General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Howard Shaw

    Blood N' Bone ?

    It's a good balanced fertilizer, you can dig it in before planting and then add some as a top dressing to feed plants as they grow :)
    It's a good balanced fertilizer, you can dig it in before planting and then add some as a top dressing to feed plants as they grow :)
    It's a good balanced fertilizer, you can dig it in before planting and then add some as a top dressing to feed plants as they grow :)
    It's a good balanced fertilizer, you can dig it in before planting and then add some as a top dressing to feed plants as they grow :)
  2. wiseowl


    Yip .. look good to me too :)
    Yip .. look good to me too :)
    Yip .. look good to me too :)
    Yip .. look good to me too :)
  3. pete

    Green manure

    I'm going to steer clear of mustard, the allotments have a history of club root.For no real reason I think I might try Phacelia or vetch, or maybe both, on different parts.
    I'm going to steer clear of mustard, the allotments have a history of club root.For no real reason I think I might try Phacelia or vetch, or maybe both, on different parts.
    I'm going to steer clear of mustard, the allotments have a history of club root.For no real reason I think I might try Phacelia or vetch, or maybe both, on different parts.
    I'm going to steer clear of mustard, the allotments have a history of club root.For no real reason I think I might try Phacelia or vetch, or maybe both, on different parts.
  4. Val..


    Yup, I had quite a collection of them at one point. Moved house, moved greenhouse, and lost all of them :sad:Really interesting plants to grow. I was in the Everglades about 15 years ago and...
    Yup, I had quite a collection of them at one point. Moved house, moved greenhouse, and lost all of them :sad:Really interesting plants to grow. I was in the Everglades about 15 years ago and fascinating to see them in the wild.
    Yup, I had quite a collection of them at one point. Moved house, moved greenhouse, and lost all of them :sad:Really interesting plants to grow. I was in the Everglades about 15 years ago and fascinating to see them in the wild.
    Yup, I had quite a collection of them at one point. Moved house, moved greenhouse, and lost all of them :sad:Really interesting plants to grow. I was in the Everglades about 15 years ago and...
  5. Michal

    Lawn best mixure for UK's Caly Soil

    Hi,First of all I wish to thank for every user of this forum that helped me to resolve lase issue with soil depth and soil preparation.I removed rubble from my backyard, used Garden Lime (to...
    Hi,First of all I wish to thank for every user of this forum that helped me to resolve lase issue with soil depth and soil preparation.I removed rubble from my backyard, used Garden Lime (to neutralize Ph because my Hydrangeas were pink :) ...btw I highly recommend them instead of testers) and...
    Hi,First of all I wish to thank for every user of this forum that helped me to resolve lase issue with soil depth and soil preparation.I removed rubble from my backyard, used Garden Lime (to neutralize Ph because my Hydrangeas were pink :)...
    Hi,First of all I wish to thank for every user of this forum that helped me to resolve lase issue with soil depth and soil preparation.I removed rubble from my backyard, used Garden Lime (to...
  6. earthy1

    Star Jasmine Position

    As you can guess Im new on here !! :loll:
    As you can guess Im new on here !! :loll:
    As you can guess Im new on here !! :loll:
    As you can guess Im new on here !! :loll:
  7. al n
    Like x 11

    End of July pics

    Thanks Al but we will have our hands full attending to Inhouse Adviser's elderly Aunt.
    Thanks Al but we will have our hands full attending to Inhouse Adviser's elderly Aunt.
    Thanks Al but we will have our hands full attending to Inhouse Adviser's elderly Aunt.
    Thanks Al but we will have our hands full attending to Inhouse Adviser's elderly Aunt.
  8. Webmaster
    Like x 3

    Living Garden Furniture

    If you read the article, it took 8 years of shaping into a seat, he has also done lots of other things as well.
    If you read the article, it took 8 years of shaping into a seat, he has also done lots of other things as well.
    If you read the article, it took 8 years of shaping into a seat, he has also done lots of other things as well.
    If you read the article, it took 8 years of shaping into a seat, he has also done lots of other things as well.
  9. raebhoop

    Gunnera Manicata..Leaves browning.

    It may be a long shot but I have had similar on Rhubarb Leaves not in this garden but in another house I lived at , so it may be Leaf Spots - Ramularia and Ascochyta (Fungi).Picking off the...
    It may be a long shot but I have had similar on Rhubarb Leaves not in this garden but in another house I lived at , so it may be Leaf Spots - Ramularia and Ascochyta (Fungi).Picking off the leaves helps and after it has died down if you can remove the top couple of inches of soil compost and...
    It may be a long shot but I have had similar on Rhubarb Leaves not in this garden but in another house I lived at , so it may be Leaf Spots - Ramularia and Ascochyta (Fungi).Picking off the leaves helps and after it has died down if you can...
    It may be a long shot but I have had similar on Rhubarb Leaves not in this garden but in another house I lived at , so it may be Leaf Spots - Ramularia and Ascochyta (Fungi).Picking off the...
  10. Spruce
    Like x 11

    Whats looking good July 2014

    A loverly collection of flowers and onions Joolz...:thumbsup: Jenny
    A loverly collection of flowers and onions Joolz...:thumbsup: Jenny
    A loverly collection of flowers and onions Joolz...:thumbsup: Jenny
    A loverly collection of flowers and onions Joolz...:thumbsup: Jenny
  11. ennnceee

    Cuttings of Verbena Bonariensis?

