General Gardening Discussion

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  1. flower-power

    is everyone's garden really squelchy???

    All gardens on heavy soil should have drains IMO. If we got cold weather, now, with really wet ground then lots of plants would suffer - cold & wet feed is bad news. Those areas of my garden...
    All gardens on heavy soil should have drains IMO. If we got cold weather, now, with really wet ground then lots of plants would suffer - cold & wet feed is bad news. Those areas of my garden where I have good land drains perform so much better than the ones that don't.
    All gardens on heavy soil should have drains IMO. If we got cold weather, now, with really wet ground then lots of plants would suffer - cold & wet feed is bad news. Those areas of my garden where I have good land drains perform so much better...
    All gardens on heavy soil should have drains IMO. If we got cold weather, now, with really wet ground then lots of plants would suffer - cold & wet feed is bad news. Those areas of my garden...
  2. SamTheOldGoat

    What shall I place in this south facing corner? Apple cordon etc?

    Two of the cordons have arrived and they look like BEAUTIFUL specimens, already 7 foot tall and very healthy.One final question (hopefully!), if anyone can help, I'm going to have one at the...
    Two of the cordons have arrived and they look like BEAUTIFUL specimens, already 7 foot tall and very healthy.One final question (hopefully!), if anyone can help, I'm going to have one at the back and three coming down the side wall, What should I have at the rear and along the side and should...
    Two of the cordons have arrived and they look like BEAUTIFUL specimens, already 7 foot tall and very healthy.One final question (hopefully!), if anyone can help, I'm going to have one at the back and three coming down the side wall, What should...
    Two of the cordons have arrived and they look like BEAUTIFUL specimens, already 7 foot tall and very healthy.One final question (hopefully!), if anyone can help, I'm going to have one at the...
  3. Lilac Pixie


    Yes, at least a little bit. Don't just dump more soil on top as you have to find the actual, not suspected, cause of the waterlogging. Dig down and see if there's any detritus (not the troll)...
    Yes, at least a little bit. Don't just dump more soil on top as you have to find the actual, not suspected, cause of the waterlogging. Dig down and see if there's any detritus (not the troll) under there or if it's just really compacted from football games. What types of soil do you have? Does a...
    Yes, at least a little bit. Don't just dump more soil on top as you have to find the actual, not suspected, cause of the waterlogging. Dig down and see if there's any detritus (not the troll) under there or if it's just really compacted from...
    Yes, at least a little bit. Don't just dump more soil on top as you have to find the actual, not suspected, cause of the waterlogging. Dig down and see if there's any detritus (not the troll)...
  4. liliana

    seed enhancing fluid(Gibberellic acid)

    I have read (Dave of HTUK) that hot water causes the air in the seed, under the seed cost, to expand - and be expelled - and as the temperature reduces the seed contracts and "sucks in" water,...
    I have read (Dave of HTUK) that hot water causes the air in the seed, under the seed cost, to expand - and be expelled - and as the temperature reduces the seed contracts and "sucks in" water, kick-starting germination.I've also see a recommendation to put the seeds in some water in a pump up...
    I have read (Dave of HTUK) that hot water causes the air in the seed, under the seed cost, to expand - and be expelled - and as the temperature reduces the seed contracts and "sucks in" water, kick-starting germination.I've also see a...
    I have read (Dave of HTUK) that hot water causes the air in the seed, under the seed cost, to expand - and be expelled - and as the temperature reduces the seed contracts and "sucks in" water,...


