General Gardening Discussion

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  1. minki

    Artmisia variegata help!!!

    You could try it in a container perhaps like we do mint if it is a small plant..
    You could try it in a container perhaps like we do mint if it is a small plant..
    You could try it in a container perhaps like we do mint if it is a small plant..
    You could try it in a container perhaps like we do mint if it is a small plant..
  2. Kristen

    Containers for Pricking-out

    Six Salvia hians seedlings in a 3.5cm pot that needed potting on! After teasing apart................. (Shows the airy mix well)The dunking water..................Job...
    Six Salvia hians seedlings in a 3.5cm pot that needed potting on! After teasing apart................. (Shows the airy mix well)The dunking water..................Job done...........................
    Six Salvia hians seedlings in a 3.5cm pot that needed potting on! After teasing apart................. (Shows the airy mix well)The dunking water..................Job done...........................
    Six Salvia hians seedlings in a 3.5cm pot that needed potting on! After teasing apart................. (Shows the airy mix well)The dunking water..................Job...
    DSC_1898.jpg DSC_1899.jpg IMG_2489_PrickingOutTray.jpg IMG_2488_PrickingOutTray.jpg IMG_2487_PrickingOutTray.jpg DSC_1928.jpg
  3. Fat Controller

    Quit while I still have time?

    No need to apologise @noisette47 - that is the joy of threads for me, they develop into a wider conversation; I'm not one of those who seems to think they 'own' a thread just because they posted it.
    No need to apologise @noisette47 - that is the joy of threads for me, they develop into a wider conversation; I'm not one of those who seems to think they 'own' a thread just because they posted it.
    No need to apologise @noisette47 - that is the joy of threads for me, they develop into a wider conversation; I'm not one of those who seems to think they 'own' a thread just because they posted it.
    No need to apologise @noisette47 - that is the joy of threads for me, they develop into a wider conversation; I'm not one of those who seems to think they 'own' a thread just because they posted it.
  4. fumanchu
  5. Val..


    Different flowering time, but if you are going for scented climbers, climbing around hoops, you might consider Jasmine, Stephanotis and Hoya
    Different flowering time, but if you are going for scented climbers, climbing around hoops, you might consider Jasmine, Stephanotis and Hoya
    Different flowering time, but if you are going for scented climbers, climbing around hoops, you might consider Jasmine, Stephanotis and Hoya
    Different flowering time, but if you are going for scented climbers, climbing around hoops, you might consider Jasmine, Stephanotis and Hoya
  6. mowgley
    Like x 3

    How much???

    See me after class :heehee:I can tell you the name of that syndrome: its "couldn't afford not to have it" syndrome :)
    See me after class :heehee:I can tell you the name of that syndrome: its "couldn't afford not to have it" syndrome :)
    See me after class :heehee:I can tell you the name of that syndrome: its "couldn't afford not to have it" syndrome :)
    See me after class :heehee:I can tell you the name of that syndrome: its "couldn't afford not to have it" syndrome :)
  7. SimonZ

    Primulas - pin and thrum

    Don't know anything about Pin and Thrum, and no idea if this is relevant, but just chucking it into the mix in case of interest:Many Apple varieties are self-sterile, or partially self-fertile. ...
    Don't know anything about Pin and Thrum, and no idea if this is relevant, but just chucking it into the mix in case of interest:Many Apple varieties are self-sterile, or partially self-fertile. Although the partially self-fertile may be fertilised by pollen from others of the same variety...
    Don't know anything about Pin and Thrum, and no idea if this is relevant, but just chucking it into the mix in case of interest:Many Apple varieties are self-sterile, or partially self-fertile. Although the partially self-fertile may be...
    Don't know anything about Pin and Thrum, and no idea if this is relevant, but just chucking it into the mix in case of interest:Many Apple varieties are self-sterile, or partially self-fertile. ...
  8. Jack McHammocklashing

    First of March/First foot in the Garden

    I managed two fifteen minute weeding sessions today, so I have started at least a little SPRING Well it was until we had the pea sized hail stones at 14:00Jack McH
    I managed two fifteen minute weeding sessions today, so I have started at least a little SPRING Well it was until we had the pea sized hail stones at 14:00Jack McH
    I managed two fifteen minute weeding sessions today, so I have started at least a little SPRING Well it was until we had the pea sized hail stones at 14:00Jack McH
    I managed two fifteen minute weeding sessions today, so I have started at least a little SPRING Well it was until we had the pea sized hail stones at 14:00Jack McH
  9. JazzSi

    Jatropha Podagrica

    Yes 6 out the 8 seeds are already growing.
    Yes 6 out the 8 seeds are already growing.
    Yes 6 out the 8 seeds are already growing.
    Yes 6 out the 8 seeds are already growing.
  10. clueless1

    Landshare scheme

    change of use for land £195 change of use for house £395 in our area
    change of use for land £195 change of use for house £395 in our area
    change of use for land £195 change of use for house £395 in our area
    change of use for land £195 change of use for house £395 in our area
  11. Phil A
  12. Palustris
    Like x 10


    The only perennial poppy I was worried about was the White "Checkers" as that disappeared underground all through the Winter while the others still showed leaves. However, when tidying up one of...
    The only perennial poppy I was worried about was the White "Checkers" as that disappeared underground all through the Winter while the others still showed leaves. However, when tidying up one of the borders yesterday I uncovered it from a pile of leaves and now I'm happier!!:hapydancsmil::coffee:
    The only perennial poppy I was worried about was the White "Checkers" as that disappeared underground all through the Winter while the others still showed leaves. However, when tidying up one of the borders yesterday I uncovered it from a pile...
    The only perennial poppy I was worried about was the White "Checkers" as that disappeared underground all through the Winter while the others still showed leaves. However, when tidying up one of...
  13. RedDogs

    How low do you go?

