General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Fat Controller


    I think the only advantage with coir is it looks nice. To buy new liners for my bowers and baskets costs a fortune. Poundstretcher sell coir liners pretty cheap though , but don't have 14" ones in...
    I think the only advantage with coir is it looks nice. To buy new liners for my bowers and baskets costs a fortune. Poundstretcher sell coir liners pretty cheap though , but don't have 14" ones in at the moment. I line my coir basket liners with plastic bin liner , it helps retain the water and...
    I think the only advantage with coir is it looks nice. To buy new liners for my bowers and baskets costs a fortune. Poundstretcher sell coir liners pretty cheap though , but don't have 14" ones in at the moment. I line my coir basket liners with...
    I think the only advantage with coir is it looks nice. To buy new liners for my bowers and baskets costs a fortune. Poundstretcher sell coir liners pretty cheap though , but don't have 14" ones in...
  2. merleworld

    Chillis to grow on a windowsill?

    I grew Apache Chilli this year as a windowsill Chilli . Its supposed to be a dwarf bushy variety , although the one I have seems pretty tall at the moment , presume they will bush up soon. Lots of...
    I grew Apache Chilli this year as a windowsill Chilli . Its supposed to be a dwarf bushy variety , although the one I have seems pretty tall at the moment , presume they will bush up soon. Lots of seeds on Ebay :dbgrtmb:
    I grew Apache Chilli this year as a windowsill Chilli . Its supposed to be a dwarf bushy variety , although the one I have seems pretty tall at the moment , presume they will bush up soon. Lots of seeds on Ebay :dbgrtmb:
    I grew Apache Chilli this year as a windowsill Chilli . Its supposed to be a dwarf bushy variety , although the one I have seems pretty tall at the moment , presume they will bush up soon. Lots of...
  3. Craig1987
    Like x 13

    Horticulture practical skills level 1

    Hi all, sorry for the late updates, i have been mega busy trying to juggle work, digging over my allotment and starting seeds off but here goes... week 8 - 29.03.2014 Again we started off by...
    Hi all, sorry for the late updates, i have been mega busy trying to juggle work, digging over my allotment and starting seeds off but here goes... week 8 - 29.03.2014 Again we started off by cutting and sticking some more pictures the tutor had printed off of us doing the tasks. We...
    Hi all, sorry for the late updates, i have been mega busy trying to juggle work, digging over my allotment and starting seeds off but here goes... week 8 - 29.03.2014 Again we started off by cutting and sticking some more pictures the tutor...
    Hi all, sorry for the late updates, i have been mega busy trying to juggle work, digging over my allotment and starting seeds off but here goes... week 8 - 29.03.2014 Again we started off by...
  4. Clueless76

    So random not expecting much.. But...

    Brilliant clueless!! Im so glad you asked this. A house down the road has this in their front garden and it looks great, can see it from down the road as its such a bright purple. I was going to...
    Brilliant clueless!! Im so glad you asked this. A house down the road has this in their front garden and it looks great, can see it from down the road as its such a bright purple. I was going to post too but you've saved me the trouble.Rich
    Brilliant clueless!! Im so glad you asked this. A house down the road has this in their front garden and it looks great, can see it from down the road as its such a bright purple. I was going to post too but you've saved me the trouble.Rich
    Brilliant clueless!! Im so glad you asked this. A house down the road has this in their front garden and it looks great, can see it from down the road as its such a bright purple. I was going to...
  5. Kristen

    Jungle Plants has some plants to sell

    Jungle Plants closed last autumn (retirement), although Jungle Seeds continues on ...Had an email today that there are a few plants left - presumably left overs from last season (although some...
    Jungle Plants closed last autumn (retirement), although Jungle Seeds continues on ...Had an email today that there are a few plants left - presumably left overs from last season (although some are marked as "New for 2014" )Anyways, if you missed out getting an Ensete montbeliardii, or...
    Jungle Plants closed last autumn (retirement), although Jungle Seeds continues on ...Had an email today that there are a few plants left - presumably left overs from last season (although some are marked as "New for 2014" )Anyways, if you...
    Jungle Plants closed last autumn (retirement), although Jungle Seeds continues on ...Had an email today that there are a few plants left - presumably left overs from last season (although some...
  6. Paultucker79

