General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Steve R

    GC Pumpkin Carving challenge - Poll Vote

    nfrostRichard 360LolimacJWKSteve R Vote for your favourite carved pumpkin here, anyone can vote and it will run for 48 hours, so will auto close early Monday morning....
    nfrostRichard 360LolimacJWKSteve R Vote for your favourite carved pumpkin here, anyone can vote and it will run for 48 hours, so will auto close early Monday morning. This is just for prizes. Steve...:)
    nfrostRichard 360LolimacJWKSteve R Vote for your favourite carved pumpkin here, anyone can vote and it will run for 48 hours, so will auto close early Monday morning. This is just for prizes. Steve...:)
    nfrostRichard 360LolimacJWKSteve R Vote for your favourite carved pumpkin here, anyone can vote and it will run for 48 hours, so will auto close early Monday morning....
  2. Phil A
    Like x 3

    Fancy a good Lay anyone?

    Nope - no way - never. I am not posting a picture of my tool, no matter how trusty (or rusty) it happens to be :runforhills:
    Nope - no way - never. I am not posting a picture of my tool, no matter how trusty (or rusty) it happens to be :runforhills:
    Nope - no way - never. I am not posting a picture of my tool, no matter how trusty (or rusty) it happens to be :runforhills:
    Nope - no way - never. I am not posting a picture of my tool, no matter how trusty (or rusty) it happens to be :runforhills:
  3. Kristen

    What's Looking Good In October 2013

    Doh! Only looked at the seeds :heehee:, the leaves look like Euonymous ... now that I actually look!!
    Doh! Only looked at the seeds :heehee:, the leaves look like Euonymous ... now that I actually look!!
    Doh! Only looked at the seeds :heehee:, the leaves look like Euonymous ... now that I actually look!!
    Doh! Only looked at the seeds :heehee:, the leaves look like Euonymous ... now that I actually look!!
  4. Phil A


    Love the way they take it so seriously. 'Holy make love to citizens, people could be dead!!'EDIT: lol, I love our swear filter
    Love the way they take it so seriously. 'Holy make love to citizens, people could be dead!!'EDIT: lol, I love our swear filter
    Love the way they take it so seriously. 'Holy make love to citizens, people could be dead!!'EDIT: lol, I love our swear filter
    Love the way they take it so seriously. 'Holy make love to citizens, people could be dead!!'EDIT: lol, I love our swear filter
  5. rustyroots

    Dark border.

    Loved the "Happy Days" dahlia Loli. I'll look out for that one next year, Jenny
    Loved the "Happy Days" dahlia Loli. I'll look out for that one next year, Jenny
    Loved the "Happy Days" dahlia Loli. I'll look out for that one next year, Jenny
    Loved the "Happy Days" dahlia Loli. I'll look out for that one next year, Jenny
  6. jolly

    Hedge cutting survey

    Completed the survey for you, let us know your findings :blue thumb:
    Completed the survey for you, let us know your findings :blue thumb:
    Completed the survey for you, let us know your findings :blue thumb:
    Completed the survey for you, let us know your findings :blue thumb:
  7. Phil A
    Like x 11


    Mine never had time to go moldy, it was a joy just watching the tits feeding on the sunflowers 10 plants gone in a week
    Mine never had time to go moldy, it was a joy just watching the tits feeding on the sunflowers 10 plants gone in a week
    Mine never had time to go moldy, it was a joy just watching the tits feeding on the sunflowers 10 plants gone in a week
    Mine never had time to go moldy, it was a joy just watching the tits feeding on the sunflowers 10 plants gone in a week
  8. "M"

    Autumnal "Beginners"

    There's no such thing! I.foetidissima are beautiful and are subtly variable from seed producing some gems!:)
    There's no such thing! I.foetidissima are beautiful and are subtly variable from seed producing some gems!:)
    There's no such thing! I.foetidissima are beautiful and are subtly variable from seed producing some gems!:)
    There's no such thing! I.foetidissima are beautiful and are subtly variable from seed producing some gems!:)
  9. whis4ey
    Like x 8

    The lonely statue

    She's lovely :)
    She's lovely :)
    She's lovely :)
    She's lovely :)
  10. sal73

    Overwintering ideas please

    Ok, thanks, will look into that.
    Ok, thanks, will look into that.
    Ok, thanks, will look into that.
    Ok, thanks, will look into that.
  11. Benzombie

    Shed/fence treatment

    I use Cuprinol Ducks Back and a lot of DIY places offer a BOGOF so it can work out quite cheap and whilst it might not be cheap, its one of the best on the market.There was another post about...
    I use Cuprinol Ducks Back and a lot of DIY places offer a BOGOF so it can work out quite cheap and whilst it might not be cheap, its one of the best on the market.There was another post about this a little while ago.
    I use Cuprinol Ducks Back and a lot of DIY places offer a BOGOF so it can work out quite cheap and whilst it might not be cheap, its one of the best on the market.There was another post about this a little while ago.
    I use Cuprinol Ducks Back and a lot of DIY places offer a BOGOF so it can work out quite cheap and whilst it might not be cheap, its one of the best on the market.There was another post about...
  12. Kristen

