General Gardening Discussion

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  1. 1eyedjack

    Orchid won’t flower

    For epiphytic orchids that is certainly true! Most Dendrobium species are indeed epiphytic, but the reason that D.phalaenopsis and D.nobile have been so heavily hybridised and are so widely sold...
    For epiphytic orchids that is certainly true! Most Dendrobium species are indeed epiphytic, but the reason that D.phalaenopsis and D.nobile have been so heavily hybridised and are so widely sold is that they are so tolerant that they also grow as terrestrial plants in the wild.
    For epiphytic orchids that is certainly true! Most Dendrobium species are indeed epiphytic, but the reason that D.phalaenopsis and D.nobile have been so heavily hybridised and are so widely sold is that they are so tolerant that they also grow as...
    For epiphytic orchids that is certainly true! Most Dendrobium species are indeed epiphytic, but the reason that D.phalaenopsis and D.nobile have been so heavily hybridised and are so widely sold...
  2. Madahhlia

    Over-wintering echiums

    E candicans is in my opinion more tender than E pininana, which stands a chance in mild winters. Never got candicans or wildpretii through a winter outside, but only tried both once.:)
    E candicans is in my opinion more tender than E pininana, which stands a chance in mild winters. Never got candicans or wildpretii through a winter outside, but only tried both once.:)
    E candicans is in my opinion more tender than E pininana, which stands a chance in mild winters. Never got candicans or wildpretii through a winter outside, but only tried both once.:)
    E candicans is in my opinion more tender than E pininana, which stands a chance in mild winters. Never got candicans or wildpretii through a winter outside, but only tried both once.:)
  3. AndrewBarratt
    Like x 3

    What can we do in October

    I thought the same Andrew and planted some aquadulce broadbean a couple of weeks ago also going to try some pea douce provence once it dries up enough Just got to keep ontop of the slug pellets...
    I thought the same Andrew and planted some aquadulce broadbean a couple of weeks ago also going to try some pea douce provence once it dries up enough Just got to keep ontop of the slug pellets or I will never seem them
    I thought the same Andrew and planted some aquadulce broadbean a couple of weeks ago also going to try some pea douce provence once it dries up enough Just got to keep ontop of the slug pellets or I will never seem them
    I thought the same Andrew and planted some aquadulce broadbean a couple of weeks ago also going to try some pea douce provence once it dries up enough Just got to keep ontop of the slug pellets...
  4. Bilbo675
    Like x 9

    Stumbled On A Great Bargain Today

    If you're ever down this way I'm sure we can arrange a shopping trip :biggrin: :)
    If you're ever down this way I'm sure we can arrange a shopping trip :biggrin: :)
    If you're ever down this way I'm sure we can arrange a shopping trip :biggrin: :)
    If you're ever down this way I'm sure we can arrange a shopping trip :biggrin: :)
  5. Lorea

    Moving Heleniums

    Thanks for that Pete - that was the reason for my dilemma. We had pretty cold night time temperatures of around 4ºC last week, with frost at the weekend, but we're back to minimums of 11/12ºC this...
    Thanks for that Pete - that was the reason for my dilemma. We had pretty cold night time temperatures of around 4ºC last week, with frost at the weekend, but we're back to minimums of 11/12ºC this week. I'm on heavy clay which can get pretty soaked during the winter.
    Thanks for that Pete - that was the reason for my dilemma. We had pretty cold night time temperatures of around 4ºC last week, with frost at the weekend, but we're back to minimums of 11/12ºC this week. I'm on heavy clay which can get pretty...
    Thanks for that Pete - that was the reason for my dilemma. We had pretty cold night time temperatures of around 4ºC last week, with frost at the weekend, but we're back to minimums of 11/12ºC this...
  6. newpotato


    Thank you noisette, I know nothing about lilies, so probably would have got the wrong ones :)
    Thank you noisette, I know nothing about lilies, so probably would have got the wrong ones :)
    Thank you noisette, I know nothing about lilies, so probably would have got the wrong ones :)
    Thank you noisette, I know nothing about lilies, so probably would have got the wrong ones :)
  7. WillieBee

    5 x 8 ft canes for 25p at Wilkinsons

    Seems a very good price to me too, will have to pop in and stock up :dbgrtmb:
    Seems a very good price to me too, will have to pop in and stock up :dbgrtmb:
    Seems a very good price to me too, will have to pop in and stock up :dbgrtmb:
    Seems a very good price to me too, will have to pop in and stock up :dbgrtmb:
  8. WillieBee

    Has anybody here used a line level ?

