General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Axis of elvis

    Can anyone identify this for me?

    Hi and Welcome to GC Axis.. It could be an echeveria as Victoria says but you say they were under the soil, so another thought could be a Lily bulb as they are segmented like that.. Why not ask...
    Hi and Welcome to GC Axis.. It could be an echeveria as Victoria says but you say they were under the soil, so another thought could be a Lily bulb as they are segmented like that.. Why not ask her if she had any lilies.?
    Hi and Welcome to GC Axis.. It could be an echeveria as Victoria says but you say they were under the soil, so another thought could be a Lily bulb as they are segmented like that.. Why not ask her if she had any lilies.?
    Hi and Welcome to GC Axis.. It could be an echeveria as Victoria says but you say they were under the soil, so another thought could be a Lily bulb as they are segmented like that.. Why not ask...
  2. Spruce

    Creating a new garden in the isle of Man

    Ta! Hadn't seen this existing thread :redface:
    Ta! Hadn't seen this existing thread :redface:
    Ta! Hadn't seen this existing thread :redface:
    Ta! Hadn't seen this existing thread :redface:
  3. Loofah

    Garden of global standing, if you please...

    Whoops, missed that!
    Whoops, missed that!
    Whoops, missed that!
    Whoops, missed that!
  4. al n
    Like x 11

    My garden as of today, growing nicely!

    a hammock? now, there's an idea!!!:ideaIPB:
    a hammock? now, there's an idea!!!:ideaIPB:
    a hammock? now, there's an idea!!!:ideaIPB:
    a hammock? now, there's an idea!!!:ideaIPB:
  5. DaveS

    Azalea growth

    Thanks, I'll take all that advice except pruning it back to 1ft - don't think I have the bottle for that unless it deteriorates!Not sure on the PH - we have a number of of other Rhododendron...
    Thanks, I'll take all that advice except pruning it back to 1ft - don't think I have the bottle for that unless it deteriorates!Not sure on the PH - we have a number of of other Rhododendron type plants in the garden and the previous owner of the house was obviously a much better gardener than...
    Thanks, I'll take all that advice except pruning it back to 1ft - don't think I have the bottle for that unless it deteriorates!Not sure on the PH - we have a number of of other Rhododendron type plants in the garden and the previous owner of...
    Thanks, I'll take all that advice except pruning it back to 1ft - don't think I have the bottle for that unless it deteriorates!Not sure on the PH - we have a number of of other Rhododendron...
  6. Fat Controller

    Metal Sheds

    Hehehe ... bit prone to OTT-ness - or so I have heard people say :heehee:I got the barn for a knock-down price, would you believe? ...... I'll get my coat!
    Hehehe ... bit prone to OTT-ness - or so I have heard people say :heehee:I got the barn for a knock-down price, would you believe? ...... I'll get my coat!
    Hehehe ... bit prone to OTT-ness - or so I have heard people say :heehee:I got the barn for a knock-down price, would you believe? ...... I'll get my coat!
    Hehehe ... bit prone to OTT-ness - or so I have heard people say :heehee:I got the barn for a knock-down price, would you believe? ...... I'll get my coat!
  7. silu
    Agree x 5

    Beware, do not buy Aldi Organic Compost.

    Just back from Aldi and they didn't have any of the product in stock. They had all the other stuff, multi purpose, soil conditioner, bark chip but not the 1 I was looking for to test again. I...
    Just back from Aldi and they didn't have any of the product in stock. They had all the other stuff, multi purpose, soil conditioner, bark chip but not the 1 I was looking for to test again. I wonder, as told their customer services I was visiting my local store today, if they hid it:). That sounds...
    Just back from Aldi and they didn't have any of the product in stock. They had all the other stuff, multi purpose, soil conditioner, bark chip but not the 1 I was looking for to test again. I wonder, as told their customer services I was visiting...
    Just back from Aldi and they didn't have any of the product in stock. They had all the other stuff, multi purpose, soil conditioner, bark chip but not the 1 I was looking for to test again. I...
  8. Loofah

    New crystal palace?

    Did anyone se this? A Chinese investment firm are looking to rebuild the london crystal palace! The plans are available for comment (or were perhaps) and they're looking to submit something in...
    Did anyone se this? A Chinese investment firm are looking to rebuild the london crystal palace! The plans are available for comment (or were perhaps) and they're looking to submit something in autumn. That would be
    Did anyone se this? A Chinese investment firm are looking to rebuild the london crystal palace! The plans are available for comment (or were perhaps) and they're looking to submit something in autumn. That would be...
    Did anyone se this? A Chinese investment firm are looking to rebuild the london crystal palace! The plans are available for comment (or were perhaps) and they're looking to submit something in...
  9. Kristen

    Which Lavender Variety for Low Hedge?

