General Gardening Discussion

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  1. JanetB

    Advice needed

    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main...
    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main difference between there and my garden here (where I am managing to grow them) was that I just dug...
    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main difference between there and my garden here (where...
    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main...
  2. Alladin

    Laying new patio - advice

    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden...
    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden patio. I prefer to use it damp and consolidate each flag with a maul. Be sure t haunch the free edges of...
    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden patio. I prefer to use it damp and consolidate each...
    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden...
  3. galaxysue


    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
  4. badsal72


    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After...
    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After the initial flowering I tend to leave mine in a cool place right through the winter, bone dry. I...
    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After the initial flowering I tend to leave mine in a...
    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After...
  5. Lisamel


    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
  6. Bashy

    Another hardening question...sorry

    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
  7. Tropical_Gaz

    How much time do you spend gardening?

    wot is about mud that is so compeling. from this brown stuff come's, food ~ flowers ~ plants ~ enjoment ~ hard work ~ freinds ~ and many more things :) im trying to work out why gardening is so...
    wot is about mud that is so compeling. from this brown stuff come's, food ~ flowers ~ plants ~ enjoment ~ hard work ~ freinds ~ and many more things :) im trying to work out why gardening is so adictive :confused:
    wot is about mud that is so compeling. from this brown stuff come's, food ~ flowers ~ plants ~ enjoment ~ hard work ~ freinds ~ and many more things :) im trying to work out why gardening is so adictive :confused:
    wot is about mud that is so compeling. from this brown stuff come's, food ~ flowers ~ plants ~ enjoment ~ hard work ~ freinds ~ and many more things :) im trying to work out why gardening is so...
  8. SpringsHere

    Watering help pls, what should I get/do

    thank you. It's well planted up now, so I can't really add lots of stuff. I have however, read elsewhere that to just keep breaking the top layer helps quite a lot, helping the air get in . I...
    thank you. It's well planted up now, so I can't really add lots of stuff. I have however, read elsewhere that to just keep breaking the top layer helps quite a lot, helping the air get in . I went ahead yesterday and bought the soaker hose from Wilkinsons - EXCELLENT value, had I bought from a...
    thank you. It's well planted up now, so I can't really add lots of stuff. I have however, read elsewhere that to just keep breaking the top layer helps quite a lot, helping the air get in . I went ahead yesterday and bought the soaker hose from...
    thank you. It's well planted up now, so I can't really add lots of stuff. I have however, read elsewhere that to just keep breaking the top layer helps quite a lot, helping the air get in . I...
  9. Garden Apprentice

    Ornamental Grass SOS

    I need some advice on a Stipa arundinacea (also known as Anemanthele lessoniana) which i have in my garden. I grew some from seed a couple of years ago and they are now mature plants. I recenly...
    I need some advice on a Stipa arundinacea (also known as Anemanthele lessoniana) which i have in my garden. I grew some from seed a couple of years ago and they are now mature plants. I recenly needed to move some of them and one which had grown particuarly large and had outgrown its space,...
    I need some advice on a Stipa arundinacea (also known as Anemanthele lessoniana) which i have in my garden. I grew some from seed a couple of years ago and they are now mature plants. I recenly needed to move some of them and one which had grown...
    I need some advice on a Stipa arundinacea (also known as Anemanthele lessoniana) which i have in my garden. I grew some from seed a couple of years ago and they are now mature plants. I recenly...
  10. Claire75

    What did you do in the garden over the bank holiday?

    Got my beloved to finally finish the outside of the all I have to do is lock the door from the outside (with him inside) until he's finished my little path inside it! :D
    Got my beloved to finally finish the outside of the all I have to do is lock the door from the outside (with him inside) until he's finished my little path inside it! :D
    Got my beloved to finally finish the outside of the all I have to do is lock the door from the outside (with him inside) until he's finished my little path inside it! :D
    Got my beloved to finally finish the outside of the all I have to do is lock the door from the outside (with him inside) until he's finished my little path inside it! :D
  11. Winnie

    Garden Bench

    Thanks to everyone! The bench is now in-situ and painted up! Total cost of materials was approx 90euros ... 8 decking boards, 3 x (85x85x1.8m) posts and a bunch of screws .... The website...
    Thanks to everyone! The bench is now in-situ and painted up! Total cost of materials was approx 90euros ... 8 decking boards, 3 x (85x85x1.8m) posts and a bunch of screws .... The website is:Phew, now deserve a pint ... which as you say PF ... can easily sit on the arm, alongside a...
    Thanks to everyone! The bench is now in-situ and painted up! Total cost of materials was approx 90euros ... 8 decking boards, 3 x (85x85x1.8m) posts and a bunch of screws .... The website is:Phew, now deserve a pint ... which as you...
    Thanks to everyone! The bench is now in-situ and painted up! Total cost of materials was approx 90euros ... 8 decking boards, 3 x (85x85x1.8m) posts and a bunch of screws .... The website...
  12. Bashy

