General Gardening Discussion

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  1. jules doran

    GAPPY HEDGE NEEDS ATTENTION - advice needed please

    Re layering your gaps in the hedge,this is not too hard to do if you go easy ,take a longish branch and slowly lower it to the level across the gap you want to fill,gentle cut through where you...
    Re layering your gaps in the hedge,this is not too hard to do if you go easy ,take a longish branch and slowly lower it to the level across the gap you want to fill,gentle cut through where you want it to lay about half way and fasten it to the ground.It should through up some new shoots from of...
    Re layering your gaps in the hedge,this is not too hard to do if you go easy ,take a longish branch and slowly lower it to the level across the gap you want to fill,gentle cut through where you want it to lay about half way and fasten it to the...
    Re layering your gaps in the hedge,this is not too hard to do if you go easy ,take a longish branch and slowly lower it to the level across the gap you want to fill,gentle cut through where you...
  2. Loofah

    What to do with the border now the tree is gone?

    there is a conifer I saw in one of my garden mags with feathery white touches on it. And I think that mag also featured lots of other interesting types. If I get serious about this project will...
    there is a conifer I saw in one of my garden mags with feathery white touches on it. And I think that mag also featured lots of other interesting types. If I get serious about this project will have to investigate further . But for now this is low on my project list.
    there is a conifer I saw in one of my garden mags with feathery white touches on it. And I think that mag also featured lots of other interesting types. If I get serious about this project will have to investigate further . But for now this...
    there is a conifer I saw in one of my garden mags with feathery white touches on it. And I think that mag also featured lots of other interesting types. If I get serious about this project will...
  3. clueless1

    Garden for 0-3 year old

    Thanks @LindsayH , that's a really nice thing to say:)
    Thanks @LindsayH , that's a really nice thing to say:)
    Thanks @LindsayH , that's a really nice thing to say:)
    Thanks @LindsayH , that's a really nice thing to say:)
  4. Benzombie

    Online plant shop?

    @Benzombie - I see that you're in North Oxon. Head south down to the Good Value Plant Nursery. The name says it all, and not a million miles from you. If you can't find what you want there, then...
    @Benzombie - I see that you're in North Oxon. Head south down to the Good Value Plant Nursery. The name says it all, and not a million miles from you. If you can't find what you want there, then try t'interweb. They have a good shade plant section, and there are a good few ferns hid around the...
    @Benzombie - I see that you're in North Oxon. Head south down to the Good Value Plant Nursery. The name says it all, and not a million miles from you. If you can't find what you want there, then try t'interweb. They have a good shade plant...
    @Benzombie - I see that you're in North Oxon. Head south down to the Good Value Plant Nursery. The name says it all, and not a million miles from you. If you can't find what you want there, then...
  5. Arsenalrule

    Blisters on my hands

    I have blisters on my hands from since I was 16 from plastering, they just turn to scars after awhile and don't really blister anymore.
    I have blisters on my hands from since I was 16 from plastering, they just turn to scars after awhile and don't really blister anymore.
    I have blisters on my hands from since I was 16 from plastering, they just turn to scars after awhile and don't really blister anymore.
    I have blisters on my hands from since I was 16 from plastering, they just turn to scars after awhile and don't really blister anymore.
  6. silu

    Salvia Bulleyana

    I would, as Robin (of Robins Salvias) looks in there from time to time!
    I would, as Robin (of Robins Salvias) looks in there from time to time!
    I would, as Robin (of Robins Salvias) looks in there from time to time!
    I would, as Robin (of Robins Salvias) looks in there from time to time!
  7. wiseowl

    Woos Project

    That looks a good, healthy, green meadow Wiseowl. I hope it performs well for you next year. :)
    That looks a good, healthy, green meadow Wiseowl. I hope it performs well for you next year. :)
    That looks a good, healthy, green meadow Wiseowl. I hope it performs well for you next year. :)
    That looks a good, healthy, green meadow Wiseowl. I hope it performs well for you next year. :)
  8. willow13

    things to plant now

    Indeed. But I suppose for newbies they just think "Pity that didn't grow, I must have done something wrong" ...Personally I think it would be better if the Garden Centre put up a sign...
    Indeed. But I suppose for newbies they just think "Pity that didn't grow, I must have done something wrong" ...Personally I think it would be better if the Garden Centre put up a sign "Requires acid soil, please ask if you don't know what type you have" ... it would restrict sales - and...
    Indeed. But I suppose for newbies they just think "Pity that didn't grow, I must have done something wrong" ...Personally I think it would be better if the Garden Centre put up a sign "Requires acid soil, please ask if you don't know what...
    Indeed. But I suppose for newbies they just think "Pity that didn't grow, I must have done something wrong" ...Personally I think it would be better if the Garden Centre put up a sign...
  9. clueless1

    Keeping the grass out of the borders

    Reorient the bricks - vertical as opposed to horizontal - so they go deeper.
    Reorient the bricks - vertical as opposed to horizontal - so they go deeper.
    Reorient the bricks - vertical as opposed to horizontal - so they go deeper.
    Reorient the bricks - vertical as opposed to horizontal - so they go deeper.
  10. Val..

    Violas in wall pots, will they need protecting?

