General Gardening Discussion

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  1. rustyroots

    First year perennials.

    When I buy things in 9cm pots I pot on to 1L and give them some TLC before planting out. My garden is somewhat exposed here (not surrounded by shelter-giving houses, although I do have perimeter...
    When I buy things in 9cm pots I pot on to 1L and give them some TLC before planting out. My garden is somewhat exposed here (not surrounded by shelter-giving houses, although I do have perimeter hedges, and I don't find that things get away quickly ...)I'd also be worried that a 9cm potted...
    When I buy things in 9cm pots I pot on to 1L and give them some TLC before planting out. My garden is somewhat exposed here (not surrounded by shelter-giving houses, although I do have perimeter hedges, and I don't find that things get away...
    When I buy things in 9cm pots I pot on to 1L and give them some TLC before planting out. My garden is somewhat exposed here (not surrounded by shelter-giving houses, although I do have perimeter...
  2. JackJJW

    Recommend a 'show piece' flower

    I've just been looking into cardoons, I'd love one but it's just a bit too large for my tiny plot at the moment :)
    I've just been looking into cardoons, I'd love one but it's just a bit too large for my tiny plot at the moment :)
    I've just been looking into cardoons, I'd love one but it's just a bit too large for my tiny plot at the moment :)
    I've just been looking into cardoons, I'd love one but it's just a bit too large for my tiny plot at the moment :)
  3. Val..
    Funny x 4

    My viola flowered, for just a few hours!!!!

    well at least he never cocked its leg on it :snork:
    well at least he never cocked its leg on it :snork:
    well at least he never cocked its leg on it :snork:
    well at least he never cocked its leg on it :snork:
  4. clueless1

    Do you throw snails over the fence?

    Nice and high over the back hedge on to a tarmac surface. They have a homing instinct so a couple of fractures should slow them enough for the boids:)
    Nice and high over the back hedge on to a tarmac surface. They have a homing instinct so a couple of fractures should slow them enough for the boids:)
    Nice and high over the back hedge on to a tarmac surface. They have a homing instinct so a couple of fractures should slow them enough for the boids:)
    Nice and high over the back hedge on to a tarmac surface. They have a homing instinct so a couple of fractures should slow them enough for the boids:)
  5. Markymark

    Shady area...any suggestions?

    Thanks for all the suggestions! Def something to think about. I've got ajuga growing in my border already (second year) and I love the flowers... So do the bees! I think I am going to go for a...
    Thanks for all the suggestions! Def something to think about. I've got ajuga growing in my border already (second year) and I love the flowers... So do the bees! I think I am going to go for a mixture of ferns and a couple of others from the list. I just adore ferns...think they look beautiful....
    Thanks for all the suggestions! Def something to think about. I've got ajuga growing in my border already (second year) and I love the flowers... So do the bees! I think I am going to go for a mixture of ferns and a couple of others from the...
    Thanks for all the suggestions! Def something to think about. I've got ajuga growing in my border already (second year) and I love the flowers... So do the bees! I think I am going to go for a...
    image.jpg image.jpg Brunnera-Dawson\'s-White-4.jpg Ajuga_reptans_20070429_132711_1.jpg 5ae0cb2683d7ccfb28255893d37df609.jpg image.jpg
  6. al n
    Like x 4

    fao fat controller, (and anyone interested) bargain dahlias :-)

    I will take a visit to HB for some tomo,cheers Aln:blue thumb:
    I will take a visit to HB for some tomo,cheers Aln:blue thumb:
    I will take a visit to HB for some tomo,cheers Aln:blue thumb:
    I will take a visit to HB for some tomo,cheers Aln:blue thumb:
  7. Val..

    Why can't I see all the other forums???

    Work in progress Val :)
    Work in progress Val :)
    Work in progress Val :)
    Work in progress Val :)
  8. matt k

    Azalea Help Please

    Just a little update on this now, managed to find myself some decent pots for my azalea. I went & got myself a Pieris (forest flame) aswell, I have attached pictures of both of them & a picture of...
    Just a little update on this now, managed to find myself some decent pots for my azalea. I went & got myself a Pieris (forest flame) aswell, I have attached pictures of both of them & a picture of the pot/compost...I have used a pot full of Ericaceous compost & i've used mini bark chips on...
    Just a little update on this now, managed to find myself some decent pots for my azalea. I went & got myself a Pieris (forest flame) aswell, I have attached pictures of both of them & a picture of the pot/compost...I have used a pot full of...
    Just a little update on this now, managed to find myself some decent pots for my azalea. I went & got myself a Pieris (forest flame) aswell, I have attached pictures of both of them & a picture of...
    azalea 1.jpg both.jpg compost.jpg peiris.jpg
  9. al n
    Like x 5

    What a fab weather day!

    hes a little monkey mate! nothing is safe from him from when he wakes til he sleeps! a 2 year old wrecking ball. brill fun :-)
    hes a little monkey mate! nothing is safe from him from when he wakes til he sleeps! a 2 year old wrecking ball. brill fun :-)
    hes a little monkey mate! nothing is safe from him from when he wakes til he sleeps! a 2 year old wrecking ball. brill fun :-)
    hes a little monkey mate! nothing is safe from him from when he wakes til he sleeps! a 2 year old wrecking ball. brill fun :-)
  10. Gazania

    moving saffron?

