General Gardening Discussion

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  1. noksucow

    any ideas

    Possibly Evening Primrose. :)
    Possibly Evening Primrose. :)
    Possibly Evening Primrose. :)
    Possibly Evening Primrose. :)
  2. pamsdish

    New Hanging Baskets

    In my hanging baskets I put in some plugs go Ivy,haven't a clue what type but it grows well and is just individual strands and looks more delicate than the types growing around my walls can I...
    In my hanging baskets I put in some plugs go Ivy,haven't a clue what type but it grows well and is just individual strands and looks more delicate than the types growing around my walls can I clone this easily ?many thanks.
    In my hanging baskets I put in some plugs go Ivy,haven't a clue what type but it grows well and is just individual strands and looks more delicate than the types growing around my walls can I clone this easily ?many thanks.
    In my hanging baskets I put in some plugs go Ivy,haven't a clue what type but it grows well and is just individual strands and looks more delicate than the types growing around my walls can I...
  3. raebhoop

    Propogating in Water

    I tend not to root in water these days as I've found that when moving them to soil/compost the roots have to adapt from pure-water to soil, and I lose some at that point (only due to lack of time...
    I tend not to root in water these days as I've found that when moving them to soil/compost the roots have to adapt from pure-water to soil, and I lose some at that point (only due to lack of time to keep a close eye on them).
    I tend not to root in water these days as I've found that when moving them to soil/compost the roots have to adapt from pure-water to soil, and I lose some at that point (only due to lack of time to keep a close eye on them).
    I tend not to root in water these days as I've found that when moving them to soil/compost the roots have to adapt from pure-water to soil, and I lose some at that point (only due to lack of time...
  4. Greecko

    Morning Glory

    The Convolvulus tricolor are actually small bushy plants and not climbers. I grew them a few years ago but they didn't do I well. Very weak growers for me and seemed to attract every slug in the...
    The Convolvulus tricolor are actually small bushy plants and not climbers. I grew them a few years ago but they didn't do I well. Very weak growers for me and seemed to attract every slug in the UK.The seeds on the right are of Ipomoea purpurea ( Previously Convolvulus Major). They are very...
    The Convolvulus tricolor are actually small bushy plants and not climbers. I grew them a few years ago but they didn't do I well. Very weak growers for me and seemed to attract every slug in the UK.The seeds on the right are of Ipomoea purpurea...
    The Convolvulus tricolor are actually small bushy plants and not climbers. I grew them a few years ago but they didn't do I well. Very weak growers for me and seemed to attract every slug in the...
  5. Phil A

    Great big steaming pile of Human poo

    No, because they also 'heat treat' the seeds there.
    No, because they also 'heat treat' the seeds there.
    No, because they also 'heat treat' the seeds there.
    No, because they also 'heat treat' the seeds there.
  6. whis4ey

    Two colour Hydrangea

    I like it :)
    I like it :)
    I like it :)
    I like it :)
  7. katty


    I' ve never seen this myself. I'd be inclined to peg down the flower head and give it a light covering of soil. Water, stand back and wait.:)
    I' ve never seen this myself. I'd be inclined to peg down the flower head and give it a light covering of soil. Water, stand back and wait.:)
    I' ve never seen this myself. I'd be inclined to peg down the flower head and give it a light covering of soil. Water, stand back and wait.:)
    I' ve never seen this myself. I'd be inclined to peg down the flower head and give it a light covering of soil. Water, stand back and wait.:)
  8. Spruce

    Running out of steam ......

    I'm with you spruce , its time to sit back and enjoy all your work. I think my gardening work really reduces in July . Just a bit of deadheading now :blue thumb: Then again just trimmed all the shrubs and...
    I'm with you spruce , its time to sit back and enjoy all your work. I think my gardening work really reduces in July . Just a bit of deadheading now :blue thumb: Then again just trimmed all the shrubs and reduced a big one by 3 feet but that just once a year. So its garden swing and beer time now !
    I'm with you spruce , its time to sit back and enjoy all your work. I think my gardening work really reduces in July . Just a bit of deadheading now :blue thumb: Then again just trimmed all the shrubs and reduced a big one by 3 feet but that just once a...
    I'm with you spruce , its time to sit back and enjoy all your work. I think my gardening work really reduces in July . Just a bit of deadheading now :blue thumb: Then again just trimmed all the shrubs and...
  9. alana
    Like x 6

    New Tree Seat

    Those photos are identical ... I reckon you Photoshopped your instant-family in? :heehee:Good Job Done :)
    Those photos are identical ... I reckon you Photoshopped your instant-family in? :heehee:Good Job Done :)
    Those photos are identical ... I reckon you Photoshopped your instant-family in? :heehee:Good Job Done :)
    Those photos are identical ... I reckon you Photoshopped your instant-family in? :heehee:Good Job Done :)
  10. sumbody

    Perennial Sweet Peas

    As good a time as any!
    As good a time as any!
    As good a time as any!
    As good a time as any!
  11. Fat Controller

    Seed saving - worthwhile, and how?

