General Gardening Discussion

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  1. netty

    shed windows

    Thanks for your help Smiffy will yake a look in Band Q ,sounds good .
    Thanks for your help Smiffy will yake a look in Band Q ,sounds good .
    Thanks for your help Smiffy will yake a look in Band Q ,sounds good .
    Thanks for your help Smiffy will yake a look in Band Q ,sounds good .
  2. Selcouth

    Hedging plant advice required!

    Thanks for the responses Whoever originally designed the garden must have loved birds as we have a lot of different plants already like hawthorn, dogwood, cherry etc.I'll check out blackthorn...
    Thanks for the responses Whoever originally designed the garden must have loved birds as we have a lot of different plants already like hawthorn, dogwood, cherry etc.I'll check out blackthorn and then make a decision as to whether to go for a currant bush or a blackthorn one
    Thanks for the responses Whoever originally designed the garden must have loved birds as we have a lot of different plants already like hawthorn, dogwood, cherry etc.I'll check out blackthorn and then make a decision as to whether to go for...
    Thanks for the responses Whoever originally designed the garden must have loved birds as we have a lot of different plants already like hawthorn, dogwood, cherry etc.I'll check out blackthorn...
  3. The Lost Antheus

    to dig or not to dig?

    Use it as a mulch, Antheus and, as Newbie says, the worms will take it down for you.
    Use it as a mulch, Antheus and, as Newbie says, the worms will take it down for you.
    Use it as a mulch, Antheus and, as Newbie says, the worms will take it down for you.
    Use it as a mulch, Antheus and, as Newbie says, the worms will take it down for you.
  4. Juliasaurus

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    I appreciate that, but when you worry too much about a plant you start doing things which you think should be done. And end up damaging , or even killing, the plant.
    I appreciate that, but when you worry too much about a plant you start doing things which you think should be done. And end up damaging , or even killing, the plant.
    I appreciate that, but when you worry too much about a plant you start doing things which you think should be done. And end up damaging , or even killing, the plant.
    I appreciate that, but when you worry too much about a plant you start doing things which you think should be done. And end up damaging , or even killing, the plant.
  5. Makka-Bakka

    Flowers you just love to "HATE!"

    Well I have had a good think about this and I dislike Berginia,s But I love Elephants Ears :D [ 13. April 2008, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: wiseoldowl ]
    Well I have had a good think about this and I dislike Berginia,s But I love Elephants Ears :D [ 13. April 2008, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: wiseoldowl ]
    Well I have had a good think about this and I dislike Berginia,s But I love Elephants Ears :D [ 13. April 2008, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: wiseoldowl ]
    Well I have had a good think about this and I dislike Berginia,s But I love Elephants Ears :D [ 13. April 2008, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: wiseoldowl ]
  6. ming


    Hello Ming welcome to the forum sorry your 'new' neighbour isn't very friendly maybe a bottle of nice wine with sort her out, it worked well on my new neighbours only problem now I can't get shut...
    Hello Ming welcome to the forum sorry your 'new' neighbour isn't very friendly maybe a bottle of nice wine with sort her out, it worked well on my new neighbours only problem now I can't get shut of her when we talk....but then again I do like to go on myself so not really a problem there! :D ...
    Hello Ming welcome to the forum sorry your 'new' neighbour isn't very friendly maybe a bottle of nice wine with sort her out, it worked well on my new neighbours only problem now I can't get shut of her when we talk....but then again I do like to...
    Hello Ming welcome to the forum sorry your 'new' neighbour isn't very friendly maybe a bottle of nice wine with sort her out, it worked well on my new neighbours only problem now I can't get shut...
  7. Kathy3

    morning glory

    hi rosei just soaked mine for 2 hrs yesterday and then potted them upi did soak them for 48 hrs last yr (forgot i was soaking them) and then put them in a seed tray they were all up in 24 hrs...
    hi rosei just soaked mine for 2 hrs yesterday and then potted them upi did soak them for 48 hrs last yr (forgot i was soaking them) and then put them in a seed tray they were all up in 24 hrs and then died when they went outside :(i have read somewhere on here they don't like to be...
    hi rosei just soaked mine for 2 hrs yesterday and then potted them upi did soak them for 48 hrs last yr (forgot i was soaking them) and then put them in a seed tray they were all up in 24 hrs and then died when they went outside :(i...
    hi rosei just soaked mine for 2 hrs yesterday and then potted them upi did soak them for 48 hrs last yr (forgot i was soaking them) and then put them in a seed tray they were all up in 24 hrs...
  8. gardenlearner

