General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Fat Controller

    Curious - what do you think is going on here

    It is - only in EU though I think, so Spuds you buy, if grown abroad, might well have been treated with Gramoxone to dessicate the haulms before harvest which, speaking for myself, I think is a...
    It is - only in EU though I think, so Spuds you buy, if grown abroad, might well have been treated with Gramoxone to dessicate the haulms before harvest which, speaking for myself, I think is a worry. (We are growing main crop spuds this year, for first time in many years, to avoid that worry;...
    It is - only in EU though I think, so Spuds you buy, if grown abroad, might well have been treated with Gramoxone to dessicate the haulms before harvest which, speaking for myself, I think is a worry. (We are growing main crop spuds this year,...
    It is - only in EU though I think, so Spuds you buy, if grown abroad, might well have been treated with Gramoxone to dessicate the haulms before harvest which, speaking for myself, I think is a...
  2. Fat Controller

    Phygelius Capensis

    Thanks all :) - the area I have planned for it is in dappled shade, and it will only really have some primula viallii to compete with - if it wants to be a thug, it is more than welcome. At the...
    Thanks all :) - the area I have planned for it is in dappled shade, and it will only really have some primula viallii to compete with - if it wants to be a thug, it is more than welcome. At the moment, its just a wee tiddler in a pot, so it will be quite a while before its anywhere near being a...
    Thanks all :) - the area I have planned for it is in dappled shade, and it will only really have some primula viallii to compete with - if it wants to be a thug, it is more than welcome. At the moment, its just a wee tiddler in a pot, so it will...
    Thanks all :) - the area I have planned for it is in dappled shade, and it will only really have some primula viallii to compete with - if it wants to be a thug, it is more than welcome. At the...
  3. liliana

    cicoria v.castelfranco

    As I understand it you usually have to blanch chickory to stop it becoming bitter. But not sure on this one.
    As I understand it you usually have to blanch chickory to stop it becoming bitter. But not sure on this one.
    As I understand it you usually have to blanch chickory to stop it becoming bitter. But not sure on this one.
    As I understand it you usually have to blanch chickory to stop it becoming bitter. But not sure on this one.
  4. Ian Taylor

    sowing advice about Orchid seeds

    Thats great thanks, will be sterilising compost this weekend, will use seed compost
    Thats great thanks, will be sterilising compost this weekend, will use seed compost
    Thats great thanks, will be sterilising compost this weekend, will use seed compost
    Thats great thanks, will be sterilising compost this weekend, will use seed compost
  5. Fat Controller

    Dahlia tubers

    I'll check that when I cut them - they don't feel hollow, but I suppose there is no way to tell.
    I'll check that when I cut them - they don't feel hollow, but I suppose there is no way to tell.
    I'll check that when I cut them - they don't feel hollow, but I suppose there is no way to tell.
    I'll check that when I cut them - they don't feel hollow, but I suppose there is no way to tell.
  6. jack101

    gardening advice plant choices

    I have a good neighbouring farmer who has supplied me with grass seed cheaply so maybe I was a bit optimistic re the up to date price of seed. Still, you don't need to spend a fortune on grass...
    I have a good neighbouring farmer who has supplied me with grass seed cheaply so maybe I was a bit optimistic re the up to date price of seed. Still, you don't need to spend a fortune on grass seed unless you are envisaging a bowling green type lawn. As the poster lives in Scotland as I do the...
    I have a good neighbouring farmer who has supplied me with grass seed cheaply so maybe I was a bit optimistic re the up to date price of seed. Still, you don't need to spend a fortune on grass seed unless you are envisaging a bowling green type...
    I have a good neighbouring farmer who has supplied me with grass seed cheaply so maybe I was a bit optimistic re the up to date price of seed. Still, you don't need to spend a fortune on grass...
  7. Webmaster

    So ... The Postman has been ....

    I grow those, and some "Tender and True" too. Gladiator grow a bit bigger, so you should be fine.I put scaffolders debris netting over mine. Perhaps you could blag some from a building site...
    I grow those, and some "Tender and True" too. Gladiator grow a bit bigger, so you should be fine.I put scaffolders debris netting over mine. Perhaps you could blag some from a building site nearby (better you wait until they have finished with it though?!! They usually chuck it after a job...
    I grow those, and some "Tender and True" too. Gladiator grow a bit bigger, so you should be fine.I put scaffolders debris netting over mine. Perhaps you could blag some from a building site nearby (better you wait until they have finished...
    I grow those, and some "Tender and True" too. Gladiator grow a bit bigger, so you should be fine.I put scaffolders debris netting over mine. Perhaps you could blag some from a building site...
  8. lakeside


    Oh yes, Clue's right, we had this one a while back, I forgot:doh:Rich said that forums haven't had spellcheckers for years now, as they take up too many resources
    Oh yes, Clue's right, we had this one a while back, I forgot:doh:Rich said that forums haven't had spellcheckers for years now, as they take up too many resources
    Oh yes, Clue's right, we had this one a while back, I forgot:doh:Rich said that forums haven't had spellcheckers for years now, as they take up too many resources
    Oh yes, Clue's right, we had this one a while back, I forgot:doh:Rich said that forums haven't had spellcheckers for years now, as they take up too many resources
  9. Derbyshire

    Quick tall growing flowering plants for the summer bed please?