    I use old buff envelopes - get plenty of those in the post! I use the big A4 ones for seed heads that I cut with long-ish stems so I can stuff the whole thing in the envelop (whilst the remainder...
    I use old buff envelopes - get plenty of those in the post! I use the big A4 ones for seed heads that I cut with long-ish stems so I can stuff the whole thing in the envelop (whilst the remainder of the stem dries off)
    I use old buff envelopes - get plenty of those in the post! I use the big A4 ones for seed heads that I cut with long-ish stems so I can stuff the whole thing in the envelop (whilst the remainder of the stem dries off)
    I use old buff envelopes - get plenty of those in the post! I use the big A4 ones for seed heads that I cut with long-ish stems so I can stuff the whole thing in the envelop (whilst the remainder...
  12. LindsayH

    A quick update and some questions.

    If you keep a strip clear around the bottom of the hedge (a couple of feet wide at least), mulch it well, and irrigate when dry (I recommend a leaky hose so you can give the plants a good soaking...
    If you keep a strip clear around the bottom of the hedge (a couple of feet wide at least), mulch it well, and irrigate when dry (I recommend a leaky hose so you can give the plants a good soaking each time you irrigate them) then it will put on maximum growth. 3 years should see a decent...
    If you keep a strip clear around the bottom of the hedge (a couple of feet wide at least), mulch it well, and irrigate when dry (I recommend a leaky hose so you can give the plants a good soaking each time you irrigate them) then it will put on...
    If you keep a strip clear around the bottom of the hedge (a couple of feet wide at least), mulch it well, and irrigate when dry (I recommend a leaky hose so you can give the plants a good soaking...
  13. strictlyorganic

    nurserys and garden centers

    Anybody in the Yorkshire area know any decent nurserys and garden centers in the leeds area Thanks
    Anybody in the Yorkshire area know any decent nurserys and garden centers in the leeds area Thanks
    Anybody in the Yorkshire area know any decent nurserys and garden centers in the leeds area Thanks
    Anybody in the Yorkshire area know any decent nurserys and garden centers in the leeds area Thanks
  14. clueless1
    Like x 8

    The ultimate seal of approval

    I've been thinking about that. Its an engineering challenge that I'm still struggling over. Any subterranean affair will need to be very strong with no danger of collapse or flooding. The obvious...
    I've been thinking about that. Its an engineering challenge that I'm still struggling over. Any subterranean affair will need to be very strong with no danger of collapse or flooding. The obvious solution to to build above ground, then turf over it, that way there's no danger of flooding,...
    I've been thinking about that. Its an engineering challenge that I'm still struggling over. Any subterranean affair will need to be very strong with no danger of collapse or flooding. The obvious solution to to build above ground, then turf over...
    I've been thinking about that. Its an engineering challenge that I'm still struggling over. Any subterranean affair will need to be very strong with no danger of collapse or flooding. The obvious...
  15. Polinizator

    Toxic plants

    I never seen a dog eating aconitus napellus. Andorra is a plenty of animals and acónitum, and never was a problem. Only a human can be enough ... to start eating poisonous plants.
    I never seen a dog eating aconitus napellus. Andorra is a plenty of animals and acónitum, and never was a problem. Only a human can be enough ... to start eating poisonous plants.
    I never seen a dog eating aconitus napellus. Andorra is a plenty of animals and acónitum, and never was a problem. Only a human can be enough ... to start eating poisonous plants.
    I never seen a dog eating aconitus napellus. Andorra is a plenty of animals and acónitum, and never was a problem. Only a human can be enough ... to start eating poisonous plants.
  16. Fat Controller

    A few photos...

    Tell Mrs C that she has the "eye" and knows how to wield a camera!!:thumbsup::snork:
    Tell Mrs C that she has the "eye" and knows how to wield a camera!!:thumbsup::snork:
    Tell Mrs C that she has the "eye" and knows how to wield a camera!!:thumbsup::snork:
    Tell Mrs C that she has the "eye" and knows how to wield a camera!!:thumbsup::snork:
  17. Val..

    Rhapsody in Blue or Blue for You

    You're welcome Val. :)
    You're welcome Val. :)
    You're welcome Val. :)
    You're welcome Val. :)
  18. liliana
    Like x 3

    Hooray for Tesco's

    I'm jealous Liliana, we don't get any of those brilliant offers here! :sad:
    I'm jealous Liliana, we don't get any of those brilliant offers here! :sad:
    I'm jealous Liliana, we don't get any of those brilliant offers here! :sad:
    I'm jealous Liliana, we don't get any of those brilliant offers here! :sad:
  19. Daisies

    Disposing of rubble and similar rubbish

    Shame we couldn't get word to him about GC - he would be sure of a welcome here :)
    Shame we couldn't get word to him about GC - he would be sure of a welcome here :)
    Shame we couldn't get word to him about GC - he would be sure of a welcome here :)
    Shame we couldn't get word to him about GC - he would be sure of a welcome here :)
  20. AstroTurf

    Herbs in the ice cube tray

    Perusing the forums for this type info. I have an over abundance of oregano and Basil and needed to start researching how to save for later months. Is freezing preferable to drying them? (Not sure...
    Perusing the forums for this type info. I have an over abundance of oregano and Basil and needed to start researching how to save for later months. Is freezing preferable to drying them? (Not sure how to do that either tho!)Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
    Perusing the forums for this type info. I have an over abundance of oregano and Basil and needed to start researching how to save for later months. Is freezing preferable to drying them? (Not sure how to do that either tho!)Sent from my Kindle...
    Perusing the forums for this type info. I have an over abundance of oregano and Basil and needed to start researching how to save for later months. Is freezing preferable to drying them? (Not sure...

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