General Gardening Discussion

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  1. rosietutu

    Cut Flowers

    Er No..don't have that in my cupboard any more ! but did use the little sachet of stuff that came with them. Tis so annoying.
    Er No..don't have that in my cupboard any more ! but did use the little sachet of stuff that came with them. Tis so annoying.
    Er No..don't have that in my cupboard any more ! but did use the little sachet of stuff that came with them. Tis so annoying.
    Er No..don't have that in my cupboard any more ! but did use the little sachet of stuff that came with them. Tis so annoying.
  2. Bashy

    Hardening off of Sunflowers

    You could stake them Bashy with growing them inside you have soft growth hence the flopping a little support will help.
    You could stake them Bashy with growing them inside you have soft growth hence the flopping a little support will help.
    You could stake them Bashy with growing them inside you have soft growth hence the flopping a little support will help.
    You could stake them Bashy with growing them inside you have soft growth hence the flopping a little support will help.
  3. woodpecker22


    Welcome to the forum Woodpecker.Lavatera can be such a monster and can indeed take over it's spot in next to no time at all.I agree with the others maybe it's time to uprooted it and start...
    Welcome to the forum Woodpecker.Lavatera can be such a monster and can indeed take over it's spot in next to no time at all.I agree with the others maybe it's time to uprooted it and start again that's if you do wish to have it in another spot of your garden.Do as Kathy has suggested and...
    Welcome to the forum Woodpecker.Lavatera can be such a monster and can indeed take over it's spot in next to no time at all.I agree with the others maybe it's time to uprooted it and start again that's if you do wish to have it in another...
    Welcome to the forum Woodpecker.Lavatera can be such a monster and can indeed take over it's spot in next to no time at all.I agree with the others maybe it's time to uprooted it and start...
  4. compost maker

    Any plants called Eden?

    Many thanks to you both. It was pink she wanted so Im sure she will be pleased.
    Many thanks to you both. It was pink she wanted so Im sure she will be pleased.
    Many thanks to you both. It was pink she wanted so Im sure she will be pleased.
    Many thanks to you both. It was pink she wanted so Im sure she will be pleased.
  5. Veg-n-roses

    raised beds in soaked clay

    When making my beds i removed the turf, dug over the soil to a spades depth, then added topsoil and compost.I did make these in the autum not the spring so im not to sure if that has any affect...
    When making my beds i removed the turf, dug over the soil to a spades depth, then added topsoil and compost.I did make these in the autum not the spring so im not to sure if that has any affect on growing in them this year.
    When making my beds i removed the turf, dug over the soil to a spades depth, then added topsoil and compost.I did make these in the autum not the spring so im not to sure if that has any affect on growing in them this year.
    When making my beds i removed the turf, dug over the soil to a spades depth, then added topsoil and compost.I did make these in the autum not the spring so im not to sure if that has any affect...
  6. pip

    When to sow.

    Hi allI am about to weed my lawn with Verdone extra and I was wondering when it would be O.K to overseed,don`t want to kill off the new grass before it`s even started :(
    Hi allI am about to weed my lawn with Verdone extra and I was wondering when it would be O.K to overseed,don`t want to kill off the new grass before it`s even started :(
    Hi allI am about to weed my lawn with Verdone extra and I was wondering when it would be O.K to overseed,don`t want to kill off the new grass before it`s even started :(
    Hi allI am about to weed my lawn with Verdone extra and I was wondering when it would be O.K to overseed,don`t want to kill off the new grass before it`s even started :(
  7. wilroda

    to move it or leave it in shade?

