General Gardening Discussion

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  1. pete
    Informative x 4

    its all gone pear shaped

    Decided to try a couple of new varieties this year, well new to me anyway. The onions Kappa from T&M as quite good, strange shape but have done reasonably well and the one I've tried was fairly...
    Decided to try a couple of new varieties this year, well new to me anyway. The onions Kappa from T&M as quite good, strange shape but have done reasonably well and the one I've tried was fairly strong.On the other hand I thought I'd give yellow beetroot another go, Suttons yellow...
    Decided to try a couple of new varieties this year, well new to me anyway. The onions Kappa from T&M as quite good, strange shape but have done reasonably well and the one I've tried was fairly strong.On the other hand I thought I'd give...
    Decided to try a couple of new varieties this year, well new to me anyway. The onions Kappa from T&M as quite good, strange shape but have done reasonably well and the one I've tried was fairly...
  2. clueless1

    how to calculate sulphur requirements to lower pH

    Just been out there and noticed that the sulphur chips I put down have already disintegrated. That patch of ground now has a light covering of greeny yellow dust. I didn't think it would happen...
    Just been out there and noticed that the sulphur chips I put down have already disintegrated. That patch of ground now has a light covering of greeny yellow dust. I didn't think it would happen that quickly. I'm just going to dig the lot in now and see what happens.
    Just been out there and noticed that the sulphur chips I put down have already disintegrated. That patch of ground now has a light covering of greeny yellow dust. I didn't think it would happen that quickly. I'm just going to dig the lot in now...
    Just been out there and noticed that the sulphur chips I put down have already disintegrated. That patch of ground now has a light covering of greeny yellow dust. I didn't think it would happen...
  3. Phil A


    Second cousin to Fu Manchu?
    Second cousin to Fu Manchu?
    Second cousin to Fu Manchu?
    Second cousin to Fu Manchu?
  4. silu

    Best source of Tulip bulbs.

    Naturalised bulbs? I don't find it that much of a chore with a good robust bulb planter - I bob about like a boy on a pogo stick! and then pop a bulb in each hole and stamp back in the nearest...
    Naturalised bulbs? I don't find it that much of a chore with a good robust bulb planter - I bob about like a boy on a pogo stick! and then pop a bulb in each hole and stamp back in the nearest ejected core.Mine came from Bulldog (and is built like a brick outhouse!). Came from a car-boot sale...
    Naturalised bulbs? I don't find it that much of a chore with a good robust bulb planter - I bob about like a boy on a pogo stick! and then pop a bulb in each hole and stamp back in the nearest ejected core.Mine came from Bulldog (and is built...
    Naturalised bulbs? I don't find it that much of a chore with a good robust bulb planter - I bob about like a boy on a pogo stick! and then pop a bulb in each hole and stamp back in the nearest...
  5. richard6298

    Shelf life of Weedol weedkiller

    My experience is that Roundup weakens with age. The active ingredient is glyphosate, but perhaps it is not that that decays, but the surfactants that stick it down? Or, as glyphosate is reduced to...
    My experience is that Roundup weakens with age. The active ingredient is glyphosate, but perhaps it is not that that decays, but the surfactants that stick it down? Or, as glyphosate is reduced to harmless starches by soil microbes, if those soil microbes were airborne (as many soil microbes...
    My experience is that Roundup weakens with age. The active ingredient is glyphosate, but perhaps it is not that that decays, but the surfactants that stick it down? Or, as glyphosate is reduced to harmless starches by soil microbes, if those soil...
    My experience is that Roundup weakens with age. The active ingredient is glyphosate, but perhaps it is not that that decays, but the surfactants that stick it down? Or, as glyphosate is reduced to...
  6. clueless1

    Medicinal (and toxic) plants at Kew

    All haille the cure.
    All haille the cure.
    All haille the cure.
    All haille the cure.
  7. Spruce

    Crepe Myrtle can we ....