    Hardening started - My Photo's

    Hi Borrowers. It's a 6'x2' and am well happy with it. It was a REAL bitch to put up though, really you need two people, but as my wife was dealing with our newborn son, I had to do a balancing...
    Hi Borrowers. It's a 6'x2' and am well happy with it. It was a REAL bitch to put up though, really you need two people, but as my wife was dealing with our newborn son, I had to do a balancing act!!! I got it from Norfolk greenhouses. Here's the link:Hope this helps. Cheers
    Hi Borrowers. It's a 6'x2' and am well happy with it. It was a REAL bitch to put up though, really you need two people, but as my wife was dealing with our newborn son, I had to do a balancing act!!! I got it from Norfolk greenhouses. Here's...
    Hi Borrowers. It's a 6'x2' and am well happy with it. It was a REAL bitch to put up though, really you need two people, but as my wife was dealing with our newborn son, I had to do a balancing...
  13. Barra

    Shrub Garden Challenge

    Well done from me too Barra. Nice to see it still looking fantastic. Post some more pics as things change. cheers
    Well done from me too Barra. Nice to see it still looking fantastic. Post some more pics as things change. cheers
    Well done from me too Barra. Nice to see it still looking fantastic. Post some more pics as things change. cheers
    Well done from me too Barra. Nice to see it still looking fantastic. Post some more pics as things change. cheers
  14. Slinky

    Fox Deterent

    I'm not going to say this will work 100% but we used to get a lot of foxes drinking from our ponds in the night. (We have an intruder alarm that sounds a bleep in our bedroom if anyone or anything...
    I'm not going to say this will work 100% but we used to get a lot of foxes drinking from our ponds in the night. (We have an intruder alarm that sounds a bleep in our bedroom if anyone or anything aproaches the house front or back, that's how we knew they were there)This used to go off all the...
    I'm not going to say this will work 100% but we used to get a lot of foxes drinking from our ponds in the night. (We have an intruder alarm that sounds a bleep in our bedroom if anyone or anything aproaches the house front or back, that's how we...
    I'm not going to say this will work 100% but we used to get a lot of foxes drinking from our ponds in the night. (We have an intruder alarm that sounds a bleep in our bedroom if anyone or anything...
  15. beanie b12

    Home-made cloches

    I was looking at melons on the Fothergills site and decided perhaps we couldn't bet on our weather too much but having said that we are enjoying 28c today and over the weekend, but will it last?
    I was looking at melons on the Fothergills site and decided perhaps we couldn't bet on our weather too much but having said that we are enjoying 28c today and over the weekend, but will it last?
    I was looking at melons on the Fothergills site and decided perhaps we couldn't bet on our weather too much but having said that we are enjoying 28c today and over the weekend, but will it last?
    I was looking at melons on the Fothergills site and decided perhaps we couldn't bet on our weather too much but having said that we are enjoying 28c today and over the weekend, but will it last?
  16. thedash71

    Paving stone dents

    Thanks for the reply guys, much appreciated.
    Thanks for the reply guys, much appreciated.
    Thanks for the reply guys, much appreciated.
    Thanks for the reply guys, much appreciated.
  17. qikker

    Leyland Cypress hedge

    I took out a 70m Leylandi hedge. JCB man loaded them up on his trailer and took them away in 2005. Mixed hedge planted a month later with a fence for my neighbours privacy. Each winter we refill...
    I took out a 70m Leylandi hedge. JCB man loaded them up on his trailer and took them away in 2005. Mixed hedge planted a month later with a fence for my neighbours privacy. Each winter we refill holes and 3 years later the hedge is nearly as high as fence but still a few holes. Do it properly...
    I took out a 70m Leylandi hedge. JCB man loaded them up on his trailer and took them away in 2005. Mixed hedge planted a month later with a fence for my neighbours privacy. Each winter we refill holes and 3 years later the hedge is nearly as...
    I took out a 70m Leylandi hedge. JCB man loaded them up on his trailer and took them away in 2005. Mixed hedge planted a month later with a fence for my neighbours privacy. Each winter we refill...
  18. lazy-gardener

    can you use bath water on plants?

    If your worried about damaging plants with re-used water you could use something like 'water butt fresh' which you can buy here (
    If your worried about damaging plants with re-used water you could use something like 'water butt fresh' which you can buy here (
    If your worried about damaging plants with re-used water you could use something like 'water butt fresh' which you can buy here (
    If your worried about damaging plants with re-used water you could use something like 'water butt fresh' which you can buy here (
  19. Steve R

    Builders sand and soil

    Steve, it is a myth that sand helps improve clay soils. What is needed is humus, and lots of it.:thumb:
    Steve, it is a myth that sand helps improve clay soils. What is needed is humus, and lots of it.:thumb:
    Steve, it is a myth that sand helps improve clay soils. What is needed is humus, and lots of it.:thumb:
    Steve, it is a myth that sand helps improve clay soils. What is needed is humus, and lots of it.:thumb:
  20. daz and debs

    Garden video

    Thanks mate.Yea the ducks are all over the place now all the eggs are hatching...Your right i never go in lol.When im in i wana be out lol.
    Thanks mate.Yea the ducks are all over the place now all the eggs are hatching...Your right i never go in lol.When im in i wana be out lol.
    Thanks mate.Yea the ducks are all over the place now all the eggs are hatching...Your right i never go in lol.When im in i wana be out lol.
    Thanks mate.Yea the ducks are all over the place now all the eggs are hatching...Your right i never go in lol.When im in i wana be out lol.

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