General Gardening Discussion

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  1. ming


    I will do it later. It's snowing again........
    I will do it later. It's snowing again........
    I will do it later. It's snowing again........
    I will do it later. It's snowing again........
  2. andrew35

    Sowing seeds indoors

    Definately get the cosmos back in the window as they need lots of light and can get leggy. You are fine to tak the lids off them. I was amazed with my cosmos sonata I grew from seed last year,...
    Definately get the cosmos back in the window as they need lots of light and can get leggy. You are fine to tak the lids off them. I was amazed with my cosmos sonata I grew from seed last year, they were huge beautiful plants and with lots of deadheading seemed to flower for ever until I finally...
    Definately get the cosmos back in the window as they need lots of light and can get leggy. You are fine to tak the lids off them. I was amazed with my cosmos sonata I grew from seed last year, they were huge beautiful plants and with lots of...
    Definately get the cosmos back in the window as they need lots of light and can get leggy. You are fine to tak the lids off them. I was amazed with my cosmos sonata I grew from seed last year,...
  3. coub

    burnt rhodi

    Please help As you can see the edges on my rhodi are going burnt around the edges.Any ideas?.
    Please help As you can see the edges on my rhodi are going burnt around the edges.Any ideas?.
    Please help As you can see the edges on my rhodi are going burnt around the edges.Any ideas?.
    Please help As you can see the edges on my rhodi are going burnt around the edges.Any ideas?.
  4. golcarlilly

    Seeds germinating!

    well donehope you get plenty more ;)
    well donehope you get plenty more ;)
    well donehope you get plenty more ;)
    well donehope you get plenty more ;)
  5. SpringsHere

    Photinia Cuttings

    Thank you Craig, good to know. At least I've stuck to ONE of the requirements... I dipped them in Hormone Rooting Gel before planting! They're not looking too well, but I should give 'em a few...
    Thank you Craig, good to know. At least I've stuck to ONE of the requirements... I dipped them in Hormone Rooting Gel before planting! They're not looking too well, but I should give 'em a few more days to get used to their new home...Thanks!Springy xx
    Thank you Craig, good to know. At least I've stuck to ONE of the requirements... I dipped them in Hormone Rooting Gel before planting! They're not looking too well, but I should give 'em a few more days to get used to their new...
    Thank you Craig, good to know. At least I've stuck to ONE of the requirements... I dipped them in Hormone Rooting Gel before planting! They're not looking too well, but I should give 'em a few...
  6. stannolly


    Help please, a friend of mine is trying to locate, to buy, a gladioli by the name of BRIDAL (or similiar) can anyone enlighten or assist please. The hardy laurel
    Help please, a friend of mine is trying to locate, to buy, a gladioli by the name of BRIDAL (or similiar) can anyone enlighten or assist please. The hardy laurel
    Help please, a friend of mine is trying to locate, to buy, a gladioli by the name of BRIDAL (or similiar) can anyone enlighten or assist please. The hardy laurel
    Help please, a friend of mine is trying to locate, to buy, a gladioli by the name of BRIDAL (or similiar) can anyone enlighten or assist please. The hardy laurel
  7. Sarraceniac


    I wouldn't put it into a larger pot unless the one its in, is full of roots. Overpotting can cause the roots of citrus to rot in cool weather.
    I wouldn't put it into a larger pot unless the one its in, is full of roots. Overpotting can cause the roots of citrus to rot in cool weather.
    I wouldn't put it into a larger pot unless the one its in, is full of roots. Overpotting can cause the roots of citrus to rot in cool weather.
    I wouldn't put it into a larger pot unless the one its in, is full of roots. Overpotting can cause the roots of citrus to rot in cool weather.
  8. gardenlearner

