General Gardening Discussion

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  1. kkay

    Help with planting new slopes.

    Laurel grows pretty wide, I think you'd find it was a bit too wide (you can cut it as narrow as you like, of course, but the fact that it wants to be wide will work against you :) ) Plenty of...
    Laurel grows pretty wide, I think you'd find it was a bit too wide (you can cut it as narrow as you like, of course, but the fact that it wants to be wide will work against you :) ) Plenty of other evergreen choices though. Yew cannot be beaten for a nice smart clipped hedge, Thuja plicata...
    Laurel grows pretty wide, I think you'd find it was a bit too wide (you can cut it as narrow as you like, of course, but the fact that it wants to be wide will work against you :) ) Plenty of other evergreen choices though. Yew cannot be beaten...
    Laurel grows pretty wide, I think you'd find it was a bit too wide (you can cut it as narrow as you like, of course, but the fact that it wants to be wide will work against you :) ) Plenty of...
  2. Fiona237

    Sad sunflower

    Bombard away. We like chatting on here.
    Bombard away. We like chatting on here.
    Bombard away. We like chatting on here.
    Bombard away. We like chatting on here.
  3. welsh_

    patio slabs

    I agree with Loofah :blue thumb: Builder first.
    I agree with Loofah :blue thumb: Builder first.
    I agree with Loofah :blue thumb: Builder first.
    I agree with Loofah :blue thumb: Builder first.
  4. Val..

    Strange thing concerning slugs!!

    I can see slime trails on what`s left of my dahlias, My hosta are in big tubs and I found 2 snails Wednesday after a cursory look.
    I can see slime trails on what`s left of my dahlias, My hosta are in big tubs and I found 2 snails Wednesday after a cursory look.
    I can see slime trails on what`s left of my dahlias, My hosta are in big tubs and I found 2 snails Wednesday after a cursory look.
    I can see slime trails on what`s left of my dahlias, My hosta are in big tubs and I found 2 snails Wednesday after a cursory look.
  5. Suntree

    Advice on Climbers

    WiseOwl, this rose is stunning. Literally. I am so getting it!!!
    WiseOwl, this rose is stunning. Literally. I am so getting it!!!
    WiseOwl, this rose is stunning. Literally. I am so getting it!!!
    WiseOwl, this rose is stunning. Literally. I am so getting it!!!
  6. JazzSi

    I want one of these

    That made me laugh :heehee:, best not show hubby he'll want one too :hate-shocked:, he'd have great fun on our hilly garden :)
    That made me laugh :heehee:, best not show hubby he'll want one too :hate-shocked:, he'd have great fun on our hilly garden :)
    That made me laugh :heehee:, best not show hubby he'll want one too :hate-shocked:, he'd have great fun on our hilly garden :)
    That made me laugh :heehee:, best not show hubby he'll want one too :hate-shocked:, he'd have great fun on our hilly garden :)
  7. Coolsox


    They are perennial, but from what Pete has said they may need a little extra warmth during winter.Checked on mine last night and I've got the first set of flower buds forming. Probably like Tree...
    They are perennial, but from what Pete has said they may need a little extra warmth during winter.Checked on mine last night and I've got the first set of flower buds forming. Probably like Tree Tomatoes and Pepinos the fruits will take an age to ripen but fingers crossed, if I bring the plant...
    They are perennial, but from what Pete has said they may need a little extra warmth during winter.Checked on mine last night and I've got the first set of flower buds forming. Probably like Tree Tomatoes and Pepinos the fruits will take an age...
    They are perennial, but from what Pete has said they may need a little extra warmth during winter.Checked on mine last night and I've got the first set of flower buds forming. Probably like Tree...
  8. rustyroots

    Standard Fuschias.

    Hiya Rusty. I had a go at creating some standards many years ago, so I can't be sure of the method, so I stand to be corrected:) So, I chose a plant that had a 3 way leaf, as opposed to the usual...
    Hiya Rusty. I had a go at creating some standards many years ago, so I can't be sure of the method, so I stand to be corrected:) So, I chose a plant that had a 3 way leaf, as opposed to the usual 2. This helps to ensure a bushy end product with a good shape. Once the cutting had rooted, it was...
    Hiya Rusty. I had a go at creating some standards many years ago, so I can't be sure of the method, so I stand to be corrected:) So, I chose a plant that had a 3 way leaf, as opposed to the usual 2. This helps to ensure a bushy end product with a...
    Hiya Rusty. I had a go at creating some standards many years ago, so I can't be sure of the method, so I stand to be corrected:) So, I chose a plant that had a 3 way leaf, as opposed to the usual...
  9. Dave W

    Does neem oil solution store?

    Your're right Kristen it's horrible sticky stuff. I'm not keeping it in the sprayer but in a 1 gallon container. I always rinse out the sprayer after use.
    Your're right Kristen it's horrible sticky stuff. I'm not keeping it in the sprayer but in a 1 gallon container. I always rinse out the sprayer after use.
    Your're right Kristen it's horrible sticky stuff. I'm not keeping it in the sprayer but in a 1 gallon container. I always rinse out the sprayer after use.
    Your're right Kristen it's horrible sticky stuff. I'm not keeping it in the sprayer but in a 1 gallon container. I always rinse out the sprayer after use.
  10. clum111

    Lifting & Potting up plants before moving house

    thanks for that idea:)
    thanks for that idea:)
    thanks for that idea:)
    thanks for that idea:)
  11. Val..