    I hv them in pots now as well, they are all green at the moment. Its best to leave them where they are. The leaves should dry up in summer and like what spruce suggested, move them then. Also try...
    I hv them in pots now as well, they are all green at the moment. Its best to leave them where they are. The leaves should dry up in summer and like what spruce suggested, move them then. Also try reducing watering them about now. This helps in bulb ripening. They really like to be dry in summer...
    I hv them in pots now as well, they are all green at the moment. Its best to leave them where they are. The leaves should dry up in summer and like what spruce suggested, move them then. Also try reducing watering them about now. This helps in...
    I hv them in pots now as well, they are all green at the moment. Its best to leave them where they are. The leaves should dry up in summer and like what spruce suggested, move them then. Also try...
  11. chrisb1357

    Advice & Ideas Needed for Our Garden

    If you're going to repair the retaining wall, have a look at using some brickforce.
    If you're going to repair the retaining wall, have a look at using some brickforce.
    If you're going to repair the retaining wall, have a look at using some brickforce.
    If you're going to repair the retaining wall, have a look at using some brickforce.
  12. lost_in_france

    Reviving old plants

    Quick update The bergenia flowered for the first time time in 6 years! And has some lovely shiny new leaf growth as well.
    Quick update The bergenia flowered for the first time time in 6 years! And has some lovely shiny new leaf growth as well.
    Quick update The bergenia flowered for the first time time in 6 years! And has some lovely shiny new leaf growth as well.
    Quick update The bergenia flowered for the first time time in 6 years! And has some lovely shiny new leaf growth as well.
    001_2.JPG 002_2.JPG 001_2.JPG
  13. scooby-mas

    Doffodile bulbs

    Will wait thanks for the heads up.
    Will wait thanks for the heads up.
    Will wait thanks for the heads up.
    Will wait thanks for the heads up.
  14. Gazania

    parterre ?

    I'm on that pivoting-edge for my decision too. Pity to throw the plants I have raised though, so I'm going to run a land-drain in the planting trench and hope that I can keep them dry enough that...
    I'm on that pivoting-edge for my decision too. Pity to throw the plants I have raised though, so I'm going to run a land-drain in the planting trench and hope that I can keep them dry enough that they will survive.
    I'm on that pivoting-edge for my decision too. Pity to throw the plants I have raised though, so I'm going to run a land-drain in the planting trench and hope that I can keep them dry enough that they will survive.
    I'm on that pivoting-edge for my decision too. Pity to throw the plants I have raised though, so I'm going to run a land-drain in the planting trench and hope that I can keep them dry enough that...
  15. Gazania
  16. chrisb1357

    Clay Soil

    I would try breaking up the lumps shortly after some rain. You need to time it right - long enough that it is no longer sticky, from the rain, but soon enough that it doesn't set rock-hard again....
    I would try breaking up the lumps shortly after some rain. You need to time it right - long enough that it is no longer sticky, from the rain, but soon enough that it doesn't set rock-hard again. Should be possible to make a fine tilth that way.But either way, long term you need to work lots...
    I would try breaking up the lumps shortly after some rain. You need to time it right - long enough that it is no longer sticky, from the rain, but soon enough that it doesn't set rock-hard again. Should be possible to make a fine tilth that...
    I would try breaking up the lumps shortly after some rain. You need to time it right - long enough that it is no longer sticky, from the rain, but soon enough that it doesn't set rock-hard again....
  17. sal73

    Willow Water

    Interesting reading ...
    Interesting reading ...
    Interesting reading ...
    Interesting reading ...
  18. Val..

    Are you attracted by a particular colour?

    Deep pinks, reds and purples!
    Deep pinks, reds and purples!
    Deep pinks, reds and purples!
    Deep pinks, reds and purples!
  19. parcheesy

    Help! What should I do with my borders?!

    Hello from a newbie after a long absence! Just reviving this post to see if anyone has any tips for me.Ignore the first picture. My focus is on my north facing back garden for now.The bed In...
    Hello from a newbie after a long absence! Just reviving this post to see if anyone has any tips for me.Ignore the first picture. My focus is on my north facing back garden for now.The bed In The second picture down is now empty after getting a battering from the winter storms. I plan on...
    Hello from a newbie after a long absence! Just reviving this post to see if anyone has any tips for me.Ignore the first picture. My focus is on my north facing back garden for now.The bed In The second picture down is now empty after getting...
    Hello from a newbie after a long absence! Just reviving this post to see if anyone has any tips for me.Ignore the first picture. My focus is on my north facing back garden for now.The bed In...
  20. Val..

    Why can't I find 2 1/2" round pots anymore??????????

    I have at last managed to find some Sankey 6cm ones but it wasn't easy, I think they must be discontinuing them. @Ilkley Gardeners, thank you so so much for your generosity. but hang on to them...
    I have at last managed to find some Sankey 6cm ones but it wasn't easy, I think they must be discontinuing them. @Ilkley Gardeners, thank you so so much for your generosity. but hang on to them you might not be able to buy this size in the future!! :dunno:Val
    I have at last managed to find some Sankey 6cm ones but it wasn't easy, I think they must be discontinuing them. @Ilkley Gardeners, thank you so so much for your generosity. but hang on to them you might not be able to buy this size in the...
    I have at last managed to find some Sankey 6cm ones but it wasn't easy, I think they must be discontinuing them. @Ilkley Gardeners, thank you so so much for your generosity. but hang on to them...

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