    I'm guessing OK for an approximate leveling job. Never used one but guess it has to be dead centre on the line. Used a water level years ago, similar to Jiffy's idea, but now laser levels are...
    I'm guessing OK for an approximate leveling job. Never used one but guess it has to be dead centre on the line. Used a water level years ago, similar to Jiffy's idea, but now laser levels are fairly cheap for basic jobs.
    I'm guessing OK for an approximate leveling job. Never used one but guess it has to be dead centre on the line. Used a water level years ago, similar to Jiffy's idea, but now laser levels are fairly cheap for basic jobs.
    I'm guessing OK for an approximate leveling job. Never used one but guess it has to be dead centre on the line. Used a water level years ago, similar to Jiffy's idea, but now laser levels are...
  9. LordAlwold

    Rocks/Paving Slabs/Bricks etc underground

    Cheers for the 'heads up' Mr Clueless! A very useful site...:dbgrtmb:
    Cheers for the 'heads up' Mr Clueless! A very useful site...:dbgrtmb:
    Cheers for the 'heads up' Mr Clueless! A very useful site...:dbgrtmb:
    Cheers for the 'heads up' Mr Clueless! A very useful site...:dbgrtmb:
  10. Philip Hughes


    Of course Alliums are easy to divide. :thud: Anyway, I also love all types of them. But the smaller ones can remind you of wild onions (which need pulling) So for me the smaller ones have to have...
    Of course Alliums are easy to divide. :thud: Anyway, I also love all types of them. But the smaller ones can remind you of wild onions (which need pulling) So for me the smaller ones have to have some type of defined circle area, or spot that I can know that is them in the late spring when they...
    Of course Alliums are easy to divide. :thud: Anyway, I also love all types of them. But the smaller ones can remind you of wild onions (which need pulling) So for me the smaller ones have to have some type of defined circle area, or spot that I...
    Of course Alliums are easy to divide. :thud: Anyway, I also love all types of them. But the smaller ones can remind you of wild onions (which need pulling) So for me the smaller ones have to have...
  11. moonraker
    Like x 3

    Every garden/patio even yard should!

    It's certainly standing the test of time and BBQs:)
    It's certainly standing the test of time and BBQs:)
    It's certainly standing the test of time and BBQs:)
    It's certainly standing the test of time and BBQs:)
  12. RobertE

    Problem with English Ivy

    Holly goes one step further, it takes energy to produce the prickles, so its worked out that cows can only reach upto about 8 foot, above that it produces leaves without prickles as they don't...
    Holly goes one step further, it takes energy to produce the prickles, so its worked out that cows can only reach upto about 8 foot, above that it produces leaves without prickles as they don't need protection from grazing animals.
    Holly goes one step further, it takes energy to produce the prickles, so its worked out that cows can only reach upto about 8 foot, above that it produces leaves without prickles as they don't need protection from grazing animals.
    Holly goes one step further, it takes energy to produce the prickles, so its worked out that cows can only reach upto about 8 foot, above that it produces leaves without prickles as they don't...
  13. Monsclara

    Is this a good time to plant out a Camellia?

    One other thing - about location/aspect. I think west/south facing is suggested because of frost on east facing? I'm really tight for space, but I do have a spot which is east facing, but well...
    One other thing - about location/aspect. I think west/south facing is suggested because of frost on east facing? I'm really tight for space, but I do have a spot which is east facing, but well sheltered by black bamboo (pic attached). Would this be too cold? Thanks
    One other thing - about location/aspect. I think west/south facing is suggested because of frost on east facing? I'm really tight for space, but I do have a spot which is east facing, but well sheltered by black bamboo (pic attached). Would this...
    One other thing - about location/aspect. I think west/south facing is suggested because of frost on east facing? I'm really tight for space, but I do have a spot which is east facing, but well...
    IMG_20131012_144704.jpg IMG_20131012_160410.jpg
  14. rustyroots

    Garden Journal.