    This summer has gone the same way as last year, a good build up in July followed by something very iffy in August. Most of my stuff is now looking pretty much drowned, when it should be really...
    This summer has gone the same way as last year, a good build up in July followed by something very iffy in August. Most of my stuff is now looking pretty much drowned, when it should be really doing its thing, and looking good.Once it starts raining it never knows when to stop.
    This summer has gone the same way as last year, a good build up in July followed by something very iffy in August. Most of my stuff is now looking pretty much drowned, when it should be really doing its thing, and looking good.Once it starts...
    This summer has gone the same way as last year, a good build up in July followed by something very iffy in August. Most of my stuff is now looking pretty much drowned, when it should be really...
  8. Lisa Nancy

    What to do with front garden?

    I'd go for evergreens,low growing Junipers,dwarf conifers,ferns ,Buxus,Euonymous .I think it would look great against your lovely stone cottage and low maintenance too:dbgrtmb:
    I'd go for evergreens,low growing Junipers,dwarf conifers,ferns ,Buxus,Euonymous .I think it would look great against your lovely stone cottage and low maintenance too:dbgrtmb:
    I'd go for evergreens,low growing Junipers,dwarf conifers,ferns ,Buxus,Euonymous .I think it would look great against your lovely stone cottage and low maintenance too:dbgrtmb:
    I'd go for evergreens,low growing Junipers,dwarf conifers,ferns ,Buxus,Euonymous .I think it would look great against your lovely stone cottage and low maintenance too:dbgrtmb:
  9. jjordie

    Hiring a gardener - what would you do?

    It's always a good idea to do a walk round when the gardener turns up and show him exactly what needs doing. We still do this although he's been with us some months and only takes five minutes. ...
    It's always a good idea to do a walk round when the gardener turns up and show him exactly what needs doing. We still do this although he's been with us some months and only takes five minutes. 'ding dong!' He's just arrived and rung our bell! :rolleyespink: :snork: Shall carry on in a few minutes.He comes once...
    It's always a good idea to do a walk round when the gardener turns up and show him exactly what needs doing. We still do this although he's been with us some months and only takes five minutes. 'ding dong!' He's just arrived and rung our bell! :rolleyespink:...
    It's always a good idea to do a walk round when the gardener turns up and show him exactly what needs doing. We still do this although he's been with us some months and only takes five minutes. ...
  10. Charlie_Rabbit01

    So I finally got round to digging over my border

    Ahh, must be Pimm's O'clock time then :)
    Ahh, must be Pimm's O'clock time then :)
    Ahh, must be Pimm's O'clock time then :)
    Ahh, must be Pimm's O'clock time then :)
  11. richard6298

    Weed ID required

    Says it's a weed of arable fields and gardens. Probably more seeds in the soil, but it won't like being mown if they do come thru.Probably won't germinate under turf either.
    Says it's a weed of arable fields and gardens. Probably more seeds in the soil, but it won't like being mown if they do come thru.Probably won't germinate under turf either.
    Says it's a weed of arable fields and gardens. Probably more seeds in the soil, but it won't like being mown if they do come thru.Probably won't germinate under turf either.
    Says it's a weed of arable fields and gardens. Probably more seeds in the soil, but it won't like being mown if they do come thru.Probably won't germinate under turf either.
  12. bryan

    Garden of weeds- PLEASE HELP!

    Post some close-up photos of the leaves of them? They may have grown from seed, if so nothing you can do about them but just chopping them down will kill them - more will then come ("One year's...
    Post some close-up photos of the leaves of them? They may have grown from seed, if so nothing you can do about them but just chopping them down will kill them - more will then come ("One year's seed is seven years' weed" :sad: ). If they are pernicious perennial weeds then you will have to repeat...
    Post some close-up photos of the leaves of them? They may have grown from seed, if so nothing you can do about them but just chopping them down will kill them - more will then come ("One year's seed is seven years' weed" :sad: ). If they are...
    Post some close-up photos of the leaves of them? They may have grown from seed, if so nothing you can do about them but just chopping them down will kill them - more will then come ("One year's...
  13. Gerard

