General Gardening Discussion

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  1. maria

    just browsing as you do ....

    yep expensive eh
    yep expensive eh
    yep expensive eh
    yep expensive eh
    Like x 3


    I think Geoff was, and still is, every Gardeners hero!!:love30::love30::snork:
    I think Geoff was, and still is, every Gardeners hero!!:love30::love30::snork:
    I think Geoff was, and still is, every Gardeners hero!!:love30::love30::snork:
    I think Geoff was, and still is, every Gardeners hero!!:love30::love30::snork:
  3. Kristen

    Why are my Self Sown Annuals so big?

    I've got hundreds of a red-leaved, red-tasselled amaranthus so will include seed in the seed swap, as well as 'Lime Green'.
    I've got hundreds of a red-leaved, red-tasselled amaranthus so will include seed in the seed swap, as well as 'Lime Green'.
    I've got hundreds of a red-leaved, red-tasselled amaranthus so will include seed in the seed swap, as well as 'Lime Green'.
    I've got hundreds of a red-leaved, red-tasselled amaranthus so will include seed in the seed swap, as well as 'Lime Green'.
  4. lizzerti

    How do I best keep Geraniums & Busy Lizzie's?

    That's lovely jenny , may try a few BL's next year . I'll try and review the mildew position first though
    That's lovely jenny , may try a few BL's next year . I'll try and review the mildew position first though
    That's lovely jenny , may try a few BL's next year . I'll try and review the mildew position first though
    That's lovely jenny , may try a few BL's next year . I'll try and review the mildew position first though
  5. Sirius

    Hostas - when to plant?

    Thanks John , one off my friends has a Hosta I would like . We will leave it until healthy growth is showing in spring. :thumbsup:
    Thanks John , one off my friends has a Hosta I would like . We will leave it until healthy growth is showing in spring. :thumbsup:
    Thanks John , one off my friends has a Hosta I would like . We will leave it until healthy growth is showing in spring. :thumbsup:
    Thanks John , one off my friends has a Hosta I would like . We will leave it until healthy growth is showing in spring. :thumbsup:
  6. ennnceee

    Sow sunflowers now?

    Mine are too, but they're "M"s Welsh Dwarf ones :)
    Mine are too, but they're "M"s Welsh Dwarf ones :)
    Mine are too, but they're "M"s Welsh Dwarf ones :)
    Mine are too, but they're "M"s Welsh Dwarf ones :)
  7. Kristen

    Deadhead Delphiniums, or Cut Right Down?

    Sadly I don't seem to have noted WHEN I cut mine down. But I did cut them RIGHT down, although there was already some fresh growth at the bottom, which I left. Originally chatter in this thread...
    Sadly I don't seem to have noted WHEN I cut mine down. But I did cut them RIGHT down, although there was already some fresh growth at the bottom, which I left. Originally chatter in this thread was 1st week of July, so earliest I am likely to have done it was 2nd week of July ...... they've...
    Sadly I don't seem to have noted WHEN I cut mine down. But I did cut them RIGHT down, although there was already some fresh growth at the bottom, which I left. Originally chatter in this thread was 1st week of July, so earliest I am likely to...
    Sadly I don't seem to have noted WHEN I cut mine down. But I did cut them RIGHT down, although there was already some fresh growth at the bottom, which I left. Originally chatter in this thread...
    IMG_4965_Delphinium_Sep2014.jpg IMG_4965_Delphinium_Sep2014_Clip.jpg
  8. Kristen

    Are Nicotiana perennials?

    I'll tell you next Spring!
    I'll tell you next Spring!
    I'll tell you next Spring!
    I'll tell you next Spring!
  9. Val..

    Adding Perlite to tubs and containers.

    That's what I ordered, thanks Kristen I was wondering if this would be too fine!!Val
    That's what I ordered, thanks Kristen I was wondering if this would be too fine!!Val
    That's what I ordered, thanks Kristen I was wondering if this would be too fine!!Val
    That's what I ordered, thanks Kristen I was wondering if this would be too fine!!Val
  10. longk
    Like x 15

    What's Looking Good in August 2014

    Found it in a book last night, apparently it's a wildflower called Cinquefoil. But on Google pics I couldn't see the same, so I think it is Potentilla thurberi. :)
    Found it in a book last night, apparently it's a wildflower called Cinquefoil. But on Google pics I couldn't see the same, so I think it is Potentilla thurberi. :)
    Found it in a book last night, apparently it's a wildflower called Cinquefoil. But on Google pics I couldn't see the same, so I think it is Potentilla thurberi. :)
    Found it in a book last night, apparently it's a wildflower called Cinquefoil. But on Google pics I couldn't see the same, so I think it is Potentilla thurberi. :)
  11. kindredspirit

    How do you keep the nozzles of your sprayers clear?

