General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Val..

    Soil in patio tubs

    I did think about saucers and looked for some square clear ones but on Amazon they are over £10 per saucer!!!!! The tubs are quite big so needed big saucers. There's no way round it other than...
    I did think about saucers and looked for some square clear ones but on Amazon they are over £10 per saucer!!!!! The tubs are quite big so needed big saucers. There's no way round it other than to re-do them but I'm thinking of using something else to cover the holes as well as stones like some...
    I did think about saucers and looked for some square clear ones but on Amazon they are over £10 per saucer!!!!! The tubs are quite big so needed big saucers. There's no way round it other than to re-do them but I'm thinking of using something...
    I did think about saucers and looked for some square clear ones but on Amazon they are over £10 per saucer!!!!! The tubs are quite big so needed big saucers. There's no way round it other than...
  2. filthyturk

    seedling woe

    At this time of year I place pots of seed a] in the house in a bright spot but no direct sun, or b] in a shady spot in the garden (where they risk being forgotten).Ordinary MPC does dry out too...
    At this time of year I place pots of seed a] in the house in a bright spot but no direct sun, or b] in a shady spot in the garden (where they risk being forgotten).Ordinary MPC does dry out too quickly, and this MiracleGro stuff that is sold dry and you rehydrate it is awful for drying out...
    At this time of year I place pots of seed a] in the house in a bright spot but no direct sun, or b] in a shady spot in the garden (where they risk being forgotten).Ordinary MPC does dry out too quickly, and this MiracleGro stuff that is sold...
    At this time of year I place pots of seed a] in the house in a bright spot but no direct sun, or b] in a shady spot in the garden (where they risk being forgotten).Ordinary MPC does dry out too...
  3. nFrost

    No to GMO?

    Yup. Also farmers in USA have been sued for "saving" Roundup-resistant Rape seeds, which the farmer had never bought and said contaminated his land from his neighbours.Roundup is a great...
    Yup. Also farmers in USA have been sued for "saving" Roundup-resistant Rape seeds, which the farmer had never bought and said contaminated his land from his neighbours.Roundup is a great chemical, for killing weeds, and is enabling farmers to grow food affordably to feed the world. Allowing...
    Yup. Also farmers in USA have been sued for "saving" Roundup-resistant Rape seeds, which the farmer had never bought and said contaminated his land from his neighbours.Roundup is a great chemical, for killing weeds, and is enabling farmers to...
    Yup. Also farmers in USA have been sued for "saving" Roundup-resistant Rape seeds, which the farmer had never bought and said contaminated his land from his neighbours.Roundup is a great...
  4. leonora


    Yesterday I bought a tomato plant called 'Cheriettes of fire'.[emoji1]
    Yesterday I bought a tomato plant called 'Cheriettes of fire'.[emoji1]
    Yesterday I bought a tomato plant called 'Cheriettes of fire'.[emoji1]
    Yesterday I bought a tomato plant called 'Cheriettes of fire'.[emoji1]
  5. **Yvonne**

    Really stuck on what to do with this area

    Cottagey plants for a dry spot? Digitalis lutea does well dry here................Digitalis parviflora.......................Digitalis carilion................Finally, Digitalis...
    Cottagey plants for a dry spot? Digitalis lutea does well dry here................Digitalis parviflora.......................Digitalis carilion................Finally, Digitalis "Illumination Pink"..................
    Cottagey plants for a dry spot? Digitalis lutea does well dry here................Digitalis parviflora.......................Digitalis carilion................Finally, Digitalis "Illumination Pink"..................
    Cottagey plants for a dry spot? Digitalis lutea does well dry here................Digitalis parviflora.......................Digitalis carilion................Finally, Digitalis...
  6. Bilbo675

    Mutant Aphids!!!

