General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Ian Taylor
    Like x 4


    Here's a good link for anyone who wants to explore Digitalis...................They sell seeds as well as plants.
    Here's a good link for anyone who wants to explore Digitalis...................They sell seeds as well as plants.
    Here's a good link for anyone who wants to explore Digitalis...................They sell seeds as well as plants.
    Here's a good link for anyone who wants to explore Digitalis...................They sell seeds as well as plants.
  2. Craig1987

    Cottage garden fused with tropical

    I grow Leonotis nepetifolia and Cleome (both from seed). They don't race away whist in pots, but do get a wiggle on when planted out, but I never plant them out until June, maybe even 14th June,...
    I grow Leonotis nepetifolia and Cleome (both from seed). They don't race away whist in pots, but do get a wiggle on when planted out, but I never plant them out until June, maybe even 14th June, thus they avoid the cold nights typical of May.In my case its "coz I didn't get around to it" more...
    I grow Leonotis nepetifolia and Cleome (both from seed). They don't race away whist in pots, but do get a wiggle on when planted out, but I never plant them out until June, maybe even 14th June, thus they avoid the cold nights typical of May.In...
    I grow Leonotis nepetifolia and Cleome (both from seed). They don't race away whist in pots, but do get a wiggle on when planted out, but I never plant them out until June, maybe even 14th June,...
  3. Madahhlia

    Keeping stuff alive in the arctic blasts

    Problem I have with CFLs, used for plant lighting, is that you mount them horizontally and put a reflector above them then half the light goes into the middle of the tube arrangement, so has quite...
    Problem I have with CFLs, used for plant lighting, is that you mount them horizontally and put a reflector above them then half the light goes into the middle of the tube arrangement, so has quite a lot of distance to travel to either bump into another tube, or then eventually reflect from the...
    Problem I have with CFLs, used for plant lighting, is that you mount them horizontally and put a reflector above them then half the light goes into the middle of the tube arrangement, so has quite a lot of distance to travel to either bump into...
    Problem I have with CFLs, used for plant lighting, is that you mount them horizontally and put a reflector above them then half the light goes into the middle of the tube arrangement, so has quite...
  4. Dave W

    OK own up now, and we'll say no more about it .

    They should put crocodiles in the water and rattlesnakes in the foliage. :dancy:
    They should put crocodiles in the water and rattlesnakes in the foliage. :dancy:
    They should put crocodiles in the water and rattlesnakes in the foliage. :dancy:
    They should put crocodiles in the water and rattlesnakes in the foliage. :dancy:
  5. Professor Green

    killing ivy roots around apple tree

    Hi Professor Green,Hope I'm not too late with my reply here.What you've done in severing the ivy is more than suitable for controlling the problem. Roots of plants that grow in proximity to...
    Hi Professor Green,Hope I'm not too late with my reply here.What you've done in severing the ivy is more than suitable for controlling the problem. Roots of plants that grow in proximity to one another can sometimes fuse or graft together, meaning that what affects the one can affect the...
    Hi Professor Green,Hope I'm not too late with my reply here.What you've done in severing the ivy is more than suitable for controlling the problem. Roots of plants that grow in proximity to one another can sometimes fuse or graft together,...
    Hi Professor Green,Hope I'm not too late with my reply here.What you've done in severing the ivy is more than suitable for controlling the problem. Roots of plants that grow in proximity to...
  6. Sirius


    No they will be ok, they will just be later flowering than normal.
    No they will be ok, they will just be later flowering than normal.
    No they will be ok, they will just be later flowering than normal.
    No they will be ok, they will just be later flowering than normal.
  7. silu

    Anything as good as Roundup?