    When you've bought too many plants!!

    It's the reason I have over 60 planters in my garden :snork: Wouldn't have anywhere to put my collection otherwise.
    It's the reason I have over 60 planters in my garden :snork: Wouldn't have anywhere to put my collection otherwise.
    It's the reason I have over 60 planters in my garden :snork: Wouldn't have anywhere to put my collection otherwise.
    It's the reason I have over 60 planters in my garden :snork: Wouldn't have anywhere to put my collection otherwise.
  12. Spruce
    Like x 10

    Evening summer amble around Spruce's garden

    I've packed a picnic ... pick you up at, say, "silly o'clock"? :dunno: But keep it a secret :th scifD36: .... don't want to tip Spruce off: it's going to be a surprise! ;)
    I've packed a picnic ... pick you up at, say, "silly o'clock"? :dunno: But keep it a secret :th scifD36: .... don't want to tip Spruce off: it's going to be a surprise! ;)
    I've packed a picnic ... pick you up at, say, "silly o'clock"? :dunno: But keep it a secret :th scifD36: .... don't want to tip Spruce off: it's going to be a surprise! ;)
    I've packed a picnic ... pick you up at, say, "silly o'clock"? :dunno: But keep it a secret :th scifD36: .... don't want to tip Spruce off: it's going to be a surprise! ;)
  13. longk
    Like x 4

    Some people have all the luck..................

    Ah well, it'll just limp along sulkily then.Covered me ass there already!
    Ah well, it'll just limp along sulkily then.Covered me ass there already!
    Ah well, it'll just limp along sulkily then.Covered me ass there already!
    Ah well, it'll just limp along sulkily then.Covered me ass there already!
  14. Fat Controller
    Like x 8

    The ultimate compliment

    Smashing!!!!!!!!! :dancy: Val
    Smashing!!!!!!!!! :dancy: Val
    Smashing!!!!!!!!! :dancy: Val
    Smashing!!!!!!!!! :dancy: Val
  15. RickPBush

    Clearing Bracken

    If you want a surrounding hedge on the cheap then propagate the plants you want - either from seed, or from cuttings. But they will take probably 3 years, 2 years if you are lucky, longer to reach...
    If you want a surrounding hedge on the cheap then propagate the plants you want - either from seed, or from cuttings. But they will take probably 3 years, 2 years if you are lucky, longer to reach matruity than "bought plants" - so you can pay your money and reduce the time the hedge takes to...
    If you want a surrounding hedge on the cheap then propagate the plants you want - either from seed, or from cuttings. But they will take probably 3 years, 2 years if you are lucky, longer to reach matruity than "bought plants" - so you can pay...
    If you want a surrounding hedge on the cheap then propagate the plants you want - either from seed, or from cuttings. But they will take probably 3 years, 2 years if you are lucky, longer to reach...
  16. Fern4

    Dead Heading advice please!

    Thanks for the advice everyone. :blue thumb:
    Thanks for the advice everyone. :blue thumb:
    Thanks for the advice everyone. :blue thumb:
    Thanks for the advice everyone. :blue thumb:
  17. Doug Harding

    Official BBC News

    When I lived in Sheffield, I was looking for a volunteering job to fill a bit of free time. I never got round to doing it (most of the schemes were either in work time or badly organised and...
    When I lived in Sheffield, I was looking for a volunteering job to fill a bit of free time. I never got round to doing it (most of the schemes were either in work time or badly organised and managed). One scheme was an allotment that had been taken on by a group of volunteers who wanted to...
    When I lived in Sheffield, I was looking for a volunteering job to fill a bit of free time. I never got round to doing it (most of the schemes were either in work time or badly organised and managed). One scheme was an allotment that had been...
    When I lived in Sheffield, I was looking for a volunteering job to fill a bit of free time. I never got round to doing it (most of the schemes were either in work time or badly organised and...
  18. harry123


    Why not just get a dwarf fruit tree (i..e a fruit tree grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock). That will carry a lot more fruit than these novelty trees. If you have the space to plant the fruit trees...
    Why not just get a dwarf fruit tree (i..e a fruit tree grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock). That will carry a lot more fruit than these novelty trees. If you have the space to plant the fruit trees (again, you can select a rootstock that controls top-growth to a size that is suitable for your...
    Why not just get a dwarf fruit tree (i..e a fruit tree grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock). That will carry a lot more fruit than these novelty trees. If you have the space to plant the fruit trees (again, you can select a rootstock that controls...
    Why not just get a dwarf fruit tree (i..e a fruit tree grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock). That will carry a lot more fruit than these novelty trees. If you have the space to plant the fruit trees...
  19. al n
    Like x 12

    My 4 year olds basket and pig :-)

    :SUNsmile: Lovely for you to say val.
    :SUNsmile: Lovely for you to say val.
    :SUNsmile: Lovely for you to say val.
    :SUNsmile: Lovely for you to say val.
  20. whis4ey
    Like x 11

    We are gonna have a PARTY

    Well he hasn't replied and he isn't online so it must have been a GREAT party!!!!!!:hapydancsmil: Val
    Well he hasn't replied and he isn't online so it must have been a GREAT party!!!!!!:hapydancsmil: Val
    Well he hasn't replied and he isn't online so it must have been a GREAT party!!!!!!:hapydancsmil: Val
    Well he hasn't replied and he isn't online so it must have been a GREAT party!!!!!!:hapydancsmil: Val

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