General Gardening Discussion

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  1. ninhydrin

    Dead heading advice

    Doesn't look like the link worked, this upload might work so bare with me
    Doesn't look like the link worked, this upload might work so bare with me
    Doesn't look like the link worked, this upload might work so bare with me
    Doesn't look like the link worked, this upload might work so bare with me
  2. hydrogardener


    Possibly, but I think there are other factors, such as pot growing. But light levels and heat in winter are also a problem.
    Possibly, but I think there are other factors, such as pot growing. But light levels and heat in winter are also a problem.
    Possibly, but I think there are other factors, such as pot growing. But light levels and heat in winter are also a problem.
    Possibly, but I think there are other factors, such as pot growing. But light levels and heat in winter are also a problem.
  3. clueless1

    Everything tolerant non-toxic ground cover

    The bit that I'd need to bind up will only be about 5ft, as in about 2ft slope either side at about 45 degree angle, and 1ft of flat on top. The mesh idea might be the best option, I hadn't...
    The bit that I'd need to bind up will only be about 5ft, as in about 2ft slope either side at about 45 degree angle, and 1ft of flat on top. The mesh idea might be the best option, I hadn't thought of that. Cheers.
    The bit that I'd need to bind up will only be about 5ft, as in about 2ft slope either side at about 45 degree angle, and 1ft of flat on top. The mesh idea might be the best option, I hadn't thought of that. Cheers.
    The bit that I'd need to bind up will only be about 5ft, as in about 2ft slope either side at about 45 degree angle, and 1ft of flat on top. The mesh idea might be the best option, I hadn't...
  4. Reetgood

    Yellow leaves - too hot and dry?

    You don't need to lug horse manure for the roses, chicken manure pellets are a fairly modern manure, cleaner and easier to use and also reasonably cheap to buy. Roses prefer rain water but when...
    You don't need to lug horse manure for the roses, chicken manure pellets are a fairly modern manure, cleaner and easier to use and also reasonably cheap to buy. Roses prefer rain water but when you use tap water - water at the base to help combat black spot. Remove any infected leaves from the...
    You don't need to lug horse manure for the roses, chicken manure pellets are a fairly modern manure, cleaner and easier to use and also reasonably cheap to buy. Roses prefer rain water but when you use tap water - water at the base to help combat...
    You don't need to lug horse manure for the roses, chicken manure pellets are a fairly modern manure, cleaner and easier to use and also reasonably cheap to buy. Roses prefer rain water but when...
  5. Mr. Middleton

    Wild Primroses

    I wanted to make room for summer flowering plants and the primroses I separated and cut back are all in pots now and doing well. They'll go back out in the autumn.
    I wanted to make room for summer flowering plants and the primroses I separated and cut back are all in pots now and doing well. They'll go back out in the autumn.
    I wanted to make room for summer flowering plants and the primroses I separated and cut back are all in pots now and doing well. They'll go back out in the autumn.
    I wanted to make room for summer flowering plants and the primroses I separated and cut back are all in pots now and doing well. They'll go back out in the autumn.
  6. Val..


    Just thought I would say that I find myself using this place more and more, they always seem to have what I am looking for, they deliver fast, also take paypal and most times are even cheaper than...
    Just thought I would say that I find myself using this place more and more, they always seem to have what I am looking for, they deliver fast, also take paypal and most times are even cheaper than Amazon!! Give them a try!! :thumbsup: Val
    Just thought I would say that I find myself using this place more and more, they always seem to have what I am looking for, they deliver fast, also take paypal and most times are even cheaper than Amazon!! Give them a try!! :thumbsup: Val
    Just thought I would say that I find myself using this place more and more, they always seem to have what I am looking for, they deliver fast, also take paypal and most times are even cheaper than...
  7. Allan Hodgson

    Ivy Removal.

    brilliant. I think ill leave them for now and give it a good going over with a wire brush next spring. then a good pressure wash.
    brilliant. I think ill leave them for now and give it a good going over with a wire brush next spring. then a good pressure wash.
    brilliant. I think ill leave them for now and give it a good going over with a wire brush next spring. then a good pressure wash.
    brilliant. I think ill leave them for now and give it a good going over with a wire brush next spring. then a good pressure wash.
  8. mrtibbs

