General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Fat Controller

    Planting scheme advice please

    Basically Oriental Trumpet Lilies "re-badged"
    Basically Oriental Trumpet Lilies "re-badged"
    Basically Oriental Trumpet Lilies "re-badged"
    Basically Oriental Trumpet Lilies "re-badged"
  2. Derbyshire
    Like x 6

    Small Courtyard within a medium sized garden

    looking intimate and delightful D...:wub2: Jenny
    looking intimate and delightful D...:wub2: Jenny
    looking intimate and delightful D...:wub2: Jenny
    looking intimate and delightful D...:wub2: Jenny
  3. Derbyshire

    Replace rotten log roll borders with new railway sleepers - difficult?

    1 layer is fine, but if you want to put the sleeper "on edge" you may have to anchor it - as it won't be as stable. I drilled mine (you need a LONG drill bit!) and knocked some rebar through, and...
    1 layer is fine, but if you want to put the sleeper "on edge" you may have to anchor it - as it won't be as stable. I drilled mine (you need a LONG drill bit!) and knocked some rebar through, and a couple of feet into the ground below. I have mine stacked 3-high I think, and just held in place...
    1 layer is fine, but if you want to put the sleeper "on edge" you may have to anchor it - as it won't be as stable. I drilled mine (you need a LONG drill bit!) and knocked some rebar through, and a couple of feet into the ground below. I have...
    1 layer is fine, but if you want to put the sleeper "on edge" you may have to anchor it - as it won't be as stable. I drilled mine (you need a LONG drill bit!) and knocked some rebar through, and...
    Informative x 7


    I don't think it's a "suggestion", Clueless:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    I don't think it's a "suggestion", Clueless:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    I don't think it's a "suggestion", Clueless:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    I don't think it's a "suggestion", Clueless:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  5. xNattyx

    To keep in pots or put in garden?

    ok i will keep them in their pots i think all will need repotting. When i do in spring shall i add a little rotted manure in aswell as they probably be kept in their pots till end of the year! ...
    ok i will keep them in their pots i think all will need repotting. When i do in spring shall i add a little rotted manure in aswell as they probably be kept in their pots till end of the year! Shame as im going miss all the growing season and got to fight the urge not to buy any plants or sow...
    ok i will keep them in their pots i think all will need repotting. When i do in spring shall i add a little rotted manure in aswell as they probably be kept in their pots till end of the year! Shame as im going miss all the growing season and...
    ok i will keep them in their pots i think all will need repotting. When i do in spring shall i add a little rotted manure in aswell as they probably be kept in their pots till end of the year! ...
  6. kindredspirit

    Arid section under glazed pergola.

    That looks really good.....:blue thumb:
    That looks really good.....:blue thumb:
    That looks really good.....:blue thumb:
    That looks really good.....:blue thumb:
  7. Derbyshire

    Which frost protection - Jute, Hay or any other?

    PS. are you going to keep it in a pot???
    PS. are you going to keep it in a pot???
    PS. are you going to keep it in a pot???
    PS. are you going to keep it in a pot???
  8. day dreamer

    Cutting back penstemons

    really easy as a member on here sent me some cutting @Scotkat material through the post. You need about 4 inches long , nip the top out to make it break buds all along its length strip off the...
    really easy as a member on here sent me some cutting @Scotkat material through the post. You need about 4 inches long , nip the top out to make it break buds all along its length strip off the bottom leaves about a two inches , place around the edge of a pot and put in a clear plastic bag ,...
    really easy as a member on here sent me some cutting @Scotkat material through the post. You need about 4 inches long , nip the top out to make it break buds all along its length strip off the bottom leaves about a two inches , place around...
    really easy as a member on here sent me some cutting @Scotkat material through the post. You need about 4 inches long , nip the top out to make it break buds all along its length strip off the...
  9. Derbyshire

    Turn lawn garden into cottage garden?

    Loads ... Onions, Garlic, Asparagus, Lupins, Aconites ...
    Loads ... Onions, Garlic, Asparagus, Lupins, Aconites ...
    Loads ... Onions, Garlic, Asparagus, Lupins, Aconites ...
    Loads ... Onions, Garlic, Asparagus, Lupins, Aconites ...
  10. Derbyshire

    Paulownia Tomentosa - when to plant out & success with seeds?

    I don't think its necessary. They re hardy. If the plants are very small, and have not been acclimatised to being outside then "maybe", otherwise I very much doubt it - and you may encourage...
    I don't think its necessary. They re hardy. If the plants are very small, and have not been acclimatised to being outside then "maybe", otherwise I very much doubt it - and you may encourage them to be cosy and start into leaf early.If we get some bitterly cold weather (below -5C say, or if...
    I don't think its necessary. They re hardy. If the plants are very small, and have not been acclimatised to being outside then "maybe", otherwise I very much doubt it - and you may encourage them to be cosy and start into leaf early.If we get...
    I don't think its necessary. They re hardy. If the plants are very small, and have not been acclimatised to being outside then "maybe", otherwise I very much doubt it - and you may encourage...
  11. Derbyshire

    Ebay - Anyone sells their extra plants on Ebay?

    I sold "collect only" chilli plants a couple of years ago - they were already in 1.5 litre pots so there was no way I could post them (although some people messaged and asked if I could). Didnt...
    I sold "collect only" chilli plants a couple of years ago - they were already in 1.5 litre pots so there was no way I could post them (although some people messaged and asked if I could). Didnt get too many bids - but they did sell - and a couple of people come back to buy every year privately.S
    I sold "collect only" chilli plants a couple of years ago - they were already in 1.5 litre pots so there was no way I could post them (although some people messaged and asked if I could). Didnt get too many bids - but they did sell - and a...
    I sold "collect only" chilli plants a couple of years ago - they were already in 1.5 litre pots so there was no way I could post them (although some people messaged and asked if I could). Didnt...
  12. Fat Controller

    Will these be viable?

