4 total. I jumped at them as would really love to have dahlias in the garden. They don't have labels so no idea what type or how to nurture them. One tray of mixed ones and a very tall one. Do I cut big...
    Help please. I bought all these sorry looking dahlias yesterday at greatly reduced cost of £4 total. I jumped at them as would really love to have dahlias in the garden. They don't have labels so no idea what type or how to nurture them. One...
    Help please. I bought all these sorry looking dahlias yesterday at greatly reduced cost of £4 total. I jumped at them as would really love to have dahlias in the garden. They don't have labels so...
  11. clueless1

    Neighbour's garden busting my fence

    Or you could be constructive, tear down the fence and then replace your fence and add concrete gravel boards at the bottom. This will take the wait and then you could place your fence panels on...
    Or you could be constructive, tear down the fence and then replace your fence and add concrete gravel boards at the bottom. This will take the wait and then you could place your fence panels on top out of harms way.
    Or you could be constructive, tear down the fence and then replace your fence and add concrete gravel boards at the bottom. This will take the wait and then you could place your fence panels on top out of harms way.
    Or you could be constructive, tear down the fence and then replace your fence and add concrete gravel boards at the bottom. This will take the wait and then you could place your fence panels on...
  12. maria

    aziatic lillies?

    ooooooooooooooo thanks!:)
    ooooooooooooooo thanks!:)
    ooooooooooooooo thanks!:)
    ooooooooooooooo thanks!:)
  13. HarryS

    Fuchsia "Garden News"

    Hi HDont over trim trim as all those branches will help protect the buds over the winter months , it is hardy and if the weather is bad will re -shoot out of the ground if planted in the...
    Hi HDont over trim trim as all those branches will help protect the buds over the winter months , it is hardy and if the weather is bad will re -shoot out of the ground if planted in the border, but in a container will need to be kept frost free. If planted in the open ground a good deep...
    Hi HDont over trim trim as all those branches will help protect the buds over the winter months , it is hardy and if the weather is bad will re -shoot out of the ground if planted in the border, but in a container will need to be kept frost...
    Hi HDont over trim trim as all those branches will help protect the buds over the winter months , it is hardy and if the weather is bad will re -shoot out of the ground if planted in the...
  14. maria

    goodnight x

    very well thanks Ellen:)
    very well thanks Ellen:)
    very well thanks Ellen:)
    very well thanks Ellen:)
  15. Sheal

    Seed Catalogues 2015

    I got Suttons as well this week, not looked at it . I usually start my next years planning around December.
    I got Suttons as well this week, not looked at it . I usually start my next years planning around December.
    I got Suttons as well this week, not looked at it . I usually start my next years planning around December.
    I got Suttons as well this week, not looked at it . I usually start my next years planning around December.
  16. maria
    Like x 4

    well im proper getting into this gardening lark:)

    hahhaha val i can tick a few off that list already!! and im glad im hooked sheal i dont want to go back:)
    hahhaha val i can tick a few off that list already!! and im glad im hooked sheal i dont want to go back:)
    hahhaha val i can tick a few off that list already!! and im glad im hooked sheal i dont want to go back:)
    hahhaha val i can tick a few off that list already!! and im glad im hooked sheal i dont want to go back:)
  17. Val..
    Funny x 5

    Oh my poor little seedlings!!!!

    That's the best looking propagator I've ever seen:cat-kittyandsmiley:
    That's the best looking propagator I've ever seen:cat-kittyandsmiley:
    That's the best looking propagator I've ever seen:cat-kittyandsmiley:
    That's the best looking propagator I've ever seen:cat-kittyandsmiley:
  18. Kristen

    Pee / Wee Harvesting

    Instructions on the packet said: A quick shake that was all that was needed re store they come in their own little plastic box ...
    Instructions on the packet said: A quick shake that was all that was needed re store they come in their own little plastic box A rinse under a tap bit more hygenic methinks
    Instructions on the packet said: A quick shake that was all that was needed re store they come in their own little plastic box A rinse under a tap bit more hygenic methinks
    Instructions on the packet said: A quick shake that was all that was needed re store they come in their own little plastic box ...
  19. goatwillow


    Hi this is what it says on the T&M sitePot up stock plug plants and grow them on in frost free conditions, for transplanting into borders, beds and containers later on. When all risk of frost...
    Hi this is what it says on the T&M sitePot up stock plug plants and grow them on in frost free conditions, for transplanting into borders, beds and containers later on. When all risk of frost has passed and plants are well grown, acclimatise them to outdoor conditions over 7 to 10 days. Plant...
    Hi this is what it says on the T&M sitePot up stock plug plants and grow them on in frost free conditions, for transplanting into borders, beds and containers later on. When all risk of frost has passed and plants are well grown, acclimatise...
    Hi this is what it says on the T&M sitePot up stock plug plants and grow them on in frost free conditions, for transplanting into borders, beds and containers later on. When all risk of frost...
  20. Kristen

    What New Fangled Thing will / will not be grown again next year?

    Interesting to hear Anyone else grown them?The seed-sellers descriptions certainly sound enticing (although I take marketing descriptions with a huge pinch of...
    Interesting to hear Anyone else grown them?The seed-sellers descriptions certainly sound enticing (although I take marketing descriptions with a huge pinch of salt!) Rosella/P-14865Just Seeds (on eBay) sells it too [at half the price of...
    Interesting to hear Anyone else grown them?The seed-sellers descriptions certainly sound enticing (although I take marketing descriptions with a huge pinch of salt!) Rosella/P-14865Just Seeds...
    Interesting to hear Anyone else grown them?The seed-sellers descriptions certainly sound enticing (although I take marketing descriptions with a huge pinch of...

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