    Planting seeds

    Hi there G.L. it may be a little early to sow some seeds straight into the soil as yet but you will be able to find out for sure on the net or just check what it says on the seed packets.Before...
    Hi there G.L. it may be a little early to sow some seeds straight into the soil as yet but you will be able to find out for sure on the net or just check what it says on the seed packets.Before you sow your seeds try and improve your soil as much as you can by digging it over quite a few time...
    Hi there G.L. it may be a little early to sow some seeds straight into the soil as yet but you will be able to find out for sure on the net or just check what it says on the seed packets.Before you sow your seeds try and improve your soil as...
    Hi there G.L. it may be a little early to sow some seeds straight into the soil as yet but you will be able to find out for sure on the net or just check what it says on the seed packets.Before...
  9. Ethansmum

    Moving Daffodils

    Okay, thanks for the advice- I'll be busy this weekend now
    Okay, thanks for the advice- I'll be busy this weekend now
    Okay, thanks for the advice- I'll be busy this weekend now
    Okay, thanks for the advice- I'll be busy this weekend now
  10. craig

    Isle of Wight

    So sorry for the delay everyone, i missed this thread after i had posted.I had to laugh...what a twit i am, i meant to say my brothers' girlfriend. Case of the mind thinking too fast for the...
    So sorry for the delay everyone, i missed this thread after i had posted.I had to laugh...what a twit i am, i meant to say my brothers' girlfriend. Case of the mind thinking too fast for the fingers :Dcheers
    So sorry for the delay everyone, i missed this thread after i had posted.I had to laugh...what a twit i am, i meant to say my brothers' girlfriend. Case of the mind thinking too fast for the fingers :Dcheers
    So sorry for the delay everyone, i missed this thread after i had posted.I had to laugh...what a twit i am, i meant to say my brothers' girlfriend. Case of the mind thinking too fast for the...
  11. mowgley

    Seeds ive sown today!!

    Today in the greenhouse Trying out my new panasonic camera i got for my birthday. Greenhouse is filling up pretty quickly.
    Today in the greenhouse Trying out my new panasonic camera i got for my birthday. Greenhouse is filling up pretty quickly.
    Today in the greenhouse Trying out my new panasonic camera i got for my birthday. Greenhouse is filling up pretty quickly.
    Today in the greenhouse Trying out my new panasonic camera i got for my birthday. Greenhouse is filling up pretty quickly.
  12. Soulsurfer

    What to do with this mess? (new gardener needs help)

    get your girls involved. use the garden as a learning proces. teach them how to grow stuf and at the same time teach them how to protect them selfs. today my 12 year old daghter was cutting and...
    get your girls involved. use the garden as a learning proces. teach them how to grow stuf and at the same time teach them how to protect them selfs. today my 12 year old daghter was cutting and pulling a brable bush apart.thick gloves and a good thick coat kept her safeget your two girls to...
    get your girls involved. use the garden as a learning proces. teach them how to grow stuf and at the same time teach them how to protect them selfs. today my 12 year old daghter was cutting and pulling a brable bush apart.thick gloves and a good...
    get your girls involved. use the garden as a learning proces. teach them how to grow stuf and at the same time teach them how to protect them selfs. today my 12 year old daghter was cutting and...
  13. returnmack

    Anyone else got a hydrangea quercifolia?

    Gaz, I got mine from Shrubs Direct on-line only deliver by the palette load, though, so delivery is a shocker. Most of the stuff from them is pretty good. The...
    Gaz, I got mine from Shrubs Direct on-line only deliver by the palette load, though, so delivery is a shocker. Most of the stuff from them is pretty good. The perennials were massive and ready for division immediately, so two for the price of one though.
    Gaz, I got mine from Shrubs Direct on-line only deliver by the palette load, though, so delivery is a shocker. Most of the stuff from them is pretty good. The perennials were massive and ready for division...
    Gaz, I got mine from Shrubs Direct on-line only deliver by the palette load, though, so delivery is a shocker. Most of the stuff from them is pretty good. The...
  14. Kelly38


    Thankyou for all your tips!!
    Thankyou for all your tips!!
    Thankyou for all your tips!!
    Thankyou for all your tips!!
  15. Scotkat