    I would give them a go, seeds when purchased have a use by date of 2 years or more.:fingers crossed:
    I would give them a go, seeds when purchased have a use by date of 2 years or more.:fingers crossed:
    I would give them a go, seeds when purchased have a use by date of 2 years or more.:fingers crossed:
    I would give them a go, seeds when purchased have a use by date of 2 years or more.:fingers crossed:
  13. rosietutu


    Oh Thank You, That is just what I wanted to know, Will get some tomoorow altho better wait until it stops raining for it gets diluted !
    Oh Thank You, That is just what I wanted to know, Will get some tomoorow altho better wait until it stops raining for it gets diluted !
    Oh Thank You, That is just what I wanted to know, Will get some tomoorow altho better wait until it stops raining for it gets diluted !
    Oh Thank You, That is just what I wanted to know, Will get some tomoorow altho better wait until it stops raining for it gets diluted !
  14. stephenprudence
    Like x 7

    Sefton Park Palmhouse and some exotic friends

    They are Ringneck Parrakeets Stephen and seen in many parts of the country now.
    They are Ringneck Parrakeets Stephen and seen in many parts of the country now.
    They are Ringneck Parrakeets Stephen and seen in many parts of the country now.
    They are Ringneck Parrakeets Stephen and seen in many parts of the country now.
  15. Fat Controller

    Its on its way....

    well cold is on it's way, but the increased light levels, and suns heat make it feel much better than say, November.
    well cold is on it's way, but the increased light levels, and suns heat make it feel much better than say, November.
    well cold is on it's way, but the increased light levels, and suns heat make it feel much better than say, November.
    well cold is on it's way, but the increased light levels, and suns heat make it feel much better than say, November.
  16. Gay Gardener
    Like x 3

    Sink and barrow

    Why not cover the sink with some small hole mesh & them cover that with Hypertufa the mesh will hold the mix..I think it is wonderful stuff.. I was going to do some last year but didn't get...
    Why not cover the sink with some small hole mesh & them cover that with Hypertufa the mesh will hold the mix..I think it is wonderful stuff.. I was going to do some last year but didn't get round to it.. Hopefully this year though.. :blue thumb:
    Why not cover the sink with some small hole mesh & them cover that with Hypertufa the mesh will hold the mix..I think it is wonderful stuff.. I was going to do some last year but didn't get round to it.. Hopefully this year though.. :blue thumb:
    Why not cover the sink with some small hole mesh & them cover that with Hypertufa the mesh will hold the mix..I think it is wonderful stuff.. I was going to do some last year but didn't get...
  17. Kayleigh
    Like x 7

    I'm getting impatient! :P

    I think we all start getting restless about now. I will be out there at the slightest provocation now. :)
    I think we all start getting restless about now. I will be out there at the slightest provocation now. :)
    I think we all start getting restless about now. I will be out there at the slightest provocation now. :)
    I think we all start getting restless about now. I will be out there at the slightest provocation now. :)
  18. Lorea

    Sickly cotinus leaves

    Thanks noisette. I try to be as ecological as possible, so I'm not really into spraying things with artificial chemicals and up to now I haven't needed to (attitudes have changed a lot here over...
    Thanks noisette. I try to be as ecological as possible, so I'm not really into spraying things with artificial chemicals and up to now I haven't needed to (attitudes have changed a lot here over the last few years - there are more and more council owned organic allotments and people are becoming...
    Thanks noisette. I try to be as ecological as possible, so I'm not really into spraying things with artificial chemicals and up to now I haven't needed to (attitudes have changed a lot here over the last few years - there are more and more...
    Thanks noisette. I try to be as ecological as possible, so I'm not really into spraying things with artificial chemicals and up to now I haven't needed to (attitudes have changed a lot here over...
  19. adamsh

    After some advice :)

    That is easily rectified with bulbs and tubers. Colchicum Cyclamen Crocus Iris reticulata etc, etc, etcCheck this out......................RHS Plants and Flowers bookIt is divided into...
    That is easily rectified with bulbs and tubers. Colchicum Cyclamen Crocus Iris reticulata etc, etc, etcCheck this out......................RHS Plants and Flowers bookIt is divided into sections - trees, shrubs, bulbs, herbaceous perennials etc. Each of these sections is divided up into...
    That is easily rectified with bulbs and tubers. Colchicum Cyclamen Crocus Iris reticulata etc, etc, etcCheck this out......................RHS Plants and Flowers bookIt is divided into sections - trees, shrubs, bulbs, herbaceous perennials...
    That is easily rectified with bulbs and tubers. Colchicum Cyclamen Crocus Iris reticulata etc, etc, etcCheck this out......................RHS Plants and Flowers bookIt is divided into...
  20. Loofah

    UK bread and cereal bars contaminated with glyphosate

    Natural news is clearly a conspiracy setup. In my honest opinion I believe 99% of conspiracy sites are operated by the government or huge corporations with a vested interest in spreading...
    Natural news is clearly a conspiracy setup. In my honest opinion I believe 99% of conspiracy sites are operated by the government or huge corporations with a vested interest in spreading misinformation and the owner of natural news according to what I have just read worked for (and probably...
    Natural news is clearly a conspiracy setup. In my honest opinion I believe 99% of conspiracy sites are operated by the government or huge corporations with a vested interest in spreading misinformation and the owner of natural news according to...
    Natural news is clearly a conspiracy setup. In my honest opinion I believe 99% of conspiracy sites are operated by the government or huge corporations with a vested interest in spreading...

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