    I was given one years ago and filled it with notes and plans for the garden in UK. Very useful for jogging the memory, and no electricity required, although I did get through a few erasers:)
    I was given one years ago and filled it with notes and plans for the garden in UK. Very useful for jogging the memory, and no electricity required, although I did get through a few erasers:)
    I was given one years ago and filled it with notes and plans for the garden in UK. Very useful for jogging the memory, and no electricity required, although I did get through a few erasers:)
    I was given one years ago and filled it with notes and plans for the garden in UK. Very useful for jogging the memory, and no electricity required, although I did get through a few erasers:)
  15. mowgley

    Urban jungle

    Got email response from them.Hi Sean, It's impossible to say from the photo if the Canna has virus or is clean. As I said, they are fresh stock from US so even if they had picked up a virus this...
    Got email response from them.Hi Sean, It's impossible to say from the photo if the Canna has virus or is clean. As I said, they are fresh stock from US so even if they had picked up a virus this year it wouldn't be showing yet. I think lots of people see a defect or odd colouration on a leaf...
    Got email response from them.Hi Sean, It's impossible to say from the photo if the Canna has virus or is clean. As I said, they are fresh stock from US so even if they had picked up a virus this year it wouldn't be showing yet. I think lots...
    Got email response from them.Hi Sean, It's impossible to say from the photo if the Canna has virus or is clean. As I said, they are fresh stock from US so even if they had picked up a virus this...
  16. silu
    Like x 17

    Nature always beats our attempts at beauty

    stunning :wow: most beautiful pearl necklace you'll ever see :dbgrtmb:
    stunning :wow: most beautiful pearl necklace you'll ever see :dbgrtmb:
    stunning :wow: most beautiful pearl necklace you'll ever see :dbgrtmb:
    stunning :wow: most beautiful pearl necklace you'll ever see :dbgrtmb:
  17. "M"

    Spring bulbs: planning for 2014

    Thank you for those diagrams, Harry, very helpful indeed! :thumbsup:
    Thank you for those diagrams, Harry, very helpful indeed! :thumbsup:
    Thank you for those diagrams, Harry, very helpful indeed! :thumbsup:
    Thank you for those diagrams, Harry, very helpful indeed! :thumbsup:
  18. WillieBee

    Where's the best place to buy a new shed

    Bought my new shed from Elbec this year and it's a decent shed for the price. Don't buy from Waltons as my previous shed came from there and was utter turd.
    Bought my new shed from Elbec this year and it's a decent shed for the price. Don't buy from Waltons as my previous shed came from there and was utter turd.
    Bought my new shed from Elbec this year and it's a decent shed for the price. Don't buy from Waltons as my previous shed came from there and was utter turd.
    Bought my new shed from Elbec this year and it's a decent shed for the price. Don't buy from Waltons as my previous shed came from there and was utter turd.
  19. LindsayH

    Shed treatment, advice please.

    You haven't said if the wood is rough saw timber / fence like cladding or smooth tongue and groove. This dictates what treatment you can use. If you have a tongue and groove cladded shed then your...
    You haven't said if the wood is rough saw timber / fence like cladding or smooth tongue and groove. This dictates what treatment you can use. If you have a tongue and groove cladded shed then your choices are limited because the water based stuff won't adhere as well to it.
    You haven't said if the wood is rough saw timber / fence like cladding or smooth tongue and groove. This dictates what treatment you can use. If you have a tongue and groove cladded shed then your choices are limited because the water based stuff...
    You haven't said if the wood is rough saw timber / fence like cladding or smooth tongue and groove. This dictates what treatment you can use. If you have a tongue and groove cladded shed then your...
  20. thatfatbloke

    An iffy one this....

    If you accidentally sprayed it .............accidents do happen
    If you accidentally sprayed it .............accidents do happen
    If you accidentally sprayed it .............accidents do happen
    If you accidentally sprayed it .............accidents do happen

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