General Gardening Discussion

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  1. leonora

    Busy day in the garden!!

    Another busy day today - the backache is fortunately a lot better! I've now planted all the petunias, and the mints and Heartsease from Jekka....Now I realise, at the moment there are...
    Another busy day today - the backache is fortunately a lot better! I've now planted all the petunias, and the mints and Heartsease from Jekka....Now I realise, at the moment there are considerably more flowers than veg, which is NOT GOOD for someone in my precarious financial position!! BUT...
    Another busy day today - the backache is fortunately a lot better! I've now planted all the petunias, and the mints and Heartsease from Jekka....Now I realise, at the moment there are considerably more flowers than veg, which is NOT GOOD for...
    Another busy day today - the backache is fortunately a lot better! I've now planted all the petunias, and the mints and Heartsease from Jekka....Now I realise, at the moment there are...
  2. VictoriaZ

    waterlogged clay soil- make raised beds or change the soil?

    Hi VictoriaZ,I too live in Cardiff and my back garden was solid clay which was incredibly difficult to work with and retained the water for weeks. Adding organic matter/sand/compost did very...
    Hi VictoriaZ,I too live in Cardiff and my back garden was solid clay which was incredibly difficult to work with and retained the water for weeks. Adding organic matter/sand/compost did very little and eventually I opted for installing a proper herringbone draining system with a layer on...
    Hi VictoriaZ,I too live in Cardiff and my back garden was solid clay which was incredibly difficult to work with and retained the water for weeks. Adding organic matter/sand/compost did very little and eventually I opted for installing a proper...
    Hi VictoriaZ,I too live in Cardiff and my back garden was solid clay which was incredibly difficult to work with and retained the water for weeks. Adding organic matter/sand/compost did very...
  3. andrewpenniall

    How do i make a triangle shed

    Yes Andrew Please post a pic then Pro Gard or Daitheplant or another professional may help.
    Yes Andrew Please post a pic then Pro Gard or Daitheplant or another professional may help.
    Yes Andrew Please post a pic then Pro Gard or Daitheplant or another professional may help.
    Yes Andrew Please post a pic then Pro Gard or Daitheplant or another professional may help.
  4. Big-D

    Trees vs. Grass ... planting order?

    Trouble is they need watering, with a large planting thats quite a task.Personally Id of scheduled it in for october, still warm enough for the grass seed to establish but no real need for...
    Trouble is they need watering, with a large planting thats quite a task.Personally Id of scheduled it in for october, still warm enough for the grass seed to establish but no real need for watering or at the least minimal.
    Trouble is they need watering, with a large planting thats quite a task.Personally Id of scheduled it in for october, still warm enough for the grass seed to establish but no real need for watering or at the least minimal.
    Trouble is they need watering, with a large planting thats quite a task.Personally Id of scheduled it in for october, still warm enough for the grass seed to establish but no real need for...
  5. Bashy

    Sunny weather!!

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you terrier! Just out of curiosity,what part of North Wales do you live? We have a caravan in Conwy. A lot of the time we leave Manchester in the rain, but when we...
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you terrier! Just out of curiosity,what part of North Wales do you live? We have a caravan in Conwy. A lot of the time we leave Manchester in the rain, but when we get to Wales it's beautiful and sunny.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you terrier! Just out of curiosity,what part of North Wales do you live? We have a caravan in Conwy. A lot of the time we leave Manchester in the rain, but when we get to Wales it's beautiful and sunny.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you terrier! Just out of curiosity,what part of North Wales do you live? We have a caravan in Conwy. A lot of the time we leave Manchester in the rain, but when we...
  6. duckyjuk

    epsom salts

    Wow, never heard of that before! :)
    Wow, never heard of that before! :)
    Wow, never heard of that before! :)
    Wow, never heard of that before! :)
  7. BarryBug


    Thanks for the tip, I'll try that today, it's a nice day, and best of luck for the blues in the CL final, I hope they gup the reds, however you play my team on Monday so I won't wish you any luck...
    Thanks for the tip, I'll try that today, it's a nice day, and best of luck for the blues in the CL final, I hope they gup the reds, however you play my team on Monday so I won't wish you any luck at all with that game.Cheers
    Thanks for the tip, I'll try that today, it's a nice day, and best of luck for the blues in the CL final, I hope they gup the reds, however you play my team on Monday so I won't wish you any luck at all with that game.Cheers
    Thanks for the tip, I'll try that today, it's a nice day, and best of luck for the blues in the CL final, I hope they gup the reds, however you play my team on Monday so I won't wish you any luck...
  8. vince-o

    has anyone tried these????

    i had no intention of buying one of these !!!!! i just thought why the hell would anyone want one of these
    i had no intention of buying one of these !!!!! i just thought why the hell would anyone want one of these
    i had no intention of buying one of these !!!!! i just thought why the hell would anyone want one of these
    i had no intention of buying one of these !!!!! i just thought why the hell would anyone want one of these
  9. Slinky

    Tulip Question

    Good answer Kalmia.....................and Welcome
    Good answer Kalmia.....................and Welcome
    Good answer Kalmia.....................and Welcome
    Good answer Kalmia.....................and Welcome
  10. coub

    burnt leaves

    I agree with David, Also don't let the compost dry out. A top dressing after removing the top couple of inches of compost should help.
    I agree with David, Also don't let the compost dry out. A top dressing after removing the top couple of inches of compost should help.
    I agree with David, Also don't let the compost dry out. A top dressing after removing the top couple of inches of compost should help.
    I agree with David, Also don't let the compost dry out. A top dressing after removing the top couple of inches of compost should help.
  11. ray.finch