    Oh dear, I seem to have nasty stuff made by evil Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate 360 5 Litre Weedkiller Herbicide manufactured by Monsanto
    Oh dear, I seem to have nasty stuff made by evil Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate 360 5 Litre Weedkiller Herbicide manufactured by Monsanto
    Oh dear, I seem to have nasty stuff made by evil Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate 360 5 Litre Weedkiller Herbicide manufactured by Monsanto
    Oh dear, I seem to have nasty stuff made by evil Monsanto Amenity Glyphosate 360 5 Litre Weedkiller Herbicide manufactured by Monsanto
    monsanto.jpg monsanto.jpg
  8. Bilbo675
    Like x 4

    Done a Little Work in the Garden

    Nice one Bilob :)Just a thought, how about ridging and furrowing the potato patch so that you can get a catch crop of lettuce on the ridges before you earth the spuds up ? If you do it now the...
    Nice one Bilob :)Just a thought, how about ridging and furrowing the potato patch so that you can get a catch crop of lettuce on the ridges before you earth the spuds up ? If you do it now the ridges will drain & drier soil warms up better :)
    Nice one Bilob :)Just a thought, how about ridging and furrowing the potato patch so that you can get a catch crop of lettuce on the ridges before you earth the spuds up ? If you do it now the ridges will drain & drier soil warms up better :)
    Nice one Bilob :)Just a thought, how about ridging and furrowing the potato patch so that you can get a catch crop of lettuce on the ridges before you earth the spuds up ? If you do it now the...
  9. rosietutu


    You soil is definitely suitable then! Yes, I would agree with the Pedigree comparison. Best to grow varieties known to be Good Do'ers :)
    You soil is definitely suitable then! Yes, I would agree with the Pedigree comparison. Best to grow varieties known to be Good Do'ers :)
    You soil is definitely suitable then! Yes, I would agree with the Pedigree comparison. Best to grow varieties known to be Good Do'ers :)
    You soil is definitely suitable then! Yes, I would agree with the Pedigree comparison. Best to grow varieties known to be Good Do'ers :)
  10. stephenprudence

    Tuberous Begonia question

    Worth a punt then I reckon :)
    Worth a punt then I reckon :)
    Worth a punt then I reckon :)
    Worth a punt then I reckon :)
  11. DIY-Dave

    Walled lawn area drainage question

    Thank you Kristen. Now I can start with by scaled drawings and then start the hard work of building it. I took a chance and bought the bricks (500) over the weekend plus some timber for the bench...
    Thank you Kristen. Now I can start with by scaled drawings and then start the hard work of building it. I took a chance and bought the bricks (500) over the weekend plus some timber for the bench and the two verticals. I reckon 500 bricks are far too many but they were going for a good price and...
    Thank you Kristen. Now I can start with by scaled drawings and then start the hard work of building it. I took a chance and bought the bricks (500) over the weekend plus some timber for the bench and the two verticals. I reckon 500 bricks are far...
    Thank you Kristen. Now I can start with by scaled drawings and then start the hard work of building it. I took a chance and bought the bricks (500) over the weekend plus some timber for the bench...
  12. Phil A

    Turn the Volume Down

    Its Mr Nice but a bit loud again :biggrin:
    Its Mr Nice but a bit loud again :biggrin:
    Its Mr Nice but a bit loud again :biggrin:
    Its Mr Nice but a bit loud again :biggrin:
  13. David G

    Too Late to Rotovate

    You could rough dig it now - particularly beneficial if your soil is clay. And then rotavate in the Spring. That won't be any help if you have a bad back etc. though ...Either way "when it...
    You could rough dig it now - particularly beneficial if your soil is clay. And then rotavate in the Spring. That won't be any help if you have a bad back etc. though ...Either way "when it doesn't stick to your boots" is a good time :)
    You could rough dig it now - particularly beneficial if your soil is clay. And then rotavate in the Spring. That won't be any help if you have a bad back etc. though ...Either way "when it doesn't stick to your boots" is a good time :)
    You could rough dig it now - particularly beneficial if your soil is clay. And then rotavate in the Spring. That won't be any help if you have a bad back etc. though ...Either way "when it...
  14. stephenprudence