    I have always been lucky, they seem to put up with the most adverse of conditions and come through with that cheeky grin, they just need a drop of water when it's not freezing.
    I have always been lucky, they seem to put up with the most adverse of conditions and come through with that cheeky grin, they just need a drop of water when it's not freezing.
    I have always been lucky, they seem to put up with the most adverse of conditions and come through with that cheeky grin, they just need a drop of water when it's not freezing.
    I have always been lucky, they seem to put up with the most adverse of conditions and come through with that cheeky grin, they just need a drop of water when it's not freezing.
  11. AndrewBarratt
    Like x 4

    What's Worked and What's Not,

    Not only does he steal them then, he can't even recycle them properly.Needs a revenge hit here.Good call though :snork:
    Not only does he steal them then, he can't even recycle them properly.Needs a revenge hit here.Good call though :snork:
    Not only does he steal them then, he can't even recycle them properly.Needs a revenge hit here.Good call though :snork:
    Not only does he steal them then, he can't even recycle them properly.Needs a revenge hit here.Good call though :snork:
  12. Angelina

    Horticulture and Landscaping Distance Learning: your comments pls!

    Are you able to sit the exams in Bulgaria?
    Are you able to sit the exams in Bulgaria?
    Are you able to sit the exams in Bulgaria?
    Are you able to sit the exams in Bulgaria?
  13. HarryS

    How Do They Do It ?

    We don't have councils here but Parish Commissioners, having said that it's the government that supplies the plants and work force to look after the planting around the island.
    We don't have councils here but Parish Commissioners, having said that it's the government that supplies the plants and work force to look after the planting around the island.
    We don't have councils here but Parish Commissioners, having said that it's the government that supplies the plants and work force to look after the planting around the island.
    We don't have councils here but Parish Commissioners, having said that it's the government that supplies the plants and work force to look after the planting around the island.
  14. Kristen
    Like x 3

    What's Looking Good In September 2013

    How did I miss this post!T.latifolia looks a good'un, and Momoyama is fantastic!
    How did I miss this post!T.latifolia looks a good'un, and Momoyama is fantastic!
    How did I miss this post!T.latifolia looks a good'un, and Momoyama is fantastic!
    How did I miss this post!T.latifolia looks a good'un, and Momoyama is fantastic!
  15. estrella-azul

    Choisya Ternata lost all leaves!

    :biggrin: yes you are right, but sometimes not avoidable as we go away every twelve weeks! Choisya is picking up I think :dbgrtmb: as can see tiny shoots appearing, plus weather changed here and quite damp...
    :biggrin: yes you are right, but sometimes not avoidable as we go away every twelve weeks! Choisya is picking up I think :dbgrtmb: as can see tiny shoots appearing, plus weather changed here and quite damp overnight. Keeping fingers crossed it comes back!
    :biggrin: yes you are right, but sometimes not avoidable as we go away every twelve weeks! Choisya is picking up I think :dbgrtmb: as can see tiny shoots appearing, plus weather changed here and quite damp overnight. Keeping fingers crossed it comes back!
    :biggrin: yes you are right, but sometimes not avoidable as we go away every twelve weeks! Choisya is picking up I think :dbgrtmb: as can see tiny shoots appearing, plus weather changed here and quite damp...
  16. WillieBee

    Can you still buy pelleted seeds

    If you want to thin the seeds out before planting, mix up some wallpaper paste, put them in there and squeeze them out of a jelly bag into the row.Probably still need to thin, but it'll give the...
    If you want to thin the seeds out before planting, mix up some wallpaper paste, put them in there and squeeze them out of a jelly bag into the row.Probably still need to thin, but it'll give the neighbours something to giggle about as they watch you "Icing" your seed bed :)
    If you want to thin the seeds out before planting, mix up some wallpaper paste, put them in there and squeeze them out of a jelly bag into the row.Probably still need to thin, but it'll give the neighbours something to giggle about as they...
    If you want to thin the seeds out before planting, mix up some wallpaper paste, put them in there and squeeze them out of a jelly bag into the row.Probably still need to thin, but it'll give the...
  17. trogre

    Overwintering Lilies

    That may be "cold wet feet" rather than specifically "cold" do you think?
    That may be "cold wet feet" rather than specifically "cold" do you think?
    That may be "cold wet feet" rather than specifically "cold" do you think?
    That may be "cold wet feet" rather than specifically "cold" do you think?
  18. Val..

    Small decorative wood chippings

    I have only seen these in the tops of pots at the garden centres, does anyone know where you can get them? The chips are small, not more than 1" in length.Val
    I have only seen these in the tops of pots at the garden centres, does anyone know where you can get them? The chips are small, not more than 1" in length.Val
    I have only seen these in the tops of pots at the garden centres, does anyone know where you can get them? The chips are small, not more than 1" in length.Val
    I have only seen these in the tops of pots at the garden centres, does anyone know where you can get them? The chips are small, not more than 1" in length.Val
  19. Sigord


    I have it in my garden, I used to wage war against it every summer, pulling it, spraying it and anything else I could think of. Now I live and let live; in my lawns it has no chance due to the...
    I have it in my garden, I used to wage war against it every summer, pulling it, spraying it and anything else I could think of. Now I live and let live; in my lawns it has no chance due to the frequent mowing, in the borders (which are fully planted) I get the odd one poking up. By and large the...
    I have it in my garden, I used to wage war against it every summer, pulling it, spraying it and anything else I could think of. Now I live and let live; in my lawns it has no chance due to the frequent mowing, in the borders (which are fully...
    I have it in my garden, I used to wage war against it every summer, pulling it, spraying it and anything else I could think of. Now I live and let live; in my lawns it has no chance due to the...
  20. Kristen
    Like x 6

    What's Looking Good - Month-by-month Index

    Links to previous "What's Looking Good" monthly threads prior to 20102006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2007 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2008 Jan Feb Mar...
    Links to previous "What's Looking Good" monthly threads prior to 20102006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2007 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2008 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2009 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecFor...
    Links to previous "What's Looking Good" monthly threads prior to 20102006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2007 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2008 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2009 Jan Feb...
    Links to previous "What's Looking Good" monthly threads prior to 20102006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2007 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2008 Jan Feb Mar...

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