    Thanks annie, no rainbow colors, but bulbs are coming up so hopefully feb will be a bit differentSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Thanks annie, no rainbow colors, but bulbs are coming up so hopefully feb will be a bit differentSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Thanks annie, no rainbow colors, but bulbs are coming up so hopefully feb will be a bit differentSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Thanks annie, no rainbow colors, but bulbs are coming up so hopefully feb will be a bit differentSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. flower-power

    tiny, sloping front garden questions about gravel /rocks

    Thank you Harry.
    Thank you Harry.
    Thank you Harry.
    Thank you Harry.
  7. pamsdish


    I wiil pop them into pots as already have Kwanso that needs thinning out.
    I wiil pop them into pots as already have Kwanso that needs thinning out.
    I wiil pop them into pots as already have Kwanso that needs thinning out.
    I wiil pop them into pots as already have Kwanso that needs thinning out.
  8. Sheal

    Eremurus x Isabellinus (Foxtail Lilies)

    Well, the mound of sand isn't going to be an issue, I garden on sand only being 200 yards from the beach. :) For your info, 12 seeds at £2.Thanks for the encouragement, tomorrow they'll be under...
    Well, the mound of sand isn't going to be an issue, I garden on sand only being 200 yards from the beach. :) For your info, 12 seeds at £2.Thanks for the encouragement, tomorrow they'll be under way albeit slowly. :)
    Well, the mound of sand isn't going to be an issue, I garden on sand only being 200 yards from the beach. :) For your info, 12 seeds at £2.Thanks for the encouragement, tomorrow they'll be under way albeit slowly. :)
    Well, the mound of sand isn't going to be an issue, I garden on sand only being 200 yards from the beach. :) For your info, 12 seeds at £2.Thanks for the encouragement, tomorrow they'll be under...
  9. pamsdish
    Like x 4


    I can understand if one uses a twig or branch from an oleander bush as a skewer, however the Namibian hard wood used for BBQs are from big trees and normally sold in small "logs". I don't think...
    I can understand if one uses a twig or branch from an oleander bush as a skewer, however the Namibian hard wood used for BBQs are from big trees and normally sold in small "logs". I don't think the oleander and the Namibian hardwood are related.
    I can understand if one uses a twig or branch from an oleander bush as a skewer, however the Namibian hard wood used for BBQs are from big trees and normally sold in small "logs". I don't think the oleander and the Namibian hardwood are related.
    I can understand if one uses a twig or branch from an oleander bush as a skewer, however the Namibian hard wood used for BBQs are from big trees and normally sold in small "logs". I don't think...
  10. bobiscuit

    Advice for new-build garden

    I'd go further. Make sure they take it away, and dig the garden in places to check they haven't just buried it. Whether you just want the whole thing as lawn, or want some flower beds (either now...
    I'd go further. Make sure they take it away, and dig the garden in places to check they haven't just buried it. Whether you just want the whole thing as lawn, or want some flower beds (either now or at any time in the future) they just won't grow properly if there is all sorts of builders...
    I'd go further. Make sure they take it away, and dig the garden in places to check they haven't just buried it. Whether you just want the whole thing as lawn, or want some flower beds (either now or at any time in the future) they just won't...
    I'd go further. Make sure they take it away, and dig the garden in places to check they haven't just buried it. Whether you just want the whole thing as lawn, or want some flower beds (either now...
  11. Orchids

    Vinegar for weeds?

    But that will kill the lawn as well Harry.
    But that will kill the lawn as well Harry.
    But that will kill the lawn as well Harry.
    But that will kill the lawn as well Harry.
  12. Derbyshire

    Shops - when do they start gardening goods?

    Can I urge people who are planning to buy a fruit tree to consider that it:Is a variety you like to eat Is on a suitable rootstock for how you want to grow it - either a dwarfing rootstock if...
    Can I urge people who are planning to buy a fruit tree to consider that it:Is a variety you like to eat Is on a suitable rootstock for how you want to grow it - either a dwarfing rootstock if you want to grow it in a container, or something more vigorous if you will grow it on a wall /...
    Can I urge people who are planning to buy a fruit tree to consider that it:Is a variety you like to eat Is on a suitable rootstock for how you want to grow it - either a dwarfing rootstock if you want to grow it in a container, or something...
    Can I urge people who are planning to buy a fruit tree to consider that it:Is a variety you like to eat Is on a suitable rootstock for how you want to grow it - either a dwarfing rootstock if...
  13. Kristen

    RHS Free Seed List - November 2012 - !! ORDER NOW !!