    good garden center in north west

    thanks to all.I drove pst a massive garden centre along the m66 near rawenstall, does anyone know this one?
    thanks to all.I drove pst a massive garden centre along the m66 near rawenstall, does anyone know this one?
    thanks to all.I drove pst a massive garden centre along the m66 near rawenstall, does anyone know this one?
    thanks to all.I drove pst a massive garden centre along the m66 near rawenstall, does anyone know this one?
  9. malcolmathenian

    King Protea

    Cynaroides, Pete. from a packet of 5, 3 germinated and 1 collapsed after a few months leaving 2, now 0. :(
    Cynaroides, Pete. from a packet of 5, 3 germinated and 1 collapsed after a few months leaving 2, now 0. :(
    Cynaroides, Pete. from a packet of 5, 3 germinated and 1 collapsed after a few months leaving 2, now 0. :(
    Cynaroides, Pete. from a packet of 5, 3 germinated and 1 collapsed after a few months leaving 2, now 0. :(
  10. pete

    Out of hibernation

    My Siki stays out all year it's in the ground with a bit of fleece around it, which will come off soon.
    My Siki stays out all year it's in the ground with a bit of fleece around it, which will come off soon.
    My Siki stays out all year it's in the ground with a bit of fleece around it, which will come off soon.
    My Siki stays out all year it's in the ground with a bit of fleece around it, which will come off soon.
  11. johnnywas

    time for action

    This is how I do it:Treat the moss first with lawn sand or iron sulphate in soulution and scarify after its gone treat weeds with verdoneOverseed and a liquid feed of seaweed or...
    This is how I do it:Treat the moss first with lawn sand or iron sulphate in soulution and scarify after its gone treat weeds with verdoneOverseed and a liquid feed of seaweed or phostrogen.In time, bare patches were the weeds were, scratch up then a handfull of seed over...
    This is how I do it:Treat the moss first with lawn sand or iron sulphate in soulution and scarify after its gone treat weeds with verdoneOverseed and a liquid feed of seaweed or phostrogen.In time, bare patches were the weeds...
    This is how I do it:Treat the moss first with lawn sand or iron sulphate in soulution and scarify after its gone treat weeds with verdoneOverseed and a liquid feed of seaweed or...
  12. golfer

    Weed Control

    Hi Golfer!The best weed control is; digging. By digging and turning over the soil you are able to pick out any deep rooted weeds you spot. Little and often is my motto!The weather is then able...
    Hi Golfer!The best weed control is; digging. By digging and turning over the soil you are able to pick out any deep rooted weeds you spot. Little and often is my motto!The weather is then able to get to the bare earth, and believe it or not, come next Spring the soil will be more easily...
    Hi Golfer!The best weed control is; digging. By digging and turning over the soil you are able to pick out any deep rooted weeds you spot. Little and often is my motto!The weather is then able to get to the bare earth, and believe it or not,...
    Hi Golfer!The best weed control is; digging. By digging and turning over the soil you are able to pick out any deep rooted weeds you spot. Little and often is my motto!The weather is then able...
  13. Makka-Bakka

    Mixing Flowers?

    UPDATE!The Daffodils in the mixed vases are over but the Tulips are still going strong!Tulips in the garden and allotment are putting on "some show."Cheers
    UPDATE!The Daffodils in the mixed vases are over but the Tulips are still going strong!Tulips in the garden and allotment are putting on "some show."Cheers
    UPDATE!The Daffodils in the mixed vases are over but the Tulips are still going strong!Tulips in the garden and allotment are putting on "some show."Cheers
    UPDATE!The Daffodils in the mixed vases are over but the Tulips are still going strong!Tulips in the garden and allotment are putting on "some show."Cheers
  14. flowerpotty

    gardeners world on bbc iplayer

    Streaming works fine for me (so glad they invented iplayer - it's great). Also if you have virginMedia cable tv you can watch it as a "catch-up" programme.
    Streaming works fine for me (so glad they invented iplayer - it's great). Also if you have virginMedia cable tv you can watch it as a "catch-up" programme.
    Streaming works fine for me (so glad they invented iplayer - it's great). Also if you have virginMedia cable tv you can watch it as a "catch-up" programme.
    Streaming works fine for me (so glad they invented iplayer - it's great). Also if you have virginMedia cable tv you can watch it as a "catch-up" programme.
  15. David G