    Yes, aware of the issues with seed-grown, thanks. Not sure how my original Munstead was raised, it arrived densely packed in tiny modules (and I reckon that some were multi-plants per cell), so I...
    Yes, aware of the issues with seed-grown, thanks. Not sure how my original Munstead was raised, it arrived densely packed in tiny modules (and I reckon that some were multi-plants per cell), so I figure it was either tissue culture or seed - I am doubtful that cuttings, that small, would have...
    Yes, aware of the issues with seed-grown, thanks. Not sure how my original Munstead was raised, it arrived densely packed in tiny modules (and I reckon that some were multi-plants per cell), so I figure it was either tissue culture or seed - I...
    Yes, aware of the issues with seed-grown, thanks. Not sure how my original Munstead was raised, it arrived densely packed in tiny modules (and I reckon that some were multi-plants per cell), so I...
  10. Noushynoo

    Want to help out at weekends

    I would put an ad in local shops explaining you are a novice but would like to learn in exchange for knowledge.
    I would put an ad in local shops explaining you are a novice but would like to learn in exchange for knowledge.
    I would put an ad in local shops explaining you are a novice but would like to learn in exchange for knowledge.
    I would put an ad in local shops explaining you are a novice but would like to learn in exchange for knowledge.
  11. Fat Controller

    Hydrangea arborescens Strong Annabelle

    Called into my nearest Range (at Aldershot) and indeed they do have Strong Annabelle but they are really dry and dying. In fact most of the plants on display were in very poor condition, I was...
    Called into my nearest Range (at Aldershot) and indeed they do have Strong Annabelle but they are really dry and dying. In fact most of the plants on display were in very poor condition, I was quite shocked they must have lost several grands worth of stock through neglect. Many plants were on...
    Called into my nearest Range (at Aldershot) and indeed they do have Strong Annabelle but they are really dry and dying. In fact most of the plants on display were in very poor condition, I was quite shocked they must have lost several grands...
    Called into my nearest Range (at Aldershot) and indeed they do have Strong Annabelle but they are really dry and dying. In fact most of the plants on display were in very poor condition, I was...
  12. Kevin Johnson

    which shrub

    I think a combination of both sweat and "sweet", if the sun ever bothers to show its face... :oopss:
    I think a combination of both sweat and "sweet", if the sun ever bothers to show its face... :oopss:
    I think a combination of both sweat and "sweet", if the sun ever bothers to show its face... :oopss:
    I think a combination of both sweat and "sweet", if the sun ever bothers to show its face... :oopss:
  13. bexy13


    Hi Bex :)Holes are vital in any container really; whilst all plants want water, and the last thing you want is to have them drying out, having them stand with their feet wet all the time can be...
    Hi Bex :)Holes are vital in any container really; whilst all plants want water, and the last thing you want is to have them drying out, having them stand with their feet wet all the time can be just as bad if not worse.
    Hi Bex :)Holes are vital in any container really; whilst all plants want water, and the last thing you want is to have them drying out, having them stand with their feet wet all the time can be just as bad if not worse.
    Hi Bex :)Holes are vital in any container really; whilst all plants want water, and the last thing you want is to have them drying out, having them stand with their feet wet all the time can be...
  14. Fat Controller

    Is it me?

    It does seem to be an odd season so far. As M rightly says, it is partly just the rich tapestry of gardening life, with some plants thriving each year while others seem to struggle or give up...
    It does seem to be an odd season so far. As M rightly says, it is partly just the rich tapestry of gardening life, with some plants thriving each year while others seem to struggle or give up completely. Each year has its winners and losers, 'twas ever thus.Even so there are some decidedly...
    It does seem to be an odd season so far. As M rightly says, it is partly just the rich tapestry of gardening life, with some plants thriving each year while others seem to struggle or give up completely. Each year has its winners and losers,...
    It does seem to be an odd season so far. As M rightly says, it is partly just the rich tapestry of gardening life, with some plants thriving each year while others seem to struggle or give up...
  15. Fat Controller

    Lemon Eucalyptus

    Must admit I dont do much chicken marinade. Might stick a few leaves in the Bacardi though.
    Must admit I dont do much chicken marinade. Might stick a few leaves in the Bacardi though.
    Must admit I dont do much chicken marinade. Might stick a few leaves in the Bacardi though.
    Must admit I dont do much chicken marinade. Might stick a few leaves in the Bacardi though.
  16. mowgley
  17. Palustris

    Yew Prunings

    I asked as there are lots of Hellebores around the Yew and I did not want to damage them with more needles.
    I asked as there are lots of Hellebores around the Yew and I did not want to damage them with more needles.
    I asked as there are lots of Hellebores around the Yew and I did not want to damage them with more needles.
    I asked as there are lots of Hellebores around the Yew and I did not want to damage them with more needles.
  18. bexy13

    Seeds Storage solutions

    Most Likely :ideaIPB::roflol::loll::heehee:
    Most Likely :ideaIPB::roflol::loll::heehee:
    Most Likely :ideaIPB::roflol::loll::heehee:
    Most Likely :ideaIPB::roflol::loll::heehee:
  19. Kristen

    Ideas for New "Room" #1

    Or a green one, a mossy mound to sit and admire your hard work. Under the domed trellis.
    Or a green one, a mossy mound to sit and admire your hard work. Under the domed trellis.
    Or a green one, a mossy mound to sit and admire your hard work. Under the domed trellis.
    Or a green one, a mossy mound to sit and admire your hard work. Under the domed trellis.
  20. JazzSi
    Like x 3

    My first Hemerocallis bloom of the 2014 season

    Wow! ours only have a few tiny flower stems coming through, will be a couple of weeks yet before anything shows.
    Wow! ours only have a few tiny flower stems coming through, will be a couple of weeks yet before anything shows.
    Wow! ours only have a few tiny flower stems coming through, will be a couple of weeks yet before anything shows.
    Wow! ours only have a few tiny flower stems coming through, will be a couple of weeks yet before anything shows.

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