    Yes, it's very satisfying, Jenny; all is well with the world!
    Yes, it's very satisfying, Jenny; all is well with the world!
    Yes, it's very satisfying, Jenny; all is well with the world!
    Yes, it's very satisfying, Jenny; all is well with the world!
  12. Spruce
    Like x 11

    "Summer baskets bits and bobs " 2014

    Don't know yet Spruce, this is the first time we've tried Anagallis of any kind, so still learning.They've already put on several inches of new growth and show no signs of slowing down just yet. :)
    Don't know yet Spruce, this is the first time we've tried Anagallis of any kind, so still learning.They've already put on several inches of new growth and show no signs of slowing down just yet. :)
    Don't know yet Spruce, this is the first time we've tried Anagallis of any kind, so still learning.They've already put on several inches of new growth and show no signs of slowing down just yet. :)
    Don't know yet Spruce, this is the first time we've tried Anagallis of any kind, so still learning.They've already put on several inches of new growth and show no signs of slowing down just yet. :)
  13. Jenny namaste

    ooooh - what a pong!!

    Just bought some ericaceous fertiliser from Millais Nurseries that has sewage sludge in, which is supposed to be fab for Rhodies.
    Just bought some ericaceous fertiliser from Millais Nurseries that has sewage sludge in, which is supposed to be fab for Rhodies.
    Just bought some ericaceous fertiliser from Millais Nurseries that has sewage sludge in, which is supposed to be fab for Rhodies.
    Just bought some ericaceous fertiliser from Millais Nurseries that has sewage sludge in, which is supposed to be fab for Rhodies.
  14. begoodian

    Twisted Willow

    Thanks everyone.I gave it some blood fish and bone early in summer i think. Haven't fed it since. What feed is best?It's in a pot as I don't have enough border space to plant out, but will...
    Thanks everyone.I gave it some blood fish and bone early in summer i think. Haven't fed it since. What feed is best?It's in a pot as I don't have enough border space to plant out, but will eventually plant out when i move house in a couple of years so keeping in pot for now.
    Thanks everyone.I gave it some blood fish and bone early in summer i think. Haven't fed it since. What feed is best?It's in a pot as I don't have enough border space to plant out, but will eventually plant out when i move house in a couple of...
    Thanks everyone.I gave it some blood fish and bone early in summer i think. Haven't fed it since. What feed is best?It's in a pot as I don't have enough border space to plant out, but will...
  15. longk
    Like x 7

    What's Looking Exotic In July 2014

    It looks tropical :thumbsup: so dont think it dont :snork:
    It looks tropical :thumbsup: so dont think it dont :snork:
    It looks tropical :thumbsup: so dont think it dont :snork:
    It looks tropical :thumbsup: so dont think it dont :snork:
  16. lee stevenson

    Weeds coming through stones

    I would agree with Madahhlia - regular raking should keep it clear. Though, of course, it will require a bit more effort the first time as they are already established.
    I would agree with Madahhlia - regular raking should keep it clear. Though, of course, it will require a bit more effort the first time as they are already established.
    I would agree with Madahhlia - regular raking should keep it clear. Though, of course, it will require a bit more effort the first time as they are already established.
    I would agree with Madahhlia - regular raking should keep it clear. Though, of course, it will require a bit more effort the first time as they are already established.
  17. kay90's

    what's this weed?

    Yes, I would let them know before although considering you could hide a small child standing up in their 'garden' I don't think they will mind.
    Yes, I would let them know before although considering you could hide a small child standing up in their 'garden' I don't think they will mind.
    Yes, I would let them know before although considering you could hide a small child standing up in their 'garden' I don't think they will mind.
    Yes, I would let them know before although considering you could hide a small child standing up in their 'garden' I don't think they will mind.
  18. clueless1

    Thinking I might blitz most of my garden

    Well done clue, it's nice when a job has actually been started!!Vak
    Well done clue, it's nice when a job has actually been started!!Vak
    Well done clue, it's nice when a job has actually been started!!Vak
    Well done clue, it's nice when a job has actually been started!!Vak
  19. CharlieBot

    Yucca- pot or ground?

    Charlie, They grow big, I had a little one given to me years ago I put it in the ground and after a couple of years it was like a small tree, The flower is a spectacle to behold altho short...
    Charlie, They grow big, I had a little one given to me years ago I put it in the ground and after a couple of years it was like a small tree, The flower is a spectacle to behold altho short lived. Funny thing tho its spikes are wicked A robin built its nest right in the centre , No predator...
    Charlie, They grow big, I had a little one given to me years ago I put it in the ground and after a couple of years it was like a small tree, The flower is a spectacle to behold altho short lived. Funny thing tho its spikes are wicked A robin...
    Charlie, They grow big, I had a little one given to me years ago I put it in the ground and after a couple of years it was like a small tree, The flower is a spectacle to behold altho short...
  20. colinn
    Like x 3

    morning glory and sweet pea climb well together

    Glad I was able to help :biggrin:
    Glad I was able to help :biggrin:
    Glad I was able to help :biggrin:
    Glad I was able to help :biggrin:

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