    Snap. For chemicals that need spreading over a wide area - lawn herbicides and weedkiller on larger areas of vacant space - I use fan nozzles, which seem to be less troubled. The most recent set...
    Snap. For chemicals that need spreading over a wide area - lawn herbicides and weedkiller on larger areas of vacant space - I use fan nozzles, which seem to be less troubled. The most recent set I get also came with a spray nozzle too - its not adjustable, like the conventional ones, but has a...
    Snap. For chemicals that need spreading over a wide area - lawn herbicides and weedkiller on larger areas of vacant space - I use fan nozzles, which seem to be less troubled. The most recent set I get also came with a spray nozzle too - its not...
    Snap. For chemicals that need spreading over a wide area - lawn herbicides and weedkiller on larger areas of vacant space - I use fan nozzles, which seem to be less troubled. The most recent set...
  12. lizzerti

    Formium advice please

    Thanks Pete. Will cut it. Sorry I spelt phormium wrong. Red face!
    Thanks Pete. Will cut it. Sorry I spelt phormium wrong. Red face!
    Thanks Pete. Will cut it. Sorry I spelt phormium wrong. Red face!
    Thanks Pete. Will cut it. Sorry I spelt phormium wrong. Red face!
  13. Scrungee

    Growing Your Own Food at Home is now illegal!

    It may be "aimed at growing for commercial purposes" but it hits anybody with a single hen in their garden - how can that be described as 'commercial'? Just because it's called something like...
    It may be "aimed at growing for commercial purposes" but it hits anybody with a single hen in their garden - how can that be described as 'commercial'? Just because it's called something like 'anti-farming' legislation doesn't mean it isn't used to stop all sorts of non-'farming' activities,...
    It may be "aimed at growing for commercial purposes" but it hits anybody with a single hen in their garden - how can that be described as 'commercial'? Just because it's called something like 'anti-farming' legislation doesn't mean it isn't...
    It may be "aimed at growing for commercial purposes" but it hits anybody with a single hen in their garden - how can that be described as 'commercial'? Just because it's called something like...
  14. TurnedThespian

    Autumn already?!

    Well, my Clianthus are forming flower buds, and Canarina canariensis has started to emerge.
    Well, my Clianthus are forming flower buds, and Canarina canariensis has started to emerge.
    Well, my Clianthus are forming flower buds, and Canarina canariensis has started to emerge.
    Well, my Clianthus are forming flower buds, and Canarina canariensis has started to emerge.
  15. harry123

    Strawberry plant

    Thank you for your advice:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
    Thank you for your advice:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
    Thank you for your advice:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
    Thank you for your advice:)Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
  16. Val..

    Anyone purchased from here?

    I've used them, I seemed to think they were quite reasonable price wise and the quality has been good.
    I've used them, I seemed to think they were quite reasonable price wise and the quality has been good.
    I've used them, I seemed to think they were quite reasonable price wise and the quality has been good.
    I've used them, I seemed to think they were quite reasonable price wise and the quality has been good.
  17. Phil A

    Facebook question

    Yer welcome :dbgrtmb:
    Yer welcome :dbgrtmb:
    Yer welcome :dbgrtmb:
    Yer welcome :dbgrtmb:
  18. CharlieBot

    Too late to sow hollyhocks?

    Personally, I just toss the seed down where I want them and leave them to germinate in the spring. Thin them out and pot up or transplant the surplus after they germinate.Given the right...
    Personally, I just toss the seed down where I want them and leave them to germinate in the spring. Thin them out and pot up or transplant the surplus after they germinate.Given the right conditions Hollyhocks will bush out rather well.
    Personally, I just toss the seed down where I want them and leave them to germinate in the spring. Thin them out and pot up or transplant the surplus after they germinate.Given the right conditions Hollyhocks will bush out rather well.
    Personally, I just toss the seed down where I want them and leave them to germinate in the spring. Thin them out and pot up or transplant the surplus after they germinate.Given the right...
  19. JackJJW

    What are you planting now for 2015?

    If it ever produces seeds I'll let you know. As an aside (relevant though) I germinate them using the paper towel method which seems to work best.
    If it ever produces seeds I'll let you know. As an aside (relevant though) I germinate them using the paper towel method which seems to work best.
    If it ever produces seeds I'll let you know. As an aside (relevant though) I germinate them using the paper towel method which seems to work best.
    If it ever produces seeds I'll let you know. As an aside (relevant though) I germinate them using the paper towel method which seems to work best.
  20. limmy01


    CLOSED..I am sorry Jamie but this is such an emotive subject we do not allow threads on this subject.. Please look at these...
    CLOSED..I am sorry Jamie but this is such an emotive subject we do not allow threads on this subject.. Please look at these threads.. ThanksMarley Farley.. Admin..
    CLOSED..I am sorry Jamie but this is such an emotive subject we do not allow threads on this subject.. Please look at these threads.. ThanksMarley...
    CLOSED..I am sorry Jamie but this is such an emotive subject we do not allow threads on this subject.. Please look at these...

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