    Flower power & QVC

    What ratios should i look for and why are people using more than 1 type. Forgive me i am new to all this!
    What ratios should i look for and why are people using more than 1 type. Forgive me i am new to all this!
    What ratios should i look for and why are people using more than 1 type. Forgive me i am new to all this!
    What ratios should i look for and why are people using more than 1 type. Forgive me i am new to all this!
  9. Madahhlia

    Kilner jar question

    OK Zigs, wanna try some of my bean vodka??
    OK Zigs, wanna try some of my bean vodka??
    OK Zigs, wanna try some of my bean vodka??
    OK Zigs, wanna try some of my bean vodka??
  10. mrtibbs
    Like x 3

    What have i done!!

    Unfortunately we don't have any rose nurseries on the island and the couple of garden centres that sell a few don't look after them. If David Austin could see the state of his roses being sold...
    Unfortunately we don't have any rose nurseries on the island and the couple of garden centres that sell a few don't look after them. If David Austin could see the state of his roses being sold here he would weep and the same high prices are being charged for them too.
    Unfortunately we don't have any rose nurseries on the island and the couple of garden centres that sell a few don't look after them. If David Austin could see the state of his roses being sold here he would weep and the same high prices are being...
    Unfortunately we don't have any rose nurseries on the island and the couple of garden centres that sell a few don't look after them. If David Austin could see the state of his roses being sold...
  11. shiney
    Like x 11

    At Last!

    Everything is really starting to move now at long last. We started picking courgettes about 10 days ago along with a few cucumbers, tomatoes are just ripening (we have had one or two), flowers now...
    Everything is really starting to move now at long last. We started picking courgettes about 10 days ago along with a few cucumbers, tomatoes are just ripening (we have had one or two), flowers now on my runner beans no pods yet.
    Everything is really starting to move now at long last. We started picking courgettes about 10 days ago along with a few cucumbers, tomatoes are just ripening (we have had one or two), flowers now on my runner beans no pods yet.
    Everything is really starting to move now at long last. We started picking courgettes about 10 days ago along with a few cucumbers, tomatoes are just ripening (we have had one or two), flowers now...
  12. mrtibbs


    I planted some snowdrops on Father's grave - they are in flower for his birthday.
    I planted some snowdrops on Father's grave - they are in flower for his birthday.
    I planted some snowdrops on Father's grave - they are in flower for his birthday.
    I planted some snowdrops on Father's grave - they are in flower for his birthday.
  13. Lea

    African Violets.

    Hi S thanks for that I will put the bags on, the colour is a deeper blue or even purple but they seem to sparkle as well. :blue thumb: :) Carl.
    Hi S thanks for that I will put the bags on, the colour is a deeper blue or even purple but they seem to sparkle as well. :blue thumb: :) Carl.
    Hi S thanks for that I will put the bags on, the colour is a deeper blue or even purple but they seem to sparkle as well. :blue thumb: :) Carl.
    Hi S thanks for that I will put the bags on, the colour is a deeper blue or even purple but they seem to sparkle as well. :blue thumb: :) Carl.
  14. Val..

    Anyone tried one of these?

    I'll have probably binned mine by then :heehee: They have about seven settings, can't remember exactly, and we rarely use more than one! :rolleyespink:
    I'll have probably binned mine by then :heehee: They have about seven settings, can't remember exactly, and we rarely use more than one! :rolleyespink:
    I'll have probably binned mine by then :heehee: They have about seven settings, can't remember exactly, and we rarely use more than one! :rolleyespink:
    I'll have probably binned mine by then :heehee: They have about seven settings, can't remember exactly, and we rarely use more than one! :rolleyespink:
  15. Aesculus
    Like x 4

    Sod's Law...

    If the butts are at the same level (within a few inches) and you syphon between them (or connect the taps at the bottom) then they will maintain a single level ... then you can draw water from any...
    If the butts are at the same level (within a few inches) and you syphon between them (or connect the taps at the bottom) then they will maintain a single level ... then you can draw water from any of them and that one will "refill" from the others, so its level will rise and overall all the...
    If the butts are at the same level (within a few inches) and you syphon between them (or connect the taps at the bottom) then they will maintain a single level ... then you can draw water from any of them and that one will "refill" from the...
    If the butts are at the same level (within a few inches) and you syphon between them (or connect the taps at the bottom) then they will maintain a single level ... then you can draw water from any...
  16. "M"

    "Do not propagate without licence" ???

