General Gardening Discussion

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  1. fumanchu

    Cold Spell Coming

    If you did dream it, you might have been reading the same horticultural science book as me before you went to sleep. It says that commercial fruit grows (not specifically strawbs, just fruit in...
    If you did dream it, you might have been reading the same horticultural science book as me before you went to sleep. It says that commercial fruit grows (not specifically strawbs, just fruit in general) turn on the mist when sub zero temperatures are forecast. Water is remarkably good at storing...
    If you did dream it, you might have been reading the same horticultural science book as me before you went to sleep. It says that commercial fruit grows (not specifically strawbs, just fruit in general) turn on the mist when sub zero temperatures...
    If you did dream it, you might have been reading the same horticultural science book as me before you went to sleep. It says that commercial fruit grows (not specifically strawbs, just fruit in...
  2. minki

    exploring british wildlife:bluebell survey

    All done and joined in another too.. Thank you :thumbsup:
    All done and joined in another too.. Thank you :thumbsup:
    All done and joined in another too.. Thank you :thumbsup:
    All done and joined in another too.. Thank you :thumbsup:
  3. Jungle Jane

    Opinions and Ideas on what to replace my hedge with please.

    I like the idea of a path along the hedge (if I have understood correctly?) as that takes up the area of "dead growing space" in front of the hedge. Makes the hedge easy to cut to - and forces it...
    I like the idea of a path along the hedge (if I have understood correctly?) as that takes up the area of "dead growing space" in front of the hedge. Makes the hedge easy to cut to - and forces it tog et done when you get to that point in the year when you can't get down the path any more!
    I like the idea of a path along the hedge (if I have understood correctly?) as that takes up the area of "dead growing space" in front of the hedge. Makes the hedge easy to cut to - and forces it tog et done when you get to that point in the...
    I like the idea of a path along the hedge (if I have understood correctly?) as that takes up the area of "dead growing space" in front of the hedge. Makes the hedge easy to cut to - and forces it...
  4. clueless1

    There's a bargain to be had

    Had to go to Tescos. I thought I'd have a look at the magazines while there.I found one called 'Kitchen Garden' for £4.95, which comes with 10 packets of herb seeds, which I think is not bad....
    Had to go to Tescos. I thought I'd have a look at the magazines while there.I found one called 'Kitchen Garden' for £4.95, which comes with 10 packets of herb seeds, which I think is not bad. But also you can get 24 strawberry plants for nothing except the £4.05 P&P. I think that's not such a...
    Had to go to Tescos. I thought I'd have a look at the magazines while there.I found one called 'Kitchen Garden' for £4.95, which comes with 10 packets of herb seeds, which I think is not bad. But also you can get 24 strawberry plants for...
    Had to go to Tescos. I thought I'd have a look at the magazines while there.I found one called 'Kitchen Garden' for £4.95, which comes with 10 packets of herb seeds, which I think is not bad....
  5. Steve R

    Greenhouse auto window openers

    Nick, that's very kind of you indeed. I'll pm you now.Steve...:)
    Nick, that's very kind of you indeed. I'll pm you now.Steve...:)
    Nick, that's very kind of you indeed. I'll pm you now.Steve...:)
    Nick, that's very kind of you indeed. I'll pm you now.Steve...:)
  6. Gay Gardener

    Arbutus Unedo

    Have a look at that, GG. The arbutus I grow here suffer from leaf-spot disease. I now spray them regularly with a variety of fungicides which does seem to help. As your tree is otherwise so...
    Have a look at that, GG. The arbutus I grow here suffer from leaf-spot disease. I now spray them regularly with a variety of fungicides which does seem to help. As your tree is otherwise so healthy, I'd chop out the affected branches...given an ericaceous feed and a good soak, you'll be amazed...
    Have a look at that, GG. The arbutus I grow here suffer from leaf-spot disease. I now spray them regularly with a variety of fungicides which does seem to help. As your tree is otherwise so healthy, I'd chop out the affected branches...given an...
    Have a look at that, GG. The arbutus I grow here suffer from leaf-spot disease. I now spray them regularly with a variety of fungicides which does seem to help. As your tree is otherwise so...
  7. flower-power

    pruning neglected lonicera graham thomas

    thanks. i will do that then!
    thanks. i will do that then!
    thanks. i will do that then!
    thanks. i will do that then!
  8. al n

    Found these little darlings! :-(

    It won't be on the entire garden, just the mass of pots and planters I have.
    It won't be on the entire garden, just the mass of pots and planters I have.
    It won't be on the entire garden, just the mass of pots and planters I have.
    It won't be on the entire garden, just the mass of pots and planters I have.
  9. Gazania
    Informative x 3


    Hmm, will have to get me thinking head on. Don't have much to protect thankfully.
    Hmm, will have to get me thinking head on. Don't have much to protect thankfully.
    Hmm, will have to get me thinking head on. Don't have much to protect thankfully.
    Hmm, will have to get me thinking head on. Don't have much to protect thankfully.
  10. davefuchsiafan

    Coir Blocks

    Put it into your search engine I am sure loads of alternatives will pop up.
    Put it into your search engine I am sure loads of alternatives will pop up.
    Put it into your search engine I am sure loads of alternatives will pop up.
    Put it into your search engine I am sure loads of alternatives will pop up.
  11. olliebeak

    Ollie's garden progress ...........