    I think this thread has partially answered some of my questions. And I don't mean to hijack this interesting thread but I wonder what other issues are important in siting or relocating a...
    I think this thread has partially answered some of my questions. And I don't mean to hijack this interesting thread but I wonder what other issues are important in siting or relocating a greenhouse? I am a bit limited as to where to site a green house in my garden. Could I do anything with it in...
    I think this thread has partially answered some of my questions. And I don't mean to hijack this interesting thread but I wonder what other issues are important in siting or relocating a greenhouse? I am a bit limited as to where to site a green...
    I think this thread has partially answered some of my questions. And I don't mean to hijack this interesting thread but I wonder what other issues are important in siting or relocating a...
  8. anthea


    ????? Theres no rules just common sense, id say 2'
    ????? Theres no rules just common sense, id say 2'
    ????? Theres no rules just common sense, id say 2'
    ????? Theres no rules just common sense, id say 2'
  9. golcarlilly

    Wine Bottle edging?

    Sarra could send you his empties, have you access to an articulated lorry? :D
    Sarra could send you his empties, have you access to an articulated lorry? :D
    Sarra could send you his empties, have you access to an articulated lorry? :D
    Sarra could send you his empties, have you access to an articulated lorry? :D
  10. midnightrose

    Colours to match driveway

    Hi again. South-facing would work really well for a silver/gold/blue theme.For year-round foliage effect, what about the silver-leaved "curry plant" (helichrysum italicum), and lonicera...
    Hi again. South-facing would work really well for a silver/gold/blue theme.For year-round foliage effect, what about the silver-leaved "curry plant" (helichrysum italicum), and lonicera "Baggenses Gold" (this can be clipped to a nice dome or whatever shape you fancy) Perovsia (Russian Sage)...
    Hi again. South-facing would work really well for a silver/gold/blue theme.For year-round foliage effect, what about the silver-leaved "curry plant" (helichrysum italicum), and lonicera "Baggenses Gold" (this can be clipped to a nice dome or...
    Hi again. South-facing would work really well for a silver/gold/blue theme.For year-round foliage effect, what about the silver-leaved "curry plant" (helichrysum italicum), and lonicera...
  11. Vince


    I'm thinking more of on our allotment, we won't be able to visit everyday to keep things watered cos we travel the country showing our dog!
    I'm thinking more of on our allotment, we won't be able to visit everyday to keep things watered cos we travel the country showing our dog!
    I'm thinking more of on our allotment, we won't be able to visit everyday to keep things watered cos we travel the country showing our dog!
    I'm thinking more of on our allotment, we won't be able to visit everyday to keep things watered cos we travel the country showing our dog!
  12. Ethansmum

    will these seeds germinate?

    Hi EthansmumJust a quick thought: You say the seeds are from a jar, are they from pickled/preserved peppers? If so I don't think they'll germinate.Butternuts are not the easiest of squashes...
    Hi EthansmumJust a quick thought: You say the seeds are from a jar, are they from pickled/preserved peppers? If so I don't think they'll germinate.Butternuts are not the easiest of squashes to grow anyway, and the ones you get in supermarkets this time of year are usually imported from hot...
    Hi EthansmumJust a quick thought: You say the seeds are from a jar, are they from pickled/preserved peppers? If so I don't think they'll germinate.Butternuts are not the easiest of squashes to grow anyway, and the ones you get in...
    Hi EthansmumJust a quick thought: You say the seeds are from a jar, are they from pickled/preserved peppers? If so I don't think they'll germinate.Butternuts are not the easiest of squashes...
  13. Loofah

    Have I killed the bamboo?

    whis4ey, gardeners never die, they just get composted down. :D
    whis4ey, gardeners never die, they just get composted down. :D
    whis4ey, gardeners never die, they just get composted down. :D
    whis4ey, gardeners never die, they just get composted down. :D
  14. SpringsHere

    Ah, but will they grow in MY Garden ??

