General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Loofah
    Like x 4

    Gone batty

    Just came back from pub to see fab aerial display from bats that look like they're nesting in he back hedge! I had no idea they were there!
    Just came back from pub to see fab aerial display from bats that look like they're nesting in he back hedge! I had no idea they were there!
    Just came back from pub to see fab aerial display from bats that look like they're nesting in he back hedge! I had no idea they were there!
    Just came back from pub to see fab aerial display from bats that look like they're nesting in he back hedge! I had no idea they were there!
  2. bexy13
    Like x 4

    Pictures Of This Seasons Plants

    Nice! Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
    Nice! Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
    Nice! Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
    Nice! Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
  3. Zephirine


    As someone who grows just about anything I like in pots, Wisteria is one plant I wouldn't grow in one. In order to be successful you would need a huge one and even then the roots would quickly...
    As someone who grows just about anything I like in pots, Wisteria is one plant I wouldn't grow in one. In order to be successful you would need a huge one and even then the roots would quickly fill the pot, they grow that quickly.
    As someone who grows just about anything I like in pots, Wisteria is one plant I wouldn't grow in one. In order to be successful you would need a huge one and even then the roots would quickly fill the pot, they grow that quickly.
    As someone who grows just about anything I like in pots, Wisteria is one plant I wouldn't grow in one. In order to be successful you would need a huge one and even then the roots would quickly...
  4. davo1234

    Privet hedge help!

    It could be Davo, have you looked at the links about diseases I posted earlier, you might be able to ID something through them.. Also look up to see what hornbeam is resistant to and there may be...
    It could be Davo, have you looked at the links about diseases I posted earlier, you might be able to ID something through them.. Also look up to see what hornbeam is resistant to and there may be an answer.. :thumbsup:
    It could be Davo, have you looked at the links about diseases I posted earlier, you might be able to ID something through them.. Also look up to see what hornbeam is resistant to and there may be an answer.. :thumbsup:
    It could be Davo, have you looked at the links about diseases I posted earlier, you might be able to ID something through them.. Also look up to see what hornbeam is resistant to and there may be...
  5. JWK
    Like x 5

    Frost tonight in the SE

    For Pete, Mean sea level pressureThe mean sea level pressure (MSLP) is the atmospheric pressure at sea level or (when measured at a given elevation on land) the station pressure reduced to sea...
    For Pete, Mean sea level pressureThe mean sea level pressure (MSLP) is the atmospheric pressure at sea level or (when measured at a given elevation on land) the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming that the temperature falls at a lapse rate of 6.5 K per km in the fictive layer of...
    For Pete, Mean sea level pressureThe mean sea level pressure (MSLP) is the atmospheric pressure at sea level or (when measured at a given elevation on land) the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming that the temperature falls at a...
    For Pete, Mean sea level pressureThe mean sea level pressure (MSLP) is the atmospheric pressure at sea level or (when measured at a given elevation on land) the station pressure reduced to sea...
  6. beefpotnoodle

    Newbie dealing with vines and clay!

    How about Yew Beefy? I must point out though that Yews, particularly their berries are very poisonous so not ideal if you have young children.This is my own young one, picture taken a couple...
    How about Yew Beefy? I must point out though that Yews, particularly their berries are very poisonous so not ideal if you have young children.This is my own young one, picture taken a couple of years ago.
    How about Yew Beefy? I must point out though that Yews, particularly their berries are very poisonous so not ideal if you have young children.This is my own young one, picture taken a couple of years ago.
    How about Yew Beefy? I must point out though that Yews, particularly their berries are very poisonous so not ideal if you have young children.This is my own young one, picture taken a couple...
    Taxus (Yew).JPG
  7. Gazania

    splitting poppies?

    :sofa::heehee: Wait until it has flowered and the leaves are dying back slightly, so you're looking at end of September/beginning of October...........not in a hurry are you???? But keep it watered after...
    :sofa::heehee: Wait until it has flowered and the leaves are dying back slightly, so you're looking at end of September/beginning of October...........not in a hurry are you???? But keep it watered after the move.:snork:
    :sofa::heehee: Wait until it has flowered and the leaves are dying back slightly, so you're looking at end of September/beginning of October...........not in a hurry are you???? But keep it watered after the move.:snork:
    :sofa::heehee: Wait until it has flowered and the leaves are dying back slightly, so you're looking at end of September/beginning of October...........not in a hurry are you???? But keep it watered after...
  8. Newbiegardener

    Small Gardening issue, big gardening headache...

    How many dandelions are there? I can't see any in your photo. If there's only a few, and your lawn is more lawn than dandelion, then the trick is to take a large flat blade screwdriver, and push...
    How many dandelions are there? I can't see any in your photo. If there's only a few, and your lawn is more lawn than dandelion, then the trick is to take a large flat blade screwdriver, and push it in straight down close to the very centre of the rosette of leaves. Then simply lever it out,...
    How many dandelions are there? I can't see any in your photo. If there's only a few, and your lawn is more lawn than dandelion, then the trick is to take a large flat blade screwdriver, and push it in straight down close to the very centre of the...
    How many dandelions are there? I can't see any in your photo. If there's only a few, and your lawn is more lawn than dandelion, then the trick is to take a large flat blade screwdriver, and push...
  9. kayfaz

    What to do Front Garden? Hedges?

