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  1. cr1tical

    Dahlia Tubers - advice please

    Hi critical , the video has been really useful to me as well . I always find planting Dahlia tubers is like planting a set of bagpipes . Never to sure on which bit does the actual work .
    Hi critical , the video has been really useful to me as well . I always find planting Dahlia tubers is like planting a set of bagpipes . Never to sure on which bit does the actual work .
    Hi critical , the video has been really useful to me as well . I always find planting Dahlia tubers is like planting a set of bagpipes . Never to sure on which bit does the actual work .
    Hi critical , the video has been really useful to me as well . I always find planting Dahlia tubers is like planting a set of bagpipes . Never to sure on which bit does the actual work .
  2. fumanchu

    Quickest flowers

    Ok thanks for that - I might go for the Iris, I used to have that and it was fine here. Will go and google the climbers now.
    Ok thanks for that - I might go for the Iris, I used to have that and it was fine here. Will go and google the climbers now.
    Ok thanks for that - I might go for the Iris, I used to have that and it was fine here. Will go and google the climbers now.
    Ok thanks for that - I might go for the Iris, I used to have that and it was fine here. Will go and google the climbers now.
  3. kindredspirit
    Like x 11

    It's been snowing today. (3rd of May.)

    Your trees are having a wedding Kindred! :biggrin: Very pretty!
    Your trees are having a wedding Kindred! :biggrin: Very pretty!
    Your trees are having a wedding Kindred! :biggrin: Very pretty!
    Your trees are having a wedding Kindred! :biggrin: Very pretty!
  4. noksucow

    green fly?

    There was an article on Gardeners Question Time on the radio yesterday about Lupin Aphids , could it be these ?
    There was an article on Gardeners Question Time on the radio yesterday about Lupin Aphids , could it be these ?
    There was an article on Gardeners Question Time on the radio yesterday about Lupin Aphids , could it be these ?
    There was an article on Gardeners Question Time on the radio yesterday about Lupin Aphids , could it be these ?
  5. clueless1

    Whats even more brilliant than seeing the first seeds hatching?

    They are hatching in the very real sense, even if the terminology is not quite correct. The outer seed casings have ruptured, and the embryonic plant inside is forcing its way out into the big bad...
    They are hatching in the very real sense, even if the terminology is not quite correct. The outer seed casings have ruptured, and the embryonic plant inside is forcing its way out into the big bad world. Hence hatching:)
    They are hatching in the very real sense, even if the terminology is not quite correct. The outer seed casings have ruptured, and the embryonic plant inside is forcing its way out into the big bad world. Hence hatching:)
    They are hatching in the very real sense, even if the terminology is not quite correct. The outer seed casings have ruptured, and the embryonic plant inside is forcing its way out into the big bad...
  6. Nick Mason

    New To Gardening, Possible Career

    If it's something you want to do, try it! You can always go back to the office job. If you have a will and enthusiasm, you can make it work.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    If it's something you want to do, try it! You can always go back to the office job. If you have a will and enthusiasm, you can make it work.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    If it's something you want to do, try it! You can always go back to the office job. If you have a will and enthusiasm, you can make it work.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    If it's something you want to do, try it! You can always go back to the office job. If you have a will and enthusiasm, you can make it work.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Jungle Jane

    What does everyone do with their old pots?

    I'll give it another week or so and pay my local amenity site a visit as we are allowed to recycle anything there. They have a large bin set aside for plant pots and trays that I'll go through and...
    I'll give it another week or so and pay my local amenity site a visit as we are allowed to recycle anything there. They have a large bin set aside for plant pots and trays that I'll go through and take what I need. At this time people are buying bedding plants, so I'll be popping in every week...
    I'll give it another week or so and pay my local amenity site a visit as we are allowed to recycle anything there. They have a large bin set aside for plant pots and trays that I'll go through and take what I need. At this time people are buying...
    I'll give it another week or so and pay my local amenity site a visit as we are allowed to recycle anything there. They have a large bin set aside for plant pots and trays that I'll go through and...
  8. Fat Controller