    I massacred my weigela last year because I get so fed up with its shapeless habit. Showing new buds now but it sulked for a while. No flowers this year, methinks.
    I massacred my weigela last year because I get so fed up with its shapeless habit. Showing new buds now but it sulked for a while. No flowers this year, methinks.
    I massacred my weigela last year because I get so fed up with its shapeless habit. Showing new buds now but it sulked for a while. No flowers this year, methinks.
    I massacred my weigela last year because I get so fed up with its shapeless habit. Showing new buds now but it sulked for a while. No flowers this year, methinks.
  14. Marley Farley
    Like x 9

    Old Step Ladder use..

    I got given a new wooden stepladder a couple of years ago (one of the engineers in work bought it but they made him get rid because it didn't comply with H&S regs). Never knew what to do with it...
    I got given a new wooden stepladder a couple of years ago (one of the engineers in work bought it but they made him get rid because it didn't comply with H&S regs). Never knew what to do with it until now so thanks Marley :blue thumb:
    I got given a new wooden stepladder a couple of years ago (one of the engineers in work bought it but they made him get rid because it didn't comply with H&S regs). Never knew what to do with it until now so thanks Marley :blue thumb:
    I got given a new wooden stepladder a couple of years ago (one of the engineers in work bought it but they made him get rid because it didn't comply with H&S regs). Never knew what to do with it...
  15. adamsh

    First visit to the Garden centre this year

    They also have the most amazing fragrance (if you choose the right ones). I have some out the front. They keep coming back in greater numbers every year. Definitely worth having. I'm glad you...
    They also have the most amazing fragrance (if you choose the right ones). I have some out the front. They keep coming back in greater numbers every year. Definitely worth having. I'm glad you reminded me of these because I'm at the stage of planning for this year, for parts that are as yet very...
    They also have the most amazing fragrance (if you choose the right ones). I have some out the front. They keep coming back in greater numbers every year. Definitely worth having. I'm glad you reminded me of these because I'm at the stage of...
    They also have the most amazing fragrance (if you choose the right ones). I have some out the front. They keep coming back in greater numbers every year. Definitely worth having. I'm glad you...
  16. Yan Kuna

    FEW Questions for Urban Growers.

    share opinion. Please do so. Thank you
    share opinion. Please do so. Thank you
    share opinion. Please do so. Thank you
    share opinion. Please do so. Thank you
  17. silu

    Which shrub to move?

    I'm just in from the garden (hurt everywhere!) and have made up my mind I have to move either a Camellia (Anticipation) or an Euonymus Alatus . Not keen on pruning at the best of times but just to...
    I'm just in from the garden (hurt everywhere!) and have made up my mind I have to move either a Camellia (Anticipation) or an Euonymus Alatus . Not keen on pruning at the best of times but just to reduce a shrub's size is not something I like to do as I'm lucky enough to have huge amounts of...
    I'm just in from the garden (hurt everywhere!) and have made up my mind I have to move either a Camellia (Anticipation) or an Euonymus Alatus . Not keen on pruning at the best of times but just to reduce a shrub's size is not something I like to...
    I'm just in from the garden (hurt everywhere!) and have made up my mind I have to move either a Camellia (Anticipation) or an Euonymus Alatus . Not keen on pruning at the best of times but just to...
  18. BastLoki

    Litmus test crocuses?

    I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this - I planted crocuses in all my beds last year, and now they've come up and begun to bloom I noticed something funny.The ones in the...
    I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this - I planted crocuses in all my beds last year, and now they've come up and begun to bloom I noticed something funny.The ones in the alkaline/neutral bed have all come up yellow underneath my viburnum, and the ones in the ericaceous bed...
    I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this - I planted crocuses in all my beds last year, and now they've come up and begun to bloom I noticed something funny.The ones in the alkaline/neutral bed have all come up yellow...
    I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this - I planted crocuses in all my beds last year, and now they've come up and begun to bloom I noticed something funny.The ones in the...
  19. Val..

    Where do you buy planters?

    I always make attractive, painted timber surrounds for cheapo plastic window boxes, so the same could be done for planters, but plastic planters should be coated in acrylic paint to decorate.
    I always make attractive, painted timber surrounds for cheapo plastic window boxes, so the same could be done for planters, but plastic planters should be coated in acrylic paint to decorate.
    I always make attractive, painted timber surrounds for cheapo plastic window boxes, so the same could be done for planters, but plastic planters should be coated in acrylic paint to decorate.
    I always make attractive, painted timber surrounds for cheapo plastic window boxes, so the same could be done for planters, but plastic planters should be coated in acrylic paint to decorate.
  20. kindredspirit

    Inkarho Rododendrons.

    The thing is....soil texture is just as much a factor as acidity, but books rarely mention that! Rhodies, camellias, hydrangeas...they've all got fibrous root systems that need a friable, even...
    The thing is....soil texture is just as much a factor as acidity, but books rarely mention that! Rhodies, camellias, hydrangeas...they've all got fibrous root systems that need a friable, even sandy, soil to do well. That's why they do well in a pot of peat-based compost, even if not...
    The thing is....soil texture is just as much a factor as acidity, but books rarely mention that! Rhodies, camellias, hydrangeas...they've all got fibrous root systems that need a friable, even sandy, soil to do well. That's why they do well in a...
    The thing is....soil texture is just as much a factor as acidity, but books rarely mention that! Rhodies, camellias, hydrangeas...they've all got fibrous root systems that need a friable, even...

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