    Parterre perhaps?Obviously need adapting, but something along these lines:or something more geometric:
    Parterre perhaps?Obviously need adapting, but something along these lines:or something more geometric:
    Parterre perhaps?Obviously need adapting, but something along these lines:or something more geometric:
    Parterre perhaps?Obviously need adapting, but something along these lines:or something more geometric:
  10. Gazania

    pots - be selective!

    That's 'cos I have Shotgun Slugs to load up with against them pesky varmints:heehee: My neighbour thinks he's just unlucky having all those Snails and Slugs.:hate-shocked::doh::heehee:
    That's 'cos I have Shotgun Slugs to load up with against them pesky varmints:heehee: My neighbour thinks he's just unlucky having all those Snails and Slugs.:hate-shocked::doh::heehee:
    That's 'cos I have Shotgun Slugs to load up with against them pesky varmints:heehee: My neighbour thinks he's just unlucky having all those Snails and Slugs.:hate-shocked::doh::heehee:
    That's 'cos I have Shotgun Slugs to load up with against them pesky varmints:heehee: My neighbour thinks he's just unlucky having all those Snails and Slugs.:hate-shocked::doh::heehee:
  11. Triffid

    Is this Honey Fungus on my Privet Hedge?

    Third picture looks like dog piddle.How high up is it
    Third picture looks like dog piddle.How high up is it
    Third picture looks like dog piddle.How high up is it
    Third picture looks like dog piddle.How high up is it
  12. Gazania

    dahlia question please.

    Ah ha, my dahlia's are starting to put in an appearance. Both the one's left in the ground over winter and the one I lifted into a pot :)Gazania
    Ah ha, my dahlia's are starting to put in an appearance. Both the one's left in the ground over winter and the one I lifted into a pot :)Gazania
    Ah ha, my dahlia's are starting to put in an appearance. Both the one's left in the ground over winter and the one I lifted into a pot :)Gazania
    Ah ha, my dahlia's are starting to put in an appearance. Both the one's left in the ground over winter and the one I lifted into a pot :)Gazania
  13. daisybelle

    Best timing for this clearing job?

    Thank you both, plenty to keep us busy then!
    Thank you both, plenty to keep us busy then!
    Thank you both, plenty to keep us busy then!
    Thank you both, plenty to keep us busy then!
  14. lykewakewalker

    Is there anything you cannot grow?

    Daylilies. In this garden they just will not do anything respectable. They look lush when young, then keel over and look rather ugly and then flower sporadically. I've tried everything and...
    Daylilies. In this garden they just will not do anything respectable. They look lush when young, then keel over and look rather ugly and then flower sporadically. I've tried everything and thinking of just pulling the lot out after this year. Had no problem at all in previous gardens. Tough...
    Daylilies. In this garden they just will not do anything respectable. They look lush when young, then keel over and look rather ugly and then flower sporadically. I've tried everything and thinking of just pulling the lot out after this year. ...
    Daylilies. In this garden they just will not do anything respectable. They look lush when young, then keel over and look rather ugly and then flower sporadically. I've tried everything and...
  15. showersinmay

    Would a dahlia die if it were cut back now?

    Pete, Thanks for that advice. I'll give it a shot.
    Pete, Thanks for that advice. I'll give it a shot.
    Pete, Thanks for that advice. I'll give it a shot.
    Pete, Thanks for that advice. I'll give it a shot.
  16. redstar

    101 Gardening Secrets.

    did not read them all myself. back to it later.
    did not read them all myself. back to it later.
    did not read them all myself. back to it later.
    did not read them all myself. back to it later.
  17. Fat Controller


    Piccie of my first Brug flower this year, Brugmansia arborea grown from seed a couple of years ago:
    Piccie of my first Brug flower this year, Brugmansia arborea grown from seed a couple of years ago:
    Piccie of my first Brug flower this year, Brugmansia arborea grown from seed a couple of years ago:
    Piccie of my first Brug flower this year, Brugmansia arborea grown from seed a couple of years ago:
  18. Mike88888

    Tree Stump Removal

    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. It's a time consuming job that I should just accept will take time and cannot be quickened up? Determined to get the damn thing out and will spend another...
    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. It's a time consuming job that I should just accept will take time and cannot be quickened up? Determined to get the damn thing out and will spend another day on it tomorrow!
    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. It's a time consuming job that I should just accept will take time and cannot be quickened up? Determined to get the damn thing out and will spend another day on it tomorrow!
    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. It's a time consuming job that I should just accept will take time and cannot be quickened up? Determined to get the damn thing out and will spend another...
  19. al n
    Like x 10

    Beginning of May pics

    Thanks Harry!The fern is a diksonia antartica
    Thanks Harry!The fern is a diksonia antartica
    Thanks Harry!The fern is a diksonia antartica
    Thanks Harry!The fern is a diksonia antartica
  20. Gazania

    hosta late?

    tons up here. and some later ones coming along. All is well with my hosta family
    tons up here. and some later ones coming along. All is well with my hosta family
    tons up here. and some later ones coming along. All is well with my hosta family
    tons up here. and some later ones coming along. All is well with my hosta family

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