    I disagree with you + JWK, and take Monsanto's side, on this one. Its a clear breach of contract. If someone buy seeds, signs a contract not to self-store / re-sow but goes ahead and does that...
    I disagree with you + JWK, and take Monsanto's side, on this one. Its a clear breach of contract. If someone buy seeds, signs a contract not to self-store / re-sow but goes ahead and does that anyway, then destroys evidence .... then they are a crook and can go straight to jail without...
    I disagree with you + JWK, and take Monsanto's side, on this one. Its a clear breach of contract. If someone buy seeds, signs a contract not to self-store / re-sow but goes ahead and does that anyway, then destroys evidence .... then they are a...
    I disagree with you + JWK, and take Monsanto's side, on this one. Its a clear breach of contract. If someone buy seeds, signs a contract not to self-store / re-sow but goes ahead and does that...
  17. whis4ey

    Johnston's Blue

    Pretty sure that variety was mentioned on Gardeners World a few episodes back as "if you're going to get a Geranium make sure you get one of the High performers, as the ordinary ones are...
    Pretty sure that variety was mentioned on Gardeners World a few episodes back as "if you're going to get a Geranium make sure you get one of the High performers, as the ordinary ones are disappointing". I've got a note of "Johnston's Blue" in my file-of-such-things and pretty sure that was a...
    Pretty sure that variety was mentioned on Gardeners World a few episodes back as "if you're going to get a Geranium make sure you get one of the High performers, as the ordinary ones are disappointing". I've got a note of "Johnston's Blue" in my...
    Pretty sure that variety was mentioned on Gardeners World a few episodes back as "if you're going to get a Geranium make sure you get one of the High performers, as the ordinary ones are...
  18. Spruce

    Design a garden on the computer

    Plantify has a garden design tool, once you register (free) on the site. Absolutely no idea whether its any good or not, but Plantify seem to be setting themselves up as a Mover & Shaker ... so it...
    Plantify has a garden design tool, once you register (free) on the site. Absolutely no idea whether its any good or not, but Plantify seem to be setting themselves up as a Mover & Shaker ... so it might be :) Shoot have one too, but you have to pay to be a member of their site. They win awards...
    Plantify has a garden design tool, once you register (free) on the site. Absolutely no idea whether its any good or not, but Plantify seem to be setting themselves up as a Mover & Shaker ... so it might be :) Shoot have one too, but you have to...
    Plantify has a garden design tool, once you register (free) on the site. Absolutely no idea whether its any good or not, but Plantify seem to be setting themselves up as a Mover & Shaker ... so it...
  19. TheBatman

    new home & new to gardening

    At least you can get on knowing where your boundary is. How many of us fully understand the legal documents when we buy and sell? My biggest faux pas was buying a flat which I now can't sell...
    At least you can get on knowing where your boundary is. How many of us fully understand the legal documents when we buy and sell? My biggest faux pas was buying a flat which I now can't sell because the inadequate lease makes it unmortgageable.Looking forward to reading about your garden...
    At least you can get on knowing where your boundary is. How many of us fully understand the legal documents when we buy and sell? My biggest faux pas was buying a flat which I now can't sell because the inadequate lease makes it unmortgageable....
    At least you can get on knowing where your boundary is. How many of us fully understand the legal documents when we buy and sell? My biggest faux pas was buying a flat which I now can't sell...
  20. Madahhlia

    You know it's really summer when....

    I'm seriously thinking about taking off my overcoat, probably keep me woolly cardy on though, I still have standards.
    I'm seriously thinking about taking off my overcoat, probably keep me woolly cardy on though, I still have standards.
    I'm seriously thinking about taking off my overcoat, probably keep me woolly cardy on though, I still have standards.
    I'm seriously thinking about taking off my overcoat, probably keep me woolly cardy on though, I still have standards.

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