    Snow in summer - propagation

    The problem with a lot of Nurseries and Garden Centres is they tend to stock what is in 'fashion' and will sell, those plants that aren't tend to get forgotten which is a shame.
    The problem with a lot of Nurseries and Garden Centres is they tend to stock what is in 'fashion' and will sell, those plants that aren't tend to get forgotten which is a shame.
    The problem with a lot of Nurseries and Garden Centres is they tend to stock what is in 'fashion' and will sell, those plants that aren't tend to get forgotten which is a shame.
    The problem with a lot of Nurseries and Garden Centres is they tend to stock what is in 'fashion' and will sell, those plants that aren't tend to get forgotten which is a shame.
  9. Kristen

    RHS Colour Chart

    I love those paint mixer cards, the names are a riot of marketeer's indulgence, right now a few of the better ones from Dulux:Sophisticated Sage, Love Note, Scent Bottle and Thimble Case :cool:We...
    I love those paint mixer cards, the names are a riot of marketeer's indulgence, right now a few of the better ones from Dulux:Sophisticated Sage, Love Note, Scent Bottle and Thimble Case :cool:We recently used "Frosted Steel" for our Hallway, it's appearance is neither "Frosted" nor "Steel" - it's...
    I love those paint mixer cards, the names are a riot of marketeer's indulgence, right now a few of the better ones from Dulux:Sophisticated Sage, Love Note, Scent Bottle and Thimble Case :cool:We recently used "Frosted Steel" for our Hallway, it's...
    I love those paint mixer cards, the names are a riot of marketeer's indulgence, right now a few of the better ones from Dulux:Sophisticated Sage, Love Note, Scent Bottle and Thimble Case :cool:We...
  10. longk
    Like x 19

    What's Looking Good in April 2014

    They are Jenny, but then I'm biased. Love this time of year, there's so much going on.Sowed lots of summer flowering seeds in the front this year, so hopefully that'll be just as colourful in a...
    They are Jenny, but then I'm biased. Love this time of year, there's so much going on.Sowed lots of summer flowering seeds in the front this year, so hopefully that'll be just as colourful in a couple of months.
    They are Jenny, but then I'm biased. Love this time of year, there's so much going on.Sowed lots of summer flowering seeds in the front this year, so hopefully that'll be just as colourful in a couple of months.
    They are Jenny, but then I'm biased. Love this time of year, there's so much going on.Sowed lots of summer flowering seeds in the front this year, so hopefully that'll be just as colourful in a...
  11. Madahhlia

    Ipomoea cairica

    It could have been bad storage, think the pot it was in was under a leak in the plastic greenhouse roof:doh: Maybe kept dry it is hardier, but it didn't set seed either, so I'll never know:)
    It could have been bad storage, think the pot it was in was under a leak in the plastic greenhouse roof:doh: Maybe kept dry it is hardier, but it didn't set seed either, so I'll never know:)
    It could have been bad storage, think the pot it was in was under a leak in the plastic greenhouse roof:doh: Maybe kept dry it is hardier, but it didn't set seed either, so I'll never know:)
    It could have been bad storage, think the pot it was in was under a leak in the plastic greenhouse roof:doh: Maybe kept dry it is hardier, but it didn't set seed either, so I'll never know:)
  12. Loofah

    Perfect growing conditions banana, canna

    I plant with chicken pellets - some in the planting hole below the rootball, some around it when almost backfilled (so that covered by soil, just, rather than on-surface).When I fertilise...
    I plant with chicken pellets - some in the planting hole below the rootball, some around it when almost backfilled (so that covered by soil, just, rather than on-surface).When I fertilise "draught" I spread it about a bit - sorry, probably too much information for the ladies already!. I have...
    I plant with chicken pellets - some in the planting hole below the rootball, some around it when almost backfilled (so that covered by soil, just, rather than on-surface).When I fertilise "draught" I spread it about a bit - sorry, probably too...
    I plant with chicken pellets - some in the planting hole below the rootball, some around it when almost backfilled (so that covered by soil, just, rather than on-surface).When I fertilise...
  13. PeterS
    Like x 11

    Whats looking exotic in April 2014

    I've grown a wide selection of Arisaema this season. Two pots have germinated (well, "germinated above ground", I haven't checked Google for the other varieties to see if they are only hypogeal in...
    I've grown a wide selection of Arisaema this season. Two pots have germinated (well, "germinated above ground", I haven't checked Google for the other varieties to see if they are only hypogeal in the first year, I know some Arisaema are). The two pots look pretty manky; I had them under lights...
    I've grown a wide selection of Arisaema this season. Two pots have germinated (well, "germinated above ground", I haven't checked Google for the other varieties to see if they are only hypogeal in the first year, I know some Arisaema are). The...
    I've grown a wide selection of Arisaema this season. Two pots have germinated (well, "germinated above ground", I haven't checked Google for the other varieties to see if they are only hypogeal in...
  14. al n

    Vine weevil beetles, how to kill.