    Novice gardener needs help

    Hi everyone, I just posted in the on the pest board but maybe I should have posted here. Please check out the link below. Any help would be great thanks. Gerard
    Hi everyone, I just posted in the on the pest board but maybe I should have posted here. Please check out the link below. Any help would be great thanks. Gerard
    Hi everyone, I just posted in the on the pest board but maybe I should have posted here. Please check out the link below. Any help would be great thanks. Gerard
    Hi everyone, I just posted in the on the pest board but maybe I should have posted here. Please check out the link below. Any help would be great thanks. Gerard
  14. silu

    Galtonia Candicans

    Its all right, I know you will enjoy them :)
    Its all right, I know you will enjoy them :)
    Its all right, I know you will enjoy them :)
    Its all right, I know you will enjoy them :)
  15. kindredspirit
    Like x 3

    Moon Gate.

    Just 'happened' across this, so I thought I would add it on here in case anyone is interested.Val
    Just 'happened' across this, so I thought I would add it on here in case anyone is interested.Val
    Just 'happened' across this, so I thought I would add it on here in case anyone is interested.Val
    Just 'happened' across this, so I thought I would add it on here in case anyone is interested.Val
  16. Val..

    OK, be honest, how many planted tubs/pots have you got???

    More are scattered around the patioThis is one of the nursery areas where about a third of them are not for sale and we have other larger areas where nearly everything is for saleThese...
    More are scattered around the patioThis is one of the nursery areas where about a third of them are not for sale and we have other larger areas where nearly everything is for saleThese are being looked after in the shade at the momentAnd, of course, we mustn't forget the greenhouse :phew:...
    More are scattered around the patioThis is one of the nursery areas where about a third of them are not for sale and we have other larger areas where nearly everything is for saleThese are being looked after in the shade at the...
    More are scattered around the patioThis is one of the nursery areas where about a third of them are not for sale and we have other larger areas where nearly everything is for saleThese...
    P1210273.JPG P1210274.JPG P1210275.JPG P1210276.JPG P1210277.JPG P1210278.JPG
  17. Novorob

    Plant identity

    Looks like a Wollemi Pine
    Looks like a Wollemi Pine
    Looks like a Wollemi Pine
    Looks like a Wollemi Pine
  18. al n

    Love your garden ( Tuesday's episode)

    Evening folks :-)Just caught up on Tuesdays programme of love your garden and I am quite taken with the green and white theme of it. Thing is, it's for the garden at the caravan, so it needs to...
    Evening folks :-)Just caught up on Tuesdays programme of love your garden and I am quite taken with the green and white theme of it. Thing is, it's for the garden at the caravan, so it needs to be able to look after itself for sometimes weeks on end. The neighbours will water when I'm not...
    Evening folks :-)Just caught up on Tuesdays programme of love your garden and I am quite taken with the green and white theme of it. Thing is, it's for the garden at the caravan, so it needs to be able to look after itself for sometimes weeks...
    Evening folks :-)Just caught up on Tuesdays programme of love your garden and I am quite taken with the green and white theme of it. Thing is, it's for the garden at the caravan, so it needs to...
  19. **Yvonne**

    Bluebells ~V~ Ivy

    I agree with Sheal but the ivy may be taking up too much moisture out of the soil and the bulbs are drying out over the summer
    I agree with Sheal but the ivy may be taking up too much moisture out of the soil and the bulbs are drying out over the summer
    I agree with Sheal but the ivy may be taking up too much moisture out of the soil and the bulbs are drying out over the summer
    I agree with Sheal but the ivy may be taking up too much moisture out of the soil and the bulbs are drying out over the summer
  20. Loofah
    Funny x 5

    You go away for 1 week and...

    Nice one Loof :)Been to Tangiers a long time ago, loved it :)
    Nice one Loof :)Been to Tangiers a long time ago, loved it :)
    Nice one Loof :)Been to Tangiers a long time ago, loved it :)
    Nice one Loof :)Been to Tangiers a long time ago, loved it :)

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