General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Fastmoobs

    How to remove grass stains from patio

    Thanks fat controller, I will give that one a try tomorrow.:dbgrtmb:
    Thanks fat controller, I will give that one a try tomorrow.:dbgrtmb:
    Thanks fat controller, I will give that one a try tomorrow.:dbgrtmb:
    Thanks fat controller, I will give that one a try tomorrow.:dbgrtmb:
  2. Fat Controller

    Inner tube, or not?

    It's a case of trial and error I think, you'll get there eventually! :)
    It's a case of trial and error I think, you'll get there eventually! :)
    It's a case of trial and error I think, you'll get there eventually! :)
    It's a case of trial and error I think, you'll get there eventually! :)
  3. TheFitGardener

    Erysimum Bowles' Mauve in wrong place

    once it has finished flowering just cut the flower stalks right back to tidy upthis one is easy from cuttings, as after a few years do tend to get leggy and woody in the middleSpruce
    once it has finished flowering just cut the flower stalks right back to tidy upthis one is easy from cuttings, as after a few years do tend to get leggy and woody in the middleSpruce
    once it has finished flowering just cut the flower stalks right back to tidy upthis one is easy from cuttings, as after a few years do tend to get leggy and woody in the middleSpruce
    once it has finished flowering just cut the flower stalks right back to tidy upthis one is easy from cuttings, as after a few years do tend to get leggy and woody in the middleSpruce
  4. bexy13

    Ant's Eating Plant Roots From Under The Soil!

    I was told that it is the ants that bring the aphids to the plants to milk them, and to be sure whilst spraying for aphids to throw plenty of and powder around the area where you can see them...
    I was told that it is the ants that bring the aphids to the plants to milk them, and to be sure whilst spraying for aphids to throw plenty of and powder around the area where you can see them busy. Nippon is also very good as apparently they take it back to their nests and it kills the breeders.
    I was told that it is the ants that bring the aphids to the plants to milk them, and to be sure whilst spraying for aphids to throw plenty of and powder around the area where you can see them busy. Nippon is also very good as apparently they...
    I was told that it is the ants that bring the aphids to the plants to milk them, and to be sure whilst spraying for aphids to throw plenty of and powder around the area where you can see them...
  5. adamsh

    grass patches

    Hi All,What is causing the light patches in the grass? I put it down to the dry weather we have had as they improve slightly after a good soak, but then a couple of days later they start coming...
    Hi All,What is causing the light patches in the grass? I put it down to the dry weather we have had as they improve slightly after a good soak, but then a couple of days later they start coming back.The other thing is, the patches follow the direction I mow in.Can't really water it every...
    Hi All,What is causing the light patches in the grass? I put it down to the dry weather we have had as they improve slightly after a good soak, but then a couple of days later they start coming back.The other thing is, the patches follow the...
    Hi All,What is causing the light patches in the grass? I put it down to the dry weather we have had as they improve slightly after a good soak, but then a couple of days later they start coming...
  6. Shiv

    Best weed killer for a new lawn

    LBS website is rubbish, in terms of "detailed information", but they are bales of peat (rather than loose bags) so might be possible that they are "compressed size" - which would probably beat...
    LBS website is rubbish, in terms of "detailed information", but they are bales of peat (rather than loose bags) so might be possible that they are "compressed size" - which would probably beat your Wickes price ??I would like to have some peat for odd jobs so next time I am ordering for LBS...
    LBS website is rubbish, in terms of "detailed information", but they are bales of peat (rather than loose bags) so might be possible that they are "compressed size" - which would probably beat your Wickes price ??I would like to have some peat...
    LBS website is rubbish, in terms of "detailed information", but they are bales of peat (rather than loose bags) so might be possible that they are "compressed size" - which would probably beat...
  7. Fat Controller

    Try and trim back, or be more radical?

    Thanks @NigelJ :)I have three XXXL Dahlias to go in the space to the right of the lavatera this year, so even if it has a bare year whilst it recovers I am none too fussed.
    Thanks @NigelJ :)I have three XXXL Dahlias to go in the space to the right of the lavatera this year, so even if it has a bare year whilst it recovers I am none too fussed.
    Thanks @NigelJ :)I have three XXXL Dahlias to go in the space to the right of the lavatera this year, so even if it has a bare year whilst it recovers I am none too fussed.
    Thanks @NigelJ :)I have three XXXL Dahlias to go in the space to the right of the lavatera this year, so even if it has a bare year whilst it recovers I am none too fussed.
  8. bexy13

    My Plot Photo's

    thanks hunny xxx
    thanks hunny xxx
    thanks hunny xxx
    thanks hunny xxx
  9. pamsdish

    Radish- Watermelon

    Bought these for a laugh, watch out seed parcelers. RADISH - WATERMELON - WINTER - 600 FINEST SEEDS
    Bought these for a laugh, watch out seed parcelers. RADISH - WATERMELON - WINTER - 600 FINEST SEEDS
    Bought these for a laugh, watch out seed parcelers. RADISH - WATERMELON - WINTER - 600 FINEST SEEDS
    Bought these for a laugh, watch out seed parcelers. RADISH - WATERMELON - WINTER - 600 FINEST SEEDS
  10. al n
    Like x 6

    Dontcha just lurve this weather!