    Weeding on an old greenhouse plot

    Weedkiller? e.g. something Glyphosate based - "Roundup". If that doesn't kill it then "SBK".Cover with tarpaulin / plastic sheet for the Summer and rob it of light."Never let it see a Sunday"...
    Weedkiller? e.g. something Glyphosate based - "Roundup". If that doesn't kill it then "SBK".Cover with tarpaulin / plastic sheet for the Summer and rob it of light."Never let it see a Sunday" - hoe the tops off, at least once a week, to weaken it
    Weedkiller? e.g. something Glyphosate based - "Roundup". If that doesn't kill it then "SBK".Cover with tarpaulin / plastic sheet for the Summer and rob it of light."Never let it see a Sunday" - hoe the tops off, at least once a week, to weaken it
    Weedkiller? e.g. something Glyphosate based - "Roundup". If that doesn't kill it then "SBK".Cover with tarpaulin / plastic sheet for the Summer and rob it of light."Never let it see a Sunday"...
  7. silu


    Commercial growers must do though - so the results must speak for themselves??Although ... perhaps any-old-thing will do, for me, and I just wait a bit longer before it is plating-out-size ?
    Commercial growers must do though - so the results must speak for themselves??Although ... perhaps any-old-thing will do, for me, and I just wait a bit longer before it is plating-out-size ?
    Commercial growers must do though - so the results must speak for themselves??Although ... perhaps any-old-thing will do, for me, and I just wait a bit longer before it is plating-out-size ?
    Commercial growers must do though - so the results must speak for themselves??Although ... perhaps any-old-thing will do, for me, and I just wait a bit longer before it is plating-out-size ?
  8. wiseowl

    Dahlia Tuber Advice

    I just stuck a couple of Plums in my mouth and found I could understand it easily :heehee:
    I just stuck a couple of Plums in my mouth and found I could understand it easily :heehee:
    I just stuck a couple of Plums in my mouth and found I could understand it easily :heehee:
    I just stuck a couple of Plums in my mouth and found I could understand it easily :heehee:
  9. flower-power

    do i make holes in a coir hanging basket??

    Petunias are my favourite hanging basket plants.:)Val
    Petunias are my favourite hanging basket plants.:)Val
    Petunias are my favourite hanging basket plants.:)Val
    Petunias are my favourite hanging basket plants.:)Val
  10. Rich garden

    Opinions please

    No its not Birch , the point I was making not all trees can cope or look ok if pruned , Birch trees being a good example as when they have had the main trunk cut close to the top they never look...
    No its not Birch , the point I was making not all trees can cope or look ok if pruned , Birch trees being a good example as when they have had the main trunk cut close to the top they never look right.
    No its not Birch , the point I was making not all trees can cope or look ok if pruned , Birch trees being a good example as when they have had the main trunk cut close to the top they never look right.
    No its not Birch , the point I was making not all trees can cope or look ok if pruned , Birch trees being a good example as when they have had the main trunk cut close to the top they never look...
  11. J S Country Tools

    Fish fertiliser

    I do 10% every other day, as Discus have to have a water temperature of about 84 degrees. I have about 30 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 10 Rummynose Tetras, 10 Cardinal Tetras, assorted corys, 1 Goldseam...
    I do 10% every other day, as Discus have to have a water temperature of about 84 degrees. I have about 30 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 10 Rummynose Tetras, 10 Cardinal Tetras, assorted corys, 1 Goldseam plec, a trio of Peppermint plecs and 3 whiptails.
    I do 10% every other day, as Discus have to have a water temperature of about 84 degrees. I have about 30 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 10 Rummynose Tetras, 10 Cardinal Tetras, assorted corys, 1 Goldseam plec, a trio of Peppermint plecs and 3 whiptails.
    I do 10% every other day, as Discus have to have a water temperature of about 84 degrees. I have about 30 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 10 Rummynose Tetras, 10 Cardinal Tetras, assorted corys, 1 Goldseam...
  12. kindredspirit

    Thingymagig at the edge of lawns.