    Thanks for that Joolz, but no, none of them really resemble the wee beasties I found :scratch::biggrin:I'll try and find some tomorrow and get a photo :blue thumb:
    Thanks for that Joolz, but no, none of them really resemble the wee beasties I found :scratch::biggrin:I'll try and find some tomorrow and get a photo :blue thumb:
    Thanks for that Joolz, but no, none of them really resemble the wee beasties I found :scratch::biggrin:I'll try and find some tomorrow and get a photo :blue thumb:
    Thanks for that Joolz, but no, none of them really resemble the wee beasties I found :scratch::biggrin:I'll try and find some tomorrow and get a photo :blue thumb:
  7. nFrost

    How to grow Heuchera from seed

    I don't think that the named varieties are - well ... especially on my heavy soil. Heuchraholics suggested to stick to the larger leaf (named variety) ones, on heavy soil, as they were more...
    I don't think that the named varieties are - well ... especially on my heavy soil. Heuchraholics suggested to stick to the larger leaf (named variety) ones, on heavy soil, as they were more tolerant than the smaller leaf ones. Not surprising, to me, that species are the strongest of the lot.
    I don't think that the named varieties are - well ... especially on my heavy soil. Heuchraholics suggested to stick to the larger leaf (named variety) ones, on heavy soil, as they were more tolerant than the smaller leaf ones. Not surprising, to...
    I don't think that the named varieties are - well ... especially on my heavy soil. Heuchraholics suggested to stick to the larger leaf (named variety) ones, on heavy soil, as they were more...
  8. Loofah

    Argh! Damned nocturnal animals!

    I've always fancied setting up cameras in the garden... It does sound like a fox and I had a poke around the depths, just in case it had drowned. All this savagery in the garden!
    I've always fancied setting up cameras in the garden... It does sound like a fox and I had a poke around the depths, just in case it had drowned. All this savagery in the garden!
    I've always fancied setting up cameras in the garden... It does sound like a fox and I had a poke around the depths, just in case it had drowned. All this savagery in the garden!
    I've always fancied setting up cameras in the garden... It does sound like a fox and I had a poke around the depths, just in case it had drowned. All this savagery in the garden!
  9. Loofah

    I love people moving:)

    Nup, I checked. it's just a moosive fern:)
    Nup, I checked. it's just a moosive fern:)
    Nup, I checked. it's just a moosive fern:)
    Nup, I checked. it's just a moosive fern:)
  10. Hetty

    Creating a cottage style garden?

    Found an old pic of the garden, before we planted the cherry in the middle (happy to move that if necessary)
    Found an old pic of the garden, before we planted the cherry in the middle (happy to move that if necessary)
    Found an old pic of the garden, before we planted the cherry in the middle (happy to move that if necessary)
    Found an old pic of the garden, before we planted the cherry in the middle (happy to move that if necessary)
  11. Val..


    If I leave my Red Star outdoors over winter it gets very scraggy and loses it's colour, it eventually recovers by about september, so I now bring it into the greenhouse during the cold months.
    If I leave my Red Star outdoors over winter it gets very scraggy and loses it's colour, it eventually recovers by about september, so I now bring it into the greenhouse during the cold months.
    If I leave my Red Star outdoors over winter it gets very scraggy and loses it's colour, it eventually recovers by about september, so I now bring it into the greenhouse during the cold months.
    If I leave my Red Star outdoors over winter it gets very scraggy and loses it's colour, it eventually recovers by about september, so I now bring it into the greenhouse during the cold months.
  12. TurnedThespian

    Young, slug-prone perennials question

    I splashed out on Nemaslug last year, and treated the veg patch. So far this year my veg are fairly slug free, although lots of snails around, whereas the flower border has lots of slugs as well...
    I splashed out on Nemaslug last year, and treated the veg patch. So far this year my veg are fairly slug free, although lots of snails around, whereas the flower border has lots of slugs as well as snails.
    I splashed out on Nemaslug last year, and treated the veg patch. So far this year my veg are fairly slug free, although lots of snails around, whereas the flower border has lots of slugs as well as snails.
    I splashed out on Nemaslug last year, and treated the veg patch. So far this year my veg are fairly slug free, although lots of snails around, whereas the flower border has lots of slugs as well...
  13. Webmaster

    Grafting.... Want to Graft a Chilli plant onto Tomato Root Stock

    There's a bit of it going on Here Nate :whistle:
    There's a bit of it going on Here Nate :whistle:
    There's a bit of it going on Here Nate :whistle:
    There's a bit of it going on Here Nate :whistle:
  14. Paul Sanderson

    Dianthus questions...

