General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Marley Farley

    Gardeners Corner Bookshelf...

    I agree with the idea of a single review page that could possibly be sub- divided into 'Printed Books, e-books and Kindle books reviews.This is how I file my books;
    I agree with the idea of a single review page that could possibly be sub- divided into 'Printed Books, e-books and Kindle books reviews.This is how I file my books;
    I agree with the idea of a single review page that could possibly be sub- divided into 'Printed Books, e-books and Kindle books reviews.This is how I file my books;
    I agree with the idea of a single review page that could possibly be sub- divided into 'Printed Books, e-books and Kindle books reviews.This is how I file my books;
  2. Val..

    How many pansy plants in 12" basket?

    Sorry, forgot to answer the rest, I think they will be mainly on top as they aren't the trailing kind. Getting them from a reliable seller on ebay so they should be good plants, I can't seem to...
    Sorry, forgot to answer the rest, I think they will be mainly on top as they aren't the trailing kind. Getting them from a reliable seller on ebay so they should be good plants, I can't seem to get a tray of 6 the same colour in the garden centre they are always mixed colours.Val
    Sorry, forgot to answer the rest, I think they will be mainly on top as they aren't the trailing kind. Getting them from a reliable seller on ebay so they should be good plants, I can't seem to get a tray of 6 the same colour in the garden...
    Sorry, forgot to answer the rest, I think they will be mainly on top as they aren't the trailing kind. Getting them from a reliable seller on ebay so they should be good plants, I can't seem to...
  3. deadfrog66

    chilli and pepper plants

    Must agree about the plants, can't see you getting much off of them this year, but that is not to say you can't over winter them and have a head start next year.Most of my Chilli and Pepper...
    Must agree about the plants, can't see you getting much off of them this year, but that is not to say you can't over winter them and have a head start next year.Most of my Chilli and Pepper plants have either loads of flowers or fruits on, and I started mine late February.... I will be...
    Must agree about the plants, can't see you getting much off of them this year, but that is not to say you can't over winter them and have a head start next year.Most of my Chilli and Pepper plants have either loads of flowers or fruits on, and...
    Must agree about the plants, can't see you getting much off of them this year, but that is not to say you can't over winter them and have a head start next year.Most of my Chilli and Pepper...
  4. simon n

    What Dahlia is this?

    Thanks guys! :ThankYou:
    Thanks guys! :ThankYou:
    Thanks guys! :ThankYou:
    Thanks guys! :ThankYou:
  5. Booty1978

    Evergreen 4 in 1 stained my decking?! Please help

    This problem has been reported here before (with a remedy) P.S. Also posted here and here in the past without any recommendations for treatment.
    This problem has been reported here before (with a remedy) P.S. Also posted here and here in the past without any recommendations for treatment.
    This problem has been reported here before (with a remedy) P.S. Also posted here and here in the past without any recommendations for treatment.
    This problem has been reported here before (with a remedy) P.S. Also posted here and here in the past without any recommendations for treatment.
  6. jennywren

    Ideas to improve this area please

    My ferns grow in dry shade under an elder quite happily in the summer.
    My ferns grow in dry shade under an elder quite happily in the summer.
    My ferns grow in dry shade under an elder quite happily in the summer.
    My ferns grow in dry shade under an elder quite happily in the summer.
  7. longk

    Did we have a storm last night?

    Spectaclier pics @Jungle Jane :)Talking of bombs Rosie, I fell asleep on a hot summers night back in the 80's, my bedroom faced towards London. Woke up to see all these flashes on the horizon &...
    Spectaclier pics @Jungle Jane :)Talking of bombs Rosie, I fell asleep on a hot summers night back in the 80's, my bedroom faced towards London. Woke up to see all these flashes on the horizon & thought London was getting nuked :yikes:I was outside in a panic before I realised it was only lightning :phew:
    Spectaclier pics @Jungle Jane :)Talking of bombs Rosie, I fell asleep on a hot summers night back in the 80's, my bedroom faced towards London. Woke up to see all these flashes on the horizon & thought London was getting nuked :yikes:I was outside in...
    Spectaclier pics @Jungle Jane :)Talking of bombs Rosie, I fell asleep on a hot summers night back in the 80's, my bedroom faced towards London. Woke up to see all these flashes on the horizon &...
  8. NigelJ

    Moving Paeonies

    Not been my experience :) Most common mistake with herbaceous paeonies is planting them too deep. I plant with the tubers pretty much "on" the surface. They may not look great in the first year,...
    Not been my experience :) Most common mistake with herbaceous paeonies is planting them too deep. I plant with the tubers pretty much "on" the surface. They may not look great in the first year, but as @ARMANDII said that's true of most things after moving / dividing.
    Not been my experience :) Most common mistake with herbaceous paeonies is planting them too deep. I plant with the tubers pretty much "on" the surface. They may not look great in the first year, but as @ARMANDII said that's true of most things...
    Not been my experience :) Most common mistake with herbaceous paeonies is planting them too deep. I plant with the tubers pretty much "on" the surface. They may not look great in the first year,...
  9. Trunky

    Coir Pots

    @Kristen I'd say the coir pots perform better than peat pots.I haven't found drying out to be a problem, either with the pots themselves or with the surrounding medium. The coir pots have a...
    @Kristen I'd say the coir pots perform better than peat pots.I haven't found drying out to be a problem, either with the pots themselves or with the surrounding medium. The coir pots have a much more fibrous structure than peat ones, 'wicking' away of moisture doesn't seem to be a problem...
    @Kristen I'd say the coir pots perform better than peat pots.I haven't found drying out to be a problem, either with the pots themselves or with the surrounding medium. The coir pots have a much more fibrous structure than peat ones, 'wicking'...
    @Kristen I'd say the coir pots perform better than peat pots.I haven't found drying out to be a problem, either with the pots themselves or with the surrounding medium. The coir pots have a...
    012.JPG 006.JPG
  10. flying rowan