    ... and the GC time-travelling helicopter of course :roflol:
    ... and the GC time-travelling helicopter of course :roflol:
    ... and the GC time-travelling helicopter of course :roflol:
    ... and the GC time-travelling helicopter of course :roflol:
  13. Phil A

    What's looking good in March 2014

    Would love to! Did you want the Clianthus seeds?
    Would love to! Did you want the Clianthus seeds?
    Would love to! Did you want the Clianthus seeds?
    Would love to! Did you want the Clianthus seeds?
  14. Madahhlia

    Green masonry paint

    Well I'm risking it! :biggrin: The car is my immediate neighbours and beyond, the garage wall next-door-but-one. The paint has faded somewhat over the last couple of years making it more spearmint...
    Well I'm risking it! :biggrin: The car is my immediate neighbours and beyond, the garage wall next-door-but-one. The paint has faded somewhat over the last couple of years making it more spearmint coloured, it was deeper and harsher when first done. Having said that my own needs a re-paint this year and...
    Well I'm risking it! :biggrin: The car is my immediate neighbours and beyond, the garage wall next-door-but-one. The paint has faded somewhat over the last couple of years making it more spearmint coloured, it was deeper and harsher when first done....
    Well I'm risking it! :biggrin: The car is my immediate neighbours and beyond, the garage wall next-door-but-one. The paint has faded somewhat over the last couple of years making it more spearmint...
    IMG_3004.JPG IMG_3008.JPG
  15. clueless1

    What a top bloke

    ... there's hope for me yet then! :heehee:
    ... there's hope for me yet then! :heehee:
    ... there's hope for me yet then! :heehee:
    ... there's hope for me yet then! :heehee:
  16. Steve R

    New Border from seed - Your help required

    Thank you Val, Fen and Peter.The reason for annuals from seed is by way of a challenge to myself, it's something I have never really done because at home we have three cats and if I have a clear...
    Thank you Val, Fen and Peter.The reason for annuals from seed is by way of a challenge to myself, it's something I have never really done because at home we have three cats and if I have a clear patch of ground for seed sowing, the cats appear to be drawn towards it.I will be growing...
    Thank you Val, Fen and Peter.The reason for annuals from seed is by way of a challenge to myself, it's something I have never really done because at home we have three cats and if I have a clear patch of ground for seed sowing, the cats appear...
    Thank you Val, Fen and Peter.The reason for annuals from seed is by way of a challenge to myself, it's something I have never really done because at home we have three cats and if I have a clear...
  17. Gazania

    British gardens in time.

    Just spotted this starts on bbc4 next Tuesday at 9pm.Might be worth a look.Gazania
    Just spotted this starts on bbc4 next Tuesday at 9pm.Might be worth a look.Gazania
    Just spotted this starts on bbc4 next Tuesday at 9pm.Might be worth a look.Gazania
    Just spotted this starts on bbc4 next Tuesday at 9pm.Might be worth a look.Gazania
  18. Dillydo


    Folks, just wanted to thank-you for your advice. All plants have made it through the winter - two featured in containers given to "the mothers" last Sunday, with two kept behind for me!
    Folks, just wanted to thank-you for your advice. All plants have made it through the winter - two featured in containers given to "the mothers" last Sunday, with two kept behind for me!
    Folks, just wanted to thank-you for your advice. All plants have made it through the winter - two featured in containers given to "the mothers" last Sunday, with two kept behind for me!
    Folks, just wanted to thank-you for your advice. All plants have made it through the winter - two featured in containers given to "the mothers" last Sunday, with two kept behind for me!
  19. Madahhlia

    Moving a wisteria

    sounds a good idea , in the mean time measure from the main trunk 18 inches all around and make a mini trench a good spade depth and when you find roots cut through them , then fill up with a...
    sounds a good idea , in the mean time measure from the main trunk 18 inches all around and make a mini trench a good spade depth and when you find roots cut through them , then fill up with a multipurpose compost , this will encourage new fiberous roots to grow which will help when moving later...
    sounds a good idea , in the mean time measure from the main trunk 18 inches all around and make a mini trench a good spade depth and when you find roots cut through them , then fill up with a multipurpose compost , this will encourage new...
    sounds a good idea , in the mean time measure from the main trunk 18 inches all around and make a mini trench a good spade depth and when you find roots cut through them , then fill up with a...
  20. Madahhlia

    Stretchy hose

    I've got a 'fine as rain' nozzle. That was very affordable and fits on my other cans!
    I've got a 'fine as rain' nozzle. That was very affordable and fits on my other cans!
    I've got a 'fine as rain' nozzle. That was very affordable and fits on my other cans!
    I've got a 'fine as rain' nozzle. That was very affordable and fits on my other cans!

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