    If you are digging it out underneath track down Alstromeria psittacina..........................The tubers need to be planted under the planter so that it comes up through it. Fully hardy...
    If you are digging it out underneath track down Alstromeria psittacina..........................The tubers need to be planted under the planter so that it comes up through it. Fully hardy and multiplies readily for me. It grows up to a metre or more.
    If you are digging it out underneath track down Alstromeria psittacina..........................The tubers need to be planted under the planter so that it comes up through it. Fully hardy and multiplies readily for me. It grows up to a...
    If you are digging it out underneath track down Alstromeria psittacina..........................The tubers need to be planted under the planter so that it comes up through it. Fully hardy...
  10. Derbyshire

    Bold & Bright colours in the garden

    I think it was a reference to this post earlier:
    I think it was a reference to this post earlier:
    I think it was a reference to this post earlier:
    I think it was a reference to this post earlier:
  11. trogre

    Fuchsia Gennii

    I have still got roses with leaves on and new shoots too, due to the mild weather so far! :)
    I have still got roses with leaves on and new shoots too, due to the mild weather so far! :)
    I have still got roses with leaves on and new shoots too, due to the mild weather so far! :)
    I have still got roses with leaves on and new shoots too, due to the mild weather so far! :)
  12. Posey

    Preparing a new bed

    And the grit is important, too, as it improves the drainage permanently whereas organic matter disappears with time. As much grit and sharp sand as you can get hold of!
    And the grit is important, too, as it improves the drainage permanently whereas organic matter disappears with time. As much grit and sharp sand as you can get hold of!
    And the grit is important, too, as it improves the drainage permanently whereas organic matter disappears with time. As much grit and sharp sand as you can get hold of!
    And the grit is important, too, as it improves the drainage permanently whereas organic matter disappears with time. As much grit and sharp sand as you can get hold of!
  13. silu

    Do you have a Victor Melrew moments when gardening?

    Oh ar, that'll be them contractual roots I've heard of.
    Oh ar, that'll be them contractual roots I've heard of.
    Oh ar, that'll be them contractual roots I've heard of.
    Oh ar, that'll be them contractual roots I've heard of.
  14. Gay Gardener

    T&M spring catalogue warning

    Bit bright by any chance? :snork:
    Bit bright by any chance? :snork:
    Bit bright by any chance? :snork:
    Bit bright by any chance? :snork:
  15. Derbyshire

    Just £5 for nice planter from B&M Stores

    It was only earlier today that I realised some B&M stores have 'garden centres' - anybody found/use one?
    It was only earlier today that I realised some B&M stores have 'garden centres' - anybody found/use one?
    It was only earlier today that I realised some B&M stores have 'garden centres' - anybody found/use one?
    It was only earlier today that I realised some B&M stores have 'garden centres' - anybody found/use one?
  16. Sargan

    Green Manure

    It is Caliente.
    It is Caliente.
    It is Caliente.
    It is Caliente.
  17. Derbyshire

    Yucca - will it survive outdoors?

    As pete says the usual house plant yucca is Y elephantipies and generally this is not that hardy. But in London, if planted in a sheltered spot then it may well be ok. But with the snow and cold...
    As pete says the usual house plant yucca is Y elephantipies and generally this is not that hardy. But in London, if planted in a sheltered spot then it may well be ok. But with the snow and cold of recent winters it may well be a gonner.
    As pete says the usual house plant yucca is Y elephantipies and generally this is not that hardy. But in London, if planted in a sheltered spot then it may well be ok. But with the snow and cold of recent winters it may well be a gonner.
    As pete says the usual house plant yucca is Y elephantipies and generally this is not that hardy. But in London, if planted in a sheltered spot then it may well be ok. But with the snow and cold...
  18. _Evelyn_

    Can anybody recommend me a fast growing shrub please?

    Clitoria ternata and Hymenocallis are out then ...... reminds me of my Great Aunt who used to ask for "Chest of Chicken" for Sunday lunch ...
    Clitoria ternata and Hymenocallis are out then ...... reminds me of my Great Aunt who used to ask for "Chest of Chicken" for Sunday lunch ...
    Clitoria ternata and Hymenocallis are out then ...... reminds me of my Great Aunt who used to ask for "Chest of Chicken" for Sunday lunch ...
    Clitoria ternata and Hymenocallis are out then ...... reminds me of my Great Aunt who used to ask for "Chest of Chicken" for Sunday lunch ...
  19. PeterS
    Like x 5

    Tender plant jottings

    Hopefully its fixed ... however (sorry!) ... temperature here climbed overnight by several degrees, if it did that up your way that might have reduced the chance of condensation for you...
    Hopefully its fixed ... however (sorry!) ... temperature here climbed overnight by several degrees, if it did that up your way that might have reduced the chance of condensation for you too?Although given you pulled 2L out of the air that sounds promising. Particularly given your earlier...
    Hopefully its fixed ... however (sorry!) ... temperature here climbed overnight by several degrees, if it did that up your way that might have reduced the chance of condensation for you too?Although given you pulled 2L out of the air that...
    Hopefully its fixed ... however (sorry!) ... temperature here climbed overnight by several degrees, if it did that up your way that might have reduced the chance of condensation for you...
  20. Kristen

    Tell me about Orchids pls ...

    Half of them are only 10cm pots, but they are nice big healthy plants. The other half are 1L - 1.5L ish. Well pleased with them :)
    Half of them are only 10cm pots, but they are nice big healthy plants. The other half are 1L - 1.5L ish. Well pleased with them :)
    Half of them are only 10cm pots, but they are nice big healthy plants. The other half are 1L - 1.5L ish. Well pleased with them :)
    Half of them are only 10cm pots, but they are nice big healthy plants. The other half are 1L - 1.5L ish. Well pleased with them :)

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