    You guys are meaning the UK weather right? Seems we had a bit of a heat wave but has gone cloudy and overcast again today! Typical English weather that's what it is. By the way, I like your garden...
    You guys are meaning the UK weather right? Seems we had a bit of a heat wave but has gone cloudy and overcast again today! Typical English weather that's what it is. By the way, I like your garden decking. A nice fixture.
    You guys are meaning the UK weather right? Seems we had a bit of a heat wave but has gone cloudy and overcast again today! Typical English weather that's what it is. By the way, I like your garden decking. A nice fixture.
    You guys are meaning the UK weather right? Seems we had a bit of a heat wave but has gone cloudy and overcast again today! Typical English weather that's what it is. By the way, I like your garden...
  11. al n
    Like x 7

    you know you've been appreciated......

    Silly me, yes I should have guessed!!! :biggrin:Val
    Silly me, yes I should have guessed!!! :biggrin:Val
    Silly me, yes I should have guessed!!! :biggrin:Val
    Silly me, yes I should have guessed!!! :biggrin:Val
  12. bexy13

    What Is The Best Variety Of Veg Seeds?

    wow :) lucky you :)
    wow :) lucky you :)
    wow :) lucky you :)
    wow :) lucky you :)
  13. rustyroots

    Is my Dicentra sick???

    It's an alien invasion of Hubba spudda nick nicks!Burn it with fire and vodka and dance around the ashes.Or it could be something else entirely like root rot or sum fink!.......
    It's an alien invasion of Hubba spudda nick nicks!Burn it with fire and vodka and dance around the ashes.Or it could be something else entirely like root rot or sum fink!.......
    It's an alien invasion of Hubba spudda nick nicks!Burn it with fire and vodka and dance around the ashes.Or it could be something else entirely like root rot or sum fink!.......
    It's an alien invasion of Hubba spudda nick nicks!Burn it with fire and vodka and dance around the ashes.Or it could be something else entirely like root rot or sum fink!.......
  14. NigelJ
    Like x 4

    A few Aquileja

    Beautiful Nigel.....especially pic number 3. :wub2: :blue thumb:
    Beautiful Nigel.....especially pic number 3. :wub2: :blue thumb:
    Beautiful Nigel.....especially pic number 3. :wub2: :blue thumb:
    Beautiful Nigel.....especially pic number 3. :wub2: :blue thumb:
  15. stephenprudence
    Like x 6

    A few Spring flowering photos (ok, a lot.. ok a serious amount of photos)

    Lovely collection of photos Stephen - you and the new camera are clearly happy together!
    Lovely collection of photos Stephen - you and the new camera are clearly happy together!
    Lovely collection of photos Stephen - you and the new camera are clearly happy together!
    Lovely collection of photos Stephen - you and the new camera are clearly happy together!
  16. adamsh

    Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve'

    I think they do better in poor soil. Your soil may be too rich for them. I planted mine in pots with rubbish soil in April 2012. They're less than 18" high and have continued flowering, without...
    I think they do better in poor soil. Your soil may be too rich for them. I planted mine in pots with rubbish soil in April 2012. They're less than 18" high and have continued flowering, without stop, since that time. I never thought there was anything that flowered continuously for 12 months,...
    I think they do better in poor soil. Your soil may be too rich for them. I planted mine in pots with rubbish soil in April 2012. They're less than 18" high and have continued flowering, without stop, since that time. I never thought there was...
    I think they do better in poor soil. Your soil may be too rich for them. I planted mine in pots with rubbish soil in April 2012. They're less than 18" high and have continued flowering, without...
  17. silu
    Like x 5

    Jeffrey is causing trouble!

    I think one of my Pheasants was what they call a Medusa Pheasants (not sure of spelling)
    I think one of my Pheasants was what they call a Medusa Pheasants (not sure of spelling)
    I think one of my Pheasants was what they call a Medusa Pheasants (not sure of spelling)
    I think one of my Pheasants was what they call a Medusa Pheasants (not sure of spelling)
  18. Val..
  19. Kristen

    Spiraea vanhouttei vs Spiraea arguta

    Snot working :sad: !!Probably a bit late for me to check that ... but I'll go out and have a look, thanks :)
    Snot working :sad: !!Probably a bit late for me to check that ... but I'll go out and have a look, thanks :)
    Snot working :sad: !!Probably a bit late for me to check that ... but I'll go out and have a look, thanks :)
    Snot working :sad: !!Probably a bit late for me to check that ... but I'll go out and have a look, thanks :)
  20. Mamashoe

    Moving well established Euonymus.

    Hi Everyone. Hope you are all well and finally enjoying some good gardening weather. Now on to my question. I have about 5 well established Euonymus bushes. They were planted as a wind break and...
    Hi Everyone. Hope you are all well and finally enjoying some good gardening weather. Now on to my question. I have about 5 well established Euonymus bushes. They were planted as a wind break and do their job well. However, I have created a new seating area and I want to move them about a metre...
    Hi Everyone. Hope you are all well and finally enjoying some good gardening weather. Now on to my question. I have about 5 well established Euonymus bushes. They were planted as a wind break and do their job well. However, I have created a new...
    Hi Everyone. Hope you are all well and finally enjoying some good gardening weather. Now on to my question. I have about 5 well established Euonymus bushes. They were planted as a wind break and...

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