    Label Printer

    Well I got this out this morning to print off a label and found that I have actually forgotten how to use it :doh:so if you get one try to use it often!!!Val
    Well I got this out this morning to print off a label and found that I have actually forgotten how to use it :doh:so if you get one try to use it often!!!Val
    Well I got this out this morning to print off a label and found that I have actually forgotten how to use it :doh:so if you get one try to use it often!!!Val
    Well I got this out this morning to print off a label and found that I have actually forgotten how to use it :doh:so if you get one try to use it often!!!Val
  13. whis4ey
    Like x 9

    The Gunnera dies

    Just this last week the leaves on mine have started to sag,I must make time and cut it down for the winter.It's done very well for a two year old and should be quite interesting next year. This...
    Just this last week the leaves on mine have started to sag,I must make time and cut it down for the winter.It's done very well for a two year old and should be quite interesting next year. This was it mid year...I've moved surrounding plants now to give it more was planted over a...
    Just this last week the leaves on mine have started to sag,I must make time and cut it down for the winter.It's done very well for a two year old and should be quite interesting next year. This was it mid year...I've moved surrounding plants now...
    Just this last week the leaves on mine have started to sag,I must make time and cut it down for the winter.It's done very well for a two year old and should be quite interesting next year. This...
  14. green-arrow

    What has happened to my Dogwood?

    One of my dogwoods has done this already. It does it every year and comes back without a problem.
    One of my dogwoods has done this already. It does it every year and comes back without a problem.
    One of my dogwoods has done this already. It does it every year and comes back without a problem.
    One of my dogwoods has done this already. It does it every year and comes back without a problem.
  15. Benzombie

    Bears breaches a non-starter this year

    We had 2 clumps. One was too invasive so we tried digging it out but any bit of root would start to regrow so we resorted to weed killer to try to get rid of it. Thought we'd succeeded but noticed...
    We had 2 clumps. One was too invasive so we tried digging it out but any bit of root would start to regrow so we resorted to weed killer to try to get rid of it. Thought we'd succeeded but noticed a bit of leaf poking out amongst the delphiniums during the summer.:wallbanging:The other is on the north...
    We had 2 clumps. One was too invasive so we tried digging it out but any bit of root would start to regrow so we resorted to weed killer to try to get rid of it. Thought we'd succeeded but noticed a bit of leaf poking out amongst the delphiniums...
    We had 2 clumps. One was too invasive so we tried digging it out but any bit of root would start to regrow so we resorted to weed killer to try to get rid of it. Thought we'd succeeded but noticed...
  16. Trunky
    Like x 3

    Is it just me......

    Madness is not a recent thing though.As far back as about 2 millenia ago, there was a chap who everyone thought he was his own father and his own son and a right good spirit too, and some people...
    Madness is not a recent thing though.As far back as about 2 millenia ago, there was a chap who everyone thought he was his own father and his own son and a right good spirit too, and some people wrote some articles about him and before you know it everyone believed it, and people started...
    Madness is not a recent thing though.As far back as about 2 millenia ago, there was a chap who everyone thought he was his own father and his own son and a right good spirit too, and some people wrote some articles about him and before you know...
    Madness is not a recent thing though.As far back as about 2 millenia ago, there was a chap who everyone thought he was his own father and his own son and a right good spirit too, and some people...
  17. Hairy Gardener

    Crocosmia 'Lucifer' question

    Oh I know what these flowers are! Learning already... ours have been murdered by the chickens this year. By accident of course but they trample down their hefty big leaves. Didn't occur to me...
    Oh I know what these flowers are! Learning already... ours have been murdered by the chickens this year. By accident of course but they trample down their hefty big leaves. Didn't occur to me to shift. Might just do that. Thanks for the inadvertent tip...
    Oh I know what these flowers are! Learning already... ours have been murdered by the chickens this year. By accident of course but they trample down their hefty big leaves. Didn't occur to me to shift. Might just do that. Thanks for the...
    Oh I know what these flowers are! Learning already... ours have been murdered by the chickens this year. By accident of course but they trample down their hefty big leaves. Didn't occur to me...
  18. Jenny namaste

    Fuchsia from Aunt Rosie's garden

    They are around here!
    They are around here!
    They are around here!
    They are around here!
  19. ennnceee

    Pruning - what, where and when?

    Thanks, both.
    Thanks, both.
    Thanks, both.
    Thanks, both.
  20. Loofah
    Informative x 4


    Round this way the recycling vehicle used to head off for 'some sort of private liaison' whilst the other operative would collect all the recyclables then get on his phone to the rubbish truck and...
    Round this way the recycling vehicle used to head off for 'some sort of private liaison' whilst the other operative would collect all the recyclables then get on his phone to the rubbish truck and he'd chuck it all in there to go into landfill and then hang around until the recycling vehicle...
    Round this way the recycling vehicle used to head off for 'some sort of private liaison' whilst the other operative would collect all the recyclables then get on his phone to the rubbish truck and he'd chuck it all in there to go into landfill...
    Round this way the recycling vehicle used to head off for 'some sort of private liaison' whilst the other operative would collect all the recyclables then get on his phone to the rubbish truck and...

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