    As Pete says, Springy, use peat when planting. A lot of heathers want poor soil to do well, that is , without too much nutrient. So check the species`you are growing and adjust the soil accordingly.
    As Pete says, Springy, use peat when planting. A lot of heathers want poor soil to do well, that is , without too much nutrient. So check the species`you are growing and adjust the soil accordingly.
    As Pete says, Springy, use peat when planting. A lot of heathers want poor soil to do well, that is , without too much nutrient. So check the species`you are growing and adjust the soil accordingly.
    As Pete says, Springy, use peat when planting. A lot of heathers want poor soil to do well, that is , without too much nutrient. So check the species`you are growing and adjust the soil accordingly.
  15. wilroda

    cyperus alternifolious seed

    Thanks for the advice - I want to keep it in my pond, mainly as a barrier to keep my cats out!
    Thanks for the advice - I want to keep it in my pond, mainly as a barrier to keep my cats out!
    Thanks for the advice - I want to keep it in my pond, mainly as a barrier to keep my cats out!
    Thanks for the advice - I want to keep it in my pond, mainly as a barrier to keep my cats out!
  16. MCT

    Floral Clothing...

    I've just updated my other thread... Thanks, M
    I've just updated my other thread... Thanks, M
    I've just updated my other thread... Thanks, M
    I've just updated my other thread... Thanks, M
  17. MCT

    Floral Clothing...

    Well hope it was of some help.. I know you will feel a bit silly taking the garment in, but believe me, I worked in a florists for a while & you would be amazed what people brought in for...
    Well hope it was of some help.. I know you will feel a bit silly taking the garment in, but believe me, I worked in a florists for a while & you would be amazed what people brought in for matches..! ;) :D They may be able to find more choices for you... So don't be bashful......
    Well hope it was of some help.. I know you will feel a bit silly taking the garment in, but believe me, I worked in a florists for a while & you would be amazed what people brought in for matches..! ;) :D They may be able to find more...
    Well hope it was of some help.. I know you will feel a bit silly taking the garment in, but believe me, I worked in a florists for a while & you would be amazed what people brought in for...
  18. Jack by the hedge

    Lady's mantle

    Have fun Jack, they are pretty plants, just pull the self seeders out, they are easy to spot. Another plant that compliments them as well as euphorbias, is the purple Heuchera also looks nice...
    Have fun Jack, they are pretty plants, just pull the self seeders out, they are easy to spot. Another plant that compliments them as well as euphorbias, is the purple Heuchera also looks nice at the front of the border with them... They have spikes of pink or white flowers.*
    Have fun Jack, they are pretty plants, just pull the self seeders out, they are easy to spot. Another plant that compliments them as well as euphorbias, is the purple Heuchera also looks nice at the front of the border with them... They have...
    Have fun Jack, they are pretty plants, just pull the self seeders out, they are easy to spot. Another plant that compliments them as well as euphorbias, is the purple Heuchera also looks nice...
  19. lazy-gardener

    mail order-can I plant these now?

    thanks all. the ferns are biggish plants but most of the others are just plugs. think I will pot them on and eave for week or so until the harsh weather hopefully goes!
    thanks all. the ferns are biggish plants but most of the others are just plugs. think I will pot them on and eave for week or so until the harsh weather hopefully goes!
    thanks all. the ferns are biggish plants but most of the others are just plugs. think I will pot them on and eave for week or so until the harsh weather hopefully goes!
    thanks all. the ferns are biggish plants but most of the others are just plugs. think I will pot them on and eave for week or so until the harsh weather hopefully goes!
  20. flowerpotty

    acer palmatum atropurpea

    `potty, Ive had acer pal.diss.atro in a pot for about 10 years. It gets fed about once a year, if I remember, and it is thriving. The person who will really know, though is Whis4ey.
    `potty, Ive had acer pal.diss.atro in a pot for about 10 years. It gets fed about once a year, if I remember, and it is thriving. The person who will really know, though is Whis4ey.
    `potty, Ive had acer pal.diss.atro in a pot for about 10 years. It gets fed about once a year, if I remember, and it is thriving. The person who will really know, though is Whis4ey.
    `potty, Ive had acer pal.diss.atro in a pot for about 10 years. It gets fed about once a year, if I remember, and it is thriving. The person who will really know, though is Whis4ey.

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