    Cold Nights

    It's all very vexing, moving things in and out of the coldframes and shed, opening and shutting the greenhouse vents,covering and uncovering tender plants in the garden.We had rain forecast...
    It's all very vexing, moving things in and out of the coldframes and shed, opening and shutting the greenhouse vents,covering and uncovering tender plants in the garden.We had rain forecast for the weekend, but it's been lovely, well there were a few showers but it is April, after all. ...
    It's all very vexing, moving things in and out of the coldframes and shed, opening and shutting the greenhouse vents,covering and uncovering tender plants in the garden.We had rain forecast for the weekend, but it's been lovely, well there...
    It's all very vexing, moving things in and out of the coldframes and shed, opening and shutting the greenhouse vents,covering and uncovering tender plants in the garden.We had rain forecast...
  16. GardenGuru

    Old gates

    Rusty iron is very sought-after these days, you should see the prices at garden shows!! I have a few rusty iron thingies myself, and I think they make a really nice frame for plants. I think...
    Rusty iron is very sought-after these days, you should see the prices at garden shows!! I have a few rusty iron thingies myself, and I think they make a really nice frame for plants. I think your passion flowers and cobea scandens will look fab - mine will be growing up a rusty iron obilisk.
    Rusty iron is very sought-after these days, you should see the prices at garden shows!! I have a few rusty iron thingies myself, and I think they make a really nice frame for plants. I think your passion flowers and cobea scandens will look fab...
    Rusty iron is very sought-after these days, you should see the prices at garden shows!! I have a few rusty iron thingies myself, and I think they make a really nice frame for plants. I think...
  17. intermiplants

    stones in borders

    The odd stepping-stone in your border can be quite handy.
    The odd stepping-stone in your border can be quite handy.
    The odd stepping-stone in your border can be quite handy.
    The odd stepping-stone in your border can be quite handy.
  18. Vince

    Bloomin Weather!

    I seem to remember in the recent past I have had a BBQ at Easter and we have been out in the snow playing with the kids at Easter in another year. I guess this leaves it open that Easter is a...
    I seem to remember in the recent past I have had a BBQ at Easter and we have been out in the snow playing with the kids at Easter in another year. I guess this leaves it open that Easter is a varied time of year for the weather and we all like to garden as soon as possible when we get some...
    I seem to remember in the recent past I have had a BBQ at Easter and we have been out in the snow playing with the kids at Easter in another year. I guess this leaves it open that Easter is a varied time of year for the weather and we all like...
    I seem to remember in the recent past I have had a BBQ at Easter and we have been out in the snow playing with the kids at Easter in another year. I guess this leaves it open that Easter is a...
  19. gardenlearner

    bark chipping

    Only problem with bark chippings Gardenlearner is that it's really very hard to see cat poop in it...... not nice if you garden on your knees! :eek:
    Only problem with bark chippings Gardenlearner is that it's really very hard to see cat poop in it...... not nice if you garden on your knees! :eek:
    Only problem with bark chippings Gardenlearner is that it's really very hard to see cat poop in it...... not nice if you garden on your knees! :eek:
    Only problem with bark chippings Gardenlearner is that it's really very hard to see cat poop in it...... not nice if you garden on your knees! :eek:
  20. SpringsHere

    Turn OFF Prop'gator? More help pls,

    I move the plants out of the heated propagator when they have got established (a few true leaves) into an unheated progator. You really only need heat for germination of the seeds (with normal...
    I move the plants out of the heated propagator when they have got established (a few true leaves) into an unheated progator. You really only need heat for germination of the seeds (with normal plants).My greenhouse has bubblewrap insulation, Three heated propagators and several unheated ones....
    I move the plants out of the heated propagator when they have got established (a few true leaves) into an unheated progator. You really only need heat for germination of the seeds (with normal plants).My greenhouse has bubblewrap insulation,...
    I move the plants out of the heated propagator when they have got established (a few true leaves) into an unheated progator. You really only need heat for germination of the seeds (with normal...

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