    Question regarding Bay Laurel

    A few days ago I was on a walk nearby and noticed on a heathland that near some rocks a Bay laurel seedling was growing. The seed had been deposited last summer by the looks of it but the plant...
    A few days ago I was on a walk nearby and noticed on a heathland that near some rocks a Bay laurel seedling was growing. The seed had been deposited last summer by the looks of it but the plant was growing fast. The question is, is there any documentation of Bay laurel naturalising in Britain in...
    A few days ago I was on a walk nearby and noticed on a heathland that near some rocks a Bay laurel seedling was growing. The seed had been deposited last summer by the looks of it but the plant was growing fast. The question is, is there any...
    A few days ago I was on a walk nearby and noticed on a heathland that near some rocks a Bay laurel seedling was growing. The seed had been deposited last summer by the looks of it but the plant...
  15. redstar

    Redstar' Gardens ---Closed new thread

    Just found out the adm. closed my thread. My heart hurts. No warning. no nothing. no reason. Well, I know I do not own anything here. Whatever.
    Just found out the adm. closed my thread. My heart hurts. No warning. no nothing. no reason. Well, I know I do not own anything here. Whatever.
    Just found out the adm. closed my thread. My heart hurts. No warning. no nothing. no reason. Well, I know I do not own anything here. Whatever.
    Just found out the adm. closed my thread. My heart hurts. No warning. no nothing. no reason. Well, I know I do not own anything here. Whatever.
  16. stephenprudence

    Mandevilla splendens

    I may as well update this now, to my surprise a planted Sundaville, is still going under the sheltered area, we got down to +1C under there this morning (by far the lowest of the season), and it...
    I may as well update this now, to my surprise a planted Sundaville, is still going under the sheltered area, we got down to +1C under there this morning (by far the lowest of the season), and it looks in great shape! Certainly against the expectation that it dies down at 10C!
    I may as well update this now, to my surprise a planted Sundaville, is still going under the sheltered area, we got down to +1C under there this morning (by far the lowest of the season), and it looks in great shape! Certainly against the...
    I may as well update this now, to my surprise a planted Sundaville, is still going under the sheltered area, we got down to +1C under there this morning (by far the lowest of the season), and it...
  17. Ian Taylor

    As anyone used this nursery

    ive noticed :ccheers:
    ive noticed :ccheers:
    ive noticed :ccheers:
    ive noticed :ccheers:
  18. Scrungee
    Like x 3

    50 Seed Saving enveloppes 10p @ Tesco

    Yes (found some more)
    Yes (found some more)
    Yes (found some more)
    Yes (found some more)
    seed packets.jpg clip strip.jpg seed packets2.jpg
  19. primulas

    Tulip bulbs..

    And if you don't plant them they will be dead by next year :(If you don't think they will come to much (because the bulbs have shrunk, for example) then perhaps put them in a spot where they...
    And if you don't plant them they will be dead by next year :(If you don't think they will come to much (because the bulbs have shrunk, for example) then perhaps put them in a spot where they won't be too noticeable, and then let them flower for a year or two until they bulk up a bit.
    And if you don't plant them they will be dead by next year :(If you don't think they will come to much (because the bulbs have shrunk, for example) then perhaps put them in a spot where they won't be too noticeable, and then let them flower for...
    And if you don't plant them they will be dead by next year :(If you don't think they will come to much (because the bulbs have shrunk, for example) then perhaps put them in a spot where they...
  20. Craig1987

    Buying bulbs

    Snowdrops must never dry out, so those that you see in packets in the stores are probably dead, or severely set back. I've bought tired packets the money the 50% off sales started and only 50% of...
    Snowdrops must never dry out, so those that you see in packets in the stores are probably dead, or severely set back. I've bought tired packets the money the 50% off sales started and only 50% of them made it, so that wasn't worth it ... If you are buying cheap for long term that may be OK, but...
    Snowdrops must never dry out, so those that you see in packets in the stores are probably dead, or severely set back. I've bought tired packets the money the 50% off sales started and only 50% of them made it, so that wasn't worth it ... If you...
    Snowdrops must never dry out, so those that you see in packets in the stores are probably dead, or severely set back. I've bought tired packets the money the 50% off sales started and only 50% of...

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