    My RHS seeds arrived this morning :)
    My RHS seeds arrived this morning :)
    My RHS seeds arrived this morning :)
    My RHS seeds arrived this morning :)
  14. mrtibbs
    Funny x 4

    Unhappy postman

    My postman is pretty decent - he knows most parcels are 'delicate' so leaves them hidden behind the pillar next to the door.That's a lot of catalogues though!
    My postman is pretty decent - he knows most parcels are 'delicate' so leaves them hidden behind the pillar next to the door.That's a lot of catalogues though!
    My postman is pretty decent - he knows most parcels are 'delicate' so leaves them hidden behind the pillar next to the door.That's a lot of catalogues though!
    My postman is pretty decent - he knows most parcels are 'delicate' so leaves them hidden behind the pillar next to the door.That's a lot of catalogues though!
  15. al n
    Like x 14

    Local community centre garden, asked ME to create!

    Well, yes. Yes it is...
    Well, yes. Yes it is...
    Well, yes. Yes it is...
    Well, yes. Yes it is...
  16. ennnceee

    Where my ivy was...

    I might forget them, then...Thanks all.
    I might forget them, then...Thanks all.
    I might forget them, then...Thanks all.
    I might forget them, then...Thanks all.
  17. Jungle Jane

    Advice On Planting Barerooted Trees and Shrubs

    Bare rooted needs to be planted as soon as possible. You shouldn't plant if the ground is waterlogged or frozen and that's when potting or healing in is required. You also heal in if immediate...
    Bare rooted needs to be planted as soon as possible. You shouldn't plant if the ground is waterlogged or frozen and that's when potting or healing in is required. You also heal in if immediate planting is to be delayed by any length of time. If it's windy then stake the tree but it needs to be...
    Bare rooted needs to be planted as soon as possible. You shouldn't plant if the ground is waterlogged or frozen and that's when potting or healing in is required. You also heal in if immediate planting is to be delayed by any length of time. If...
    Bare rooted needs to be planted as soon as possible. You shouldn't plant if the ground is waterlogged or frozen and that's when potting or healing in is required. You also heal in if immediate...
  18. WillieBee

    Hoop Cloches ... where can I get metal hoop ?

    Geoff Hamilton used always be going on about his cloches made from blue water pipe with dowel pushed in the end. That must be nearly 30yrs ago.
    Geoff Hamilton used always be going on about his cloches made from blue water pipe with dowel pushed in the end. That must be nearly 30yrs ago.
    Geoff Hamilton used always be going on about his cloches made from blue water pipe with dowel pushed in the end. That must be nearly 30yrs ago.
    Geoff Hamilton used always be going on about his cloches made from blue water pipe with dowel pushed in the end. That must be nearly 30yrs ago.
  19. Lolimac

    forget me nots

    Hi Sian...the 'pups' are big lads now....and they have actually learn't to run round the plants instead of through them and the lawn is holding up too:blue's just the chickens i need to train a...
    Hi Sian...the 'pups' are big lads now....and they have actually learn't to run round the plants instead of through them and the lawn is holding up too:blue's just the chickens i need to train a bit better:chicken::rolleyespink:
    Hi Sian...the 'pups' are big lads now....and they have actually learn't to run round the plants instead of through them and the lawn is holding up too:blue's just the chickens i need to train a bit better:chicken::rolleyespink:
    Hi Sian...the 'pups' are big lads now....and they have actually learn't to run round the plants instead of through them and the lawn is holding up too:blue's just the chickens i need to train a...
  20. shiney
    Like x 6

    Germinating Seeds Quickly

    Very good point. :blue thumb:
    Very good point. :blue thumb:
    Very good point. :blue thumb:
    Very good point. :blue thumb:

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