    Red Robins

    Hi I need to purchase about 50 Red Robins for hedging idearly about 4 to 5 feet in hight can anybody advise me as to where the best place is to purchase these Many Thanks Ray
    Hi I need to purchase about 50 Red Robins for hedging idearly about 4 to 5 feet in hight can anybody advise me as to where the best place is to purchase these Many Thanks Ray
    Hi I need to purchase about 50 Red Robins for hedging idearly about 4 to 5 feet in hight can anybody advise me as to where the best place is to purchase these Many Thanks Ray
    Hi I need to purchase about 50 Red Robins for hedging idearly about 4 to 5 feet in hight can anybody advise me as to where the best place is to purchase these Many Thanks Ray
  12. ray.finch

    Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia

    Hi Is Ericaceous Compost peat and can it be mixed with horse manure if so is 50/50 mix ok? Many Thanks Ray
    Hi Is Ericaceous Compost peat and can it be mixed with horse manure if so is 50/50 mix ok? Many Thanks Ray
    Hi Is Ericaceous Compost peat and can it be mixed with horse manure if so is 50/50 mix ok? Many Thanks Ray
    Hi Is Ericaceous Compost peat and can it be mixed with horse manure if so is 50/50 mix ok? Many Thanks Ray
  13. mattd

    lavender from seed

    What type of lavender?
    What type of lavender?
    What type of lavender?
    What type of lavender?
  14. Scotkat

    Livingston Daisy( silly me)

    Has anyone got any spare plants , the one seed I wanted to sow for summer and forgot.Silly meToo late now.Want to make a hanging ball basket with them
    Has anyone got any spare plants , the one seed I wanted to sow for summer and forgot.Silly meToo late now.Want to make a hanging ball basket with them
    Has anyone got any spare plants , the one seed I wanted to sow for summer and forgot.Silly meToo late now.Want to make a hanging ball basket with them
    Has anyone got any spare plants , the one seed I wanted to sow for summer and forgot.Silly meToo late now.Want to make a hanging ball basket with them
  15. Slinky

    decapitated Tulips

    My Mum has had the same problem with her tulips and when she investigated she found it was slugs!
    My Mum has had the same problem with her tulips and when she investigated she found it was slugs!
    My Mum has had the same problem with her tulips and when she investigated she found it was slugs!
    My Mum has had the same problem with her tulips and when she investigated she found it was slugs!
  16. daz and debs

    Looks like springs here{video}

    Thanks mate.No there 11 duckling's!the video's only done on my camara so not very good im affraid.
    Thanks mate.No there 11 duckling's!the video's only done on my camara so not very good im affraid.
    Thanks mate.No there 11 duckling's!the video's only done on my camara so not very good im affraid.
    Thanks mate.No there 11 duckling's!the video's only done on my camara so not very good im affraid.
  17. anakat


    Here the Jacaranda threes are normal, we use them in the sides of the streets, I love this plant! I don't think that it can grow in england because some friends of mine in north Italy desire them...
    Here the Jacaranda threes are normal, we use them in the sides of the streets, I love this plant! I don't think that it can grow in england because some friends of mine in north Italy desire them but they told me that there in winter it die!I don't find the smileys :(
    Here the Jacaranda threes are normal, we use them in the sides of the streets, I love this plant! I don't think that it can grow in england because some friends of mine in north Italy desire them but they told me that there in winter it...
    Here the Jacaranda threes are normal, we use them in the sides of the streets, I love this plant! I don't think that it can grow in england because some friends of mine in north Italy desire them...
  18. Loofah

    He's a nice bloke but he will drink his own bathwater

    Hello all, just read the rinal bit of this thread - i have to agree. Even though i don't have a water meter, i have never been wasteful. Makes you sick, when you think of us worrying about a...
    Hello all, just read the rinal bit of this thread - i have to agree. Even though i don't have a water meter, i have never been wasteful. Makes you sick, when you think of us worrying about a dripping tap or watering our little bit of garden when, like you say, the people laying down these laws...
    Hello all, just read the rinal bit of this thread - i have to agree. Even though i don't have a water meter, i have never been wasteful. Makes you sick, when you think of us worrying about a dripping tap or watering our little bit of garden...
    Hello all, just read the rinal bit of this thread - i have to agree. Even though i don't have a water meter, i have never been wasteful. Makes you sick, when you think of us worrying about a...
  19. fmay


    Why is it always sold as an annual bedding plant? Mine comes up every year and is already in flower:)
    Why is it always sold as an annual bedding plant? Mine comes up every year and is already in flower:)
    Why is it always sold as an annual bedding plant? Mine comes up every year and is already in flower:)
    Why is it always sold as an annual bedding plant? Mine comes up every year and is already in flower:)
  20. cherrienunn

    Which Flower?

    Hi, can anyone help. I'm doing a quiz and I have to find a 6 letter flower, with the clue being a gift to the Queen. Thankyou
    Hi, can anyone help. I'm doing a quiz and I have to find a 6 letter flower, with the clue being a gift to the Queen. Thankyou
    Hi, can anyone help. I'm doing a quiz and I have to find a 6 letter flower, with the clue being a gift to the Queen. Thankyou
    Hi, can anyone help. I'm doing a quiz and I have to find a 6 letter flower, with the clue being a gift to the Queen. Thankyou

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