    Well some help when needed anyway.. I bet your grandson enjoyed the bus rides as well.. I have to say though I agree with you about the Yew tree... Good luck.. :SUNsmile:
    Well some help when needed anyway.. I bet your grandson enjoyed the bus rides as well.. I have to say though I agree with you about the Yew tree... Good luck.. :SUNsmile:
    Well some help when needed anyway.. I bet your grandson enjoyed the bus rides as well.. I have to say though I agree with you about the Yew tree... Good luck.. :SUNsmile:
    Well some help when needed anyway.. I bet your grandson enjoyed the bus rides as well.. I have to say though I agree with you about the Yew tree... Good luck.. :SUNsmile:
  12. Val..

    Which forum is this posted in??

    OK sorry I have found it now!!, When I click on General Gardening Discussion I then have another option at top of page like this: Forums General Gardening Discussions Gardening...
    OK sorry I have found it now!!, When I click on General Gardening Discussion I then have another option at top of page like this: Forums General Gardening Discussions Gardening Discussions Why aren't these posts just in General Gardening discussions, why is there another one just called...
    OK sorry I have found it now!!, When I click on General Gardening Discussion I then have another option at top of page like this: Forums General Gardening Discussions Gardening Discussions Why aren't these posts just in General Gardening...
    OK sorry I have found it now!!, When I click on General Gardening Discussion I then have another option at top of page like this: Forums General Gardening Discussions Gardening...
  13. merleworld

    What's digging this fox sized hole in my garden?

    That paw print looks like it's from a dog :ideaIPB: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    That paw print looks like it's from a dog :ideaIPB: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    That paw print looks like it's from a dog :ideaIPB: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    That paw print looks like it's from a dog :ideaIPB: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  14. lara400

    help! Something is digging in my garden!

    Could be foxes or rats.I had a similar thing a while ago, which I was convinced was a fox until I caught my dog digging. My neighbour has concrete under his side so the hole never went right...
    Could be foxes or rats.I had a similar thing a while ago, which I was convinced was a fox until I caught my dog digging. My neighbour has concrete under his side so the hole never went right through.However, last weekend my neighbour said that he had found a hole his side where the rats had...
    Could be foxes or rats.I had a similar thing a while ago, which I was convinced was a fox until I caught my dog digging. My neighbour has concrete under his side so the hole never went right through.However, last weekend my neighbour said...
    Could be foxes or rats.I had a similar thing a while ago, which I was convinced was a fox until I caught my dog digging. My neighbour has concrete under his side so the hole never went right...
  15. silu

    Ideas for next season re Daffodils/Narcissi

    I'd go for a variety that has been around for a while, and thus has stood the test of time. Perhaps something that has a reputation for dividing quite quickly too?
    I'd go for a variety that has been around for a while, and thus has stood the test of time. Perhaps something that has a reputation for dividing quite quickly too?
    I'd go for a variety that has been around for a while, and thus has stood the test of time. Perhaps something that has a reputation for dividing quite quickly too?
    I'd go for a variety that has been around for a while, and thus has stood the test of time. Perhaps something that has a reputation for dividing quite quickly too?
  16. Sirius

    Dranunculus vulgaris

    Ours has pulled through the bad winters with no adverse effect :blue thumb:
    Ours has pulled through the bad winters with no adverse effect :blue thumb:
    Ours has pulled through the bad winters with no adverse effect :blue thumb:
    Ours has pulled through the bad winters with no adverse effect :blue thumb:
  17. jd67
  18. Jungle Jane

    Why are my seedlings going brown?

    Multi purpose. I assumed I could use it for potting on my seedlings once I pricked them out. To be fair most of the seedlings have taken fine.I realised this morning that since last year a...
    Multi purpose. I assumed I could use it for potting on my seedlings once I pricked them out. To be fair most of the seedlings have taken fine.I realised this morning that since last year a large leylandi was cut down and I do wonder now if the now direct morning sunrise is now scorching the...
    Multi purpose. I assumed I could use it for potting on my seedlings once I pricked them out. To be fair most of the seedlings have taken fine.I realised this morning that since last year a large leylandi was cut down and I do wonder now if the...
    Multi purpose. I assumed I could use it for potting on my seedlings once I pricked them out. To be fair most of the seedlings have taken fine.I realised this morning that since last year a...
  19. HarryS

    Flower Removal Yes or No ?

    Thank you @HarryS and @Madahhlia .
    Thank you @HarryS and @Madahhlia .
    Thank you @HarryS and @Madahhlia .
    Thank you @HarryS and @Madahhlia .
  20. AndrewBarratt

    Autumn Sown Onions

    Hi gang, last autumn I sowed onion sets for the first time as opposed to spring planting. Anyone have any idea about when I can expect to harvest them as I'd ideally like to pop in my purple...
    Hi gang, last autumn I sowed onion sets for the first time as opposed to spring planting. Anyone have any idea about when I can expect to harvest them as I'd ideally like to pop in my purple sprouting into the spot they occupySent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
    Hi gang, last autumn I sowed onion sets for the first time as opposed to spring planting. Anyone have any idea about when I can expect to harvest them as I'd ideally like to pop in my purple sprouting into the spot they occupySent from my...
    Hi gang, last autumn I sowed onion sets for the first time as opposed to spring planting. Anyone have any idea about when I can expect to harvest them as I'd ideally like to pop in my purple...

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