    Rustic wheelbarrow could not resist

    Vince my barrow was already treated when we bought it. But thank you anyway for pointing it out.I have asked my husband to make me a wishing well planter.Yes he is keen to do it a nice...
    Vince my barrow was already treated when we bought it. But thank you anyway for pointing it out.I have asked my husband to make me a wishing well planter.Yes he is keen to do it a nice project.I am also goint to plant up a wooden lorry my dad made ,have seen paint to repaint first will...
    Vince my barrow was already treated when we bought it. But thank you anyway for pointing it out.I have asked my husband to make me a wishing well planter.Yes he is keen to do it a nice project.I am also goint to plant up a wooden lorry my...
    Vince my barrow was already treated when we bought it. But thank you anyway for pointing it out.I have asked my husband to make me a wishing well planter.Yes he is keen to do it a nice...
  16. Claire75

    Metposts and round posts - or other ways to make a trellis screen/fence

    Claire, creosote has been banned for about 6 years. Creosote substitute is not creosote.
    Claire, creosote has been banned for about 6 years. Creosote substitute is not creosote.
    Claire, creosote has been banned for about 6 years. Creosote substitute is not creosote.
    Claire, creosote has been banned for about 6 years. Creosote substitute is not creosote.
  17. ballinran

    Skimmia Japonica....

    Looks a bit like wind burn, cold winds can scorch and dry leaves like this. I would prune the dead bits out and wait for the new growth.
    Looks a bit like wind burn, cold winds can scorch and dry leaves like this. I would prune the dead bits out and wait for the new growth.
    Looks a bit like wind burn, cold winds can scorch and dry leaves like this. I would prune the dead bits out and wait for the new growth.
    Looks a bit like wind burn, cold winds can scorch and dry leaves like this. I would prune the dead bits out and wait for the new growth.
  18. Garden Mole


    Yes very good tips. Looks like metposts are the way to go then. 8 foot posts should do the job - I was just a bit worried that they might be too short. Tomorrow I'll finally get out and buy them -...
    Yes very good tips. Looks like metposts are the way to go then. 8 foot posts should do the job - I was just a bit worried that they might be too short. Tomorrow I'll finally get out and buy them - it's all type and no action right now I'm afraid.
    Yes very good tips. Looks like metposts are the way to go then. 8 foot posts should do the job - I was just a bit worried that they might be too short. Tomorrow I'll finally get out and buy them - it's all type and no action right now I'm afraid.
    Yes very good tips. Looks like metposts are the way to go then. 8 foot posts should do the job - I was just a bit worried that they might be too short. Tomorrow I'll finally get out and buy them -...
  19. kevmiller

    Best online shop

    Always nice to here good news Chobart,there are always plenty of complaints around.I just recieved these hanging Geraniums from Gardening Direct in Jersey and am very pleased with the quality...
    Always nice to here good news Chobart,there are always plenty of complaints around.I just recieved these hanging Geraniums from Gardening Direct in Jersey and am very pleased with the quality and value,I think it's amazing how they come through the post(pat on the back for Royal Mail to)in...
    Always nice to here good news Chobart,there are always plenty of complaints around.I just recieved these hanging Geraniums from Gardening Direct in Jersey and am very pleased with the quality and value,I think it's amazing how they come...
    Always nice to here good news Chobart,there are always plenty of complaints around.I just recieved these hanging Geraniums from Gardening Direct in Jersey and am very pleased with the quality...
  20. gardenlearner

    cordyline suffering

    Looks fine to me. as Pete says they do get tatty with age.....wind etc. If it were me i would pull off the lower leaves - and tatty ones too.
    Looks fine to me. as Pete says they do get tatty with age.....wind etc. If it were me i would pull off the lower leaves - and tatty ones too.
    Looks fine to me. as Pete says they do get tatty with age.....wind etc. If it were me i would pull off the lower leaves - and tatty ones too.
    Looks fine to me. as Pete says they do get tatty with age.....wind etc. If it were me i would pull off the lower leaves - and tatty ones too.

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