    Manually killing all the adult beetles you can find would be a good start to alleviating the problem. Trouble is they are shy, nocturnal and dusty coloured so not easy to find - shame they are not...
    Manually killing all the adult beetles you can find would be a good start to alleviating the problem. Trouble is they are shy, nocturnal and dusty coloured so not easy to find - shame they are not a nice bright scarlet like certain other menaces. I've heard it suggested to put traps (e.g. a...
    Manually killing all the adult beetles you can find would be a good start to alleviating the problem. Trouble is they are shy, nocturnal and dusty coloured so not easy to find - shame they are not a nice bright scarlet like certain other menaces....
    Manually killing all the adult beetles you can find would be a good start to alleviating the problem. Trouble is they are shy, nocturnal and dusty coloured so not easy to find - shame they are not...
  15. Fat Controller

    Strawberry root weevils

    Transplanting our strawberries the other day, we came across some wee white grub things in the soil - a bit of Googling later revealed that they were almost certainly strawberry root weevil...
    Transplanting our strawberries the other day, we came across some wee white grub things in the soil - a bit of Googling later revealed that they were almost certainly strawberry root weevil larvae, however information about what effects they would have or how to get rid of them, was fairly...
    Transplanting our strawberries the other day, we came across some wee white grub things in the soil - a bit of Googling later revealed that they were almost certainly strawberry root weevil larvae, however information about what effects they...
    Transplanting our strawberries the other day, we came across some wee white grub things in the soil - a bit of Googling later revealed that they were almost certainly strawberry root weevil...
  16. Ellen

    Rockery soil

    Thanks for the replies :) topsoil seems to be the way to go then, and give it all a good stir :) it's already quite gravelly, with the smaller stones in the soil
    Thanks for the replies :) topsoil seems to be the way to go then, and give it all a good stir :) it's already quite gravelly, with the smaller stones in the soil
    Thanks for the replies :) topsoil seems to be the way to go then, and give it all a good stir :) it's already quite gravelly, with the smaller stones in the soil
    Thanks for the replies :) topsoil seems to be the way to go then, and give it all a good stir :) it's already quite gravelly, with the smaller stones in the soil
  17. Spruce

    Erythroniums & Hosta

    and Beechgrove :)Me too. You talking "Dozens" or "Hundreds"? :whistle:
    and Beechgrove :)Me too. You talking "Dozens" or "Hundreds"? :whistle:
    and Beechgrove :)Me too. You talking "Dozens" or "Hundreds"? :whistle:
    and Beechgrove :)Me too. You talking "Dozens" or "Hundreds"? :whistle:
  18. al n
    Like x 6

    Scorcher here today!

    Cloudy this morning but brightened this afternoon and it got to a lovely 20 degrees, not quite as warm as yesterday when it reach 22..........fingers crossed the approaching cold snap doesn't...
    Cloudy this morning but brightened this afternoon and it got to a lovely 20 degrees, not quite as warm as yesterday when it reach 22..........fingers crossed the approaching cold snap doesn't produce too bad a frost and isn't too long :)
    Cloudy this morning but brightened this afternoon and it got to a lovely 20 degrees, not quite as warm as yesterday when it reach 22..........fingers crossed the approaching cold snap doesn't produce too bad a frost and isn't too long :)
    Cloudy this morning but brightened this afternoon and it got to a lovely 20 degrees, not quite as warm as yesterday when it reach 22..........fingers crossed the approaching cold snap doesn't...
  19. cable_guy

    Treating decking, sand it down or just wash?

    Oh it probably was, can't understand how the manufacturers get them mixed up and can't tell the difference but it happens. Was in a pedantic mood is all lol
    Oh it probably was, can't understand how the manufacturers get them mixed up and can't tell the difference but it happens. Was in a pedantic mood is all lol
    Oh it probably was, can't understand how the manufacturers get them mixed up and can't tell the difference but it happens. Was in a pedantic mood is all lol
    Oh it probably was, can't understand how the manufacturers get them mixed up and can't tell the difference but it happens. Was in a pedantic mood is all lol
  20. Fat Controller

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