    Masking Cigarette Smoke

    I would aim at forming screens of fairly leafy trees/shrubs reaching to 6' or more all around as then the smoke cannot waft through so easily in the first place. Do you already have a fence, and...
    I would aim at forming screens of fairly leafy trees/shrubs reaching to 6' or more all around as then the smoke cannot waft through so easily in the first place. Do you already have a fence, and if so, is it failing to keep smoke out? Also, I would consider having a fan readily accessible to see...
    I would aim at forming screens of fairly leafy trees/shrubs reaching to 6' or more all around as then the smoke cannot waft through so easily in the first place. Do you already have a fence, and if so, is it failing to keep smoke out? Also, I...
    I would aim at forming screens of fairly leafy trees/shrubs reaching to 6' or more all around as then the smoke cannot waft through so easily in the first place. Do you already have a fence, and...
  11. mint

    Are These Chives

    Might have been dropped by a Swallow :)
    Might have been dropped by a Swallow :)
    Might have been dropped by a Swallow :)
    Might have been dropped by a Swallow :)
  12. Acorn

    Dreaded weed

    I believe that an effective method of application of glyphosphate (the active ingredient in systemic weedkillers) is to put a bit in a polythene bag along with some bindweed foliage. Crushing the...
    I believe that an effective method of application of glyphosphate (the active ingredient in systemic weedkillers) is to put a bit in a polythene bag along with some bindweed foliage. Crushing the foliage is a good idea too. The logic is that the crushed stems allow the glyphosphate to enter more...
    I believe that an effective method of application of glyphosphate (the active ingredient in systemic weedkillers) is to put a bit in a polythene bag along with some bindweed foliage. Crushing the foliage is a good idea too. The logic is that the...
    I believe that an effective method of application of glyphosphate (the active ingredient in systemic weedkillers) is to put a bit in a polythene bag along with some bindweed foliage. Crushing the...
    Like x 9


    Sorry - wrong month - moved to July
    Sorry - wrong month - moved to July
    Sorry - wrong month - moved to July
    Sorry - wrong month - moved to July
    DSC_0032.JPG DSC_0024.JPG DSC_0020.JPG 2014_06090010.JPG 2014_06090001.JPG DSC_0065.JPG


    Apples are turning rosy (might not be the best example, but I was rather hot and bothered this afternoon). And picked some more Blackberries - got 2 punnets today! When the picking builds up...
    Apples are turning rosy (might not be the best example, but I was rather hot and bothered this afternoon). And picked some more Blackberries - got 2 punnets today! When the picking builds up to more than we can eat, everything else will be used for winemaking.
    Apples are turning rosy (might not be the best example, but I was rather hot and bothered this afternoon). And picked some more Blackberries - got 2 punnets today! When the picking builds up to more than we can eat, everything else will be...
    Apples are turning rosy (might not be the best example, but I was rather hot and bothered this afternoon). And picked some more Blackberries - got 2 punnets today! When the picking builds up...
    blackberry1.jpg damson.jpg apples rosy 2014.jpg blackberries 19 july 2014.jpg


    I could tell you horror stories about Green Flag!
    I could tell you horror stories about Green Flag!
    I could tell you horror stories about Green Flag!
    I could tell you horror stories about Green Flag!
  16. whis4ey
    Like x 6

    McCoubrey's has a new roof

    Love it! :yay: :yahoo:
    Love it! :yay: :yahoo:
    Love it! :yay: :yahoo:
    Love it! :yay: :yahoo:
  17. simon n

    Can anyone tell me what this is please?

    It could be Corkscrew Rush.
    It could be Corkscrew Rush.
    It could be Corkscrew Rush.
    It could be Corkscrew Rush.
  18. Hetty

    Roses changed colour?

    Lol, thank you! Yes, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet :)Yes, I've only had the plant for about a we shall see what happens, maybe the flowers will darken into the lovely...
    Lol, thank you! Yes, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet :)Yes, I've only had the plant for about a we shall see what happens, maybe the flowers will darken into the lovely pink. There are LOTS and lots of buds on it, so it's nice and healthy (because I've only had it a...
    Lol, thank you! Yes, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet :)Yes, I've only had the plant for about a we shall see what happens, maybe the flowers will darken into the lovely pink. There are LOTS and lots of buds on it, so it's...
    Lol, thank you! Yes, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet :)Yes, I've only had the plant for about a we shall see what happens, maybe the flowers will darken into the lovely...
  19. JOHNST

    Deutzias & Eleagnus renovation

    I think you have to do it if that's the state they are in! Both common so even if you kill them they would easily be replaced.You will probably get a little bit of new growth this year but they...
    I think you have to do it if that's the state they are in! Both common so even if you kill them they would easily be replaced.You will probably get a little bit of new growth this year but they will take off like a rocket next spring.The deutzia won't flower much except on any growth it...
    I think you have to do it if that's the state they are in! Both common so even if you kill them they would easily be replaced.You will probably get a little bit of new growth this year but they will take off like a rocket next spring.The...
    I think you have to do it if that's the state they are in! Both common so even if you kill them they would easily be replaced.You will probably get a little bit of new growth this year but they...
  20. ennnceee

    Aphid-free nasturtiums?

    Nasturtiums that don't attract aphids, so that they're free of them...But I like them in their own right.
    Nasturtiums that don't attract aphids, so that they're free of them...But I like them in their own right.
    Nasturtiums that don't attract aphids, so that they're free of them...But I like them in their own right.
    Nasturtiums that don't attract aphids, so that they're free of them...But I like them in their own right.

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