    Cheers guys. We have had a lot of rain the last 2 days - a helluvalot of rain :)Will take cuttings from none flowering shoots first thing tomorrow morning then. Cheers!
    Cheers guys. We have had a lot of rain the last 2 days - a helluvalot of rain :)Will take cuttings from none flowering shoots first thing tomorrow morning then. Cheers!
    Cheers guys. We have had a lot of rain the last 2 days - a helluvalot of rain :)Will take cuttings from none flowering shoots first thing tomorrow morning then. Cheers!
    Cheers guys. We have had a lot of rain the last 2 days - a helluvalot of rain :)Will take cuttings from none flowering shoots first thing tomorrow morning then. Cheers!
  15. Sigord

    Marestail Pest

    I use a product called Agritox from the local Farm shop It kills the Marestail but not grass, so is suitable for lawns. BUT it WILL kill plants so no good elsewhere Large areas can be covered in...
    I use a product called Agritox from the local Farm shop It kills the Marestail but not grass, so is suitable for lawns. BUT it WILL kill plants so no good elsewhere Large areas can be covered in sheets of newspaper and covered in chipped bark for a very successful and quite long term solution :)
    I use a product called Agritox from the local Farm shop It kills the Marestail but not grass, so is suitable for lawns. BUT it WILL kill plants so no good elsewhere Large areas can be covered in sheets of newspaper and covered in chipped bark...
    I use a product called Agritox from the local Farm shop It kills the Marestail but not grass, so is suitable for lawns. BUT it WILL kill plants so no good elsewhere Large areas can be covered in...
  16. TheBatman

    can not believe this!! - Horsetail, help!!

    Something like this :)
    Something like this :)
    Something like this :)
    Something like this :)
    DSC00265.JPG DSC00262.JPG DSC00435.JPG DSC00023.JPG DSC00526.JPG
  17. Elizabeth13

    garden wall and plants

    Yes I think it would help.
    Yes I think it would help.
    Yes I think it would help.
    Yes I think it would help.
  18. sniffy
    Like x 7

    Project wildlife garden

    There's a lovely assortment of flowers there sniffy, really pretty! :dbgrtmb:
    There's a lovely assortment of flowers there sniffy, really pretty! :dbgrtmb:
    There's a lovely assortment of flowers there sniffy, really pretty! :dbgrtmb:
    There's a lovely assortment of flowers there sniffy, really pretty! :dbgrtmb:
  19. Darrel Nicoll

    Help my sambucas racemosa Sutherland gold is dying

    I have to agree with Kristen, I have a Sambucus racemosa aurea that is waiting to be planted, it is more robust than Sutherland's gold, which in my experience needs more moisture to thrive, its...
    I have to agree with Kristen, I have a Sambucus racemosa aurea that is waiting to be planted, it is more robust than Sutherland's gold, which in my experience needs more moisture to thrive, its not the first one I've seen struggle in dry weather, sadly.As mentioned I would put the hose pipe on...
    I have to agree with Kristen, I have a Sambucus racemosa aurea that is waiting to be planted, it is more robust than Sutherland's gold, which in my experience needs more moisture to thrive, its not the first one I've seen struggle in dry weather,...
    I have to agree with Kristen, I have a Sambucus racemosa aurea that is waiting to be planted, it is more robust than Sutherland's gold, which in my experience needs more moisture to thrive, its...
  20. TurnedThespian

    Probably stupid question about garden hose

    It was a lot easier in the old days. We just attached a hose to the old standing hand pump on the tank and pumped the excess liquids into the farmer's field (when he was muck spreading). :yikes:Many...
    It was a lot easier in the old days. We just attached a hose to the old standing hand pump on the tank and pumped the excess liquids into the farmer's field (when he was muck spreading). :yikes:Many years ago one of our neighbours, who owned an engineering company, fitted an electric pump and ran...
    It was a lot easier in the old days. We just attached a hose to the old standing hand pump on the tank and pumped the excess liquids into the farmer's field (when he was muck spreading). :yikes:Many years ago one of our neighbours, who owned an...
    It was a lot easier in the old days. We just attached a hose to the old standing hand pump on the tank and pumped the excess liquids into the farmer's field (when he was muck spreading). :yikes:Many...

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